Delicate Beauty

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Delicate Beauty Page 3

by Nikki Bolvair

  Once I finished the call for the cab, I grilled Melissa. “Who did you know, and why can't they know about you?”

  “I know most of them, but I doubt they'd remember me. It's been too long. My red hair is a dead giveaway, but my name's different. I just can't…And, we don't even know what side they're on.”

  “Melissa, spill! Why do we feel tingles when they're around? Why can I feel things that I know aren't my feelings?”

  “I…I don't know,” she whispered as she picked at the grass. “I don't know why we're feeling those…um, tingles. It didn't happen before when I knew them.”

  I nodded. “Okay, but how do you know them?”

  Her shoulders tensed. “I was young when my mom died. My dad was on a secret mission at the time. When no one came to claim me, I went into a foster home. I spent that summer with them, those guys back there. My dad, though, he never came for me. But, his handler did. I never said goodbye.”

  “Melissa, is this the reason your background is falsified?”

  Her head jerked up as her wide eyes met mine. “You know?” I nodded, and she continued, “I can’t say too much about who I am and what my father does because, even though he’s retired, the two of us are still at risk. My father is too knowledgeable about sensitive information to not be a liability. I have to follow the rules.”

  I started to ask more, but then I heard it. The squeal of car brakes. We both stood and rushed to the house’s front, where a taxi waited for us next door. Melissa made it in the taxi cab, but before I could climb in, something sharp hit me in the back. I cried out as I stumbled and turned. A dart stood out from the back of my shoulder.

  Can't I just have one thing go, right? I started to fall, losing consciousness.

  When I turned back, Melissa started to come back for me, but I put out a hand to stop her. I shook my head and silently pleaded for her to go.

  Leave me behind, I silently uttered, come back for me, later.

  Melissa yelled for the taxi driver to go.

  As my vision went blurry, I kept my eye on the back of the taxi cab. With one last look, I saw her out the rear window. She turned around to stare back at me and gave the sign. The two-finger wave.

  Not left behind, just temporarily separated. She promised.

  As the ground became closer, large hands caught me, and that dang tingly sensation came back. Just before I blacked out, I looked up at my enemy, and I saw the guy from the coffee shop.

  I was so screwed.

  Tornado Warning


  I stayed back in the woods and aimed the tranquilizer gun at the place we suspected the two agents had ran. We didn’t want to get too close, knowing they could also feel the sensation my brother and I felt. Or, that’s the conclusion we came to when they ran from the diner. The sensation was like a slow pulse of energy similar to a live wire. I hadn’t even seen her yet, and I already felt the pull my brother described.

  I jerked out of my musing as one of my team mate Dallon edged closer to the fence line when a taxi cab came down the street. It slowed to a crawl at the home we watched; then all hell broke loose as the two agents appeared from behind the fence line and took off.

  My team pursued as I aimed my tranq gun for the woman with the raven hair and pulled the trigger. I caught her in the back of her shoulder.

  “Fuck.” I didn’t like that I did that to her.

  I dropped my gun and scrambled to catch her, knowing it would take just seconds before her muscles gave way. She collapsed in my arms, and the emotions that rolled through me after our bodies met was insane.

  After one touch, a current surrounded us and crackled as if it was a tangible element. A flood of possessiveness clouded my normal judgment as a spark of need tackled me. A need to keep her safe. To own her. She was soft and all woman as she melted into my arms and warmth seeped into my soul. I shifted her hair away from her face to peer into pools of violet. They stared back at me briefly as shock registered before her eyelids fluttered closed. I was shit fuck gone, and I didn’t know how to proceed. I glanced up to find Triton standing above us with a grim expression.

  “Shit. You feel it, too.” He dragged a hand through his hair, peering around the small neighborhood we found ourselves in and sighed as he turned back to me. “You know what this means.”

  I picked her up in my arms and glared at my twin, not sure I was fully on board with where he was headed with this conversation. I glanced up to the golden hues rising behind an oncoming storm and frowned. We were ending on tornado season in Texas, but it didn’t mean one wouldn’t manifest itself this late in the year. With the beautiful raven in my arms, I shrugged past my brother and headed toward the SUV that pulled up with my other team members, Kellen, Aaron, and Weston.

  Triton followed as I grunted, “We’ll talk about this shit later. A storm's coming.”

  We’d made it halfway to Red River where our base was located when the sirens blasted to announce an oncoming tornado, forcing us to take cover in a warehouse. It was a precaution. Tornados tended to follow the river. It was rare for one to jump sides.

  I got out with my bundle, and Triton followed right behind. Kellan rounded the SUV and stepped in my way with Weston by his side, both of their gazes guarded.

  Kellen knew what was going on. How could he not? It was his talent. “I think you need to let me take her.”

  A snarl escaped from deep in my chest at his suggestion as I gathered her closer to my chest. He wasn’t going to touch her.

  “No,” Triton barked, moving in front of me. “No one touches her.”

  Weston stepped forward with folded arms. “This used to be an old mattress warehouse. Go inside and check for a place to put her, Triton.” Triton tensed but jerked past him as he did what Weston commanded without complaint. My hackles went up when he spoke to my brother and then when his steady gaze shot to mine. “I don’t want to do this, but it needs to be done. Let her go, Captain. She’ll be safe.”

  My arms loosened unwillingly at his command. Kellen took her from me as he shot me a pained glance, and I could do nothing but allow him to head into the building where we were supposed to be seeking safety.

  “I’m sorry, Captain, but we need to keep our shit together.” Weston pulled out a secure cell phone from his pocket and held it out to me. “Contact the general and find out what he wants us to do.”

  It was hell, but I did as directed and cursed Weston’s name the whole time. To have that much persuasive power was deadly. Luckily, it only worked on us for a limited amount of time and each command he gave to one of us, the intensity of the persuasion lessened. It was only a matter of time before I could kick his ass instead of following his suggestions.

  He overstepped his bounds. Both him and Kellen.



  Outside, wind howled like a lover in mourning as I squeezed my eyes tight and kept my breathing steady, trying to get grip on my bearings. I struggled to move, but my wrists stung from tugging on the ropes that held my arms stretched above my head and tied to a cold, metal bed. I was flat on my back, and burning pain seared my shoulders from being in one position for who knew how long. I tried to loosen the knot keeping my hands together, but it was no use. The knots were too tight. Where the hell was I?

  The pain was unbearable. I grunted at my predicament.

  After all the safety training and constant repetition of the rules over the years, I should have learned, but no, I had to jump in head first with three wonderful extraction plans, only to find out I needed a fourth one. Dad did always say ‘never act unless you’re prepared.’ I tugged at my restraints once again, feeling the burn, and sighed. Obviously, I hadn’t prepared enough. My older sisters would have done better, but they were field agents. Go figure. Of course, none of us worked in the same field. Aubrey was an NCIS agent while Sarah was military, but I think it was more than the military she was working for. When I asked, she diverted the c
onversation. I understood. I had to keep secrets, too.

  Keeping my family off my back about finding a boyfriend was easy, but trying to survive, that was a bit trickier. No matter how much I wanted to blame my situation on a faux-delusional state from the shots the FBI gave me, I knew this nightmare was real, and I’d been captured. I feared the reason for my abduction came from my job at the FBI, but I don’t know why they would want me since I wasn’t a field agent. I was a handler. A computer nerd. I assisted with integrating agents into seamless undercover identities, fed helpful information to inside sources, and collected intel. When an agent finished with their mission, I came up with an exit plan. If need be, an escape like the one I just did for Melissa.

  I attempted to clear my head as a prickling sensation teased my senses. A pulse of awareness filled the air. With my eyes still closed, I listened for noises and tried to feel a shift in the air. I sensed nothing. Confident I was alone, I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. I felt the coldness of the steel bed beneath me and glanced toward the wooden door. The room had only one, small window. I was imprisoned in a metal shack. Electrical energy in the air crackled for a brief moment and instantaneously dulled. My fear mounted, and I wondered if electrical wires had been installed on the metal walls to be used as a form of torture.

  The soft sound of boots grew louder, and I began to perspire as they stopped outside the room. My body tensed, and my eyes darted quickly to the door handle as I waited for it to turn. Sweaty and cold at the same time, my pulse throbbed, and my heart lurched as if it would jump outside my chest. They didn’t give the same training for handlers like me who work behind the scenes as they did for field agents. I wasn’t prepared for an interrogation, but I wasn’t a rookie anymore. I would not give in.

  A sense of strength and boldness surged within me.

  The sound of the scraping drew my eyes to the door. A tangible crackle filled the air, and the hair on my arms stood at attention, then relaxed as the door slammed shut. With my eyes half closed, I saw their military boots first. My heart beat so loudly in my chest I feared my captors heard it. Then reason took hold. Slowly, cautiously, I tried to glimpse at my captors without them noticing.

  Both men wore black military gear, had shaved heads, and were the size as linemen on a professional football team. I didn’t see any visible weapons. Because of their size, they didn't need torture devices to inflict pain.

  At least they were American, I told myself while I swallowed the lump in my throat.

  I noticed a pair of gloves on the taller of the two men as he slid an old wooden chair close to me and sat down. I immediately flinched and pretended to turn my gaze to study the cracks in the painted gray walls.

  I was surprised when the man in the chair spoke to me. “Do you know why you're here?”

  His voice was smooth and soothing, but a part of me knew the tone was part of his interrogation training. I kept my eyes fixed on the wall, and my mouth shut. Melissa was missing, but she was out there. She promised not to leave me behind. There were so many questions and so few answers. They knew why the government locked me up and tied me down, I did not. I was sure they worked for the government, just as I did. Until now, I thought we were all on the same side. Did the military know what happened on the inside of the compound? Were they Myter’s minions, or did they think Melissa and I were? I turned my head toward the man in the chair and kept my gaze steady. I didn't know who to trust.

  The man still standing tilted his head. “You have purple eyes.”

  That was the last thing I expected to come out of his mouth. Maybe he’d talk about my raven hair next, or how my breasts were too small. But, it surprised me he noticed my violet eyes. It wasn't exactly bright in here, so being able to see the color of my eyes clearly meant he had excellent vision.

  The man in the chair glared up at his partner. “Seriously?”

  I cleared my throat, eyeing the two of them. “They’re violet.” Two heads swung my way, surprised I spoke. I snorted. It wasn't like I was spilling government secrets or anything.

  Chair man leaned toward me. “Who are you?”

  Like I was that stupid. I stayed silent.

  The man standing shifted, and I glanced toward him. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way, sweetheart,” Chair man growled. “What's your name?”

  “Bella,” I snapped.

  “Lie,” said the man standing at my feet.

  My heart came to a halt as his eyes narrowed, then it raced when he took a closer look at me.

  “What is your name!” Chair man yelled, this time right in my ear.

  My heart stopped. I felt strange, but then it was gone.

  “Rebel,” I retorted as my heart started again.

  The man standing tilted his head curiously, and his mouth tightened. “What is your relationship with the woman you were with? It's only a matter of time before we find her. Weston here can feel her just like the twins can feel you.”

  What? Who?

  Agitation showed as the man yelled again, “Come on, doll. Speak!” He slammed his hands down on my bedside for an aggressive and forceful effect.

  I flinched but didn't say a word.

  The two men shared a look before the guy at my feet asked, “Who's Myter to you?”

  I froze and tried to keep calm. I eyed the two of them, keeping my mind blank and staying strong, but a slip of anger got ahold of me, and then guy in the chair saw it. I was angry with my boss for his betrayal, but I still didn't say a word. I didn't have to.

  They already knew.

  The guy nodded, coming in close to me. “He's a traitor. Isn't he?” he whispered next to my ear. “Is he your friend?”


  “No!” I denied out loud.

  The crackle in the air increased, and the hairs on my arms stood up. New tactic. I could see it in his eyes. The man at my feet tugged my shoe off. I froze.

  “Listen here, sweetheart.”

  “W-w-what is he doing?” I shifted, trying to get away. “Stop it!”

  He tore my socks off my feet no matter how much I struggled.

  The man on the chair grabbed my head, and his hard eyes peered into mine. I tried to pull away, but his force and grip tightened. “For every lie you tell, my partner is going to break a toe.”

  My eyes burned, and my chest felt heavy as I forced the sob down into my chest.

  “What. Is. Your. Name?”

  My heart slammed against the cage of my chest, and my palms felt damp. “RaeLee.”

  “Lie.” Pain splintered up my leg as my pinky toe was pressed at an odd angle.

  “Ah– Shit!” My breath became labored as my leg and foot throbbed with pain. Who knew that a pinky toe could hurt so much? The agency would fire me if they knew a pinky toe brought me down.

  “What were you doing at the compound?”


  “Picking daisies in the moonlight,” I bit out.

  This time, he didn't even say the word ‘lie’ as I braced myself for the second toe to break. I never heard the crunch, but blinding white pain pierced me once again. Sweat-soaked, my resolve was coming undone. I was going to die here without ever seeing my friends and family again.

  “Why did you run?”

  This time, I didn't refrain from my internal monolog. “Asshole!”

  The man sitting pulled a knife out and tore my shirt open, then slid the knife on the rise of my breast. It stung!

  “What is your name?” he bellowed.

  “Trisha!” The air was full of energy, and I was close to the point of suffocation.


  I heaved. “Damn right it's the truth!”

  The air seemed to crack as a flood of feelings filled me as well as pain. The electrical current that filled the walls came alive to sink into my skin. The sensations that grew stronger were ones I’d briefly become familiar with before being taken. A sense of dread filled me
before the door slammed open again.

  Despair filled my soul as I tried to hold onto a sob. Great. A sob escaped. Another one.

  “Weston, you asshole! Get away from her! She’s the fuck’n sister-in-law!”

  Surprised, both men stood up and swung around just in time to be shoved away from me. There, standing in the same black military garb as the other guys wore, stood a man I never expected to see again.

  “The sister-in-law to who?” The man from the chair barked right before the man slammed a fist into his face, and he dropped out like a light. Then my savior promptly came to me.

  “You?” I cracked as my foot throbbed, and my spirits were broken. I glanced back at the other guy who entered the room behind him and belted out in hysterics as I thought my life couldn’t get any worse. They were twins. “And there's two of you? Fuck my life.”

  “Who is she?” Kellen demanded as he stood off to the side and let the coffee-shop-doubles untie me.

  “She’s the general’s sister-in-law!” One of them yelled as his fingertips brushed against the ropes at my skin.

  A low curse filled the room. “Shit.”

  My nerves were shot as a panic attack started. My sister’s husband, Ammon, was in on this? I could only handle so much. The sensations that flooded the space were too intense, as was the pain. I gasped for breath like a fish out of water as the air from my lungs seemed to escape but never fully recover. My vision blurred as inky blackness crept up and swallowed me into nothingness.

  What was I going to do now?



  The next time I woke up, my hands were untied, and I was curled up into a ball. That unmistakable crackly feeling was still present, and I knew I wasn’t alone. I squeezed my eyes tight and waited for the agonizing pain from my foot, but it didn’t come. The wind raged outside as unknown items crashed against the side of the building, causing me to tense and curl up tighter. I needed to get out of here. The dangers of the tornado were close, but so were the dangers inside. Between the storm or the men who wanted to kill me, I’d take my chances with the storm.


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