Meant for You

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Meant for You Page 12

by Layla Hagen

  “I’ll make you come with my fingers, and then I will give you my cock.”

  She swallowed again. I captured her mouth, sliding a hand under her dress. She smelled so impossibly good. Sweet and spicy, and I found myself wishing the pillows would pick up her smell so I’d have something to remember her by after she left. I went straight for her panties, moving the fabric to one side. She was so ready for me that I slid two fingers inside her at once. I curled them slowly, searching for the sweet spot inside her. She climaxed hard and fast, and I covered her mouth with mine, feeling the reverberations against my chest. The throbbing below my belt was maddening, and I was dying to be inside her, but I held her while she rode out the wave of pleasure.

  When her breaths became even and her hands roamed over my back, I reached for the small box under the table, snatching a condom.

  “You’re... well prepared,” Paige said in a low, thick voice.

  “It’s the only way I can cover my bases with you. Advance preparation. Because when I’m with you, I forget myself.”

  I got my pants and boxers down below my ass, then rolled on the condom under Paige’s watchful gaze. She made to reach for me, but I stopped her. I gripped myself at the base, then squeezed closer to the tip, placing the crown on her lower belly. Her dress was bunched around her waist, and she couldn’t see what I was doing to her. She could only feel.

  “This is what you want, isn’t it, Paige?”

  I dragged the tip to her clit as she nodded feverishly, then slid inside her. Her eyes widened, and she bit her lip as her inner muscles clamped tight around me. She braced her arms around my neck, bringing me closer. I pressed my cheek to hers while I moved, because I wanted to be close and hear her. She was quiet, but those soft, barely audible sounds were fueling me. I made slow, lazy love to her, feeling her come apart one thrust at a time. The base of my erection tightened, energy gathering at the tip. She felt so good that I knew I wouldn’t last long. She seemed close too, but I wanted to make sure she came again. So I stilled, working one hand between us, touching her clit in small circles until she tightened around me like a fist. Then I slid in and out again, kissing her while she made my world tilt on its axis.

  After cleaning up, Paige shuddered a little, and I brought a quilt. I slipped under it right next to her.

  “So thoughtful,” she murmured.

  “I’ll warm you up. Brought the quilt just in case.”

  “You’ll warm me up, huh?”

  “Yes. I’m a man of many talents.”

  “That you are. Those fingers are downright magic.”

  “Just my fingers?”

  “Hmm... other body parts might also fit in the magic category.” Her voice was low and sweet, almost a purr. “Your chest is the world’s best pillow.”

  “I see.” I chuckled while she shifted her head on my chest, looking for the most comfortable spot to rest it.

  She yawned. “I should go soon, or I’ll fall asleep.”

  “What would be so bad about that?”

  “Explaining it tomorrow to Milo.”

  She had a point, but was it the only reason she wasn’t staying? I moved over her, kissing her bare shoulder.

  “Will, what are you doing?”

  “You’ll see. I’m not nearly done with you.”

  Kissing her mouth, I tasted wine and chocolate on her lips. I could get drunk on her taste. I didn’t want to be without her taste again... without her. It was a powerful feeling, and I was sure it was here to stay. And I knew one other thing: tonight, I was going to own her pleasure.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Get a grip, Ashley. You don’t see anyone else in this office moping around because one of their kids has a sore throat.” Greg was being more of an asshole than usual. He’d come into our office just as Ashley was telling me she feared she’d sent her boy back to kindergarten too early.

  I opened my mouth to argue with him, but Ashley silenced me with a pleading look.

  “Paige, I want a word with you. I need you on top of the water project.”

  “The water project?” I blinked, trying to keep calm. That was one of our key projects this year, and as such, Greg was directly responsible for the funding. Why was he adding it to my tasks?

  “Yes. Problem?”

  I knew better than to argue. He was my boss after all, but I wasn’t looking forward to having yet another project on top of the ones I was currently leading. I asked him to send me all the info on it, and while I read through the reports, I kept eyeing the clock, because I was meeting Mom in the evening for a round of late-night shopping.

  I wasn’t a fan of in-person shopping. I’d been addicted to ordering online ever since I got my first credit card, and the addiction had only gotten worse when speedy delivery became trendy.

  However, on this lovely Thursday evening, I put on my big girl panties and went to meet Mom at the mall. She preferred to shop old school, and she needed an outfit for her and Dad’s upcoming fortieth wedding anniversary. Elsa and Miranda were joining us too, so we were making a girls’ evening out of it.

  Mom arrived first.

  “Let’s grab a smoothie while we wait for the girls. We promised we wouldn’t start without them,” I suggested.

  Mom nodded, and we each grabbed a strawberry-pineapple combo. I was busy studying Mom, trying to visualize an outfit for her, when I realized my mother was studying me right back. She had a knowing smile that made me cower in fear. That smile usually came with life advice, whether I asked for it or, more often, not.

  “How is that detective of yours?” Mom finally asked.

  “He’s good. We’re good.” I was choosing my words very carefully. Any excessive display of enthusiasm on my part, and my mother would be choosing baby names and bustling into my apartment unannounced, hoping to run into Will. True, it had happened only once, five years ago, but I wasn’t about to risk it happening again. I was saving the gushing for when my sisters arrived and Mom was out of earshot, because I had a lot to gush about.

  Will had not been bragging about knowing his stuff when it came to construction. He had stopped by the inn over the past two weeks, and a couple of times he even lent a hand to the handyman. And I? Well... I poured myself a glass of wine and enjoyed the view. I liked our casual get-togethers at the inn after work. We could get to know one another without the pressure of preparing for a date.

  “When are you going to introduce him to us?”

  “It’s early days, Mom.”

  Mom waved her hand as if the tiny detail didn’t matter. “I knew your dad was the one on our second date.”

  I stared at her. “You did?”

  “Oh yes. He immediately charmed me.” Mom slurped from her smoothie until the cup was empty. “Every couple is different, but when the spark is there, it’s there, and you know it. Some don’t want to admit it, but they know it.” Mom got out a mirror from her bag, inspecting her hair. “My roots are showing a bit. I should make myself an appointment.”

  “I remember the night you got that white strand of hair,” I found myself saying.

  Mom smiled sadly. “That was a tough night. There were many tough ones. I’m sorry I wasn’t stronger. I tried to keep it together—”

  “What are you talking about? You did keep it together. You’re a strong woman, Momma.”

  “I wasn’t strong enough, though. I still let grief overpower me from time to time.” Her smile turned even sadder, and I wished I hadn’t brought it up. “I’m sorry.”

  “Momma, you have nothing to be sorry about. You’re a strong woman, and I look up to you. I always have. We all have. I’m sorry I brought this up.”

  Mom was quiet for a moment, but I knew her wheels were spinning.

  “I know why you did. I think you’re a bit afraid of love.”

  I almost choked. “What? Why would you say that?”

  “Just a mother’s observation. Maybe seeing me during that rough time scared you. Made you think
that truly loving someone gave them power over your happiness, which is true in some respects. But I will say one thing: if given the chance, I would make the same exact choices. Marry your dad, support his decision to enlist. That it was tough doesn’t mean we weren’t happy, and as a mother, I can only hope you will find that sort of love one day. Actually, not only find it but hold on to it. Fight for it.”

  I was speechless for a few seconds, before finally saying, “I missed our talks when I was away.”

  “So did I.”

  “You have three other kids.”

  Mom winked. “Only one Paige.”

  We chatted about our plans for the evening until my sisters arrived. Then we unleashed ourselves on the mall.

  We started to bicker almost immediately because, as usual, we couldn’t agree on a single thing. This, too, I had missed.

  “Wow, it’s weird being out shopping without my kid,” Miranda said. “It’s like I can do everything ten times faster.”

  While we stormed the stores, I replayed the conversation with Mom in my mind. Was I afraid to love? I’d never thought about it like that. I’d always had an active dating life and even two longer relationships. I hadn’t been head over heels in love with either of those boyfriends, but I’d supposed that was because they were simply not meant to be for the long term. But Mom gave me food for thought.

  “So, give us the dirty details on Will,” Miranda said when Mom disappeared into the first changing room. We were at a respectable distance, but I whispered it all anyway. I couldn’t stop bragging about my hunky detective and his delectable ways. He managed to cheer me up even though my project’s funding wasn’t progressing as well as I’d hoped, which caused me to start every working day with a heavy heart.

  I wasn’t sure how he felt, though. He wasn’t a man of many words, and part of me wondered if Will was even doing it consciously, or he simply didn’t know how to open up, let me closer.

  Fifteen clothing shops and five shoe shops later, Mom had an outfit. We’d totally knocked it out of the park: a dark green dress that was tailored on her slim torso and flowed in an A-line to her ankles. Golden sandals with thin straps and a tiny matching purse complemented the outfit.

  “Anyone up for buying lingerie?” Elsa asked as we left the shoe store.

  To my astonishment, Mom blushed and said, “Umm... I’d... I’d like to see what they have. Maybe try something different... for the occasion.”

  We all grabbed another smoothie, relaxing our feet for a few minutes before heading into the lingerie shop. It boasted a large selection, even stocking a few items that were on the raunchy end of the spectrum.

  “What is that for?” Mom sputtered. “It doesn’t even have a crotch.”

  Miranda threw me a panicked glance. Oh, boy. If this conversation continued, I’d need to slip some wine into my smoothie. Or vodka.

  We led Mom into the section of the store where every piece of lingerie had a crotch.

  Being surrounded by all that lace got me thinking. I’d already spotted a few items that were screaming “Open your wallet. Right now.” I imagined Will’s expression when he saw me in some of them. I wanted something classy, but sexy. I was going to buy something to knock off Will’s socks. Or boxers.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I looked at myself in the mirror critically for the millionth time. The lingerie set looked even sexier than it had in the store, and that was saying something. I was definitely going to knock off Will’s socks. It was the first time I’d gotten to wear it since buying it ten days ago. I wanted to impress Will—again.

  He’d surprised me by buying tickets to a blockbuster movie I was excited about, and when I asked him how he knew I wanted to see it, he said, “Paige... you talk. A lot. And I have a habit of memorizing every detail.”

  Which was why I was working hard to impress him tonight.

  To that end, I’d bought a home-spa kit that had cost almost as much as the lingerie, but the model on the package looked so yummy that it practically begged for my credit card.

  While I read the instructions, Will rang.

  “Hey,” I answered, a little panicked that he might want to meet earlier. I was nowhere near ready.

  “Hey. Listen, can I have a rain check tonight?”

  “Oh... are you okay? Did something happen?”

  “Was a tough shift. I’m tired.”

  “I can take care of you.”

  “I’m not going to be much company tonight, Paige.”

  Now I was panicking for other reasons. He sounded dejected, but I couldn’t tell if it was truly just work or.... I ran a hand through my hair, unsure how to proceed. I really wanted to see Will. But should I push? Maybe he just needed time on his own... maybe he wasn’t in the mood for me.

  Except... I thought I had a good chance at improving his mood. I was afraid of putting myself out there, pushing this and getting rejected. But I was also afraid of creating a precedent, having the kind of relationship where we only met to have fun together and avoided each other on rougher days. That wasn’t a healthy basis on which to build... anything.

  “Why don’t you let me decide that? Besides, I have all these plans to impress you after the movie.”

  “You going to try and set your kitchen on fire again?”

  I laughed. “No. Sexy plans, Will.”

  I could swear I heard him growl.

  “Define sexy plans.”

  “No can do, Mr. Hunky Detective. You’ll have to come and see for yourself.”

  Will didn’t answer, and I felt my heart shrink to the size of a pea. Shit, was I a fool for pushing?

  “Okay. I’ll be there at seven.”

  “Can’t wait.” I hoped the relief wasn’t too obvious in my voice. After the call ended, I applied the face mask. Twenty minutes later, I was in a panic, rereading the instructions. Nowhere did the damn package say I would smell like a swamp. I rubbed the mask off. Will was supposed to arrive in half an hour. That was enough time to get rid of the smell, right? I was lucky my fridge was stocked with fruits. I made a mango mask, applying it on my already sensitive skin. Served me right, trying out new stuff instead of sticking to my old tricks. I could feel the mango hydrating my skin.

  It did the trick, getting rid of the stink. I blow-dried my hair, then put on the lingerie and a light beach dress. Ah, one of the perks of living in LA. I could wear light dresses even though September was already upon us. I was ready just in time, because my doorbell rang.

  After one last glance in the mirror, I headed to the front door.

  When I opened it, I tried a casually seductive pose, jutting out one hip, parking my hand just above. Will opened his mouth, then... seemed stunned. His gaze raked over me from head to toe, then back up, and I knew I could have forgone the kit altogether. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

  “Paige, you look....” He didn’t finish that sentence. Instead, he came closer and closer, until he was right in front of me. He touched my shoulder, then my hip. Then my shoulder again. He seemed conflicted as to where to kiss or touch first.

  Eventually, he crushed his mouth to mine, sliding one of his hands right under the dress. I was wearing a tiny thong, so my ass was practically bare. Will growled appreciatively. His free hand slid to the back of my head, and he fisted my hair, pulling me in for another kiss. This one was harder, deeper. His passion was igniting me on the inside. His tongue was doing decadent things to mine, moving in a rhythm that made me ache for him.

  He ran his fingers down one ass cheek, moved to the other. Then he feathered them over my crack, and I thought my knees might give.

  “We should go if we want to make it to the movie on time,” he said.

  “Sure. Let’s go.”



  I’d picked a theater that was close to Paige’s place, but it was still far enough away to warrant taking the bike. We lucked out with the traffic, but that meant we’d arrived too early. Afte
r buying popcorn and drinks, we waited in the small bar area in the inner courtyard.

  I sat on one of the white plastic chairs, pulling Paige to me. She landed in my lap with a small “Oomph.”

  “There are plenty of chairs to go around, Detective,” she said in a low voice.

  “But this way I can touch you all I want.”

  She gave me a wicked smile in return. An important case had completely gone to hell. Usually, my coping mechanism was to throw myself into a new case, or in the rare instances one wasn’t available, I’d dig up cold cases. I wasn’t good company, because I was usually grouchy.

  But Paige’s voice had sounded so strained on the phone, and I wanted to be a good boyfriend. I knew how much she’d looked forward to tonight.

  “Wanna tell me what was so shitty about the day?” she asked casually. I tensed, schooling my expression into a cool and relaxed mask, but before I could dismiss the question, she added, “I know you can’t give any details, but just talking in general might help.”

  I hesitated, then admitted, “A case I’ve been working for over a year was basically discarded today. We know the guy is guilty, but the district attorney’s office dismissed the case on a technicality. We can’t charge the guy with jack shit.”

  “I’m sorry, Will.”

  “All that work, and... you know, it’s not even the work that bothers me, just that he’s going to walk free. That’s why I became a cop. Our parents died in a hit-and-run. Guy was never caught.”

  “You can’t catch every bad guy.”

  “I know.” But somehow, it felt nice to hear it from her. “I just always worry about giving closure to those involved. Not having it eats at you.”

  Paige was silent for a few seconds, then kissed my cheek, positioning herself even closer so that the side of her torso was pressing against my chest.

  “I don’t talk about these things, usually. But you’ve got a way of just making me want to... tell you everything.”

  “Tell me what you’re comfortable with. And what I can do to distract you.”


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