Relentless (Skulls Renegade Book 4)

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Relentless (Skulls Renegade Book 4) Page 13

by Elizabeth Knox

  He took my hand, and we got back onto his bike, our ride seeming so short from the previous trek that we completed. Before I knew it, he was driving up another gravel driveway that connected to a massive parking lot. You would have never known the clubhouse was here thanks to the trees that surround the property. Off to the distance, I can see more gravel, and where it leads, I’m unsure.

  Butch pulls up until we’re at the top of the small hill and dismounts his bike. I follow, sticking close by him.

  “Well lookie here, you made it home!” Slash huffs, slamming his hand on Butch’s back as he comes up. “And how’d you fair, princess?”

  “He nearly killed me, twice, but I’ve arrived completely unscathed!” I say dramatically, getting a good chuckle out of Slash and a glare from Butch.

  I glance around, taking in the scenery. I didn’t really know what a biker club looked like, but never did I picture it to look as nice as this does.

  “How’s Elena doing?” I hear Butch ask Slash, the way he asked it made me feel like something had happened.

  “Uh…she’s alright.” He doesn’t really answer the question, it’s almost like he’s avoiding it.

  “What happened to her?” I ask, stepping in front of Butch so I can get a good look at both of them. If they’re going to hold something back or lie to me then they’d better damn well be doing it to my face.

  “She was in the hospital, but she’s alright now,” Butch mutters, clearly uncomfortable with talking about it.

  “You’re not telling me something, and I don’t like it.”

  “It’s not our business to tell, Sugar,” he growls at me. If he thinks that he’s gonna get away with any bit of attitude with me right now it’s not going to happen.

  “Well, it seems to be your business since you both know something that obviously I don’t. Listen…” I think hard for what I’m about to say. “I know that I’m new, and I’m not part of your club or whatever but I feel like I have a right to know, especially when this has something to do with my sister. I’ve already missed out on years of being there for her, so if I get the chance to do that today – then let me.”

  Butch starts to speak, but Slasher stops him, slamming his hand out on Butch’s chest. “Let’s get one thing straight here, Bell. You’re as much part of this club as he or I am. The second we found out you were related to Elena you became a member of the Skulls. You got that? So, get it out of your little brain that you don’t have a say because you always do. Elena had a miscarriage, so she’s recovering from that.”

  I can hear Butch groan as Slash tells me, the only thing I can do is wonder why he doesn’t want me to know. “Elena didn’t want you to know.”

  “Well, it’s not really her decision on what I get to know and not know, is it?” I mutter, disappointed that my sister didn’t want me to know about her struggles. We have missed out on years of being around each other….and I mean it, I’m going to be here for her as much as I possibly can. I can only hope that she’ll do the same for me.

  The three of us don’t say anything for a couple of minutes, all just standing together in complete and utter silence, which you know, isn’t awkward at all.

  “You must be Bellamy,” I hear a man say, glancing up I get a good look at him. He’s tall, muscular but not in a freaky Dwayne Johnson way. He has stubble on his face, and he’s in a black leather jacket, shirtless otherwise. His dark hair compliments his eyes, over all – he’s gorgeous in that rough looking kind of way. “You and Siren could be twins.” He rubs his hand over his jaw, staring at me like I’m a freakshow in a circus.

  “Siren?” I look to Butch, who takes a step closer to me.

  “It’s Elena’s nickname. You’re Sugar, she’s Siren.”

  “You call her Sugar?” The strange man asks Butch, and he nods.

  “Hmpf. Didn’t expect that to happen so quickly. I’m Reed,” and just like that, I know who he is. He’s the Prez of this club and my sister’s husband. “It’s very nice to finally meet you. We had a room arranged for you, but I somehow have the feeling that you won’t be using it.”

  “No, she won’t,” Butch hisses. I can’t help but like the way that he makes decisions for me, but at the same time I wanna smack him and tell him to stop making decisions for me. Does that make any sense? Sure, it does. Women like dominance, we just don’t like dicks. Butch is a little bit of both.

  “Where’s Elena?”

  Reed tells me about how she’s been up in his office on the couch all day ‘resting’, obviously not knowing that I am very well aware of what happened. He gave me some excuse that she hasn’t been feeling too well and just needed to take it easy for a couple of days. With every word he speaks, I can hear the sorrow in his voice. “Reed, there isn’t a reason to lie to me. I’m so sorry for what happened. I can’t imagine how the two of you must be feeling right now.”

  “Thanks,” is the only thing that he can manage to get out.

  Nothing about our encounter was awkward until this moment, so I took a step forward and wrapped my arms around the big guy. “I know we’ve just met, but you’re just as much family as she is to me, so if you need anything at all, please let me know. I’d like to help.” When I pull away Reed’s eyes are glossy, I guess some big bad MC Prez can show a bit of emotion, can’t he?

  “Would you sit with Elena for a bit? She hasn’t been up for many visitors the past couple days, and I think by you sitting with her it might lift her spirits a little.”

  “Of course, just show me the way,” Reed instructs Butch to take me into his office, he takes my hand in his and leads me through the doors. Before I even get a few feet in the door I’m introduced to Daisy and Seamus, who have a little boy named Ryder, which Butch helped deliver…somehow, I don’t buy that. Next are Dmitri and Jenna, who seem to be nice, but they have this eerie dark feeling around them that I can’t quite put my finger on. I meet a big muscled up guy named Kyle, then two brothers called Pain & Chaos, this funny guy named Enzo, and two girls, Maria and Michelle. All in all, everybody that I’ve met tonight seems so welcoming.

  They didn’t ask me about my music, or my tour, they just asked about my interests and told me a bit about them. I’m not used to that. The only thing I’m used to is people who constantly have questions about what I’m doing with my career. It’s nice to just talk to people like a normal human being, not as a rising star.

  They all treated with me respect; they didn’t ask or want anything from me. If that isn’t a breath of fresh air, then I don’t know what is.

  Finally, I’m led to the room that Elena is in. When Butch opens the door, I see that it is indeed an office, there’s a desk at one side and a big leather couch against a wall, directly across from it there is another and a few random chairs sitting in the room. This much seating tells me that there seems to be a bit of company in the room when Reed is in here.

  “Hey,” I say to Elena, who is bundled up under a blanket on the couch. She responds back quickly, and I hear Butch step into the room behind me. Immediately I turn around, walking straight into him. “You can leave me alone with her, you know, it’s not like she’s going to kill me. not a little lost dove,” I whisper, annoyed.

  He chuckles, planting a kiss on the root of my hair and goes straight out the door, shutting it closed behind him.

  “He already made a move on you, did he?” Elena asks, smiling as I turn to face her.

  “Well, he’s made plenty of moves,” I joke.

  Elena’s face forms into an “o,” and she laughs. “How are you doing?”

  “I should be the one asking you that.”

  “They told you?” she questions.

  “No. More like I demanded to know.” I shake my head, “I’m not exactly the kind of girl who doesn’t bother to find out what’s being hidden from her, and between you and me – those two suck at keeping secrets.”

  “I suppose I could’ve sent others with tighter lips.”

  “No, I’m glad Slash ended u
p telling me. You shouldn’t have to keep it to yourself. I understand what you’re feeling,” I add, and I do, but my story wasn’t quite the same as Elena’s. From the looks of it, she had been trying to have a baby. I wasn’t. I had been reckless one night with Zac which resulted in a pregnancy, and then we broke up and he did what he did. I found out the day after my nudes were plastered across the Internet, I was pregnant. I knew I wasn’t ready to be a mother, and I’m still not. I was faced with a tough decision, a decision that I had to make. It seemed that fate had other plans for me, I ended up miscarrying very early. Now, I think it was an act of God. He knew what I was going to do, and instead of letting me go through with that decision he showed mercy, for myself and my unborn child.

  In the end, it worked out the way it was supposed to, and I know that.

  “So, where shall we start?” I ask, sitting down on the couch next to my sister. We have so much lost time to make up for, we won’t make it all up in one night, but I’ll try to get to know her as much as I can.

  Chapter 22

  What we find in a soulmate is not something wild to tame, but something wild to run with. -Robert Brault


  I haven’t been this excited for a Halloween party in a long ass time. Something about this time makes it so much different. Maybe it’s because Bellamy is around, or maybe it isn’t. I doubt I’ll ever truly know. The fact of the matter is that I was suffocating before, slowly drowning myself in the bottle day after day. That is until she came into this bar like she was walking on water. Bellamy has no idea what she did, and I don't know if she ever will; she's my salvation. She’ll never know how much her presence truly affects me. I’m not the kind of man who ever says that kind of shit anyways.

  I sit at the bar, draining my beer as I wait for her. She’s been spending a lot of time with Elena, and I’ve barely had time with her besides when she’s in my bed. The girls wanted to get all dolled up and arrive at Bubba’s together. I didn’t dare argue, hoping that by her spending more time with the girls it would make her feel more comfortable, and I think it has. The last thing that I want her to feel is uncomfortable with any of us. If she thinks I don’t realize how different we are, I do. It’s plain as day every time I look at her. I’m just thankful she doesn’t focus on our differences.

  “You knew what you wanted and went for it, that I’ll give you,” Reed chuckles, taking a seat beside me.

  “He only went for her after I said I wanted to,” Slasher adds, causing Reed to break out into laughter.

  Suddenly he stops and stares at me. “Please tell me that you being with Bellamy is not a pissing match with Slash, that you actually want to be with her.”

  “I will say this once, and only once. That woman has been mine since the day she walked into this bar. That is the day I fucking claimed her. No one forget that.”

  Both Reed and Slash stare at me, neither uttering a word. “Damn, and here I thought you wanted her ‘cause I called dibs.”

  With one look Slash stops horsing around. He knows when to push my buttons, and oh does he do it well, but never will he push my buttons with Bellamy. I am not okay with that. The moment he crosses the line, my fist will be down his throat pulling his heart out so quick that he can’t even say ‘sorry’.

  “What drew her to you?” Reed asks me, curiously.

  “What drew you to Elena?” I ask.

  He laughs, “It must run in the family.”

  “I can agree with that. Somehow they just seem to suck you in.”

  “Oh, that they do, and quite well I might add,” Reed seriously mutters. The three of us crack up laughing at his joke.

  We wait for two more hours with no sign of the girls. I’m growing more and more irritated by the moment. I want some alone time with Bellamy. Don’t get me wrong, I want her to bond with her sister. I want them to have that normal sister relationship that most do have, but at the same time, I want her ass on my lap and my lips on her throat.

  A few of the club whores pour through the doors of Bubba’s which makes me think that our girls are right behind them, I become sadly mistaken rather quickly. “Where the fuck are they?” I grumble.

  Hands wrap around my waist, a head pressing against my back. “They aren’t coming, told us all to have a fun night with the lot of ya.”

  I swivel around on the barstool and turn to face Muffin, and no, her name is not a joke. It’s on her damn birth certificate. She’s become one of the resident club whores for the prospects to poke around with.

  Her dark curls bounce around her face with a bright magenta lipstick. This woman is anything but subtle. “Muffin,” I exchange a greeting.

  “Butchy Boy. Are you finally ready to have a little fun?”

  “I’ve been having plenty of fun, but it’s never been with you.”

  She turns her face up in a little squirrelly way and glares at me. “You never tried to have any fun with me, I’ve been trying to change that for a long time, you know.” She slides her hand up my thigh and palms my cock, never will I have a reaction to her. Never will this sex hungry whore make my cock hard. The only woman capable of doing that is late as shit, and I’m annoyed.

  I take her hand, removing it from my cock and push it back against her. “Get lost, Muffin. You’re not gonna be my Ol’Lady. Stop tryin’.”

  “Uh…hi.” I hear her voice before I see her, and there she is, my Sugar.

  “Hey, baby.” I get off the barstool, taking a step towards her and bring her into my arms.

  “What…are you supposed to be?” She laughs into my chest.

  I take a step back, looking at my ensemble. “Ragnar, you know, from Vikings.”

  She looks me up and down, laughing the entire time. “You don’t look any different than normal.”

  “Well you look just as gorgeous as usual, and I’m not laughing at you.”

  “Okay, okay. You’re hot, and just wearing what you usually do. It cracked me up a little bit…since we’re supposed to be dressing up…cause it’s Halloween.” Bellamy laughs the entire time, as she looks up to me I can see tears falling from her eyes.

  “Mmhmm, and are we going to solve any crimes today Miss Daphne?” I ask, not able to keep my eyes off of her costume. She nailed it, looking hotter than any other girl who has pretended to be Daphne from Scooby Doo.

  “I think we’re more likely to commit a crime than solve one, don’t you?”

  “My, my. Where did all of your innocence go?”

  “I never claimed to be an innocent goody too-shoes. Everyone else said that about me.”

  I can’t help it any longer, I’ve stared at her perky little lips for too long without touching them. That stops now. I slide my hands under her ass, lifting her up, she slides her arms around my neck and meets me in the middle, kissing me like she’s just as starved as I am.

  “You took too long,” I mumble against her lips.

  “I’m sorry, we all got to talking and lost track of time.” I listen to her go on and on about how she’s becoming friends with Jenna, Michelle, Daisy, Mar, and Elena. In the beginning, I would’ve been lying to say I didn’t think she’d have a problem fitting in. Each one of the women here has very strong personalities, and while Bellamy does as well, her personality is different. I thought that they’d clash. I do have to say, I’m glad that I was wrong, and everything seems to be working out.

  “It’s alright, baby. I’m just glad that you were having fun.” I only get a smile in response, and that’s all I need.

  The next couple hours we spend dancing and drinking, finally tumbling into a booth together with Dmitri and Jenna, Reed and Elena, and Seamus and Daisy. All of them made a joke about what I’m supposed to be, I’ll spoil it for you. Not one of them guessed Ragnar.

  “You suck at Halloween.”

  “I don’t suck at Halloween,” I tell Jenna, who cocks her head back laughing.

  “You’re dressed up as Ragnar, but you look just like you normally do. So, you suck at it.”<
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  Conversation after conversation ends, the group of us drinking our body weight in liquor. At this rate, Bellamy is squirming on my lap, rubbing her ass up against my cock, causing some problems, if you know what I mean.

  “Can we…go?” Bellamy whispers into my ear, grazing her hand on my forearm.

  “Fuck yes.” I pick her up and lift her with me as I slide from the booth, waving behind me to signal the guys that we won’t be back.

  “Butch,” she groans against my throat, pressing her soft lips against my skin.

  The party is still very much alive, brothers and their girls partying like no other. Some of the girls from the shipments have even joined in and are cutting loose tonight. From the corner of my eye, I can see Mar with her hands all over Chaos, tugging at his lips with her teeth. Pain is not too far away, watching the entire thing unfold. I can’t help but wonder how that’s going to turn out. It doesn’t take a blind man to know that those two are both into her. I just wonder which brother is going to win, the older one with the big personality, or the younger one with the giant heart.

  We shall see.

  Something tells me shit is going to get real between the three of them real soon.

  “Buuuutch,” Bellamy hisses, digging her nails into my chest as I walk towards the door. She takes her hand, grabbing my own to make me let her down, which I do. Instantly, I know that she has something up her sleeve. We go out through the front doors of Bubba’s and into the chilly October night. It’s about fifty degrees, colder than usual, enough to give us a mild chill but not so bad to make us want to wear a jacket.

  She starts to lead me towards the woods, and I know what she’s trying to do. I grab her hand quickly and lead her in the direction of my bike. While my girl has a great idea, I have an even better one.

  I walk her over to my bike, popping her perfect ass on the back, I shimmy up her purple skirt, moving her thong off to the side.

  Fuck it. I hook my finger and tug her lacy thong to the right, hearing it rip against her skin. Her pussy is pressed against the leather, her juices sliding onto the seat. I cannot be more thankful for parking a way off from the bar than I am right now. She’d never be down for this if we were parked right out front.


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