Beautiful Bounty (The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros. Book 1)

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Beautiful Bounty (The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros. Book 1) Page 10

by Nightingale, MJ

  “I’d like to, really, but I need to go make some copies of the paperwork my brother left with me, and I do have a few phone calls I’d like to make.” He softened the look of disappointment that crossed her face by winking mischievously and adding, “But how about, I pop in tonight, maybe take you out for a milkshake!”

  Ronnie tried to contain it, but burst out laughing despite her mother’s confusion. “Really? A milkshake! That’s the best you can come up with.” She rolled her eyes at her mom, who just smiled politely and went to the kitchen. Ronnie walked Nikko to the door after he waved goodbye to Louisa across the expanse of the living room.

  “I’ll see you later, I guess,” Louisa called out shrugging her shoulders and began to fix a sandwich plate for her and her daughter. She watched Ronnie follow Nikko outside.

  Lou could tell these two had some kind of connection, and although she was worried Ronnie would be tempted by the handsome young man’s charms, she seriously hoped she wouldn’t fall for the guy. The timing was just not right for this. But on the other hand, he was also a distraction, and perhaps she thought more glumly, as she peered in the refrigerator for the fixings for a salad, he could get her mind off her problems every now and then. Her daughter had a rough road ahead of her. She just didn’t want to think about what she could possibly face, so set to work chopping the vegetables for the salad. She needed to eat healthy, keep up her strength and had not one, but two children to consider now.

  Ronnie followed Nikko outside. She was still laughing at him.

  “Well, what else could I have said?” he teased back, “The truth? I want your daughter, Mrs. Russell. I want the chance to be alone with her. I’ll pick her up later; I’ll take her for a ride in my car, and see how far I can get. A milkshake seemed more innocent, friends going out for a sweet treat. Your laughing at me, I’m sure, made your mom quite suspicious. Now she’ll figure milkshake is code word for ‘I’m taking your daughter out for a night of passion, and I’ll bring her home sore and tired, but feeling great.’”

  At first Ronnie was shocked by his blunt manner and took a step back. Then laughed at the ludicrousness of the entire situation. Here she was, contemplating his offer, a man whom she had sworn off last summer, and yesterday. But a good night’s sleep, a couple of refreshingly honest conversations, had her seeing Nikko in a different light.

  “Is it the truth?” she asked huskily.

  Nikko heard the question, but her tone threw him off. His pulse beat a little faster. He didn’t want to push. And hell yes, it was the truth. “Only if you want it too,” he answered holding back. She just looked at him, brown eyes staring into blue. Seeing him for the first time.

  She was tempted. God, help her. Her mouth was suddenly dry. But his statement, although said in jest, reminded her he was a playboy, a very handsome one whom she found way too attractive. The kiss this morning had been a mistake, one she initiated, and maybe now regretted. He was getting harder and harder to resist.

  If they had consummated their passions last summer, who knows where she’d be now. She never would have taken Gary back. She questioned why she ever had. In their small circle of friends, it had been more for companionship than anything else. All of their other friends were already coupled up, and it had been convenient. She’d been planning to break up with him after graduation, find a job far away, and just break it off cleanly. He’d never leave Maine, or his family. His father owned a lumbering company that cut down trees and prepared them for sale, and he was planning on pursuing that as was expected of him.

  She shook her head, if only. Nikko was looking at her curiously. He was waiting for an answer. Yes, if only . . . he wasn’t so damn handsome. She needed to remind him of her situation.

  “Well, although a milkshake does sound yummy,” she rubbed her belly mocking him, to make the blow of her next words easier to take, “you could have just said, I need to go fill my brothers in on all the info I got from sitting in on the conversation between lawyer and client, and then I’ll be back to keep a vigilant eye on the possible flight risk.” She was stalling. His invitation was there, clear as day, open and waiting. All she had to do was say yes.

  His eyes narrowed in disappointment. Too soon, he thought. He saw in her eyes she was shutting down again. The ice princess was back. Damn, this girl ran hot and cold, and switched gears so fast he couldn’t keep up. But he couldn’t fault her now, not with the situation she was in. He gave her his most stunning smile and also gave her the truth.

  “Yes, I do need to speak to my brothers, true. Do I think you’re a flight risk?” He paused long and hard to let her wonder. “No, I don’t think you’ll run. Your mother would lose her house. And, you wouldn’t do that to her.” He already sensed how important her family was to her. They shared that.

  Uncomfortable under his gaze, Ronnie looked down at her feet momentarily. When she looked up, his smile was replaced with an expression of regret. A warm feeling welled within her chest, and she decided to be honest with him.

  “I’m sorry Nikko, my emotions are just all over the place. I shouldn’t have led you on. I know I kissed you earlier, but we really shouldn’t…” She sighed and ended abruptly, not sure of how to finish.

  He didn’t even give her the chance though. “Why?” He asked point blank. His blue eyes searched hers. She just stared at him blankly not knowing what to say. He began to approach her, still staring into her brown eyes. His hands went up to skim her arms, and she shivered under his touch. He was mere inches away. “Why?” Again the question. He dropped his voice down to a husky whisper, making her skin feel warm and cool at the same time. “Why?” he asked again in a breath that mimicked the whisper of the summer breeze.

  “Because,” she stammered. She couldn’t think with him so close, so near.

  Gary never made her feel like this. Gary never . . . And that was it. With Nikko . . . she couldn’t think clearly. She pushed herself back from him.

  “Because, I need to have my head and wits about me, and with you around, I can’t think straight. You confuse me. Just your nearness. And, to you I am just another conquest, a notch on your belt, like the redhead I saw about to give you a blow job in the parking lot. Like Linda from Big Jimbo’s, and however many countless others there may have been. And honestly, Nikko,” she begged him to understand what she was trying to say, “I’m not that kind of girl. I don’t have casual affairs.” She turned abruptly to head back into the house.

  He reacted by instinct and stopped her even though she had thrown him for a loop, a real curve ball. He was confused. With his hand on her shoulder, she stopped and slowly turned to face him as he spoke, “What? Wait. Last year?” he asked. He saw what looked like a flash of pain cross her eyes, but wasn’t sure. It was gone in an instant, replaced by anger.

  “Yes, when you and I were going to meet up later, but you found someone else. If I am being really honest about it, I was hurt. I mean stupid. I don’t know. I thought you liked me. Thought we could have a fun summer. I know it was just one night, but damn, an hour later and you’re fondling someone else, and letting her . . . “ Ronnie winced and looked away not able to meet his gaze any longer.

  Nikko’s eyes widened in horror. “Whoa, letting her! I was trying to push her away. She was drunk, and she was all over me. Not the other way around. I wasn’t interested in her in the least. I was, I still am, very interested in you. And, I know you are a good girl.” He took his hand and lightly cupped her chin to bring her eyes to him. “And Ronnie, if I have to be honest here, I’ve never been THAT interested in anybody before. And so you know, I also went home that night, alone and very frustrated. Very disappointed. I tried to get Monica to invite you over when she returned from her honeymoon, but she and Vic had so much going on when they got back. Then Ana came by with her newly adopted daughter, Jessica, nearly every other day. They mentioned you were leaving soon, and so I let it go. Please believe me.” His words were said so sincerely, they threw her for a loop.

watched the play of emotions cross her face, and when her eyes were once again focused on him she asked tentatively, “Y-you did?”

  He nodded not breaking that all important eye contact. “Yes, I did. By the time things settled, you were gone, and that was that.”

  “Wow,” she breathed still clearly confused, still taking in all this new information.

  He gave her a few more moments to process it all. “I like you Ronnie. WE have chemistry. I would like to see where this can go. I know the timing is all wrong, but now or later, I will pursue this. But, I need to know some things too.” His tone was earnest.

  She just stared for a moment longer, then asked, “What do you want to know?”

  He looked nervous suddenly. She saw him swallow. “Yeah, well, um, so is there any reason why I shouldn’t pursue you for more than just sex. Gary? Do you still have feelings for this jerk?”

  She was taken aback. “Oh my God, No!” was her vehement reply. “I was breaking up with him anyway. As soon as I found work outside of Maine. The past six months it was just more like convenience to stick together until after graduation. No, no, that relationship was never going to end well.”

  A look of relief crossed his face and he immediately gripped her shoulders. “Good!” He pulled her close and just held her for a moment.

  Her heart began to beat faster, and she felt his heart thudding in his chest. When he pulled back just a bit to look down into her eyes, she saw a storm brewing in those icy clue eyes. His next words both shocked and thrilled her.

  “I’m glad Ronnie. Because I want you. I want you like I have never wanted anyone before.” And then he descended upon her to claim his prize. His lips sought hers and demanded a response. It was brutal and crushing.

  Reacting with equal vigor, Ronnie was lost in him. It wasn’t noon under the Florida sun. She wasn’t charged with countless crimes. She wasn’t facing a trial and a possible long jail sentence. Her life wasn’t in shambles. She was simply a woman, a woman who felt desired by the man of her dreams, and she reveled in it. Soon, Ronnie was pressing herself against a very aroused Nikko enjoying all he had to offer and taking what she could get. She was so aroused, and when his tongue began to tangle with hers in an intimate dance, she felt a chain reaction of emotions. Her nipples tightened, and her core pulsed and clenched of its own volition. She felt a wetness in her pussy and knew she couldn’t get enough of this man.

  When it ended, they were both gasping for air. But he held her until the world settled. She brushed her cheek against his chest, and listened to his heart thunder. Her own heart was beating a similar tattoo.

  “Well,” he managed to croak out.

  “Well, what?” she asked, her breathing beginning to return to normal.

  “Any other barriers to my pursuit? Is there anything else I should know about?” he asked when she tilted her head to look at him again. He nipped her chin, his lips making their way to her ear. He swirled his tongue around her lobe.

  She groaned her pleasure and then answered. “Other than me going to jail for a very long time?” she whispered as she leaned into the sweet delicious sensations he was evoking within her.

  “Yes, other than that?” he asked whispering in her ear.

  “No,” she moaned.

  “Good,” he murmured as his lips found hers again in another punishing kiss that had her reeling.

  This kiss left her breathless. She soaked it in. It went on and on, both of them so hungry for each other.

  He did eventually end it, but held her pressed to his body for a few moments longer.

  “We can’t deny there is something there, Ronnie. I admit it is not good timing. But you shouldn’t deny yourself a little fun, the chance to feel, or to experience pleasure. I don’t know what this is Ronnie; I’d love to find out, but I’ll respect your choice. I promise though, if you are worried about it still, you are not a one night stand to me. Even last summer. It never would have been then, either.”

  Ronnie was too choked to speak. If only . . . . She was glad he was still holding her and couldn’t see her face at the moment. She burrowed deeper into him hiding her thoughts.

  “Ronnie?” He asked wanting, no, needing to know what she was thinking. He felt her arms tighten around him. Nothing ever felt better in his life. But, he still craved those words.

  He heard her clear her throat. She was getting ready to speak. “So, um, a milkshake then. Later, if your offer is still good,” she whispered into his chest.

  Ronnie felt the laughter before she heard it. It expanded out from him. The rumble of it made her squeeze him, and he returned the embrace.

  “Oh Ronnie baby, that offer is most assuredly still good. I’ll take you for a milkshake any time.” He kissed the top of her head, and whispered, “Anywhere.”


  Jay walked in exhausted from a long day at the airport around six o’clock, but it was nice to see Lou looking happy making dinner with her daughter. He’d been very worried about his wife since this mess started over a week ago. Actually, he’d noticed some weight loss, and despite her ample breasts she didn’t have a whole heck of a lot of weight on her. But seeing her smiling and laughing made him feel better. He worked at the airport on Saturdays, but had Sunday and Monday off, and he planned on pampering Lou. Between her job and her daughter’s crisis, he could see the stress was taking its toll.

  “How’re my girls?” he asked, setting his keys and baseball cap advertising the Oakland Raiders on the table by the door.

  “Very good,” Lou imparted and put down the knife she was using to chop vegetables for the salad. She started towards him.

  He met her half way. “Glad to hear it,” he murmured against her cheek, planting a soft kiss just in front of her ear. “Mmm, smells good.”

  “Me or the pasta?” she teased, softly kissing him in return.

  “Both,” he laughed, patting her rear when she turned back to the kitchen.

  “Veronica wanted pasta, fettuccini, and we also made a salad. I’ve grilled some shrimp too,” she laughed as he trailed her to the kitchen, jacking a shrimp from the platter and popping it into his mouth.

  “Hey, now. Wait for dinner,” she chastised as she turned to the refrigerator and got him a bottle of Michelob.

  He popped the top and sipped at it, leaning up against the counter as the girls finished up the salad. He couldn’t help but notice Ronnie appeared a little too dressed up for a causal dinner at home, but he didn’t say anything. The blue peasant blouse she wore was extremely cute, and revealing. The stretchy grey material of her skirt showed off her assets. He wondered if they were having company tonight. She also had on a bit of makeup which to him was a dead giveaway. God, help Nikko. He had his hands full, literally and figuratively.

  “You look nice,” he remarked.

  She smiled and thanked him. “I’m going out later,” she answered, proving his assumptions correct.

  Jay looked over her head at her mother whose eyes widened, but shoulders shrugged.

  He couldn’t help himself. He never could. He was known for his smart mouth and his incessant teasing.

  “Oh, really,” he drawled out. “With that Nikko fellow I presume. The one I almost caught you with in the bushes last summer?” he tormented.

  “Jay! You said . . .” she protested, eyes widening and looking nervously at her mother.

  Jay just laughed. “That was last summer, baby cakes. Plus, I’ve already told your mom about it a long time ago. She suspected anyway the way you moped around last summer, and I can’t keep secrets from my wife.” He held up his hands in surrender.

  Her eyes narrowed angrily, but a glance at her mother showed her smiling. “Really?” she asked, fully facing her mother now.

  Lou nodded. “Ronnie, I was young once too. Mom’s sometimes don’t like to admit they know what is going on when they really do. I know you’re responsible. I trust you. But, are you sure you want to go . . . with him,” she asked, leaving most of the question un

  “Mom, I know the timing sucks. But, he made a good point. I’ll go crazy just sitting around all the time. I do like him, too,” she added, blushing slightly.

  Lou looked at her daughter. She didn’t want to interfere, but she had to know if her daughter was aware of all the talk that circulated around Nikko Marino. “He’s got quite a reputation you know. Monica’s mentioned it.”

  Ronnie knew what Nikko was all about, and knew her mom was just worried about her, but the thought of being cooped up, confined to the house for however long, just got her ire up. Rolling her eyes, she let out her frustrations.

  “I know, Mom. I knew last summer too. I don’t want you to think I am entering into this with blinders on. I’ll be careful. But, I’m not getting serious. He isn’t. I know that. I know my limits. I have made them clear to him. It’s just fun. I even called Margaret, and Brad. Let them know I was in town. It could take months for us to even get a trial date. I can’t leave Florida. Might as we’ll hang out with some of my friends. You’ll be working. You can’t babysit me every minute of every day. I’m not staying home twiddling my thumbs. I’m not in jail yet!”

  “Whoa, sorry,” Lou interrupted her daughter’s mini tirade. “I know you’re an adult. But I also just can’t stop being your mom, can’t stop worrying. I know Nikko is nice. I like him too. He is very charming. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” The concern was evident in her tone and in her eyes.

  Ronnie felt guilty for going off on her. She apologized. “I know Mom, I’m sorry too. It just feels like I’ve already been sentenced. I don’t know,” she muttered.

  Finishing his beer, Jay interrupted, “Honey, you’re not in jail yet. Have fun. Just watch out for your heart is what I think your mom is trying to say. With guys like, Nikko, and as young as he is, he’s just not the settling down type. Not usually anyhow. That’s all.”

  Ronnie turned to Jay. She loved how he could read her mom so easily. “I understand Jay, I do. I will keep that in mind. I promise,” she muttered for her mom’s benefit.


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