Life = Death - volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death

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Life = Death - volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death Page 7

by Nikhil Parekh

  But only at the whispering of scintillating morning and exhilaration; tomorrow.

  I will compassionately blaze into a perennial fireball of titillating seduction; magnificently enamoring all nubile maidens of my dreams,

  But only at the fulminating of crusading brightness and patriotism; tomorrow.

  I will dance with unprecedented euphoria under the blanket of resplendent stars; unequivocally surging forward with my comrades in the voice of unflinching existence,

  But only at the commencement of bountifully mystical light and ecstasy; tomorrow.

  I will rhetorically encapsulate all fathomless artistry lingering in the spell binding atmosphere; on the vivacious kaleidoscope of my barren canvas,

  But only at the evolution of vibrant illumination and enchantment; tomorrow.

  I will celestially uplift all those bereaved and gruesomely orphaned children; towards the corridors of gloriously unsurpassable happiness,

  But only at the approaching of immaculately white light and poignant newness; tomorrow.

  I will wholesomely emancipate from even the most infinitesimal of evil; shrugging every iota of ludicrously pathetic delinquency from my countenance,

  But only at the shimmering of optimistic light and romantic fragrance; tomorrow.

  I will ebulliently party with all my mates in inscrutably traumatizing pain and withering; blissfully maneuvering them towards the footsteps of Omniscient prosperity,

  But only at the very first chirp of the melodious cuckoo and dynamism; tomorrow.

  I will flirtatiously wink behind the gorgeously Sun soaked gorges; innocuously reminiscing my most revered moments as a child in the sacrosanct lap of my mother;

  But only at the rising of Orange light in the cosmos and torrentially endless life; tomorrow.

  I will profusely write countless lines of aristocratically Oligarchic literature; entrenching every bit of  fabulously serene beauty of this gigantic Universe,

  But only at the unfolding of enthralling scintillation and incredulous transpiration; tomorrow.

  I will amicably sequester one and all under my spotless roof; wipe the tears of all those disastrously maimed and sprouting with spurious richness alike,

  But only at the radiating of miraculously Omnipotent morning and dewdrops; tomorrow.

  I will condone all those who I might previously penalized for inadvertent fallacies of theirs; commence my humble expedition to metamorphose this planet into a perpetual paradise,

  But only at the holy shimmering of dazzling light and golden honey; tomorrow.

  I will indefatigably pray with all my heart; soul and conscience; for God to bless all those mothers having unfortunately lost their children at war,

  But only at the nascent unfurling of vividly astounding brightness and melodious tranquility; tomorrow.

  I will unrelentingly dedicate each beat of my passionately palpitating heart; every instant of my beleaguered life to the service of unassailably wonderful and godly mankind,

  But only at the ripening of Omnipresently healing Sunrise and limitless enthrallment; tomorrow.



  And so poor man; he loitered and worthlessly killed a countless today’s waiting for a tomorrow that never came; and would never ever come; as it profoundly abhorred people who wasted their majestically sparkling present; dreaming of an unfathomably

  uncertain future; which only God had the right to preside and decide.





  God has given you a perfect pair of arms; passionately circulating with a fountain of poignantly crimson blood; dexterously maneuvering in umpteenth directions; dissipating tons of exuberant energy,

  Its entirely upto you; whether you use them to ruthlessly massacre civilizations; or whether you bequeath an irrefutably immortal cloud of love; with the compassion entrapped within their holistic fists.

  God has given you a perfect pair of eyes; blissfully sighting fathomless kilometers of ravishing beauty on the trot; assimilating all mesmerizing beauty of the atmosphere in an infinitesimally single wink,

  Its entirely upto you; whether you use them to salaciously discern solely the diabolical hovering since centuries immemorial; or whether you uninhibitedly cast a spell of their marvelously philanthropic softness; to even the tiniest cranny of this colossal Universe.

  God has given you a perfect pair of fingers; articulately flexing to the most unprecedented degrees; miraculously hoisting for you all those ingredients that you desired; to execute the remainder of your lifetime,

  Its entirely upto you; whether you use them to savagely perpetuate into gruesomely exacerbated wounds; or whether you profoundly engrossed them all night and brilliant day; to sketch the unfathomably unending charisma of this

  bountiful planet.

  God has given you a perfect pair of feet; ebulliently galloping ahead with exhilarated tenacity; to resplendently rejoice in profuse admiration of royally spell binding life,

  Its entirely upto you; whether you use them to mercilessly pulverize the innocuously innocent; or whether you evolve a scintillating pathway of unassailable righteousness; on every step that you harmoniously tread.

  God has given you a perfect pair of lips; voluptuously enticing even the most lackluster cloud in the sky; with the insatiably ardent charisma in their rubicund


  Its entirely upto you; whether you use them to parasitically suck blood of all those tyrannically divested; or whether you majestically stretch their circumference to affably harbor all religion; caste; creed; color; in whirlpools of ecstatic happiness;

  and alike.

  God has given you a perfect pair of shoulders; celestially sparkling in the unsurpassably untamed fervor of vibrant life; unflinchingly romancing

  through even the most acrimoniously ghastliest of times,

  Its entirely upto you; whether you use them to invidiously carry the ghosts of prejudiced malice towards the land of infinite infinity; or whether you stoop them benevolently to embrace all those insipidly maimed and withering; in perennial winds of mankind.

  God has given you a perfect pair of ears; prudently discerning even the most inconspicuous iota of euphoric sound; lingering serenely in the magnanimously princely atmosphere,

  Its entirely upto you; whether you use them to insidiously absorb the voices of horrendously pathetic crime and treacherously gunning bullets; or whether

  you beautifully blend them with the synergistically united tunes of existence; for infinite more births yet to unveil.

  God has given you a perfect pair of teeth; piquantly slicing through all replenishing fruits of Mother Nature; to most wonderfully placate your ever augmenting gluttony,

  Its entirely upto you; whether you use them to brutally bite the gloriously coalesced fabric of heavenly survival; or whether you immaculately chatter them in rhythmic tunes; to trigger off a festoon of blossoming smiles; on the faces of orphaned children.


  And God has given you a perfect pair of nostrils; Omnisciently inhaling fireballs of passionately palpitating existence every unfurling instant; impregnating the body with the ardor to live for centuries unprecedented,

  Its entirely upto you; whether you use them to incessantly expunge ominously abhorrence upon the innocently symbiotic world; or whether you dedicate

  and bond every breath of yours; with countless of your harmless kind; in the wave of perpetual solidarity and friendship; alike.



  If you smile only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of smile; then you never smile wholeheartedly; pathetically curbing the compassionately fabulous sparkle; that naturally sprouted on your poignant face, 

  If you dance only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of dance; then you never dance wholeheartedly; stringently adhering to an intractably dogged repertoire of beats and rhythms; brutally a
sphyxiating the gloriously free energy radiating

  uninhibitedly through each pore of your ecstatic body, 

  If you fight only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of fight; then you never fight wholeheartedly; stumbling like a pack of frigidly soggy cards in front of the salaciously enemy camp; as you had ludicrously sold all your inherent patriotism;

  to the textbooks of bizarrely insipid rigidity, 

  If you sing only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of singing; then you never sing wholeheartedly; indefatigably humming only a fixed set of cadence and music; barbarically incarcerating the stupendously melodious melody in your blissfully

  boundless throat,

  If you wink only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of wink; then you never wink wholeheartedly; trying too hard to get that meticulously monotonous perfect closure of an eye; savagely annihilating the untamed spirit of rhapsodic flirtation in your; mystically spell binding countenance, 

  If you dress only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of dressing; then you never dress wholeheartedly; always making a mockery of your entire persona; disdainfully suppressing the gorgeously artistic temperament embracing each cranny of your sensuously drifting skin, 

  If you pray only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of prayer; then you never pray wholeheartedly; profusely enshrouded by an inexplicable dilemma as to worship which entity on this fathomless planet; whereas the Creator resided

  bountifully in every goodness of your philanthropically benign soul, 

  If you learn only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of learning; then you never learn wholeheartedly; relentlessly trying to imbibe only what was there in authentically printed textbooks; not listening to the fathomless sounds of Mother Nature; which by themselves evolved into a whole new chapter of euphoric existence,

  If you sleep only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of sleep; then you never sleep wholeheartedly; intransigently trying to rehearse the right combination of movement and gruesomely pitch darkness for times immemorial; while all that your

  dreary senses wanted was motionless and eternal rest, 

  If you donate only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of donate; then you never donate wholeheartedly; capriciously whiling away your time in capriciously discerning the varied denominations of your wealth; whereas true humanity glistened

  profoundly in your marvelously egalitarian heart, 

  If you dream only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of dream; then you never dream wholeheartedly; measuredly fantasizing in a stubborn set of directions; whereas the incomprehensibly unending beauty of the immortal planet lingered around you; to be celestially assimilated, 

  If you yawn only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of yawn; then you never yawn wholeheartedly; fanatically concentrating upon the degree curvature upto which your mouth opened; disastrously massacring the moment to savor your surreal laziness,


  If you teach only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of teaching; then you never teach wholeheartedly; perennially succumbing to the heinous onslaught of the overwhelmingly bored students; as you inexorably chanted the same guidebook; for centuries unprecedented, 

  If you eat only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of eating; then you never eat wholeheartedly; lunatically ensuring that not the slightest morsel of food got insidiously entrapped between your teeth; whereas your tongue uncontrollably

  slavered to relish the magical flavor of an unrestricted existence,

  If you drive only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of driving; then you never drive wholeheartedly; ridiculously contemplating the explicitly precise distance between the tyre tread and hill; abominably shunning the wonderfully panoramic

  sceneries of the scintillating gorges ahead, 

  If you persevere only to spuriously prove the dictionary meaning of persevere; then you never persevere wholeheartedly; incessantly busy in producing countless droplets of painstaking sweat on your shriveled demeanor; whereas true perseverance lay

  in unflinchingly following the innermost voices of your soul; metamorphosing all your benevolent dreams into an immortal reality, 

  If you enjoy only to spuriously prove the dictionary meaning of enjoy; then you never enjoy wholeheartedly; always putting baseless hurdles to your gratifying fulfillment; not drowning yourself completely into the river of everlasting ecstasy,

  If you admire only to spuriously prove the dictionary meaning of admire; then you never admire wholeheartedly; being irrevocably content on sighting the very first beautiful object that confronted you in your way; whereas as the planet was an astounding kaleidoscope of unbelievably unending color and ravishing charm, 

  If you breathe only to spuriously prove the dictionary meaning of breathing; then you never breathe wholeheartedly; insanely calculating the tons of air that entered your princely nostrils every minute; whereas the entire atmosphere was willing to become

  your exuberantly vivacious breath, 

  And if you live only to spuriously prove the dictionary definition of living; then you never live wholeheartedly; murderously refraining your heart to beat a shade too fast or slow due to the fear of cardiac attacks; whereas the flames of passionately

  unassailable love lay a begging near your voluptuous chest; to bestow upon you an infinite more divine births.



  I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world kicked me brutally on my hindside; for ostensibly not the slightest fault of mine,

  Infact I harbored insurmountable pride in my eyes; that you profusely loved every element of my impoverished persona; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless more births of mine.

  I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world satanically lambasted me with swords of bizarre commercialism; ruthlessly ripping apart my art into a countless pieces of infinitesimal ash,

  Infact I felt it an irrefutably astronomical honor; that you marvelously enlightened me with your spell binding voice every unfurling minute; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless

  more births of mine.

  I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world tyrannically spat upon my hideously exacerbated wounds; stabbed my enchanting existence with austere chains of monotonous manipulation and malice,

  Infact I felt perpetually gratified and stupendously contented; that you cast your spell of Omniscient righteousness upon my devastated conscience; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless more births of mine.

  I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world never could comprehend the sensitive poet in my poignantly crimson veins; heinously snubbed my artistry as threadbare pieces of meaninglessly worthless and insanely languid shit,

  Infact I felt the most blessed organism existing on this colossal Universe; as you unassailably embossed my impression upon the royal canvas of your soul; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for

  boundless more births of mine.

  I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world used me as a inconsequentially canister for disposing their mountain of spuriously bombastic sweat; ludicrously jeered me to the most unprecedented limits; for the most scintillatingly perfect stride of mine,

  Infact I perceived myself to be the richest person breathing and exuberantly alive; as you perennially longed to compassionately caress me with your divinely palms; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless more births of mine.

  I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; t
hat the entire world barbarically annihilated even the most tiniest of my rudiments; penalized me more than the cross of Christ; for adulterating their conventionally stringent fabric; with my whirlpools of

  blissful fantasy,

  Infact I encountered bountiful paradise on every step that I alighted; as your celestial fragrance impregnably descended in torrential frenzy down my nape; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for

  boundless more births of mine.

  I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world chopped me into an infinite pieces of raw chowder; hung my hide upside down to eternally protect their dwellings stuffed with; capricious ostentation,


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