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Zipper Page 10

by KJ Dahlen

  She felt her eyes fill with tears. He felt anger at her uncle over her? This man just kept surprising her. “It’s a long story and it took me years to figure out.”

  Zipper seemed to realize he had a hold of her arms and he went to move away.

  Dropping the t shirt, Zeta grabbed him and pulled herself to him. Their chests met and the jolt of electricity it caused vibrated along every nerve in her body. The sensations felt odd as they slammed into her— hot and cold, light and heavy.

  Zipper stared into her eyes. Then he lowered his lips to hers.

  When his mouth pressed against hers, Zeta gasped at the feeling. It was nothing like she’d imagined when she’d thought about a man kissing her for the first time. No, it was so much better. She grabbed his head and pushed her tongue in just like she’d read about in so many books. She smashed her mouth hard against his.

  He seemed to freeze then he grasped her head with both hands and kissed her back.

  For a long moment, they kissed like they were both starved for each other. It was wild and uninhibited as their tongues battled and they feasted on each other’s mouths.

  God, this was a kiss? She wondered as her body started to burn and between her legs, a throb began. Yes, she knew about this. She had seen plenty on the net, but she never knew it could feel like this.

  Suddenly, he broke the kiss and stumbled back.

  Blinking her eyes, she tried to control her rapid breathing and couldn’t. Her heart was pounding so fast and hard that she put her hand over her chest to feel it. She stared at him. Why had he stopped? It was addicting, it was wild and out of this world. She’d wanted to just keep kissing him.

  “I don’t want...” he started.

  Her eyes rounded. He didn’t want her like that? Like she wanted him?

  He began again, “ take advantage of you...” he finished.

  “Take advantage?”

  “Yeah, I mean...” he faltered.

  She tilted her head at him then realized he meant that she was innocent and had never... “I know. I have never dated, never had a boyfriend. Never...” Her eyes filled with tears. “... Kissed a man.” Her eyes met his. “But I have waited for so long.”

  “Yes,” he said as he stepped further back. “You have probably. But it wouldn’t be fair for you to just fall in bed with me, when you haven’t dated. When you never experienced any other man. I feel like I would be taking something that wasn’t mine to take...”

  Her chest tightened so hard. God, this man was wonderful. He was right, most men would leap at this. She’d been all over him. Yet, he was watching out for her. No one...No one had ever done that. Ever. “I still want it though. I want all of it. To know what it would be like and I want it to be you.”

  He shook his head. “You’re just grateful to me and so you would—”

  She leapt over and crossed the space he’d made between them. “Don’t do that. Don’t judge what I do, what I want. I know in my heart that it is meant to be you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and sighed. “Let’s sleep on it. I really want you to... know for sure and we are both tired.”

  Nodding, she had to agree. But his arms felt so good, his body too. She wanted to explore it like a mountain range, maybe with her tongue? But she couldn’t exactly rape him now could she? A giggle slipped out. Man, did she want to though.

  Zipper set her back away from his lickable chest. “I am not even gonna ask what that was about.”

  They both laughed as Zeta went into the bathroom and changed into the overly large t-shirt.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cassie stride down the hall, she was done with the twin’s breakfast and her morning chat over coffee with Reva. Her redemption house ran itself now. With managers and a full staff. The building of the other two had been completed earlier this year and now, they both ran the same way. She could go to work in any one of them, but for the entire week, she’d remained in the compound. This feeling she had about Deke just wouldn’t allow her to focus on anything else. She wouldn’t—couldn’t lose him. Not after all they’d been through. She felt she needed to do something, anything, but of course, as was his way, he kept her out of it.

  Well dammit, he couldn’t do that as she had repeated over and over she was in it. He was her life, him and the kids and she damn well wouldn’t stand aside this time. It wasn’t her in danger or the was him.

  She paused in the hall heading toward Deke’s office to have it out with him... yet again, when she heard voices in the next hall.

  She hadn’t seen Zipper at all since they had flown in last night, so she hadn’t been able to corner the poor man. Yes, she knew it was sort of mean to keep at him. But he knew it all. And she needed to know what he did.. And Deke had only told her that they had caught the man after him and that everything was good now. Why didn’t she believe him?

  She didn’t, despite what he’d said. Something more was happening. Her gut never failed her. She turned and headed to the main hall that led to church. If she knew anything, she knew that would be where they were headed.

  Gasping, she ducked behind a column as the group of men all passed. She saw Pappy Masterson and his VP, Bones and Deke along with Wiley and Gator. They all looked serious too.

  So what was up with this? If the danger was gone, why did they look ready for war?

  She stared after them. She didn’t know really, why she had just hid herself. It was stupid. But something was happening here and she knew Deke wouldn’t tell her most of it.

  So, she slipped down the other hallway, hoping that she would not see Zipper. She paused at the OP’s room door then tapped the code in. The door clicked and she slipped in. The lights were off and so she knew Zipper hadn’t been here yet. She went over to the screens in the dim light and sat down in his chair.

  Yes, she was gonna spy on them. You’re damn right she was. She’d felt her insides churning every day, ever since that bike wreck. She also felt tired of being kept in the dark. Cassie tapped the keys and the screens all lit up.

  Deke sat down and Wiley went over to the laptops. He figured Zipper could use the rest and the time with his Manhattan girl. He smirked. Damn, he guessed it was finally time that the kid got his own woman. Oh, no Deke could see it was still early in that but he saw the look in her eyes and his. It would happen.

  “Okay,” Wiley called as the several screens came on. “Zip had them all set anyway.” He sat down.

  Nikoli appeared on a split screen with Yuri.

  “Privet,” Nikoli greeted.

  “Hey.” Deke nodded.

  “So we hear that Pappy has a plan?” Yuri asked.

  “Yeah, I do and we need to set it into motion ASAP,” Pappy told them all.

  “So what is it?” Deke asked him.

  “Well, no one has been able to locate the man that is after Deke.”

  Deke stared at the screen. “Did Boris talk yet?”

  “No, and we tried,” Nikoli replied. “He has a death wish now. We could threaten, beat and torture him and in fact, we have. He won’t give up the name. He says it will be the last of his revenge and all he can get so he will die with it.”

  Sam grumbled, “Fucking coward!”

  “I agree,” Yuri growled. “I have spoken to him. I found out the real reason he wanted me dead.”

  “Oh?” Pappy asked looking very curious. In fact, all the men at the table looked curious.

  “Da, seems when I put him in prison, his brother married his sweetheart. Then he took her to America and hid”

  Then men all looked at each other.

  “Well, damn,” Gator said. “So that is also why he took Zeta.”

  “Da and he killed her parents as well,” Yuri told them. “He talked a lot about that, bragging like the gluttonous pig he is. He kept Zeta locked away as his. He said it was his due as he’d lost her mother.”

  “What bitter motherfucker,” Sam said.

  “For sure,” Nikoli said and now, this gor
’kiy ublyudok as you say will die with the knowledge we need.”

  “So Deke won’t be safe nor Yuri until we find this partner.” Sam looked angry.

  “That’s where my plan comes in,” Pappy announced.

  The men all waited.

  “You both need to meet again. In person, only it will be for the first time for all intents and purposes.”

  “What?” Deke stared at him. “Why?”

  “I know why,” Sam spoke up. “God dammit, Stone. You never fail to amaze me with that twisted mind of yours.”

  Dewey nodded as he grinned. “Well, it gets more twisted than that.”

  “How?” all the other men in the room and on the screens asked at the same time.

  Pappy leaned forward with his hands clasped on the table. “Well see, it will happen just like this...”

  Cassie listened to it all as her eyes rounded. Damnit, she knew it! Deke hadn’t lied to her but almost, as he hadn’t know yet that the partner or whoever he was couldn’t be found. Not that he would tell her even now. She listened for the next ten minutes as Pappy laid out the plan. Then they all agreed on a time and a date for the men to meet and a place.

  She tapped the keys, tuning off the screens and rushed out the door. She didn’t want anyone, especially Deke to catch her in this part of the compound. Hurrying, she made it to their room.

  Then once there, she paced. Biting her lip, she felt anxious. This could all go wrong. Very wrong. But what could she do?

  She heard a buzzing and stopped her pacing to look around. It wasn’t her ring tone. It was Deke’s. She spotted his phone on the table. Grabbing it up, she read the name. N. Hmm. Who is N? Was it this Nikoli? She answered it.

  A woman’s voice asked, “Is this Deke Tory?”

  Cassie’s head pulled back in surprise at hearing the sweet sounding voice. “No, this his wife,” she nearly growled into the phone.

  “Oh,” the voice sounded disappointed.

  “Who are you anyway?” Cassie barked.

  “Well, he doesn’t know me if that is what you mean.”

  Cassie let out a breath as she relaxed a bit.

  “But maybe I do want to talk to you,” the woman said.

  Cassie walked over and sat down on the chair, “And why is that?”

  “Because we might have a lot in common.”

  Cassie was totally confused. “What?”

  “Look. I don’t know what else to do. I’m desperate and they won’t tell me anything!” The woman sounded upset.

  “I know that feeling.” Cassie sat forward. “So, who are you, again?”

  “My name is Raven.”

  The name wasn’t familiar to Cassie. “And...?”

  “Well, I’m Yuri Anatoly’s wife.”

  Cassie gasped. “What? You are?”

  “Yes, I just told you I am.”

  “So you are sick of being kept in the dark while your man is being hunted, right?” Cassie queried.

  “Yes! That is exactly it. They just had a meeting here at the hotel and I was locked out. I mean they always do that shit. This is my husband and I don’t plan on losing— him.” Her voice cracked a bit. “Then he says I’m his woman and I need to be—”

  “—kept out of it,” Cassie cut her off.

  “Exactly! Well, I am in it too. If h-he dies...”

  “Don’t even say it!” Cassie stood up. “Don’t use that word.”

  “It’s just that I don’t like feeling helpless,” Raven ranted on. “I never did. I made it on the streets and took care of my brother before I met Yuri. I refuse to sit here and chew my nails down to quicks.”

  Cassie paused as she had been chewing on her nail at just that second. She dropped her hand away from her mouth. She felt angry as well. “I grew up on the streets too,” she whispered. “I protected a sister. “


  Then Rave asked, “So you know how I feel?”

  “Know? I damn well live it and have been ever since my man’s bike wrecked.”

  “So what can we do?” Raven asked.

  “Well see...I just got here to our room, but guess where I was a few minutes ago?”


  Cassie smirked. “Well see it will happen just like this...”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Zeta awoke. She felt so warm, so comfortable. She laid still. I feel light. Why? She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. It wasn’t the white plaster with the cracks she had counted a hundred times. No it was a powder blue with no cracks. That was it! She didn’t feel fear, dread, anxiety at what today would bring when Boris— she turned her head and saw him sleeping.

  Zipper... that’s right.

  She was in bed sleeping with him.

  She turned to face him ever so slowly so she wouldn’t wake him. She gazed at his face. Damn, he was handsome. He was, though he didn’t seem to know it.

  She stared at his lips remembering the feel and taste of them last night. She wanted it again. She wanted him. Oh, she heard what he said, but it wasn’t true. She had been waiting for freedom, yes, but she had also waited for him. She intended to have him. There was a little fear of the unknown, but hell she had watched the act before. Of course, she had. No one there to tell her what, how or why. Only her cyber life. So that was where she’d learned all that she could and now, she couldn’t wait to try it all out.

  Zipper had no idea what was coming and maybe that was the way to handle this since he seemed so dammed reluctant.

  I wonder what he tastes like? She had never had her mouth on skin, anyone’s. She then proceeded to explore him with her mouth, just like she’d wanted. Scooting over in the bed, she kissed his forehead then his nose then his chin, then her mouth lowered to his neck. Her lips began a chain reaction she couldn’t stop. Liquid fire burned through her all the way to her core as she got more and more of him.

  He groaned and his body moved now. She hoped he would just go with this. As she intended to go all the way. She almost died many times and would have if he hadn’t come along probably. So now she was gonna take the first step to really living herself.

  Need grew within her and she couldn’t stop what she was feeling. Her mind went blank when he reached over and his lips moved to her neck and down to her collarbone. He found the pulse at the base of her neck and he suckled her skin leaving behind a faint throbbing.

  Zeta moaned as his hands ran up the outside of her thighs under the hem of the shirt she wore. Her body quivered as his fingertips touched her skin. Getting ever closer to her core, as if he could feel the heat she had waiting for him.

  Now it was her turn to groan as he stroked the inside of her thighs. Then his fingers moved to her clit.

  Zeta whimpered and realized with shock that she was soaking wet. She had been a little wet when she’d watched a video once but not like this.

  Then he was where they both wanted him to be. His fingers slipped under her lace panties and stroked her slit. He groaned again, when her juices coated his fingers.

  Her hands tore at the shirt she wore to get it off and then at her panties and soon, she was naked. She then tore at his boxer shorts and tugged off his t-shirt as they rolled together in a wild frantic need to be as close as they could. The next thing she knew his hard body was covering hers. His hard cock pressed to her wet entrance.

  “I need you right now.” He growled. His mouth covered hers as he surged deep inside her. When he met some slight resistance, he stopped. His eyes widened in surprise as if he’d just woken up and realized what had just occurred but he didn’t have time to think about it as Zeta moved her hips upward and he couldn’t stop his response. He was now fully seated inside her.

  Zeta winced with the pain but it was so temporary and she had ben desensitized to pain over the years. She knew already by the way this felt that it was gonna be more than worth it.

  He stared down at her. “How...?” he stammered.

  “I wanted this. Please don’t stop?” she pleaded.

/>   “But you’re so tight. D-did I hurt you?”

  “No. Please move in me. Please?”

  He looked into her eyes and then eased back, to gently plunge into her again.

  “More!” she demanded as she hooked her legs around his waist to trap him. She was afraid he would back out of this whole thing maybe. No backing out. Move forward. Live.

  He paused at her order and looked into her eyes as if he needed assurance then finally, his strokes sped up. “You fit me like a glove,” he whispered and crashed his mouth down onto hers.

  After that initial burst of pain, something else took over and she felt waves of pleasure consume her. The fluttering deep inside her grew with each stroke until she could no longer feel anything but the pleasure.

  “Ahhh!” she let out. She could feel every ridge of him, every sweet powerful inch and she knew all it’d done was notch her up to the next level of lustful insanity.

  Then the overpowering feeling grew and grew until finally, it burst and shattered inside her. Her body raised up and she rode the wave of pure mindless pleasure. Her core pulsed around him, tightening. Zeta was wild with mindless ecstasy but not out of it completely as she stuck out her tongue and swiped at his sweaty skin. Deciding she liked the taste of him, she ran her tongue down his chest to his flat nipple.

  Zipper groaned. He sighed, as she kept tasting him. Then his lips found her neck and he followed the vein down to the base where her neck met her shoulder. Bending lower, he reached for her breasts and pulled one nipple into his mouth. Sucking her nipple in, he pressed it to the roof of his mouth while his fingers found the other one and he tweaked it between his fingertips.

  He had eased his pelvis back and his length slid out of her.

  Zeta had barely caught her breath from the trip she just took to heaven. Yes, she’d dreamed about this but never knew it would be sooo... She felt a fresh wave of juices flood from her still throbbing slit. How could this be? The feeling in her breasts kept sending shocks to the rest of her.


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