Ruby's Choice (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 1)

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Ruby's Choice (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 1) Page 6

by D. F. Jones

  Ruby came to a four-way stop. She looked both ways before she took a left back onto Old Everglade Road. “I’m not a rocket scientist, but when two hot guys are fishing in the same lake, trying to reel in the same fish, they may need to switch bait ’cause this fish ain’t biting.”

  Brent cracked up at her comment. “You’re one smart cookie.”

  She replied wittingly, “My daddy didn’t raise no fool. So ’fess up, spill the beans.”

  Ruby remained silent while Brent relayed the rules of Tap It. When they arrived at the high school, Ruby parked beside the only car left in the parking lot, a silver Camaro. “So you mean to tell me y’all have been playing this game for the last three years, and no one has caught on? How many girls?”

  Brent looked at her sheepishly. “Yeah and, uh, well, not that many girls really, maybe four or five.”

  “Pretty shallow stuff. Well, thanks for telling me. I’ll check ya later,” Ruby said, dismissing him.

  Brent leaned over to her, cupped her face so gently with his hands and turned her to him. Something about him felt threatening to her, and she could barely breathe. Brent’s cheeks had darkened. “Ruby, I like you, a lot. I want to go out with you. I told you the truth. Go with me to dinner and a movie this weekend?”

  She held her breath, debating whether she should go out with him. “Brent, I’ll play your little game, but as a player not a pawn. I’ll go out with you, Saturday night. Be at my house at seven. This is going to be fun.” Ruby had just changed the rules of the game.

  Brent tensed, and then replied, “All right, I’ll pick you up at seven. May I kiss you, Ruby?”

  She shook her head. “No, Brent. It’s not going to be that easy. You’re going to have to work for it. This has definitely been an enlightening night. I have to work tomorrow, so I’ll see you this weekend. Do you know where I live?”

  He pressed his lips against the back of Ruby’s hand. “I do. I’ll see you Saturday night.”

  Ruby had been right. Reed and Brent had had the intention of playing her for their own amusement. She felt obligated to play the Tap It game, for all of the girls who had been clueless. Brent’s next move was coming Saturday night. She couldn’t wait to see how Reed would play the game. Ruby heard her mother’s voice in her head: “Be careful playing with fire, honey. You may get burned.”

  * * *

  The next evening Ruby locked the door to the general store, placed the key in her purse and turned to walk down the steps. Mr. Burns had left early to take his wife out to dinner in Murfreesboro. The parking lot was lit by a lone security light and the moon. The wooden structure of the store was sheltered by two massive pin oak trees that cast shadows across the lot. The grass around the store had been freshly mowed. The night air still felt hot and muggy. The lightning bugs had come out to greet the night.

  Ruby looked across the parking lot and saw Reed leaning against his car door with his arms crossed. Ruby’s stomach flipped upside down at seeing such an arousing display of his biceps. This must be Reed’s next move in the game. She should have been sharpening her mental skills, but her brain had just turned to mush. It was hard to think rationally when she was around Reed. On the flip side, Ruby had decided to enjoy the attention from Reed and Brent, with their little dating game, because she didn’t know how long it would last.

  “What are you doing here?” Ruby asked nonchalantly. Her legs shook and her insides throbbed.

  Reed uncrossed his arms and walked over to greet her. “I thought I’d just stop by and see what was going on tonight.”

  “Reed, do you like me? I mean, really like me?” Ruby blurted out. The surprised look on Reed’s face gave her the impression she had caught him off guard. First blood, baby.

  “Yes,” Reed replied with caution. “I’m very attracted to you.”

  Ruby frowned at him and swatted at a mosquito on her arm. “Reed, the jig is up. I know all about Tap It.” Ruby stopped walking and turned to him. She kept her eyes on him and couldn’t wait to hear his reply.

  He flinched when she mentioned the game. “Just what did Brent tell you about Tap It?”

  She tried to sound smug and raised one shoulder. “Brent told me everything.”

  His eyes flamed, making them the color of whiskey. He took another step closer to her and she could feel the warmth of his breath. “Did he tell you I didn’t want to play the game or did Brent conveniently leave that out?”

  Touché—she had not expected that Reed didn’t want to play the game. Maybe he really did like her. Or maybe this was a different angle to his move. Either way, she wasn’t letting her guard down for one minute. A car passed by the store, and when the driver honked the horn, she waved.

  With a look of unconcern, Ruby adjusted the strap of her purse, which had slipped off her shoulder. “Don’t sweat it, Reed. If you and Brent want to play, I’m game. Tap It sounds fun. Besides, you’re gorgeous. And it’s not like I’m looking for a boyfriend, anyway.”

  Reed’s eyes still flamed, but he replied, coolly, “Good to know.”

  Ruby noticed his shoulders tense. He made another step closer, leaning down to her face. She could feel the heat coming off him and, god, he smelled male. Reed was going to kiss her. She closed her eyes, parted her lips, and waited.

  Ruby opened her eyes and instead of kissing her, he took a step back. With a lifted brow, he said, “I didn’t ask you out.”

  Ruby’s eyes flashed wide open and her cheeks fired blood red. She had been played. Her eyelids dropped for a second and then narrowed her eyes at him. She stepped in closer, so close she could see the pulse race in his throat. She squared her shoulders, bracing herself after the barb of his words. Her fingers tingled as she balled her hands into fists. “Fine, then you won’t be wasting my time or yours.” She turned abruptly and walked to her car.

  Reed swooped in, dropping his arm around her waist and pulling her next to the length of him. Ruby’s back pressed against the rock wall of his chest as he buried his face in her hair. His scent made her female muscles quiver deep inside her low belly. A hint of his aftershave mixed with his sun-warmed skin and a trace of sweat had sent her pheromone detectors into maximum overdrive. He drew in a sharp intake of breath and a deep throaty moan escaped his lips.

  He murmured, “Don’t.”

  Reed kissed her neck in the place right below her earlobe and chills ran up her spine. Ruby relaxed as her head fell back and tilted against him. She wasn’t the only one aroused, she thought, feeling the press of his buckle next to her bum—and so much for keeping her guard up. Ruby told herself she should be running for the hills. Her mind screamed this was just a part of the game. But her body had turned traitor, her legs grew weak, and her breaths became short and shallow.

  * * *

  Reed traced his fingers along her side, barely grazing her breast. Her pert nubs stood to attention. Blood was pounding in his veins as Reed turned her around to face him. He had intended to teach her a lesson about the damn game, but now he was the one being schooled. He found himself lost in her eyes.

  “I thought you didn’t want to ask me out.” Ruby placed her hands at his waist and looked into his eyes, waiting for an answer.

  “I don’t want to ask you out,” he teased, pressing her against him.

  “Okay, so what do you want?” She lifted a brow as her fingers ran up the muscled ridges of his back. Reed felt the hammering of her chest next to his. The heat between them was increasing and knots jerked tightly in his groin.

  Reed leaned forward, pressed his lips on her forehead and said, “This.”

  She tensed when he kissed her, and then he kissed her again, this time on the tip of her nose. “This.” The desire coiled tightly in his low belly every time his lips touched her.

  He whispered, “This,” as he kissed her lips, lightly, gently. He shifted slightly, kissing the corner of her mouth, and her lips parted again. Reed had won the first battle when she gave in to his light, feathery kisses.

��Do you like that, princess? Do you want to kiss me?” His mouth was just barely touching her lips.

  Ruby’s amber-gold eyes glowed wild with desire. She answered raggedly, “Please, Reed.”

  Reed dropped his head forward. His mouth slanted over hers and devoured her with his kiss. Ruby smelled of lust and sexual hunger. She also smelled of rebellion, yet she seemed so full of angst.

  * * *

  Ruby broke from his kiss and ran her fingers gingerly along his chiseled jawline. She ran her fingers down the column of his neck and stopped against the rippling muscles of his chest. She tilted her head and began kissing and sucking his neck, trailing her tongue along his salty, spicy skin. His thigh tensed against hers.

  Two can play this game, she thought. She deeply breathed in the smell of him as she grabbed his butt, pressing him next to her. Ruby’s lips ran softly back and forth against his neck, and then she ran her tongue up to his earlobe. The man had insane charisma, drawing her to him like a moth to a flame, and she murmured, “Do you want to kiss me?”

  Reed tilted her chin up and said, “Hell, yes, I want to kiss you.” His delectable mouth was half open, breathing fast, and his dark eyes flared dangerously.

  Ruby stared up at him with half-lidded eyes, so full of desire. She was breathing as fast as he was. Reed covered her mouth with his, exploring her lips, moving his tongue in and out of her mouth like a finely tuned musical instrument and she was the notes to his song.

  He kissed her slowly and deeply at first, and as the kiss grew longer, she felt his pulse speed up. She felt the quickening in his chest as she quivered underneath his touch. Ruby was spinning out of control. Her senses sizzled and crackled like sparks on the Fourth of July.

  Reed grabbed her hair, twisting it in his fingers. “You’re so sweet, honey. Sweeter than anything I’ve ever tasted before.”

  His words had nearly made her convulse on the spot. She shifted her legs as heat rushed between them. She felt nothing but pure pleasure roll off her in waves.

  She released a throaty sigh and wet her lips. “You are driving me crazy.”

  Reed trailed kisses over her ear and replied in a rich, Southern drawl, “God, woman, you’re the one driving me nuts.”

  Ruby leaned back against the car, trying to catch her breath. “Wow, Reed, you’re a really great kisser.”

  He chuckled, brushing her hair back, off her shoulder. “Not too shabby, yourself. You wanna grab a pizza and movie Saturday night?”

  “Can’t, Saturday night.” Maybe she needed to call Brent and cancel her plans with him, but she quickly thought this could be a part of the game.

  He grimaced and his eyes became stormy. “Why not, do you have to work?”

  “No.” This conversation was definitely going to ruin her very delightful mood.

  He stared at her, his expression darkening. “You’re going out with friends?”

  “Sort of,” she answered, reluctantly. Ruby shifted her feet; she felt guilty all of a sudden.

  His face clouded with disappointment and his voice became rough. “Well, let’s not play cat and mouse, honey. Spill it.”

  Ruby pushed her hands in her blue jean pockets and looked up at him. “I have a date.”

  “With?” His eyes were boring a hole through her.

  She furrowed her brow. He wasn’t making this easy on her. “Are you going to make me say it?”

  He clenched his fists. “Hell, yes, with whom?”

  “Brent.” This was their game, not hers, dad blame it.

  Reed shook his head and turned, walked three steps away from her, then stormed back to stand in front of her. His breaths were hard and uneven. “You’re still determined to play this damn game, aren’t you?”

  “Aren’t you?” She had fire in her eyes. Reed and Brent had picked her out in the store. They had decided to make her a part of the game. This hadn’t started with her—but she was going to finish it.

  His fingers trembled, and his lips thinned into a sneer. “No, I’m not, but if you’re so fired up about it, go on with your date with Brent. See if I give a shit.”

  He turned away, and she reached out to stop him by placing her hand on his forearm. “We could get pizza Friday night?”

  His muscles flexed and he removed her hand. “I don’t think so, Ruby. Call me when you’re through with Brent.” Reed walked over to his car and opened the door.

  “Wait! Is this another part of Tap It? Kiss me senseless and turn me away. Very clever.”

  Reed placed his hand on top of his car. “This isn’t a game to me, damn it.”

  Ruby stood with her hands on her hips. “Yeah, that’s what you said. Why should I believe you?”

  He combed his fingers through the silky strands of his hair. “You don’t have to believe me. That’s your choice. Bye, Ruby.”

  Their eyes connected and held for a long second, and then he was gone. Reed either really cared for her or this was a very calculated move in Tap It. He had been playing the game for three years. If she had told him she wouldn’t date Brent, then the game would have been over, before it even began. She would lose. If he was telling her the truth, then she already had.

  Chapter 4

  Stuck In The Middle With You

  Ruby looked for Brent to arrive any minute. Tonight made her nervous. All week at work her mind drifted to the encounter with Brent at Everglade high school and with Reed in the store parking lot. They both made her hot and restless. She had felt such desire in Reed’s kiss, and he made her feel like a woman. The memory of his kiss burned inside her. Tonight, she needed to shake her thoughts of Reed, because she was going out with Brent.

  Ruby wore a new pair of Turtle Bax blue jeans and a lilac halter top. She curled her hair for a change—nothing too dramatic, just enough to give it a little bounce. Ruby hated wearing makeup but placed a little amber shadow on her lids to compliment her perfectly arched eyebrows and swiped dark brown mascara across her lashes, which set off her doe eyes. She looked in the mirror and decided this was the best she could do with the goods God gave her. She applied a little pink lip gloss, dabbed a drop of Halston behind both ears, and slid on her flip-flops. She walked outside to sit on the porch with her granddaddy, to wait for Brent.

  For as long as Ruby had been alive, on Saturday nights her granddaddy, when the weather permitted, sat outside on the front porch and listened to the WSM radio broadcast of the Grand Ole Opry. She sat down beside him on the porch swing, and the family dog, Max, came running up the steps to meet her. Max was a Doberman. He had always been the most loving dog, even though he looked like a killer.

  Her granddaddy looked over at her. “You have such a pretty face, Ruby Jane, so why are you always trying to cover it up?” He liked her to wear her hair tucked behind her ears; she didn’t.

  She gave him a big hug. “Granddaddy, I love you. You always make me feel pretty. I just wish I could believe it myself.”

  The summer breeze on the porch felt warm, but thankfully the humidity was low. Summer in Tennessee could be exhaustingly hot and humid, but this evening felt very nice.

  A few minutes later, Brent pulled his Camaro into the driveway and drove up the hill. Ruby’s nerves were making her body shake like a leaf on a tree. She kissed her granddaddy and stood up.

  He stretched out his cane to rub Max behind his ears. “Is this a new beau coming up the drive?”

  Ruby gave him a meaningful glance. “Yes, sir. I’ll just walk out and meet him. We’ll be back soon.”

  She and Max walked along the sidewalk and down the steps toward the back of the house where Brent had parked his car.

  Brent stepped out of his car and looked straight at Max, and then he froze. “I see you brought your guard dog.” Max trotted around Brent, smelling him, and then peed on his car tires.

  Ruby choked back a laugh. She knelt down to her dog and scratched his ears, while he tried to lick her face. She backed away from Max, so she wouldn’t have to reapply her make-up. “Max? He’s a
sweetheart. Come here and let him smell your hand.”

  Brent looked afraid, backing up to his car and placing his hand on the door handle. “Are you crazy? What if he decides to take a bite out of it?”

  Ruby said with a perfectly straight face, “I promise he won’t. Trust me?”

  He hesitated. “I guess I’ll have to.” Brent slowly approached the dog and allowed Max to sniff his hand. Max promptly licked him and then began wagging his little stub of a tail.

  Ruby smirked. “See, a big ole pussy cat.”

  Brent relaxed and let out a raspy sigh. “Hello, sweet girl, you look very beautiful tonight.” He pulled her up into his arms.

  Max let out a low growl, and Brent quickly let her go, throwing his hands in the air. “Good doggy.”

  Ruby cackled and bumped her shoulder against his. “Well, you know dogs are really good at sensing danger.”

  “Ha, ha, ha, Ruby,” he said, and then carefully put her hand in his and glanced down at Max, who was back to wagging his tail.

  With a sideways glance, she added, “Oh, and by the way, you look beautiful, too.”

  Brent shook his head, and his mouth twitched in amusement. “Ruby, you crack me up. Do you always say what’s on your mind?”

  Ruby shrugged. Brent was incredibly good-looking any night of the week. She didn’t have to lie about it. “Mostly… Did you have any trouble finding us?” It would be hard to get lost in Everglade.

  “Not really. I’ve been at the school so I sort of had an idea where I needed to turn. I almost missed it when I remembered to take a right beside the gas station onto Concord Road.” Brent took a deep breath. “God, Ruby Jane, you smell good.”

  She caught him glancing down her halter top. Having him near her made it difficult to think. The wind rustled the leaves in the trees, and Max shot off in the yard after catching scent of a rabbit running along the back of their house. “Come on, I want you to meet someone.”

  Brent wrinkled his nose and cocked his head to the side. With a look of distaste he asked, “Who, your father?”

  Mischief danced in her eyes. “Not yet, he is at a Ruritan meeting tonight. Dad’s group does a lot of work for the community. He won’t be home until late. I want you to meet my grandfather. He is eighty-six years old, and he is the love of my life.”


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