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Relentless (Skulls Renegade Book 4)

Page 8

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Do you have any updates on the other shit that’s going on?” I ask, wondering what the hell is going on with the Cartel. The fact that they’re showing their faces again is giving me the willies. We’re doing business with the Russian man, Sergei, now. I’m sure that Rafael is not too keen on finding out that information. It makes me wonder, why exactly is he popping up in Tennessee? I know it’s not for Maria. He’s using her, hoping that Reed will use her as a bargaining chip – which he won’t. Maria is a big part of the club. In the beginning, you would’ve never known that. She was always feisty, but never quite the way she is now. She’s found a home with us. She’s part of the Skulls, that’s for damn sure.

  “We’re still trying to figure that one out. There are a lot of moving pieces when it comes to Rafael, and I’m trying to figure out the angle he’s playing. Nothing makes sense now.” Reed laughs softly. “Not that it ever has made much sense, but especially now. I’ve hit a dead end, maybe it’s all the shit with my dad playing into it.”

  “Don’t worry about your dad. Worry about what you can, which is why Rafael is around. Focus on what you can change, not what you can’t.” My words plummet out of my mouth, and for once I feel like I’ve just said something wise. Bones would’ve laughed at me for that one, telling me to keep my advice to myself.

  Now it hits me. I want to have answers too, but not for Will’s sake but for Bones’.

  Chapter 13

  Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we’re here we should dance.



  My conversation with Reed was far from over, there is so much more left to be discussed. I was being selfish. When I saw Bellamy, I told Reed that I had to go, and we’d talk about shit later. We both know that I’ll call him back, I may not be his “right hand man,” but our club operates a little differently than others. Reed respects all of our opinions, he’s a man of the people, so to speak. Whenever a problem or situation arises, he comes to us for our opinions. We talk it out like a big family because at the end of the day it’s exactly what we are – family.

  The first problem is the Cartel and what we can find out about their blossoming activity around Tennessee. I, for one, want to know what’s sparked their interest again, and our second problem is finding out what happened to Will Michaels and Bones.

  Both issues will be resolved, it’ll just take a bit of time. Time might not be something we have much of, though. It all depends on what we find out about the Cartel. Who knows, we could be facing war. A war that we could win or lose. No doubt, when Reed and I talk again we need to discuss bringing in reinforcements. I have a feeling that shit is about to go down soon and the best thing for all of us is for us to be prepared for that. We need to call in owed debts and favors soon. I can’t shake the feeling that something big is coming to our doorstep. Immediately, I can think of one club that will come to our aide, the Reapers in Montana. Reed and Fist have a solid relationship. There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn’t help us.

  To be honest, it’s felt like shit is going to hit the fan for months. Only, I don’t know when. Over the past few weeks things haven’t felt right, and as each day passes I know it’s getting worse and worse.

  “What’s that smug look on your face for?” Bellamy jokes, punching my arm as she comes up next to me. I take one glance at her and realize she is not in her normal attire that I’ve become accustomed to over the past few days, especially for this time of night. I can almost always expect to see her in some sweat pants and a tight-fitting tank top or tee shirt, but she’s in a pair of emerald green heels, a black skirt, and a gold top with sparkles going through it. Right about now she looks like quite the fashionista.

  “Talking business with the boss, Sugar,” I mumble, not able to take my eyes off of her. She’s curled her hair, so it falls in loose waves around her face and down her back. She looks edible, like a big slice of cherry pie that your granny just cut after a long, hot, summer day. Fuck. There is no way in Hell I am going to be a gentleman tonight. Bellamy has no idea what’s about to hit her, but I can guarantee she’s going to fucking love it. “I take it we’re not going back to the hotel right away.”

  Bellamy shakes her head, a devilish smile dragging across her face. “Nope, nothing has gone my way today, so I thought you, me and Slashie, over here, could go out for a drink and some dancing?” She asks it like a question, silly girl – she has no idea how much power she holds over me already. I’d give her almost everything if I could, and she wants to go out, so we’re going out.

  “Slashie is tired and wants to crash,” he tells her. Bellamy pouts her lips as she looks at him quickly before turning back to me.

  “Well, Butch, guess it’s just you and me tonight.” Slash tapping out early because he’s tired doesn’t bother me one bit. It means that I get more one on one time with Bell, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want it. Truth is, I want a lot of fucking alone time with her. If I didn’t get it tonight, I’d make sure I got plenty of it eventually.

  “Where are we headed, Sugar?” I ask as she takes my hand in her own, leading me down the hallway until we reach a doorway with an exit. She simply turns back to me and smiles, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

  “Wherever the night takes us.”

  I look at her, not quite sure I heard her right. Nothing about this girl screams spontaneity, and yet here it is.

  Bellamy laughs softly, shaking her phone in front of me. “Wherever the Uber driver takes us.”

  I shake my head, still holding onto her hand as she leads me towards a black sedan. We slide in the back, and I listen as she greets the driver and then begins to ask her about the local dives that are fun to hit up. It seems Bellamy here enjoys partying, and I can’t wait to party with this wild cat.

  We end up driving further into Pittsburgh until the Uber driver takes us to a small bar, it looks to be the size of a coffee shop. I hear Bellamy giggle quietly before she grabs my hand and yanks my ass outta the car behind her, leading me up to the doorway.

  There’s a bouncer at the front, and I can see the pink and green lights shining from under the doorway. “What’s the pass code?”

  “Cotton candy,” Bellamy says, proudly. He gives her a soft smile and looks to me.

  “What about you, Shorty? What’s the pass code?” I don’t know the fucking pass code, and right now I don’t know if I hate the fact that this jack off just called me Shorty, or if Bellamy didn’t tell me whatever the hell it is that I needed to know.

  “Come on in, Licorice, you like a little sugar, don’t you?” Bellamy purrs, taking a step towards me, sliding her hand up my chest until she’s over my neck, tugging on my beard. “I’ve had a sweet tooth all day long,” she whispers seductively into my ear.

  I don’t know where the fuck she’s taken us, I don’t care about much right now besides what’s going to happen after we get into this bar. The bouncer opens the door, ushering us inside. As soon as the door opens there’s fog, neon lights are flashing in every direction, colors of the rainbow covering the entire space. Techno music bounces through the walls, glowies in hand, candy necklaces, and big gaudy bracelets and I know where Bellamy has taken me.

  A fucking rave.

  “A rave?” I yell over the beat of the music, she nods her head playfully and tugs me along with her like she’s done all night long. Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected Bellamy to bring me to a place like this. I have to admit that I’m pleasantly surprised, I didn’t think she had it in her to cut loose in a place like this.

  It’s funny how people can surprise us, though.

  It’s been years since I’ve been at a rave. Five or six at least. The last time I came to one it didn’t end up to well for the people around me. A combination of alcohol and a stranger pissing me off had me as angry as a Spaniard bull. Ultimately, I ended up leaving shortly thereafter. Reed and Kyle had to yank me out of the doors before I hurt someone too badly.

comes to a halt in the middle of the dance floor, grinding her pert ass against me. A lot of things come to mind at this moment, how I could take her right here in the middle of this hidden gem or lift her off to some place more intimate. I’d be fine with both, the cave man inside me wants to say fuck it and take her the way I want her, and yet the logical side of me knows that there’s no way I could do that without her never speaking to me again. Bellamy is different, she’s not some piece of ass in the club who wouldn’t care. She’s a woman – a lady, even. She deserves respect, and respect is what I will give her.

  I grab her hips, feeling the fabric of her skirt, it’s thin and sways with every movement she makes. Easy accessibility, also easy to tear.

  She throws her hands up in the air, moving them to the beat, slowly wrapping them around my neck, tugging me down. I place my lips on her neck, and the animal inside of me starts to slip out. Playfully, I stick my tongue out wetting her neck, then bite down enough to hear her whimper and fall closer back against me.

  I live for that sound, that soft, whimper of pure pleasure.

  We stay like that for minutes, her hands looped around the back of my neck, my tongue playing tricks on her skin until I decide that it’s enough teasing and give her that soft, playful bite that we both know she wants.

  She’s a minx, hiding in the body of an innocent, plain as day girl.

  Lucky me.

  The music changes, and so do we. Song after song we dance, her back to me for ages until she flips around and smashes her chest up against my own. Everything around us dissipates. I don’t care who’s in this damn room, all that matters is her. Only her. Her chest against mine, those ruby lips pressing against my collar bone, I can only think to myself is how I’ve held myself together this long.

  I’ve wanted her since the moment I laid my eyes on her at Bubba’s. The only thing I wanted to do was rip her clothes off and claim her like every deep desire inside of me begged to do. Yet, I didn’t do that. She came back to Bubba’s that night, giving me the perfect opportunity…and what did I do? I teased her in the woods and left her wanting more. I don’t know who I teased more that night: her, or me.

  Here we are, both of us hot and heavy. I can see it in her eyes, her glaze filled lust radiates through me, like a flashing beacon.

  Fuck this. I’ve waited long enough. Shit. She’s waited long enough.

  I slide my hands under her toned thighs and yank her into my embrace, the fog fills the room, but I can see a small doorway leading to somewhere. I don’t care where it leads. There is only one thing on my mind right now, and I know for a fact, it’s on Bellamy’s as well.

  I walk through the crowd paying no mind to the people around us, her eyes are glued to mine. She says nothing as I make step-by-step, going closer and closer to my destination. I see the looks around us from the guys who give me smiles and winks and the girls with their jealous filled glances. They just wish that their own men were doing what I’m about to do. Men could learn a little by taking a note from my book.

  Women want one thing, to be dominated.

  I can’t wait to see how much this one loves it. My little Sugar is going to melt in the palm of my hands.

  I grab the door handle, turn the knob, and push. It doesn’t budge at first, years of wear have it stuck – this I know. Some of the doors at the club are like this. I do what I always do, kicking the foot of the door as I turn the knob and push. Just like magic, the door comes ajar with a nasty creak.

  I shuffle the both of us in the small room, feeling for a light I find that there’s nothing. A brief giggle escapes Bellamy, there’s no point in words, so I don’t speak.

  I shut the door as best as I can, but now that I’ve kicked it, it’s not shutting the right way. It leaves a crack in the door way, small enough to see the people dancing outside and loud enough to hear the residual music.

  I slam my lips down onto hers, pushing her back until I feel that she can’t move. We’ve hit the wall, and that’s right where I want her.

  Quickly, I rip her dainty little thing she calls a thong. She gasps in my mouth, and with every breath, I can feel her excitement grow. Her breath is hot and heavy, her wetness warming my hand as I slip in between her folds. Fuck, how I’ve wanted her for so long. I slide my tongue into her mouth, kissing her harshly. I’m telling her everything that she needs to know in this kiss.

  That no one will kiss her, dare even to touch her, or throw a look in her direction. Because if they do, I will show no mercy.

  No one touches what belongs to me, and Bellamy Mason is mine.

  I will show her that tonight.

  I remove my hand from her hips, going to the zipper on my jeans and tug down quickly, pulling out my rock-hard cock. I can’t see her face, the room is too dark, we just have a little bit of light shining in from the crack in the doorway.

  Fuck, her breath hitches the second my cock rubs against her clit. I tease her slowly, sliding back and forth between her folds. She’s going to beg me for her orgasm one way or another. It’s what I want, and I’m damn well going to get it.

  “Fuck,” I hear her say against my lips, causing me to chuckle. She doesn’t even have a reason to start cursing yet.

  I tear my lips from hers, yanking her shirt up quickly and tossing it next to us on the floor. She removes her bra in record time and my lips are on her tits, biting, sucking and twirling my tongue against her hard nipples.

  I ram my cock up into her pussy as I bite, and she’s soaking fucking wet. It’s like I’ve been teasing her for hours upon hours, when it’s maybe just been ten minutes. She tightens her legs around my waist, rocking back and forth with every thrust into her warm heat.

  I can’t help myself, I want so much from this woman. I want so fucking much, and I’m gonna get it. That’s me, greedy fucking bastard.

  She moans, digging her nails into my shoulders, and I feel her tightening up around me.

  No. “You’re not coming yet,” I hiss through gritted teeth clenching down hard on her nipple, I slap her ass so hard that I hear it crack, she moans louder until I know that if I don’t pull out, she’ll come right over me.

  I want her to come, but not like this.

  I take my cock out of her warm and wanting pussy, rubbing her juices around her puckered asshole. She tenses for a second and stops as I start fingering her, rubbing her clit with my thumb.

  “I’m taking your ass, and you’re going to like it,” I warn her, moving from her right breast to her left. “You’re going to scream for me like I know you can, and you’d better not fight me. You want to know what will happen if you do?”

  “Tell me,” she utters, voice breaking.

  “I will tease you every single day, bringing you right to the edge and not giving you a damn thing. No orgasms, just me, having my fun with you.” I don’t wait to hear a response from her, I slide my cock back into her pussy, getting myself as wet as possible with every thrust until I decide that we’re good. When my cock is removed, I replace it with my hand and work myself into her ass, inch by inch. Her legs tighten around my hips, pussy clenching my hand with every inch I go in deeper, rocking back and forth.

  She’s too fucking tense. “Relax,” I coax her, playfully gliding my tongue over her nipples while rubbing her clit at the same exact time.

  In and out, rocking back and forth until I’m all the way inside of her. Fuck. She has the tightest ass I’ve ever fucked.

  Biting down hard on her nipple as I slam my cock into her ass, she moans loudly. I pull all the way out and ram her again, and again until she’s right on the verge, right where I want her to be. I feel her pussy clenching down hard and work my hand in unison with my cock, rubbing her clit, filling her ass and toying with that perfectly wet pussy.

  “Make me come,” I hear her beg, giving me the high I’ve wanted since that first night. I do as she asks, rubbing her clit hard, ramming my cock into her tight ass again and again until she’s bucking against me like a wild cat. She unrave
ls beneath me, wetness starting to spill from her pussy, and I keep going until she’s screaming.

  There is no one in this club who isn’t hearing her cries right now, and I’m the lucky bastard giving her all of it.

  Fuck. I can’t hold back much longer. she bounces up and down on my cock until I’m spilling my seed inside of her ass. She leans against me, each of us giving one another a moment of recuperation, but little does she know that I’m not done with her.

  I drop down to my knees, her pussy right against my face, and go to town. Sucking on her hardened, sensitive clit as I’m shoving what I can fit of my hand inside of her pussy. She’s going to come in my mouth, one way or another, she’s going to come again.

  “Oh fuck. Butch…fuck…I can’t…I…” I drown out her soft cries, flicking my tongue faster and faster against her clit, pumping my hand up inside of her pussy as fast as I can. It doesn’t take long before her legs are shaking and I’m holding her against the wall with the only free hand that I have left.

  “You can, and you will,” I roar at her, biting down on her clit.

  That does it, she becomes a fucking waterfall, squirting in my mouth like the good girl she is. I lick and lap at every drop she gives me, still toying with her pussy and clit. If she has more, I’m having it.

  “I…oh…my…,” Bellamy whispers, her voice breaking as she leans against me. I chuckle, bringing her legs down until she’s settled on my hips.

  She dips her head down, hands searching for my face and once she finds it, she kisses the daylights out of me, licking my lips, taking in the taste of her, of everything I made her release.



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