Life = Death - volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death

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Life = Death - volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death Page 3

by Nikhil Parekh

  It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate mirrors of wonderfully Omnipresent and ubiquitously embracing; “Righteousness”,

  Therefore; how dare you ever proclaim that the word “Nothingness”; was none but an inconsequentially morbid ingredient of helplessness; how dare you ever proclaim that “Nothingness” was the sole cause of sacrilegiously wanton extinction and death in the world today.


  It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate yearning of symbiotically undefeated and holistically benign “Companionship”,

  It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate cradle of invincibly enlightening and triumphantly ecstatic; “Optimism”,

  It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate waves of fearlessly impregnable and gloriously altruistic ;“Martyrdom”,

  It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate petals of profusely utopian and unlimitedly blessing; “Euphoria”,

  It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate winds of irresistibly magnetic and inevitably extraordinary; “Attraction”,

  Therefore; how dare you ever proclaim that the word “Nothingness”; was none but a non-existent of corpse of sadistically jinxed decay; how dare you ever proclaim that “Nothingness” was the sole cause of unforgivably murderous extinction and death

  in the world today.


  It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate songs of iridescently ebullient and victoriously vivid; “Freedom”,

  It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate epitomes of spectacularly mesmerizing and indomitably unfettered; “Courage”,

  It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate shapes of timelessly enthralling and fabulously royal; “Creativity”,

  It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate foundations of bountifully consecrating and undauntedly unshakable; “Honesty”,

  It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate beats of immortally fragrant and perennially bonding; “Love”,

  Therefore; how dare you ever proclaim that the word “Nothingness”; was none but a fugitively deserted oblivion of insane treachery; how dare you ever proclaim that “Nothingness” was the sole cause of flagrantly crucifying extinction and death in the

  world today.


  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most inimitably priceless accolade; on the trajectory of this enchantingly indomitable earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most triumphantly unchallengeable accomplishment; on the trajectory of this spell-bindingly ubiquitous earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most effulgently indisputable victory; on the trajectory of this eternally fructifying earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most unassailably supreme fantasy; on the trajectory of this resplendently new-born earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most unbelievably unconquerable artistry; on the trajectory of this blissfully symbiotic earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most Omnipotently sacred preaching; on the trajectory of this celestially mollifying earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most unceasingly persevering exercise; on the trajectory of this magnetically enigmatic earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most beautifully untainted desire; on the trajectory of this ecstatically unprejudiced earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most unfathomably exhilarating target; on the trajectory of this iridescently benign earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most undauntedly reinvigorating adventure; on the trajectory of this poignantly

  charismatic earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most inexplicably unraveling destiny; on the trajectory of this handsomely unbridled earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most undefeatedly majestic melanging; on the trajectory of this vibrantly intrepid earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most indispensably compulsive ingredient; on the trajectory of this incredulously Omnipresent earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most insuperably unfettered power; on the trajectory of this beautifully untarnished earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most efficaciously optimistic vitamin; on the trajectory of this altruistically jubilant earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most emancipating poetic odyssey; on the trajectory of this surreally emollient earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most sensuously inebriating titillation; on the trajectory of this flamboyantly igniting earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most astoundingly proliferating virility; on the trajectory of this benevolently unabashed earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most infallibly timeless inspiration; on the trajectory of this magically mitigating earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most unflinchingly efficacious remedy; on the trajectory of this endlessly

  enlightening earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most spectacularly ameliorating concession; on the trajectory of this pristinely ebullient earth,

  Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most limitlessly liberating rebirth and re-incarnation; on the trajectory of this stupendously

  satiny earth,

  And Living; single-handedly and singularly in itself; is the greatest and the most immortally compassionate love; on the trajectory of this marvelously

  tantalizing earth.


  What happens when branch leaves wither in freezing winter,

  the tree body stands devoid of leafy clothing all day and night.

  What happens when frosty cream is sucked from cow milk,

  the solution rendered listless, resembles white mineral water.

  What happens pure petrol is mixed with stale kerosene,

  the car machinery stutters, vomits in pain, unable to budge an inch further.

  What happens when a horse is kissed by fiery cigarette butt,

  it throws its master topsy-turvy, galloping at mounting spurts of speed.

  What happens when the vociferous sea is evacuated of water,

  demonic thunder clouds of rain refrain from being formed.

  What happens when children are introduced to the nefarious world of crime,

  they indulge in rampant massacre, consuming human blood like stream water.

  What happens when chunks of bread are left to die,

  red ant and a plethora of fungus devour it rapidly.

  What happens when body is drenched with rotten tobacco juice,

  there develops an everlasting stench of decayed lizard.

  What happens when coconut shell is slammed hard on human skull,

  the fruit bursts open proving feeble against volatile energy of the brain.

  What happens when we swallow a pitcher full of scotch whisky,

  the inbuilt body clock remains in heavy sedation all Sunlit day.r />
  What happens when partially blind left are to waver on the busy street,

  they guide themselves adroitly, relying solely on sensory touches of touch and smell.

  What happens when human beings are replaced by robots,

  tasks get executed to immaculate perfection, without palpable emotions of hatred and unbiased love.


  He took shallow breaths at irregular intervals,

  was clad in clothes bereft of stitching,

  drops of blood oozed when he coughed,

  thin bones clattered when he walked,

  people dispersed when he perched beside them,

  the air had a stench of starved perspiration as he passed,

  white stream water transited to garbage Black,

  as he dipped his caricature in holy

  assemblage of the Ganges,

  his feet were bare, diffused into cracks as he tread on thorns,

  he hardly had saliva to spit on the earth.


  Harsh Sunlight days sped into sultry nights,

  his shoulders drooped further with advancing age,

  desires faded in oblivion, with brutal strokes of destiny,

  he had stopped seeing dreams since eternity,

  his body had turned numb to pain and abuse,

  he had a solitary desire to eat one full meal.

  it seemed god heard his call,

  far off in the park, lay sprawled left overs of bread,

  prompting him to run in glee,

  he devoured the chunks in flash seconds of time,

  made guttural sounds while gulping tap water,

  looked at the sky with fingers juxtaposed in recesses of torn flesh,

  laboured his way, for a place to sleep in the merciless night. 




  I accumulated bits and pieces of exquisite cloth,

  took surplus spools of thread and slender bodkin,

  stitched them all into a rich long articulate fabric,

  which I proudly christened as my silken summer suit. 

  I amalgamated bits and pieces of pliable rubber,

  acquired bountiful amounts of glue from bark of tree,

  coagulated the curry of glue and rubber, exposing them to the Sun to dry,

  the eventual outcome was as enchanting as twinkling stars in the sky,

  what I now held in my palms was a pair of solidly punched and angular

  cowboy boots. 

  I gathered bits and pieces of coastal silver sands,

  moulded them deftly with soft pressure of my knotted fingers,

  engraving intricate designs on the exterior periphery of structure,

  embedding the pure sand walls with a plethora of translucent shells,

  the sight for me to witness was a feast to my hungry eyes,

  a midget sized sandcastle now stood ornately in vociferous currents of ocean



  I assembled bits and pieces of wine red brick,

  prepared a blend of cement and crushed chips of granite,

  studded vacant spots on the exterior with pure Italian glass,

  laid a colossal drainpipe from head to toe,

  the aftermath of which saw me in direct confrontation,

  with the magnanimous silhouette of the princely edifice. 

  And finally when I mixed bits and pieces of my tears with hers,

  the liquid was resplendent with a mystical aura,

  it made us reminiscent of the times of distress and gruelling agony,

  when we lived bifurcated by feckless boundaries of class and status,

  we still drank the concoction regularly decades after tying the nuptial chord,

  it quenched our thirst like God cures all those afflicted with heinous pain. 


  I flung pointed pebbles leaning on the balcony rail,

  gnawed incessantly at my soft finger flesh,

  poked at entangled knots of hair mixing long fingernails with scalp zone,

  spit loads of saliva on pavements of stale concrete,

  kicked violently at loose chunks of sand lying unattended,

  tore every bit of transparent cloth in close proximity,

  trampled on infinite insects that lurked infuriatingly across my way,

  devoured solid bones of calcium, crushing them with my teeth,

  peeled crisp wall paint in plenty with incoherent strokes of footnail,

  ripped triangular caps from compressed bottles of soda drink,

  spilled jars containing carbon ink on satiny covers of the bedroom mattress,

  plucked masses of grass blades rolling languidly in undulating landscape of the garden,

  transformed pencil ends to distorted junk by repetitive chewing,

  added tones of salt to fruit juice before consumption,

  pedaled my bicycle till a river of sweat descended down my neck,

  revolved my body in clockwise journeys at electric beats of music,

  trimmed waste hair emanating sparsely from twin nostrils,

  applied scented lotion to the back of palm to revitalize skin,

  roamed aimlessly through solitary streets at the onset of midnight.

  Weird situations of nil work had made me fidgety,

  Obsessions for exorbitant adventure seemed to be fast fading,

  I strolled at fast pace across the periphery of my fruit orchard,

  Clambered up a tall tree bearing blood red apple,

  Snatched it deftly from within its house of Green leaf,

  Drank sweet juice charged with small pints of ravishing flavour,

  From deep cores within its delicately tender heart.

  12. BOREDOM 

  I viewed television for long hours on the trot,

  Flickering images of the screen flooding inert regions of my eye,

  I suddenly felt my head throbbing like a thousand needles,

  And I shut my eyes with ardent fervor; to avoid getting blatantly bored. 

  I swam with zealous strokes in sapphire blue waters of the swimming pool,

  Floating occasionally with my vision riveted to the placid moon,

  The exuberance prevalent at the start was slowly dwindling,

  And the very perception of crossing parallel stretches of water,

  Rendered me feeling dreadful and bored. 

  I drove my parrot green automobile at breathtaking speeds,

  Manoeuvring dexterously through sharp bends of the valley,

  With mesmerizing tunes o music piercing me like steel arrows,

  Days sped into ghastly nights; the rally was yet far from accomplished,

  And I prayed fervently to god to exit from this utterly boring rigmarole. 

  I sprawled a bunch of dotted cards on the fur topped desk,

  Shuffling them with meticulous precision and care,

  With a scintillating bottle of rum lying by my side;

  As the vigils of dusk took a stranglehold on day,

  the once coherent images; struck me as indecipherably blurred,

  twin pairs of my eyes were bored; succumbing gladly to indispensable sleep. 

  I chanted unrelentingly the mantra of God,

  Swaying with robust energy to the omniscient personality of the Creator,

  Drowned in totality with the essence of celestial rays,

  Fulfilling the imperative quota of duties; towards my counterpart human being,

  The ritual slaughtered traces of boredom from my life;

  Reinforcing exasperated avenues of my mind with the vastness of spiritual


  13. BUTTONS 

  The colossal deodar tree was embossed with infinite buttons of parrot green,

  which swayed frivolously with ravishing currents of enigmatic breeze.

  The sky was flooded with buttons of flocculent white,

spersed into cocoons of rain yielding humid gas.

  The contemporary pistol was embedded with a fleet of compact lead buttons,

  Capable of annihilating palpable entities to lifeless souls.

  Palatial waters of the emerald ocean were abundant with hordes of fish,

  Which swam with acrobatic ease in swirling waters; under the nocturnal moon.

  The sizzling agglomerate of continental soup was resplendent with buttons of tubular mushroom,

  Which disintegrated into sumptuous splinters when savored by a cluster of teeth.

  Pellucid glass of the time piece; incorporated slender buttons of metal,

  Which arduously circulated in clockwise journeys throughout decades of survival.

  Succulent pulp of the watermelon; held captive a plethora of brown buttons,

  Which had sour juice trapped in deep recesses of soft kernel.

  The driving wheel of scintillating automobile; possessed a conspicuously protuberant button,

  Producing discordant sounds when compressed to supreme angularity.

  Mammoth jerry cans of cow milk; consisted of tangible buttons of salubrious cream,

  Which reinvigorated dreary mechanisms of the body with unprecedented energy.


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