Single Dad Shifter (Shades of Shifters Book 6)

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Single Dad Shifter (Shades of Shifters Book 6) Page 3

by T. S. Ryder

  "Well, I think it's time to start supper," Arabella said, putting the books aside. "Do you want Daddy to read to you, or do you want to play with watercolors?"

  Olivia wiggled away from Grayson instantly. "Water! Water!"

  Hudson clapped his hands and pointed at Olivia. "Yup!"

  "Okay, then. Daddy, can you set them up to paint while I get the food going?"

  Grayson grinned and opened his mouth to comment on her calling him 'Daddy,' but a quick glance at the twins told him that it was a bad idea. She must have known what he was thinking, though, because she gave him a quick slap and shook her head, a fetching blush rising up her cheeks.

  She hurried to the kitchen while he spread out some newspapers and got the children's watercolor books set out. When they were fully engaged in it, Grayson went to the kitchen. The space had been designed as an open-concept area, separated by a large island, so they could still see the children.

  "Need help?"

  "Nope. I'm good." Arabella gave him a quick look. "You know, this is the first time I've seen you in anything other than a suit. It suits you."

  Grayson laughed at her pun and shrugged. "Yes, well, I actually don't like wearing suits that much. But it's expected in politics and business dealings. That's how I started wearing them, when I worked at the stock market."

  "Somehow you don't strike me as a person for the stock market."

  "Well, I've got a good head for numbers and such. Working at the stock market actually isn't too bad. It’s where I made my billions. But it's a demanding job and I was away from home a lot. I regret that now. I had so little time with Christine and the kids. When the mine opened . . . Well, our house was directly upstream from it. It's amazing that the children were born healthily. Sometimes I think it was Christine's sheer determination to keep them safe that killed her. She suffered a lot more damage than she should have while they escaped without harm."

  "Dragon women can do that? Take the burden off of their kids?"

  "Yes. We're not sure exactly how it works, though."

  Arabella pulled some chicken from the fridge. "You know, when I took this job I thought you were going to be one of those people with a house bigger than you needed and with servants to cook and clean and do everything for you. I hate those people. Those who can afford to have caviar every night and then whine about paying taxes."

  "I do, too." Grayson leaned against the counter. "That's why I decided I was never going to be like one of those people. I don't deny that I spend money on things that other people can only dream of, but I don't whine about paying taxes."

  Arabella pulled a frying pan out of a kitchen cupboard. "When I was a kid, I lived in this dingy little place that ought to have been condemned. My parents both worked and they couldn’t afford to pay for somebody to look after me, so I was on my own. Spent a lot of time playing video . . . " She trailed off and sucked her lips between her teeth. She bent her head and threw the chicken in the pan, avoiding eye contact.

  Her sudden silence surprised Grayson. He wanted to ask more about what her childhood was like, but it was clear she didn't want to talk about it. He wasn't going to press for her to share something she wasn't comfortable with. They were closer now, but it was a new closeness and he didn't want to jeopardize that.

  Olivia and Hudson both got up and wandered away from their paintings. Hudson pointed in the direction of their bedroom and grunted. Oliva nodded. They joined hands and tottered from the room, Olivia talking a mile a minute.

  "How is your friend Henry doing?" Arabella asked.

  "He's doing pretty good right now. Dragons can heal from a lot of things. He was badly poisoned where we used to live, but, with regular treatments and dialysis, things are getting better. His kidney function is improving, which is good."

  "Good. I'm glad. It's good that dragons can recover from these sorts of things."

  "Well, only partially. I doubt he'll ever have his full strength back."

  Arabella glanced up at him. She opened her mouth, then shook her head and went back to her work. She dumped some leftover rice from the previous night in with the chicken and then added some sort of sauce. She then added some carrots and peas, mixing it all together.

  Grayson frowned. It smelled good, but visually it left much to be desired. "What are you making?"

  "It's a family recipe," she said. "Chicken rice wraps. The kids love them. Here, have a try."

  She scooped up a little on her spoon and blew on it before holding it over to him, keeping her free hand beneath it. Before Grayson could assure her that he was sure it was going to be lovely, she pressed it against his mouth. Her fingers brushed his lips and Grayson had the urge to taste them instead of the food. Sparks of electricity passed between them and both of them froze. The heat from the rice wafted over Grayson's face.

  He took the spoon and tasted the dish but his mouth was hardly working. His heart hammered as he stared into Arabella's eyes. Her pupils darkened and she moved a little closer.

  "Do you like it?"

  "Uh . . . Yeah." He put the spoon down. Her lips looked so inviting. "Great. Good. But, uh, the kids could walk in any minute. I don't think we should be doing this."

  "Doing what?"

  "Nothing. Forget about it."

  "No, tell me." She moved forward again, her voice lowering. "Were you thinking of kissing me again?"

  Grayson laughed, embarrassed. "Something like that."

  "Oh. Well, then. Yeah, we really shouldn't." Arabella’s eyes flickered to his mouth. Her tongue flicked over her lower lip.

  He couldn't stop himself. He seized her around the waist and pulled her tightly against his body, bringing his lips to hers. They were soft, warm, and tasted like berries. Grayson groaned as his inner fire blazed wild. He spun her around, pinning her against the wall. She dug her hands into his hair and he grasped her wrists, pinning them above her head. She was just as eager as he was, proving it by thrusting her tongue into his mouth. Excited to have a repeat of that morning, perhaps?

  A deep groan emanated from his throat, but a sudden ringing interrupted them. Grayson pulled back as though he had been shocked. Arabella's cheeks were flushed and she ran a hand through her hair, panting slightly.

  "I . . . need to take this," Grayson grunted, frustration rising within him. "What?" he snapped as he opened the phone.

  "Mr. Alexander," a timid voice said. "This is the Redfern General Hospital. You are listed as Henry Landon's emergency contact."

  Ice flooded his veins.

  "Mr. Landon was brought in with severe kidney and liver failure," the voice continued. "We've stabilized him but—"

  "I'm on my way," Grayson said. He hung up the phone and turned to Arabella. "Henry's in the hospital. Tell the kids I'm sorry I'm missing dinner. I don't know when I'll be back."

  Arabella nodded, her eyes wide. He almost kissed her again. But instead, he grabbed his keys and dashed out, praying that Henry was going to be alright.

  Chapter Five – Arabella

  Henry was in the hospital for almost a week, during which time Grayson increased his political activity. Arabella could see how Henry’s hospital admission had made Grayson even more passionate about his cause. Almost nothing could break his concentration.

  Olivia and Hudson both asked to see Henry, so, with Grayson's permission, Arabella bundled them in coats and hats and drove them down to the hospital later that week. She told herself that it was a good step forward for the mission, him trusting her to take the children out by herself. He didn't even send bodyguards with her.

  It would be very easy to just take the kids and disappear, but that wasn't the plan. She still had a week left before the kidnapping was to take place.

  It certainly didn't help that she still tasted Grayson's lips on hers whenever she went to bed at night. Or that she dreamed of his smile, of him kissing her knuckles and telling her what a wonderful person she was. Even worse were the daydreams – telling her that there was real passion, real care,
present when they had had sex, and that it was different from every time she'd been with a man before. The daydreams that told her she had a future here.

  The ridiculous emotions wouldn't leave her alone. They were making it hard to focus on the mission. And when Olivia or Hudson cuddled in next to her while she read, or crawled into her lap when they were crying . . . it was becoming too much. But she had to complete the mission as it was given to her.

  When she got to the hospital, Grayson was waiting for them. He took the twins with him to see Henry. Arabella stayed outside the room. She sank into a chair, resting her face in her hands.

  What was happening to her? She played nanny for a few weeks and suddenly she was Mary Poppins? This wasn't happening. She wasn't going to give up her life and future for these people. It wasn't like there would be any permanent effects from the kidnapping. Grayson would be scared and more careful in the future, but the children would be fine.

  A high, childlike voice broke through her thoughts. "Can I help you, Miss?"

  Arabella's head snapped up. Kennedy stood in front of her wearing crisp blue scrubs, her brown hair wound into a bun at the back of her head. She wore a pair of glasses with small diamonds in them. Arabella jumped to her feet, her hands clenched. She opened her mouth to demand what the hell Kennedy was doing there but stopped herself just in time. She couldn't give them away.

  "Actually, I was just wondering where the bathrooms were," she said, fighting to keep her voice level.

  "I'll show you to them. They can be tricky to find." Kennedy walked away and Arabella followed.

  "You better have a good reason for this," Arabella warned her in a hiss.

  Kennedy checked the bathroom when they entered, then turned to Arabella. "Finally we can talk."

  "What are you doing here?" Arabella resisted the urge to strangle her. "You were given strict instructions—"

  "I've been keeping an eye on you and followed you here," Kennedy interrupted. "You have the targets with you. Now is the perfect time to put the plan in motion. We take the kids to the drop point and then we're home free. Or do you not want this mission to succeed, sister?"

  Arabella laughed, though her heart was pounding. "Of course I want this to succeed. Which is why we stick to the plan and you stop your cowboying around. I am in charge – you do what I say. We stick to the plan."

  Kennedy's eyes narrowed. "Stick to the plan. The plan that you refuse to share? You know what I think, Arabella? I think that you're getting awfully close to the targets. Too close, maybe. You're letting emotion cloud your vision."

  "I am in perfect control," Arabella spat back. "You're the one who lacks discipline. How well do you think you will be received if your impatience ruins yet another mission? Maybe the organization will want me to kill you once we're done so they don't have to deal with you anymore."

  "As if you could."

  "Please," Arabella smirked at her. "It would be like stepping on a squirming little mouse."

  Kennedy's eyes flashed. With a growl, she launched herself across the narrow space between them. Her fist swung at Arabella's face, but Arabella was too quick. She dodged the blow and followed it up with a strike to the ribs that left Kennedy gasping for breath.

  "Had enough?" Arabella mocked her.

  She kicked at Kennedy's knee, but her colleague used her momentum to swing around and wipe Arabella's feet out from under her. Arabella threw herself onto her back and kicked out, both feet colliding with Kennedy's face. The other woman cried out, rolling over twice and ending up underneath the sink.

  Arabella got to her feet and locked the bathroom door quickly. She rolled to the balls of her feet as Kennedy scrambled back up, rubbing her jaw. The familiar anger was in her eyes and Arabella could have grinned. All it took to beat Kennedy was to make her angry. Kennedy wasn't exactly the cleverest girl in the organization and when she was angry, her focus narrowed too much, making her an easy target.

  Although, considering their location, continuing the fight wasn't in either of their best interests.

  "We're in a hospital," Arabella said, her voice lowered. "How long do you think it'll be before someone needs to use the toilet? You are screwing up this mission, Kennedy. And when the organization finds out, where will that leave you?"

  Her colleague growled again but lowered her fists. Arabella nodded, satisfied, and unlocked the bathroom door. She strolled to the mirrors and fixed her hair.

  "Here." She handed Kennedy a small container of foundation from her purse. "To hide the bruise that's going to form."

  Kennedy took the foundation with a scowl. "We're not the same tones."

  "It'll look better than a big black bruise." Arabella, satisfied with her appearance, headed for the door. "Get out of here, Kennedy. I don't want to see you again. If I do, I'll tell the higher-ups that you're putting the mission in jeopardy."

  When she returned to Henry's room, Grayson was just stepping out. His skin looked gray, his eyes tired. Hudson was in his arms and when the little boy saw Arabella, he leaned forward, reaching for her.

  "There you are." Grayson smiled at her. "I was wondering where you had gone."

  Arabella took the toddler, trying to ignore the pang in her stomach as Hudson curled into her arms, one of his own wrapping around her neck. He clung to her like a little monkey and she was reminded once more about how she was going to put them in danger by taking them from their father.

  As long as everybody sticks to the plan, they won't get hurt.

  It wasn't comforting. Kennedy had already proven she wasn't going to stick to the plan. Why should Arabella expect it to go smoothly?

  "Why didn't you come inside with us?" Grayson asked.

  "I thought it should just be, you know, friends and family."

  Grayson put an arm around her and guided her into the room. "Nonsense. You're as much family as anybody now."

  He smiled down at her again. She needed to stop this, turn back from these affectionate gestures. Maybe Kennedy was right. Maybe she should just take the children away now instead of waiting.

  Henry sat on the hospital bed, Olivia on his lap. The steady beep of the heart monitor and the bounteous tubes sticking out of him didn't seem to bother the little girl at all. The hospital was a regular part of their lives. Arabella almost flinched. The people who paid her for being here had put the twins in this position in the first place. If Arabella was successful at her job, the mining companies would continue putting people in these situations.

  But if she wasn't successful? What would the personal consequences be? It wasn't like she could just go to her superiors and say that they should drop the job because it was morally wrong.

  "Livvy told me that she likes you reading to her," Henry said, bringing Arabella's attention back to the here and now. "They're very fond of you. I don't think I've ever seen Hudson cling to anybody but Grayson before."

  Arabella forced herself to laugh. "He's a little monkey. We're going to start working on getting him talking, aren't we? He needs to start letting us know what he wants, instead of relying on Olivia to translate everything."

  "Hud don't talk," Olivia said wisely. "Unca Henwy, you sing to me."

  Maybe she could kidnap Henry instead of the twins. It was clear that there was a deep bond between him and Grayson. They were more like brothers than best friends. Arabella shifted Hudson in her arms. If they took Henry, then the children wouldn't be in danger. Although that would be changing the plan and how could she justify it when she had already proven that she could take the children away from Grayson's house?

  Maybe she could be 'kidnapped' with the twins. Then she could keep them calm and when it was over and she received her freedom, she could stay on. She could see if there was something more that could develop between her and Grayson . . . and she could encourage him to pull back from politics so that the organization would never target him again.

  Her mind spun in circles, leaving her breathless. What was she thinking? She couldn't do that. I
t would end up getting them all killed.

  "I'm going to get coffee," she blurted out, passing Hudson to Grayson. "I'll be back."

  She left the room quickly, hands trembling. What was wrong with her? Why were all these emotions pressing in on her?

  I can't do this.

  Soft footsteps sounded behind her and she knew it was Grayson. Her stomach cramped, her heart flipped and the lump in her throat increased. She poured herself a coffee and added extra sugar and cream, surprised at the burn of tears in her eyes.

  I have to do this. What choice do I have?

  Chapter Six – Grayson

  Grayson knew that Arabella knew he was there, but she didn't turn around as he followed her to the free coffee served in the waiting room. She kept her back to him as she poured herself a cup, adding more sugar and cream than he had ever seen her consume before. Her hands shook and she seemed to hunch in on herself. It surprised him to see her so vulnerable and he couldn't help but think that it was his fault.

  He was the one who had initiated the sex and the kissing. It had almost been a full week, but it still felt fresh to him. Was it the same for her, though? Maybe she didn't feel the same way about him as he did about her.


  She turned around, stirring her coffee, though she still refused to look directly at him. Grayson put his hands over hers, making her stop stirring. She closed her eyes briefly and looked up at him. Her expression was more or less blank but there was still a glimmer of uncertainty in her eyes. He thought he saw a tear in the corner of her eye, but then she blinked and it was gone.

  Grayson lowered his voice to make sure that no one would overhear. "What's wrong? Is it because we made love?"

  She tried to pull away but he tightened his grip just enough so that she couldn’t. "It's not that."

  Relief poured over Grayson. But she didn't maintain eye contact for long, instead just looking back down at her coffee.

  "So what is it?"


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