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Marrying his Brother: A Fake Fiance Romance

Page 11

by Tia Siren

  “Harry.” I whispered his name when his mouth moved away from mine for a split second.

  He was sucking on my neck, his teeth raking over the flesh as if he were a starving man desperate for food. The music was pounding out a rhythm, driving my desire higher and higher with each beat of the drum. His hands roamed over my body, squeezing and rubbing and tugging all at once.

  “I need you.” His voice was rough with desire. “I have to have you.”

  I nodded my head, unable to answer with his tongue shoved down my throat. His hands ran over my back, down to my ass, which he squeezed hard, yanking me against him. I had thought I’d be the one to hold some control, but every kiss, every touch was stripping all that away. I was going to find myself lost in the passion that had consumed him. With one hand, he yanked up my tight dress.

  “Fuck me! Are you fucking kidding me?” he growled when he discovered I hadn’t worn panties. The bandage-style dress did not leave a lot of room, and the last thing I had wanted was to have unsightly panty lines.

  “Panty lines,” I breathed out, barely able to think straight as his fingertips hovered over my pussy.

  “I’m so glad I didn’t know. I’d have fucked you right there on the dining room table,” he said in a husky voice before closing his mouth over mine again.

  The thought sent a heat of lava into my stomach at the same time one of his long fingers pushed inside me. My cry of pleasure was swallowed by his greedy mouth. He was moving in and out of me in time with the music. It was an assault on my senses. I could taste the sweet alcohol on his tongue, smell his masculine scent mingled with the scent of my arousal. The drums beating in time to my racing heart and the feel of him pushing his finger inside me was making me dizzy.

  “You’re so fucking hot. Fuck, I wanted you so bad tonight. I barely made it through dinner without taking you somewhere to fuck the shit out of you,” he murmured against my ear before swirling his tongue inside.

  I jerked my hips forward as he sucked on my neck.

  “Harry,” I called out, “I’m going to come. Slow down,” I begged, wanting to hold out a little longer.

  “Come, baby. I’ll make you come again.”

  I barely heard the whispered words. Between the music and the blood whooshing in my ears, I was nearly deaf. The edge of the counter pressed against my butt as his fingers aggressively pushed and worked inside me.

  I dropped my head back and let the orgasm wash over me. It has hard and fast, just like the tempo of the music.

  He spun me around, unzipped my dress, and yanked it off, leaving me completely naked in his kitchen. I felt him jerking his pants down and waited. He spun me around to face him, and my eyes immediately dropped to his engorged cock. The man was built. I eyed it before dropping to my knees in front of him and sucking him into my mouth without warning.

  “Fuck! Amber!” he shouted, his hands grabbing my hair as I bobbed up and down on his cock. I could taste the salty liquid and kept moving as my hand slid up and down in time with my mouth. His hands fisted in my hair, pulling me off his dick.

  I didn’t get a chance to ask why he stopped me. He lifted me up and deposited me on the counter. He shoved my legs open, pulled me to the edge of the counter, and dropped to his knees.

  “Harry, wait,” I breathed out, suddenly feeling very exposed. I was sitting on the man’s kitchen counter under the glare of the track lighting with his face in line with my pussy.

  He nudged my legs open wider before grabbing my hips and diving in, tongue first.

  My back arched and my head fell back as his tongue pushed inside me, lapping at my folds. His teeth grazed over my clit. I thought I would come apart in a million pieces. The man was furiously probing, licking, and biting at the most sensitive part of my body. I was helpless to stop him. I could barely draw a breath.

  He slid one finger inside while his tongue lavished my clit. I just knew I was going to die from ecstasy right there on his marble countertop. He pulled his finger out before using two fingers to open my pussy. His tongue plunged in and out, rubbing over the hard, sensitive nub that was throbbing, begging for one more hard push against it.

  “Oh, Harry,” I drawled out. I did my best to stay upright, but the man had me shaking and quivering. His hand reached up and massaged my breast before he forcefully shoved me backward. I was barely able to control my fall before I lay sprawled on the cold marble surface with his head between my widespread legs. His tongue soon joined his finger inside me. I stared up at the bright lights shining down on me and let myself go.

  I rocked and convulsed while his tongue drew out another orgasm. I wasn’t sure if I was seeing stars because of the orgasm or because I had been staring at the lights. Fireworks popped in front of my eyes as one aftershock after another rocked my body. I finally blinked and turned my eyes to look at him. He stood, looking down at me and smiling while licking his lips. It was incredibly erotic. I was not this woman who had taken over my body.

  “Damn, you taste good.”

  I nodded my head, unable to sit up. I felt like I should have been embarrassed, but I felt too good to let my usual inhibitions pull me down. The man had worked my body over to the point that I wasn’t sure I would ever have full muscle control again.

  “I’m not finished with you,” he said, his deep voice washing over me.

  I stared into his eyes and nodded, giving him permission to do as he pleased. The music changed to a slower beat. He used his hand to massage my swollen folds. I threw an arm over my breasts, feeling modest for no good reason after what we had just done.

  He shook his head. “Don’t. I want to see all of you.”

  I moved my arm to my side. He stepped closer, and I felt his dick probing my entrance. I shivered in anticipation. His tongue was magical, but his cock was fucking amazing, and I wanted him deep inside my body.

  He pushed in an inch. I watched him clench his jaw before pushing in a bit further. The slow stretching was creating a delicious, slow spiral of sensation that spread over my body. My lips parted as he pushed in an inch deeper.

  “More,” I said, trying to remember to breathe.

  He nodded and pushed in higher. I closed my eyes, focusing on the feeling of him stretching and filling me. His hands reached out and gently caressed my stomach before moving to my breasts. I arched my back and wiggled my hips enough to take him deeper inside. It wasn’t enough. I suddenly felt as ravenous as he had been earlier. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked down at where we were joined. He wasn’t all the way in yet.

  “Fuck me,” I demanded.

  He started to pull out. I cried out and sat up, grabbing his shoulders for support.

  “Don’t. I need you,” I begged.

  His mouth slammed against mine. My extreme need had me matching his tongue thrusts. My hands moved to his head, where I held him tight while I made love to his mouth with my tongue. He grabbed my hips and in one violent thrust pushed himself inside me to the hilt. I jerked with the force of the penetration. He ground his hips against me, running his dick over every nerve inside my sheath.

  My nails cut into his flesh as he fucked me hard and fast. The music changed to another hard-hitting song full of bass. His thrusts were in time with the drum beat. I couldn’t get enough of him and found myself climbing on him.

  His hands wrapped under my butt as he pulled me off the counter, dropping me deeper onto his dick. His mouth closed over my nipple, sucking and biting. I felt him move and then a hard wall was against my back. He drove me higher and higher until I heard myself screaming in pleasure from some faraway place. His shout of release brought me back to the present.

  He lowered my body down his, keeping his arms around my waist. I leaned against him. I had no strength to stand on my own two feet. My face rested against his chest. I could feel his heart pounding against my cheek.

  “Wow,” I said, somewhat muffled from not wanting to lift my head.

  I heard a deep chuckle, vibrating his chest. “
No shit wow. You’re going to kill me. I don’t think I have ever felt that kind of need.”

  I laughed. “It was very intense.”

  We stood there for several long minutes, allowing our breathing to slow. I should have felt regret. I didn’t. There was no way something that good could have been wrong. The sexual chemistry between us was insane. I had never experienced such powerful orgasms. It was as if my body had been built for his and vice versa. Everything about him made me hot. Standing as we were, I could smell him and had to resist the temptation to lick his chest.

  I could feel him growing hard between us.

  I pulled back and shook my head. “No way.”

  He looked down at his growing cock and grinned. “Way.”

  “We can’t.”

  He grabbed my hand and led me toward his bedroom. “I’m not done.”

  “What?” I asked in surprise. “I don’t think I can. This isn’t normal.”

  “You can. I’ll show you how much you can, and normal is overrated. I don’t ever want to be normal if it means I can’t fuck you like this.”

  I should have said no. I should have said I needed to go home. I didn’t say any of those things. Instead, I heard myself begging for him to make me come as I writhed on his bed minutes later while his fingers worked in and out of me. The man was a fucking sex god. I knew I was going to be walking funny in the morning. I couldn’t seem to stop myself from letting him take me again and again.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I rolled my head to the side to look at the clock. It was almost seven. At least we hadn’t slept as late as we had the first time she’d spent the night. Still, I had a feeling that in the bright light of day, Amber wasn’t going to be all that pleased to find herself in my bed again.

  “Amber,” I whispered.

  “Hmm,” she groaned.

  I rolled to my side and trailed a finger down her exposed arm.

  “It’s seven. Do you need to get up?”

  She groaned. “I don’t want to.”

  “Good. Then stay right here. I’ll make you breakfast in bed and then eat it off you.”

  Her eyes popped open. “Oh shit. I fell asleep in your bed again?”

  I laughed. “Yes, you did.”

  “I have to stop doing that.”

  I leaned forward and kissed her. “I wish you wouldn’t.”

  “Stop. I have to get going.”

  “Will you please be my fake fiancée?” I asked one more time, hoping my performance last night would give me some leeway.

  She heaved a long, dramatic sigh. “Fine, if it means you’ll quit asking me. It’s really getting annoying.”

  I chuckled and kissed her again. “If you would have said yes the first time, I wouldn’t have had to keep asking you.”

  “Whatever.” She rolled to the side and sat up. Her slender, naked back was begging me to touch it.

  I reached out and stroked my hand over her soft skin. “Good. I’m going to tell my parents tonight.”

  She turned and looked at me, giving me a view of her marvelous side boob. “I guess I better tell mine in case your parents take out a front-page ad.”

  I laughed. “I don’t think they’ll do that, but it would be a good idea.”

  She stood and walked naked through my bedroom. I leaned my head back on my pillows and watched the show.

  “You know you’re beautiful.”

  She groaned and kept walking.

  “You better get some clothes on before I throw you down on this bed and make you really late for work,” I yelled loud enough for her to hear me in the living room.

  I heard her mumble something under her breath. I laughed and quickly pulled on some clothes so I could drive her home.

  “I’ll take a cab,” she said when she saw me go for my car keys.

  “No, you won’t. I’m not that much of a dick. I’ll take you home.”

  “Fine, but we need to go. I cannot be late.”

  “I’m going, I’m going,” I said, slapping her ass as I walked by to open the door for her.

  I was going to like being fake engaged. She was fun, and if we got to have sex, that was going to be a huge bonus.

  That night, I went to my parents’ house for dinner again. Two nights in a row was rough, but the sooner I told them about the engagement, the better. I didn’t want them to try to set me up or make a move to cut me off.

  When I arrived, I half-expected William to be there. Thankfully, he wasn’t. This would all be much easier to sell if he wasn’t there to try to dispute my story. Of course, if he wanted to dispute it, he was going to have to fess up to sleeping with the help. I didn’t think he had the balls, but then again, I had seen the way he looked at her.

  “What’s going on?” my mother asked once dinner was served and we were left alone in the dining room.

  I took a deep breath and hoped I looked properly nervous, even if I was nervous because I was lying and not nervous because of what I was about to tell them.

  “I’m engaged.”

  “What?” they said at the same time.

  “To who?” my mom asked.


  “The woman from last night?” my dad asked, as if that couldn’t be right.

  “Yes, Amber Bradley. I wanted to tell you last night, but we decided not to steal Tiffany and William’s glory.”

  “Well, congratulations!” my mom said, clapping her hands together. “That’s great news! I like her. I think she’ll be good for you.”

  “Are you sure? I mean, yes, it will improve your image, but it would be better if you chose someone of a higher social standing. She works for us. That seems a little beneath you,” my father said, surprising me.

  He was usually the one to be less pretentious. I guessed he’d been faking it all along.

  “Dad, yes, I’m sure, and I don’t care about social standing.”

  “But one of the McCleary girls would be a better choice,” he argued.

  I wrinkled my nose. “No. They are forty something. Not interested.”

  “They come from a good family,” he insisted.

  “Dad, if they were such a great catch, someone would have married them already. They are unattractive, spoiled, and obnoxious. How could you think I would ever want to marry one of them? Don’t you want me to have children someday?”

  “Of course we do,” my mom answered for him.

  “Then marrying a McCleary girl isn’t going to work. I think the oldest one is well past her childbearing years,” I quipped.

  “You can always adopt. That’s the thing to do nowadays. It isn’t like you need to produce an heir. William’s children will inherit the company,” my father said.

  I shook my head. “You’re unbelievable.”

  “Bob, that’s enough. Your son is happy, and that’s what matters,” my mother scolded.

  I couldn’t believe she was defending my choice. It was always my mother who had been the uppity one who looked down her nose at anyone who didn’t meet her criteria for good people.

  “Well, he could be happier with a woman more fitting of his position,” he shot back.

  “I like her. She seems very smart. I like that she isn’t flashy,” my mom added.

  I smiled. “She is smart, and she doesn’t need to be flashy because she is naturally beautiful.”

  My mom was beaming. “Yes, she is. I’m so excited for the two of you. I could see the chemistry between you.”

  I smiled and wondered if William could also see it. I had a feeling he was not going to take the news of our engagement very well. Jealousy could make a man do crazy things.

  “Well, I still think it would be better for you to consider marrying within your social class. Will she continue working for the company once you’ve married?” my dad asked.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. We haven’t talked about it. I don’t see why she wouldn’t. She likes her job.”

  “Is she expecting a promotion becaus
e she’s marrying into the family? You know how I feel about dating or sleeping with anyone who works for us. It makes things messy. You are opening the company up to lawsuits. We need to get a prenuptial agreement drawn up right away before this thing gets too far.”

  “Dad, slow down. You’re moving too fast. And trust me, the last thing Amber wants is your money. She is not like that. If you get to know her, you’ll see that,” I said, defending her honor.

  “Money changes people. Even the thought of money makes people act differently. How do you know she isn’t after you because of who you are?” he asked.

  I laughed. “Trust me, my name was more of a deterrent than a help.”

  “Can we change the subject now? I’m very happy for you. I do hope you’ll wait to have the wedding after William and Tiffany’s. I would hate to have competing weddings. As much as I like Amber, William’s wedding is very important for our family and the business. It needs to be spectacular, and we can’t afford to have your impending nuptials detract from it,” my mother said.

  That was the mom I knew, always keeping her eyes on the prize. She would be happy for me, but she didn’t really care who I married because the golden boy’s choice in a wife was all that really mattered. I should have been glad and relieved. I didn’t want her planning a wedding that was never going to happen. Despite what I should have felt, I couldn’t help but feel the familiar hurt I had grown up with. The hurt came from being the second best and second in line for their love and affection.

  When I arrived home, I was desperate to hear Amber’s voice. She was supposed to be telling her parents about the engagement as well. We had agreed it had to be real. We wouldn’t admit to anyone it was only for show.

  “Hey,” I said when she picked up the phone.

  “Hi. How’d it go? Did they disown you for hooking up with a commoner?” she teased.

  I laughed. “My mom was surprisingly happy about it. My dad on the other hand—well, he would have preferred I was engaged to someone from one of his chosen families.”

  “I’m glad I have a healthy amount of self-confidence. I have a feeling your family would make me feel like trash if I let them.”


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