Silken Inferno

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by Taige Crenshaw

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Silken Inferno

  ISBN # 978-1-78184-263-8

  ©Copyright Taige Crenshaw 2013

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright March 2013

  Edited by Tina Burns

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2013 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Total-e-burning and a sexometer of 2.

  This story contains 83 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book containing 11 pages.

  Phoenix Intelligence Agency


  Taige Crenshaw

  Book two in the Phoenix Intelligence Agency Series

  When the past comes calling it brings unexpected revelations that must be faced.

  Vaughn Saunders expects his return to the Phoenix Intelligence Agency to not be an easy one. He has some unfinished business to settle with Allure, his ex-partner and the woman he wants badly. Before they can move forward they have to get past their complicated history. Getting beyond it will be worth the risk…at least for him. She has his heart, body and soul. He craves Allure’s body and her soul yet does not expect to have her heart since it’s already taken by another. Having what she is able to give is all he wants…but does he dare go for it all.

  Allure Davis never expected to have to face the one man whom she trusted at her back until he betrayed her. His reasoning might have been to save her but with his leaving her she knew she could only depend on her family. Yet in her heart he is part of her family. Vaughn’s return throws her for a tailspin and she has to face not only the past but also her ultimate desire. There is a need burning deep within her soul that only Vaughn can quench.

  To bring two strong-willed souls together it takes a silken inferno, burning to meld them together from now to eternity and beyond…


  To Michelle: thanks for helping out for a good cause. I hope you

  enjoy seeing Megara in this book.

  To my mother, who has always been my number one fan. Although you are no longer with me, I know you are smiling down at me getting published. To my sister, who is like a second mother, thanks for believing in me and for that first book that opened the world of adventure, romance and my imagination.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmark mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Avalanche: General Motors Corporation

  Chapter One

  Vaughn Saunders’ uneasiness increased with each step he took. He’d arrived late the night before and since then the feeling had got steadily worse. He already knew what it was from, but before it could change, he had to deal with a few things.

  It was time to face the woman who was never far from his thoughts. Eight years without a glimpse of her, yet he could still remember the last look he’d seen on her face—betrayal and confusion. Pushing away the memories, as he had far too many times, Vaughn entered the Tracker Unit training room but at this time of morning it was deserted. Most of the tracker agents for the Phoenix Intelligence Agency were busy starting their work for the day. Since he was newly returned, he didn’t have any assignments pending on his desk.

  He threw his towel on one of the benches before he strode across the mat, then stopped in the centre. He sat, crossing his legs then placed his palms face up on his knees, before closing his eyes. In seconds, he centred himself and everything around him fell away. He let his mind drift as he floated up. There was no sound or change in the air to let him know he wasn’t alone any longer, yet he did.

  “Are you going to stare at me all day or say something?” he asked lazily.

  “I’m trying to decide if I want to hug you or kick your ass for being gone so long.” Ryne Garon’s tone was deadly serious.

  Vaughn opened one eye and looked down. Ryne stood below with hands crossed over his chest. Vaughn closed his eye, levitating higher.

  “I knew you could handle the Tracker Unit without me.” Vaughn shrugged.

  “That’s not the point. I had eight years of running it by myself. We run the unit jointly for a reason. You play nicely with others, so that was your job, while I get to be the brooding, silent one they fear. It’s a dynamic that worked for me. With you gone it all fell on me. You know I don’t like people.” Ryne’s voice came closer.

  “From the reports and notes, you did fine without me. And it’s good for you to work on your social skills. Makes you a well-rounded person, which you so need.” Vaughn snorted.

  “I am going to kick your ass.” Ryne didn’t sound too put out by the prospect.

  Vaughn didn’t stop his floating around the room. If Ryne wanted to kick his butt, they’d have a go around. Then once they’d worked off some energy, they would get to work. As co-division heads of the largest department of the Phoenix Intelligence Agency, he and Ryne worked in conjunction with a lot of other units. The Tracker Unit conducted the investigations, tracked suspects to apprehend them and also decided if the Enforcer Unit or the Assassination Unit was needed. In some cases, all three units were needed. Ryne had little use for the juggling act in diplomacy it took to deal with the other units, it usually fell to Vaughn to handle.

  “Stop your bellyaching. You handled it.”

  “Was your hunt successful?” Ryne floated around him.

  “It was.” Vaughn chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I was led in circles by a master manipulator.”

  “What? Why?” Ryne sounded on alert.

  “Relax. She wasn’t sure who I was, or why I was going after the information. So until she decided it was time, she led me around. She would make a hell of an agent.” Vaughn smiled.

  “She led you around for eight years? It sounds as if she would make a good agent. Did you ask her?”

  “Nope. She already has a job she likes. She tried to hire me to work for them and was very persuasive too. It was hard to turn her down since she’s one determined lady.” Vaughn laughed again.

  “You’re being very mysterious. What’s her name and which company?”

  “I promised not to tell anyone.”

  “Allure. She doesn’t realise you’re back.” It wasn’t a question.

  “If she’d stop blocking me so hard, she would.” Vaughn smiled wryly.

  Ryne didn’t say anything for a bit, then asked, “Are you ready to be brought up to speed on the division? We have a meeting at eleven with Christos.”

  “About?” Vaughn opened his eyes.

  Ryne floated, facing him as he levitated around the room. “Eve is back.”

  “Eve.” Vaughn’s brow furrowed

  “Yes. Let me fill you in on our department.” Ryne floated to the floor.

  “And about your mating with Kalina.” Vaughn floated down to join him, landing lightly on his feet. “Buddy, from what I hear, it was fast.” He strolled to his towel and picked it up, slinging it over his shoulder.

  “Why waste time prolonging it? Firebirds know when they meet their mate and just go on about it. Hell, most races know who is the one for them. Some, like your breed, like to make something that’s instinctual complicated.” Ryne sounded baffled.

  “We can’t all be like shifters. There are different customs to adhere to and sometimes getting there is half the fun.” Vaughn chuckled.

  “I like our way better. Meet the mate, then tell her ‘you’re mine’ and get it done.” Ryne waved his hand.

  “I know good and well that’s not how it happened with you and Kalina. The warrior in her wouldn’t let it go so easy.” Vaughn shook his head.

  Ryne’s smile was wicked. “True. She pulled a knife on me the first time we met. Hell, from that move I knew she was the one for me.”

  “She had your number then. I’m happy for you, Ryne.” Vaughn slapped him on the shoulder.

  “Don’t make things too complicated for yourself.” Ryne looked at him.

  Vaughn kept his face blank. Ryne was one of the few who knew of his history with Allure. But there were some things even Ryne wasn’t aware of, that no one but he and Allure knew about.

  Absently, he ran his hand over his tattoo at the base of his neck. He followed behind Ryne as he exited the trackers’ gym. As they walked, they discussed their department. He followed Ryne into their unit.

  “Vaughn, thank God you’re back.” The agent winked at Ryne then stood looking around at the rest of the agents. “No more dealing with grumpy puss over here.” He gestured to Ryne then put out his hand to Vaughn. “It’s really good to see you.”

  Vaughn stifled a chuckle and shook his hand. “You’ll still have to deal with grumpy.” Vaughn pushed his shoulder against Ryne’s. “Although he’s a pain in the ass, he’s our pain.”

  “Our pain,” they all yelled.

  Ryne flipped him off and showed his middle finger to the agents who were present. They all laughed. The rest of the agents surrounded them adding their welcome back.

  If only Allure would be so welcoming. Expecting her to be happy to see him was futile.

  * * * *

  Allure Davis shifted in her chair, trying to focus, although the itchy feeling between her shoulder blades kept her on high alert. A knock on her open door made her look up. She studied Kalina Erutan, her friend and the new boss of the Assassination Unit of the Phoenix Intelligence Agency.

  “Good. Now that the teams have been restructured between us, it will be up to you, Allure, and Lennox to figure out how to handle partnering up the teams you are in charge of. Harmony and Storm are still working on the evaluations ordered for our unit. So far, it seems as if he and those under his control haven’t tainted anyone else.” Kalina’s face was impassive as she spoke.

  Although she didn’t say his name Allure knew the ‘he’ Kalina referred to was Jared Williams. Kalina hid it well, but she was still pissed off and reeling from the betrayal of the previous head of the Assassination Unit. The whole Phoenix Intelligence Agency had had to deal with the aftermath. It had been only a little over a week since the confrontation with Jared and his cronies, but there had been a lot of shake-ups in the unit and the agency as a whole. Kalina’s new directive mandated all the Assassination Unit agents were to be paired up with a permanent partner. Kalina had asked Allure to be hers. It still shocked and pleased Allure that they were paired up.

  The revelation that Eve was the creator of the agency and had built it to protect humanity had everyone wondering what her return would mean. They were curious about Eve and exactly what she was but her race was all being kept hush-hush.

  “At eleven, there’s a meeting you all will be attending. Christos has some things he needs to go over,” Kalina said.

  Allure barely held back the snarl and her gums ached as she fought not to flash her fangs at the sound of his name. Christos Shalamr might be the head of the agency, but she avoided him at all costs. In her previous position, she had been able to. She frowned. She didn’t remember the previous team leaders having to attend such meetings.

  Allure glanced around the table, meeting the gazes of her twin sister Harmony and her aunt Storm. They both looked as surprised as she. Just to the left of Harmony, Lennox S’chaech sat with his usual stoic expression on his face. His silver gaze was cool, and he looked bored. Allure wasn’t fooled—little got by him. Kalina spoke again, capturing her attention.

  “And Storm,” Kalina’s tone held a clear warning. “I know what you’ve been doing. Stop it.”

  Allure glanced at her aunt Storm. There was an unrepentant grin on her honey-toned face, and an unholy look of mischief in her hazel-green gaze. Storm was only a few years older than Harmony and Allure—more like a sister than an aunt. Allure exchanged looks with Harmony who, from her expression, didn’t have a clue what Kalina was referring to either.

  “It’s not my fault your agents can’t keep up with me.” Storm sounded smug.

  Allure stifled a groan. Now she knew what Storm was in trouble for. Since Storm and Harmony had joined the Assassination Unit, they had each been assigned a partner that Kalina felt could be trusted with their protection. Storm and Harmony were both seers and empaths, not to mention human. Harmony had been partnered with Lennox, and, although she hated the pairing, she tried to work with it. Storm on the other hand didn’t want anything to do with a partner. She’d already been through sixteen partners over the last week.

  “I told you not to make the deal with her,” Allure pointed out.

  Kalina glared. “No need to say I told you so. Why didn’t you all tell me she was goddamn Houdini?”

  “Why did you think we said not to make a deal with her?” The amusement in Harmony’s tone was clear.

  Kalina leant back, crossing her arms over her chest. “You could have explained why you said that. Instead you let her sucker me into the agreement that if she could leave the building without her partner knowing, she could work without one for at least a day before I assign a new one.”

  “Don’t forget the time limit. You have until midnight tomorrow to get me a permanent partner who can keep me from leaving without them.” Storm leant back in her chair, a gleeful expression on her face.

  “Oh, I know the time frame. I already have your next partner lined up. And this time you’re not going anywhere.” Kalina’s grin was evil.

  “If that’s what you think, who am I to crush your delusions?” Storm looked at her nails and whistled.

  “I’ll keep my delusions.” There was something in Kalina’s tone that made Allure wonder who this partner was.

  “So when do I meet this partner?” Storm sounded gleeful.


  “Tick, tock. The time is a-wasting. I want to see how many partners I can have before the deadline.” Storm laughed.

  Kalina growled. “You really are a pain in the butt.”

  “And you love me anyway,” Storm replied.

  “I might be rethinking that.” Kalina glanced around at the rest of them. “That’s it for now. Remember, meeting at eleven on the Z floor, large conference room.”

  Allure stood and joined the others as they moved to leave.


  She stopped, turned to Kalina and waited as she shut the door to the conference room. Why the privacy? Kalina went back to the table and leaned against it then gestured for Allure to join her. She moved to where she pointed then leaned next to Kalina.

  “Are you okay?” Kalina asked.

  “I’m fine. Why?”

  “You didn’t seem focused on the meeting.”

  Allure blew out a breath. She wasn’t sure she could put into words the weird feeling she’d had since last night.

  “You can tell me anything.” Kalina touched her arm.

  “I know, but… I don’t even know how to explain it,” she said.

  “Explain what?”

  “Just this weird sensation that has me on edge. I don’t know what it is. Woke me last night. It’s as if I don’t feel like myself. I…don’t know how else to say it. Or why.” Allure stood and paced.

  “And you’ve never felt like this before?”

  “No.” She shook her head.

  “Did you check with Christos? Maybe it is a Silan thing,” Kalina said cautiously.

  Allure stilled, stifling the rage mixed with pain that filled her. Turning away, she gripped the top of the chair.

  “Allure, don’t you think it’s time you actually talked to Christos?”

  “I talk to him,” she said quietly.

  “Really talk to him about all that occurred nine years ago. There’s a lot you don’t know.”

  Allure looked at her sharply. “He told you?”

  “Enough that I know you blame him for something that isn’t his fault.” Kalina shrugged.

  “He didn’t kill Claude, but he didn’t save him either.” Allure’s bitterness spiked.

  “What does Claude have to do with this?”

  “Seems as if he didn’t tell you everything.” Allure smiled grimly.

  “Christos and I got close after Killian was taken from us, but they usually shared more of their secrets with each other. Christos keeps some things close to him. He doesn’t trust many people,” Kalina said.

  “I can relate to that.” Allure thought of the two men she used to trust most in the world. One was dead, and the other might as well be. She hadn’t seen him in eight years. Allure pushed away any memories before they could form.


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