Taken By Ezra (The Lanphear Men Book 1)

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Taken By Ezra (The Lanphear Men Book 1) Page 11

by Caroline Peterka

  “I don’t know. Maybe she is still mad at you for getting her kicked out of the club,” Claudia says before taking a sip of her beer.

  “It wasn’t my fault. She lunged at me.” I turn away from her glare, meeting the icy blues eyes of Ezra as he steps up to us. When he puts his arms around my waist, dipping his knees slightly to kiss me, I melt into his body.

  “Hey, baby,” he says, pulling me even closer to him. “Micca and Diana just got here. I want to introduce you to her.”

  “Okay,” I tell him. God, I love being surrounded by him like this. All thoughts of that blonde girl have fled my mind as Ezra leads me over to where Micca and Diana are talking with their parents. I haven’t had much interaction with Micca in the last few weeks, but he has been nice to me too.

  “Hey, man, it’s about time you show up,” Ezra says, slapping his brother on the shoulder, grinning from ear to ear.

  Micca doesn’t look as tense as he did the first few times I’ve met him, his shoulders relaxed under his light-green button-down shirt, and his signature Lanphear smile planted on his lips. He hugs his brother and laughs when Ezra reminds him that he, Ezra, is usually the late one. Micca is about to speak when a firm, feminine voice answers for him, and we turn to Diana.

  “We were caught in horrible traffic on the freeway. I swear your brother hit every red light once we finally made it into town.” Diana has raven hair that is pulled back tightly into a perfect bun. Her bright-red lips are plump and pouty. She has tan skin that looks flawless underneath the red sheath dress she is wearing. She looks like she just got off a model runway. She is just a half inch shorter than her husband, but stands with confidence and power.

  Holy shit, she is a knockout!

  Micca tenses for a moment, but tension is gone just as fast as it appeared. He puts his arm around her tiny waist and schools his features. “I didn’t try to, darling.”

  Diana’s face is a scowl, and I dislike her at first impression. She looks at him with contempt. Her green eyes fill with anger when she steps away from her husband as though his touch burned her. She turns to Marta when asked a question, and the scowl is replaced with a look of tolerance. It takes a moment to realize they are both looking at me.

  “You’re dating?” Diana says with a slight accent.

  Ezra is rigid next to me, but his smile is still there. “Yes. This is my girlfriend, Lanee Connors. Lanee, this is my sister-in-law, Diana Lanphear.”

  “For Christ’s sake, Ezra, she knows I’m a Lanphear. I’m married to your brother,” Diana snaps, and I see the agitation in all those who are standing around her.

  What a witch, I think to myself. I decide I need to get away, and I’m just about to leave when Diana blurts out more awful things.

  “At least she looks better than that tart Roxy you’re always fucking at these family functions.”

  My blood freezes in my veins, and I see Marta looking uncomfortable at her daughter-in-law’s outburst.

  “Diana,” Micca practically growls at his wife, and if I wasn’t in shock I would have slapped the girl. Diana has the audacity to look like she is the victim and purses her lips when he grabs her arm to lead her away, but not before she smiles slyly at me.

  What the hell?

  I hear voices around me, and it isn’t until Ezra’s face is close that I realize he is talking to me, concern etched into his handsome face. I blink twice, trying to focus on his voice. I can’t believe that woman just said that, and in front of his parents.

  “I’m so sorry she said that, Lanee,” Ezra says, cupping my face.

  “Is she always that crass?” I ask, glancing at his poor parents who look ashamed for the first time I’ve ever met them.

  “I don’t know what is wrong with that girl,” Marta finally snaps, her blue eyes narrowing in the direction Micca and Diana walked.


  I look back to Ezra and try to let it go. I know he was with other girls before me, but I still can’t believe this. It isn’t the first time the name Roxy has come up in a conversation near his family, and I really want to know who the hell she is. I’ve never been jealous in my life. Hell, I’ve never had a real boyfriend in my life, but I feel the jealousy course through me when I ask him who she is. “Who is Roxy?”

  Ezra shifts uncomfortably, and I see his parents step away from us to give us privacy. He caresses my cheeks, trying to soothe me. “A girl I went out with a few times.” He sounds strained when he says “girl.”

  I breathe deeply in and out, preparing the words in my head. I’m in love with him, and it doesn’t matter. Roxy was in the past. “O-okay,” I finally stammer, and my heart feels like a sledgehammer in my chest when he touches his forehead to mine. I still can’t get over how his touch affects me, even when I’m brewing with jealousy at the mention of an ex-girlfriend.

  “Diana was just being a bitch. I’m sure she drank too much wine on the way over. She does that sometimes.” Ezra’s eyes burn into mine, pleading with me and searching for any sign that I might flip out.

  Well, I won’t be flipping out. Ezra is mine and I’m his. This Roxy is an ex, and that is what she will stay. His sister-in-law is a snob, and I promise myself I won’t be interacting with her anytime soon. I’m in love with him, and I refuse to let a catty little bitch try to knock me down like that.

  “Lanee?” Ezra’s voice is laced with pain as he exhales out, his warm breath fanning my face.

  “I’m okay, Ezra. It caught me off guard, that’s all. I promise.” I place my lips on his gently, and he turns the sweet kiss into something deeper and more passionate. I feel the heat rise in my body when he pulls me up in his arms so our lips are still pressed together.

  Holy hotness, I love how he kisses! He pulls back and smiles down at me. The happiness has returned, and I dare anyone to make me feel bad now. He just kissed me like there’s no tomorrow in front of everyone in the party. He has to feel how much I love him when I look up at him.

  “Oh God, no more kissing,” Levi groans from somewhere and there is laughter.

  “Are you happy, baby?” he asks me.

  “Yes!” I truly am happy. I love this man to the moon and back.

  Ezra nods and leads us back to the party where Claudia and his brothers are waiting for us. Just like that, the tension is gone, and I’m floating high in the sky again.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Friends and Fireworks

  The Lanphear’s really know how to throw a big party. There is music playing, food cooking, and plenty of drinks to go around. There was a little disturbance with Diana earlier on, but Micca has that situation taken care of now. Most of the people here are longtime friends of Marta and Caleb, including some of the friends Caleb had when he was a marine in his youth. It is funny to watch them reminisce and talk about training like it was just yesterday. Everyone here is having a great time, and I haven’t seen that leggy blonde since Diana showed up, which is okay with me because I don’t want any more problems.

  I may be getting better with crowds, but I don’t like to be the center of attention. I stand with Ezra wherever he goes because he won’t let go of my hand. It was even embarrassing when he tried dragging me with him to the bathroom, but I put my foot down. I got drinks with Claudia instead and listened to her “ooh” and “ahh” over Azriel playing basketball with Issiah.

  “Why don’t you ask Azriel out?” I ask her while she secretly drools over the man.

  Claudia shakes her head. “He’s out of my league. Look at him, Lanee,” she says dismally.

  “I am looking at him.” And then I stare at my normally confident friend and frown. I’ve never seen her this way. She is usually the more outgoing one of the two of us. I used to live vicariously through her, and this isn’t her usual behavior. There is no man out of her league.

  Claudia laughs and takes a big drink of her beer, turning away from Azriel, who is flexing his muscles at his brother after scoring another point. Her eyes are sad for a moment, but then
she grabs my arm for dear life. Her mouth drops, and she looks at me with surprise.

  “What? What is it?” I ask her, turning my head to glimpse where she is looking. I see Shane walking up to us slowly, a wide smile on his face. I haven’t seen Shane since we were in college four years ago, but I would recognize him anywhere.

  Shane Markel isn’t the same guy we used to tease in anatomy class. He is broader and muscular now, his sandy hair is clipped short to his head, and he isn’t wearing his huge black-rimmed glasses that hid his chocolate-brown eyes. He looks good. He is sporting a white button-down shirt over khakis, but I can’t help but smirk when my eyes take in the black chucks on his feet.

  “Lanee? Claudia?” He pulls the two of us into a big hug.

  Okay, the thing about Shane is he was one of us back in college. He is the only other guy I ever felt comfortable with, but not because I was attracted to him or vice versa. He bats for the other team. He was just coming out when we were graduating from college and moving to New York. At least he was the last time we talked to him four years ago on graduation day.

  Claudia pulls away and giggles. “What the hell happened to you? Are these muscles?”

  “Yes they are, baby,” Shane says, grinning. He puts up his arm and flexes for her, causing his bicep to bulge. “Touch it, babe. Hard as steel.”

  Claudia acts like she is about to faint, fanning herself, but she is joking with him. “Oh, my God.”

  I laugh. “What the hell is up with this get-up?” I ask, eyeing his shirt and new haircut.

  “Do you like it, doll?”

  I shrug, and he puts a hand to his heart like I’ve wounded him.

  “I’m hurt. I did this for you,” he says, batting his long dark lashes at me.

  “You idiot. No you didn’t.” I snicker.

  “You’re right, but I did meet a lot of people who had helped me with my new image. God, you two were awful friends letting me grow my hair out like that,” he says firmly, but his smile gives him away.

  “What are you doing here?” Claudia asks him.

  “Mom is friends with Marta, and I come every chance I can,” he says with a shrug. He puts his arms around us again, pulling the two of us close to his sides. “Besides, have you seen the hot Lanphear boys? I couldn’t miss it this year.”

  Claudia laughs. “Speaking of hot boys, you might want to get your hand off Lanee before her boyfriend gets here.”

  I give her a funny look, and that is when I see Ezra stomping over to us angrily. I mentally cringe. I’m sure he is thinking this is more than it is, and I’m going to have to explain it all to him, but Shane saves the day.

  “Hello, Ezra, I’m Shane Markel, gay,” he says, sticking his hand out for Ezra to take. Shane is grinning from ear to ear, and I want to laugh at how far he has come since college. He used to be scared to death of his own shadow, like me.

  I watch Ezra visibly relax, shaking Shane’s hand and then pulling me closer to him. The reason Shane was hugging us might have been cleared up, but Ezra isn’t chancing anything given how possessively he is holding onto me. I shake my head at him, and I can’t help how happy I’m feeling.

  “Shane went to college with us,” I pipe up, grinning at my boyfriend.

  “Oh yeah?” Ezra asks, smiling.

  Shane is staring at me with amusement. I’m sure it is a shock to see me like this with a guy. He knew some of my issues back then when we were all friends. He is openly checking out my boyfriend, but I don’t say anything. “I knew these girls before they were cool-ass nurses,” he tells Ezra, putting his arm around Claudia’s shoulders.

  Claudia beams. “How do you know we’re cool?”

  “Because, ladies, you are talking to the new EMT who will be working with your hospital, and I may have heard about these two incredible night nurses.” Shane looks proudly at us, and I can tell that his confidence has to be part of the muscle makeover. He was scrawnier back then, not muscular and bulging like now.

  “Oh, wow,” Claudia squeals, hugging him again. She ignores the few people who turn to look at us. She is back to talking a mile a minute to Shane, and Ezra excuses us so we can go get some food before his brothers eat it all.

  “Are you having fun?” Ezra asks me.

  I answer him happily. “A blast.”

  He wraps his arm around me and kisses the crown of my head. “I’m glad. I am too.”

  “This is a great party,” I tell him. This is the best day ever. It may have gotten a little weird when I met Diana, but it is wonderful now. I lean my head against Ezra’s arm, grinning like an idiot the whole time. I really couldn’t be any happier than I am right now.

  * * * *

  The night is beginning to wind down, and some of the guests are heading off to go watch the fireworks down by the beach. Today has been wonderful, and it was fun to hang out with Claudia and Shane for a while. Even Ezra loosened up more around our friend, laughing and joking. It was a great day, and soon it will be almost over and we can go home to bed.


  I don’t know what’s happened, but since I’ve been with Ezra, I’ve been hornier than hell. I like the way he makes me feel so sexy when he looks at me. It is hard to keep my hands off him at times, but luckily he encourages me to touch him. I love touching him. I love him touching me even more.

  Ezra and I were supposed to go sit on the beach with his family and my friends, but he shakes his head when I start to follow them. He is wearing a sexy grin, and he nods for me to follow him to his place.

  “But I thought you always watch fireworks with them.” I begin softly.

  “Not this year, baby,” he purrs in my ear.

  I shiver down to my toes at the way his voice turns me on. I feel his lips on my neck, and I stifle the moan in my throat. I know there are people lurking all around because I can hear the laughter and music, and I don’t want to get caught making out with my boyfriend.

  It is dark tonight, but the moon and stars shine brightly. The night is perfect for fireworks, and I can’t wait to see them. It has been a few years since I’ve had the holiday off to see them because of work.

  Ezra pulls back from me, and I can make out his smile in the moonlight. He raises his hand to cup my cheek gently. “You’re so beautiful, Lanee,” he whispers.

  I still blush when he says this. I’m not used to all this affection, but I love it. I go up on my toes and meet his mouth halfway. I put my arms around his neck; he pulls me up, causing me to wrap my legs around his lean waist while his tongue slips past my lips. I can’t hold back a moan this time when his hands move to my ass, kneading the globes delicately.

  The heat in my body is rising the more he kisses me deeply, his fingers digging into me. He slips to his knees with my legs still around his waist, his mouth still fused with mine, and hovers over me as we lie in the grass. He kisses along my jaw, nipping and licking the flesh as he gets to my neck. His mouth is so wonderful. He makes me forget where I am when he kisses me like this, but as I open my eyes, I see the stars above us.

  I smile happily, feeling his hands push up my skirt. Ah. Now I understand why we are here and not at the beach. I lift my hips, and he tugs down my panties quickly. I feel the excitement shooting through my body as his intentions become clear. I look at him watching me with desire, and it makes my heart soar up into the sky. I love that look in his eyes. I love the way he makes me feel.

  “I wanted to take you earlier,” he whispers against my lips.


  “Yeah, but you wouldn’t come to the bathroom with me. You look so fucking hot in this dress,” he says, running his hands down my flower-print summer dress, his fingers rubbing against my now erect nipples. He kisses me again, pushing the dress higher up my body until he is taking it off of me.

  I should be nervous that I’m naked under the starlit sky with a party going on next door, but this is the power he has over me. All the noises have faded, and it is just me and him, the two of us staring deeply into
each other’s eyes, anticipating the next move.

  “So beautiful,” he whispers again, running his fingers over my naked breasts. I shiver in pleasure at his touch. He leans down and takes my mouth again, his tongue seeking mine. His hands cup my breasts, and I moan softly into him, loving the delicious jolts of pleasure sent to my core. He moves his hands down to my body, lips following suit until I feel them on my nipples, licking and sucking hard.

  I grab his hair, holding him to my breast, my body writhing under him in bliss. I know I had a panic attack the last time he was positioned above me, but it will be okay this time. I’m learning to trust him more. It feels too good like this, but I know I have to be quiet. I have to remember there are people less than a hundred feet away. I bite my lip when he goes lower, kissing my belly and then my hip bone. I stretch my legs wider for his big body, and I have to fight a moan when his tongue finally touches the little nub of my clit. It feels even better out here with him.

  “Mmmm…so responsive, baby,” he purrs into me, and I bite my lip harder when he pushes his fingers into me.

  Holy hotness! He is going down on me outside under the stars. It feels amazing as he laps at my pussy, his fingers driving in and out of me at a steady pace, building up the tiny coils of ecstasy in my body.

  Ezra switches to my clit, and my back bows off the ground at the intense pleasure he is eliciting from me. He holds my hips to his face while his magic tongue and fingers work inside me.

  My body is so wound up, and I’m exploding with rapture when the first of the fireworks goes off in the night sky. The loud booms are a relief because I can’t help the scream I give when I orgasm at lightning speed, feeling it deep in my soul, his fingers and mouth working me through it.

  Ezra eases my body through the orgasm, his eyes half-hooded when the sky lights up his face. He pulls his fingers out of me and slowly crawls up my body, pausing to undress so he is naked too. He is so damn sexy like this. His muscles bulge as he holds his weight, so as not to crush me. “I need you, baby. I need to fuck you right here,” he says, his voice husky with need.


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