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Beg Me: A Billionaire Syndicate Romance

Page 12

by Penelope Woods

  “He likes to enjoy himself. Cocaine. Alcohol. Violence. I don’t know what he’s doing,” she says. “I really hope you’re wrong. That man is willing to die for his causes.”

  The question is, am I willing to die for her? Will I put my life and everything I’ve worked so hard for on the line just to destroy him?

  The answer is yes.

  If I don’t, he’ll never go away.

  “I hope I’m wrong too,” I say. “I really do.”

  The next day, we head to Dasha’s house.

  There is nothing on our agenda besides avoiding the obvious issue. It’s good to get out of the house to a safe spot.

  Without her knowing, I grab my pistol and put it in the back of my jeans. For protection. To make sure the woman I love is safe.

  I want to tell her to stay here, to stay out of the way for a while. I can handle my own. I can make sure this all ends quietly. All I have to do is call the right people. I’m still one of the wealthiest people in this city.

  Dasha is more concerned than Madison is. Madison thinks we can ignore the problem. I’m guessing her friend is more apt to gear up than think of a business solution where both parties are happy.

  “There’s no way Byron is going to go down without a fight,” she says. “You’re talking about his business. He won’t let you take that from him.”

  “We’re not saying we should bring him down,” Madison says.

  I beg to differ. We’re most certainly saying that. “Uh, yes we are,” I interrupt. “How else is are we supposed to live free?”

  Money talks. He’s got millions.

  “He’s never insinuated any type of violence,” she says, turning red.

  I guess I’m not supposed to give my two cents. Still, I’m not backing down from this. I want him out of the picture for good.

  “He has. In the park that one day, he said something,” I admit. “I forgot about it until now.”

  “What? What the heck did he say?” she asks.

  Her daughter is quietly playing with some toys in her room, and I doubt she even knows we’re here.

  “I don’t remember the exact words,” I sigh. “It was something about nature and natural selection. Something about a jaguar. He was implying he was a predator.”

  “I’d say that’s a threat,” Dasha says. “I’m not advocating any violence. In fact, just leave me and Holly out of this, okay? I’m just acting as a friend. Playing devil’s advocate. If I were you, I’d take all your money and leave the state.”

  I grin. “And just ignore all my employee’s needs? I run a legitimate business. This isn’t the movies,” I say.

  There is no plan. There’s just meaningless worry and some words to back it up. It’s going to take something bigger to take him down. Much bigger.

  It’s going to take someone like me.

  “Well, then you come up with a plan,” Dasha says, throwing her hands in the air as if she’s given all the thought she can to the situation.

  “We need a business solution,” Madison reiterates. “A meeting. Anything.”

  I get off the couch and pace the room. Then it hits me. “You haven’t given him an answer about Boulder, right?” I ask.

  “No, but what does that have to do with anything?” she asks.

  “We should use it to our advantage. You’re not going to like what I’m thinking. It involves some… risk.”

  What good plan doesn’t involve some of that?

  “Spill it,” she says.

  I sit and lean forward, whispering. “Look, he wants you out of here because you’re with me. You don’t think there’s some weird jealousy there?”

  “No, I don’t. I think it’s all power with this guy,” she says.

  “Well, not exactly,” Dasha interrupts. “He’s powerless against you because you have no feelings for him. This is a guy who’s used to getting what he wants, right?”

  “Right,” Madison says. “I don’t think I like where this is headed.”

  I start to explain myself. “Just hear me out, both of you. Because you’re not going to like where this is headed, but you will like the outcome.”

  “Fine,” she sighs. “Go on.”

  “You go to Boulder. Both of you. You work the fundraiser,” I say.

  Before I can continue, they’re both yelling at me, telling me how this is the worst idea in the world.

  “Just stop and listen to me for a second,” I say. “It’s either this or I shoot the asshole in the face. You have any better ideas?”

  “Fine,” Madison sighs. “Tell us the rest of your brilliant plan.”

  “You’ll work the stupid fundraiser. Smile and look your best. You’ll stand near Byron, and be sure the deal goes down as planned. I don’t care how well it does for his company. You have to be positive this deal happens,” I say.

  She makes a face, but I continue. “Dress sexy, both of you. Lead Byron on. Make sure he feels powerful and in control. I have an old friend, an accountant I can hire. I’ll have him go through his tax statements, his internet history, and any other thing he’s trying to hide. I’ll find some inconsistencies, and we’ll bring him down when he’s at his weakest. We’ll humiliate him. We’ll send that bastard to prison forever.”

  “It’s not a bad plan,” Dasha says. “But I can’t leave my kid for half a week. She needs someone to watch her.”

  Madison looks worried. This wasn’t the way she wanted things to go down, but I figure it’s the best compromise we can get to right now.

  “I’ll hire a trustworthy nanny. It’s on me,” I say. “Look, if you don’t want to do this, we don’t have to. But I’m telling you, it’s going to be worse if this doesn’t happen.”

  “I’m scared, Rocco. I hate to admit it, but I’m scared he’ll figure we have a plan. What if he finds out and tries to harm us?” Madison asks.

  “I’ll be there the day after you arrive. You don’t even have to talk to the man until the fundraiser, right? It’ll work out. Trust me on this. I won’t let you get hurt. I promise,” I say.

  They both nod, but sit in silence. This is going to be tough, but I think we can pull it off. At least, I fucking hope so. If not, I still have the gun in the back of my pants. I have the knife in my coat pocket. And I’ve got all the love in the world for this woman beside me.

  No one is ending this relationship. Not if I have anything to say about it.


  We split up for a while.

  When I’m away from him, I feel empty inside. It’s like the life has been drained from me. I’m a part of him now. A piece of his heart belongs to me.

  I never understood those platitudes. I always thought it was a lie they told themselves. However, once you’re in this spot, you start to realize just how real that connection is.

  Trust me, you’ll do anything to keep it.

  When I get to Byron’s office, I’m wearing a tight dress. It’s business appropriate, but I can feel his eyes dart back and forth from my breasts down to my hips. My nerves twist as he comes closer to me.

  “I’m ready to commit to this business one hundred percent,” I say.

  “Why the sudden change of heart?” he asks.

  He brushes his hand over my skin, and I have to do my best not to vomit all over his new suit.

  His breath reeks of booze. His eyes are bloodshot and heavy. His teeth look like they haven’t been cleaned in years. In short, I feel as if I’m talking to the devil himself.

  His slicked back hair and gold chains glitter against the light. It all points to one thing: power. But I’m in the business of ruining his.

  When his hands fall to my waist, it’s beyond my control. I fall back against the wall. He’s so close to me I can smell his breath.

  “Why the sudden change of heart? What are you thinking?”

  I tremble. “Nothing,” I choke. “I want my job back. It’s not fair that I have to sit at home. I’m not about to get pushed out of my father’s company.”

He nods, appearing like a reptile from the dinosaur era. Backing away, he grabs a bottle of scotch, pours himself a glass, and stumbles to his desk.

  When he sits, he crosses his leg and examines me.

  “And Rocco? What about him?” he asks. “Did you guys end your summer fling?”

  I nod and grab my wrists for comfort. I push them close to my body.

  I’m so shaken by this man. I hate that this is our plan of action. Does he know what we’re cooking up?

  “Rocco?” I pretend to be confused. “You didn’t hear? I must have told you.”

  “I didn’t hear anything,” he says, grabbing a cigar from the top drawer of his wooden desk. “Go ahead. Enlighten me.”

  He slams it shut and lights the end, puffing erratically. Big plumes of smoke fill the room, and I have to wonder how he expects to breathe in here.

  “He cheated on me,” I say. I let my eyes fill with tears. It’s easy to fake cry when you’re this scared of the man in front of you. “With his bitch of a secretary.”

  “And this hurt you quite a bit, I presume.” He smiles, puffing away.

  He kicks his boots against the top of his desk, darting his eyes at me.

  “Yes, it did,” I say. “I’d rather not talk about it.”

  “You want to hurt him now, don’t you? You want him out of the picture for good,” he says.

  “I don’t ever want to see him again,” I tell him, choking up. “Never again.”

  “I presumed that’s why you went out the other night. To that strip club,” he says. “By the way, who knew you were such a naughty girl?”

  “I, uh—” He cuts me off.

  “You don’t need to justify yourself to me. You’re free here. I go to many clubs myself.”

  So he has been spying on me. I was right about that.

  His eyes trail down to my inner thighs. I cross them to block his view.

  I feel so flustered. I came here to tell him I was ready for the trip. Instead, I have to deal with this.

  “Okay,” I whisper. “You’re right. That’s why I went.”

  “The question is why you went back to his place that night,” he says. “I didn’t see anything myself, but the word on the street is that you spent the night. It’s a little odd, don’t you agree?”

  This meeting has turned into a huge interrogation. “You’ve never tried to reconcile things?” I ask.

  I need a lawyer to protect me. Better yet, I need Rocco.

  “I do okay without any girlfriends,” he says. “It’s amazing what a little money can buy. In fact, you should try using yours sometime. It’s quite fun.”

  “That night, I got way too drunk. I ended up puking my brains out in the club’s toilet for a long time. Dasha was pretty drunk too, so she couldn’t drive me. She called Rocco, and he agreed to pick me up,” I tell him.

  “Dasha. She’s a real beauty, isn’t she?” he asks. “You should get her to come to Boulder. She could help you fundraise. Anyway, go on with your story. I’m interested.”

  So far, so good.

  “I’ll tell her,” I say. “Look, I was too drunk to go home. He took me to his place, and yeah, we had sex. I was wasted. He took advantage of me, and I thought we could reconcile things. I was wrong.”

  I hate saying those words, even if it is out of necessity.

  “As long as it’s finished, I’m happy,” he says.

  “You know, Dasha mentioned you last week,” I say.

  “Is that so?” He smiles. “Of course she has. We have an odd connection.”

  “She’ll be excited she’s invited to the Boulder Fundraiser. I’ll tell her as soon as I leave this office.”

  I smile and do my best to head to the door. I need to get out of here. I loathe this man with all my heart.

  “Yes, go. You’re free. I’ll see you soon. Check your email. The tickets will be sent there. Thank you, Madison,” he says. “You’ve really come through on this.”

  “Well, it’s a pleasure,” I say.


  I’m losing my fucking mind.

  All I can think about is Madison. When I’m in the shower, I feel the hot water run down my abs. I think of her touch, and I’m instantly rock hard. I’m forced to use my hand, all because of this Byron guy.

  It’s just the way things are. Madison wants to take the safe route, but I’m thinking the safe route isn’t so safe. It requires extra planning, tiptoeing around his men, and a hell of a lot of finesse.

  Our lives are on the line.

  After the shower, I text her.

  “I need you.”

  My phone vibrates against my palm. There’s a bottle of booze next to me that I keep staring at, but I can’t even muster the courage to get drunk right now. I know in my heart that it’ll make things worse.

  She texts:

  “Come on, D. We made an agreement. No contact until Boulder. I’m shutting off my phone.”

  “I miss you,” I type. I hold my thumb over the screen and type some more. “I need to feel you.” I hover over that send button, but eventually decide to delete it. I throw my phone against the wall. Luckily it doesn’t shatter into a million pieces.

  I walk to my room, falling flat on my bed. Even when you’re the richest man in the city, you can’t have everything you want.

  On the floor are her panties, washed and ready for her to wear for me. I fantasize about the night we met. When I saw at her at that bar, I knew she’d be trouble. Hell, I guess we’re both destined for a glorious ending.

  Despite the risks, I wouldn’t have it any other way. God bless Dasha for giving me her number that night.

  Now, look at me. I’m plotting to take out the competition, putting my life on the line for her. Yeah, she’s trouble. But it’s all worth it, if it works out. By the end of all this, I’m hoping all three of us can have a drink and laugh about it.

  There’s a knock on my door. I groggily walk out from my room. The doorknob twists open, and I’m face to face with my guy, Ricardo Blonque. Nickname: Mr. Clean.

  “Never thought you’d call me again,” he says.

  His hair is disheveled. His clothes are a mess. But I trust him.

  He’s the best in the business.

  “Ricardo. You look terrible,” I joke.

  He grabs the pistol on his hip. “What the fuck did you just say?”

  I glare at him. “You fucking with me?”

  After a few seconds of silence, he smiles wide and says, “Come here, you son of a bitch. I’ve missed you.”

  We both laugh, and I embrace him like he’s family. At one point in time, he was. Now, he’s like a distant relative.

  “How you been?” he asks. “Still holding down that hotel chain, I see.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  He gives the place a quick look-around. “So, why’d you call me? What could you possibly need from a guy like me? Sure looks like you have it all.”

  “I have everything except one person,” I say.

  He sets his bag on the table. It seems heavy. “So, it’s a hit job you want? I can do it, but it’ll cost you extra. Fifteen grand, up front. Another fifteen when the job is finished. Deal?”

  “It’s not a hit job that I need, Ricardo. Well, not in the flesh at least.”

  He clears his throat. “Well, then, what the fuck do you need from me?”

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cigarette. I’m just about to tell him to put it away when he asks, “Can I smoke in here? I’m going to smoke in here.”

  “Go ahead. Look, I need you to look into some things for me. Byron Alfono. What do you know about him?”

  He sits down and grabs that bottle of booze from my table. He twists the cap open and takes a swig. “Byron? You’re looking into him? What the fuck for?”

  “What does it matter to you? You have a sense of loyalty now?” I ask him.

  “Nah.” He takes a drag. “But he does pay me well.”

  “I’ll pay you even better.
That fifteen grand you want, it’s yours if you do the job well,” I tell him. “I’ll even pay you up front for your troubles.”

  I run and grab my own bag, setting it on the table.

  “Tell me what you need,” he says.

  “I need you to look into his personal accounts. Taxes, emails, browser history. Anything you can find. I need you to deliver all the bad shit to me, within two days. Can you do that?”

  I unzip the bag and show him the cash. I can see the green reflect off his pupils.

  “You really going to tempt me with this shit?” He asks.

  “It’s part of the job, right?” I laugh. “Come on. You know you want to help me. For old time’s sake.”

  He takes another long drag and looks out my window. “Man, fuck this city. I’m kind of shocked it’s still here.”

  “It ain’t going anywhere anytime soon,” I say. “And you have a wife and two kids to think about. How’s that house mortgage working out for you?”

  “Fuck you,” he says, chucking the cigarette onto the floor. He stomps it out with his boot.

  “Exactly,” I mutter. “Do the job. Work for me. It’s to your advantage.”

  He takes a deep breath and coughs. “You always knew what made me tick,” he says.

  I hold my breath. “Does that mean you’ll do the job?”

  “You knew I’d do the job, you son of a bitch,” he says.

  “I sure as hell hoped you would,” I say. “Look, you’re doing me a huge favor. Byron has lost his mind.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it,” he sighs.

  “You know?” I ask him.

  “That he’s insane? Shit, everybody knows that. He’s been buying kilos of cocaine,” he says. “The lunatic hired me to do a job three months ago, and I swear to the lord above, it was a fucking bloodbath, a scene from a horror movie. I mean, I did the work, but I could barely get to sleep that night.”

  “His time is past due,” I say. “But I’m not going to kill him with any lead bullets or anything. I just need him out of the way.”


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