by Terry Frost
The fighters main body was a long oval shape and they had one wing on top and bottom of the fighter that ran vertically instead of the usual horizontal configuration. Colonel Hammer thought how in the hell can those things fly with their wings running vertically?
The palace was located less than a mile from the largest military base any of the Humans had ever seen before. The base was covered with hundreds of round landing pads, some built to accommodate the landing of small ships and some larger to handle ships like their Avengers, and several dozen maintenance facilities and small to large hangars.
Admiral Allen had a finely crafted cherry wood box resting on his lap. Inside the box was a bottle of his cherished 21-year-old Glenfiddich single malt scotch he was going to give to Emporer Gaul as a gift of friendship. He just hoped the Emporer was worth his most expensive scotch.
Their escort took them to a landing pad a few hundred yards from the palace where Grand Admiral Bagnor and his Second, High Colonel Agar were standing by an alter terrain vehicle as they watched the shuttle set down on the pad.
The three men stepped off the ramp on the back of the shuttle led by Admiral Allen. Bagnor waited for the king’s guests and as soon as he saw Jeeves he asked while staring at Jeeves, “This one is not Human. What is it?”
“Jeeves took a step towards Bagnor and said, “Excuse me, Grand Admiral, but I am not an it.”
Allen put his hand on Jeeves and said, “My apologies, Grand Admiral. I’m so used to having him around I didn’t think about the way he looks to you. This is our Science Officer, Commodore Jeeves, and you are correct, he is not Human but an AI, which means artificial intelligence. We consider him to be a part of our family.”
“Artificial intelligence? He is amazing and I hope Our Grace doesn’t ask for your Commodore to be gifted to him. Come now, the Emperor is about to conclude his morning’s hearings and we don’t want to be late.” Bagnor thought it will be interesting to see the Emperor’s face when he learns of this Jeeves. I pray he doesn’t order me to detain the AI.
“This is Colonel Hammer. He is the commander of most of our initial exploration missions.” Bagnor gave a nod and said, “Pleasure, Colonel.”
They loaded up in the vehicle and drove the distance it took to get to the front entrance of the magnificent palace. Allen noticed the Grand Admiral was not wearing his battle gear, but instead, had a full length black and gold striped male version of a burka without the traditional eye masks used by Muslim women on Earth. The High Colonel was dressed in a similar fashion but he was dark brown without stripes.
They were standing in front of the palace, that had been built using a large rectangle shaped light gray stones that were a foot tall and four feet long. There were two sections of stairs leading up to the main entrance. There were twenty steps leading up to a wide landing area where the second section consisting of twenty more stairs began.
To the right and left of the stairs was sidewalks leading down to doors that opened to the palace’s basement. From ground level, the palace was four stories high and the top level had a cornice that wrapped around the entire top level.
At the top of the stairs stood two six-foot-wide by eight-foot-tall doors. The doors had an engraving consisting of eight words in the Vagan language. Commodore Jeeves asked Bagnor what the words stated.
“The words are Vagan and state “Bring No Malice or Deceit Through These Doors.”
Guarding the entrance to the Emperor’s palace stood four armed warriors in battle gear, including their claw-shaped helmets. The helmets had four claws that began just above their foreheads and curved downward, stopping about an inch above their eyes. If nothing else the helmets would be intimidating to those seeing them for the first time.
Two of the guards bowed to Grand Admiral Bagnor, then each guard took hold of the door pulls and opened the large doors. Once inside the palace, the three Humans were in awe as they looked up at the top of the cathedral style ceiling that covered the huge lobby.
“The architects that designed this palace only lived long enough to see less than half of this palace as it was being constructed for Vagan’s fifth Emperor, Emperor Hanok.”
“What happened to the architects? Did they grow too old before the palace could be built? Or did something else befall them?” Colonel Hammer asked.
“They died along with more than a million other Vagans over 10,000 years past. Our population died from a virus brought to Emperor Hanok hidden within a gift for him. The virus was released into the air when Emperor Hanok opened a small sapphire-covered bottle filled with an expensive male fragrance containing a pheromone that seduces those females that breath in its intoxicating fragrance.”
Hammer instantly thought damn, I gotta get me some of that and try a little referral of seduction powers on my Katin. Without the virus of course.
“Emperor Hanok obviously had a vengeful enemy or enemies to have gone to great lengths to engineer a virus that killed so many Vagans. Were your people able to figure out who would do that to the Emperor and many of his subjects?” Allen asked.
“Yes, we did discover their identity and they were members of House Nekor. This history is forbidden to talk about, but there is one that can speak of it should you want to know more and he is Emperor Gaul.
Chapter 40
Bagnor led the king’s guest to the Emperor’s Throne Hall. Emperor Gaul was finishing his business with two representatives of two powerful Houses within the Vagan Empire. Bagnor, Agar, and the three Humans quietly sat in the front row of a group of long benches. Across the aisle from them were a dozen or so members associated with the two men representing their Houses and speaking with the Emperor.
The conversation between Emperor Gaul and the two Royal members of their Houses seemed placid enough then one of the representatives stepped closer to the opposing member and began raising his voice and waving his finger in front of the other’s face.
The two Houses had been carrying on an argument that spanned for more than fifty years. It seemed to Admiral Allen they were fighting for rights to a piece of undeveloped land near the heart of the center of the sprawling city, land that was extremely valuable.
When both men’s voices became belligerent, Bagnor leaned into Allen and said, “They have forgotten themselves. One never raises one’s voice when in the presence of the Emperor. Keep your eyes on the Emperor’s posture.”
Allen began watching Emperor Gaul instead of the two men arguing. Gaul had been leaning back on his throne while listening to the two bickering men. Gaul began to set up straight and began to slowly shake his head.
The Emperor suddenly slammed his fist down on his throne and in a booming voice, said, “Enough.” Both House representatives flinched and immediately stopped talking.
“I’ve grown tired of this argument. It has been a part of my reign for nigh on fifty years, and I will listen to it no more. I should have both of you stripped of your blouses and give each of you twenty lashes for your insolence in front of your Emperor.”
Both men kneeled and began sobbing while asking for their Emperor’s mercy. Admiral Allen smiled ever so slightly when he saw the Emperor roll his eyes. It seemed to Gaul their pleadings were amusing to him. He let their begging continue for several more seconds then told them to cease their pitiful attempts for forgiveness.
“Rise, Jaro of House Maw and Alun of House Surgu. I have listened to your pleas and since I am a gracious Emperor will not have you lashed. But I have made a decision that will put an end to this bickering of your Houses.
Neither House will be given ownership of sector 9. It is the decision of your Emperor to give the title to the land to Vagan’s Minister of Engineering and Scientific Studies. I will have my scribes make the writ of my decision. Go now, before I change my mind on the lashing, and do not come before me again on matters that should be resolved amongst your two Houses.”
Jaro and Alun bowed before Emperor Gaul and continued to bow as they and their entourages quickly bac
k peddled out of Throne Hall. Once they were gone it left only the Emperor, his four guards, Bagnor, Agar, Allen, Hammer, and Jeeves in the large hall.
One of Gaul’s guards brought over a silver chalice and handed it to him. He drank a long drink of the chalice’s contents and handed the chalice back to the guard. He looked over to where the visiting group was sitting and his eyes brightened when he saw his Grand Admiral.
“Ah, it is good to see you, Bagnor,” Gaul said as he stood from his throne and walked down the six steps to where his Grand Admiral, the High Colonel, and his three guests were standing, now that the Emperor stood and approached them.
“Good to see you, Your Excellency. May I introduce you to the Human Supreme Commander Admiral Allen, Colonel Hammer, and their AI, Science Officer Commodore Jeeves.”
Before Allen had a chance to give the Emperor his salutation, Gaul stood in front of Jeeves and began to admire him and said, “What is an AI?”
Allen took the question and explained the term. Gaul seemed to be astonished by his first and only encounter with an artificial being. Then as soon as he remembered his manners, stopped looking at Jeeves and walked over to Admiral Allen.
“It is an honor to meet you, Supreme Commander. I am most interested in learning about you Humans and am fascinated by your Science Officer. I have no knowledge of a bioengineered being and have a great desire to learn more about him.”
“With your permission, Your Grace, could we take our guests to the Confer Room so Admiral Allen can tell you about their knowledge of the Mantis species?”
“Surely. We shall learn much about each other this day and what strategies need to be determined in order to eliminate any hordes of Mantis we may find within this realm of our galaxy.”
Once everyone was sitting in the conference room and before discussions about the Mantis started, Admiral Allen presented his gift to the Emperor. In the back of his mind, Allen had considered the possibility of Emperor Gaul’s rejection of his gift. The reason being the last time a Vagan Emperor was gifted something in a bottle, it killed a million Vagans.
Allen stood up and with his gift in hand, sat it down in front of Gaul and said, “Your Excellency, this is my gift to you.”
Gaul admired the polished cherry wood box and ask, “What does it contain, Supreme Commander?”
“It is the finest elixir from my world. It is named Glenfiddich, a single malt scotch whiskey.”
The Emperor opened the box and brought out the handsome bottle containing the golden amber colored scotch. He turned the bottle in his hands while admiring it and sat the bottle on the table and closed the cherry wood box.
“A most thoughtful gift, Supreme Commander. But, as we have just only met and neither of us knows each other, I should tell a tale of something that happened to our beloved Emperor Hanok. He had accepted a gift of liquid and I might add, a gift from those he knew extremely well. The gift contained a vicious killer of a virus that claimed over a million Vagan’s lives, including the life of our beloved Emperor.”
Grand Admiral Bagnor was praying that Admiral Allen wouldn’t let on that he knew of the virus as he wasn’t supposed to have talked about it to anyone, especially aliens they only just met. But Allen was an extremely perceptive person and quickly dashed any fears Bagnor might be experiencing at that moment.
“Who would do such a terrible thing? I don’t ask this in the form of a question who committed such an act. I’m just asking the question in general terms, Your Grace. We, Humans, are a compassionate people and we have compassion for your loss.
“Trust is something I personally don’t take lightly. I have a belief that trust is not given willy-nilly, but must be earned. When thinking about what I might present as a gift to the Vagan Emperor, I chose something that has great value to me personally. So it is my wish that you and I might share this gift as a token of our future friendship. Will you allow me to open the bottle and pour myself a drink so you will see there is no malice or deceit intended with my gift?”
I know not this alien, but the fact that he acknowledged those cherished words on the palace’s doors is honorable, and I believe him to be an honorable leader. I will allow this Allen to give his testament that this elixir does not harbor malice or deceit.
Gaul looked at his people in the conference room and saw the High Colonel slowly shaking his head as to say, don’t allow the bottle to be opened. Then he looked at his Grand Admiral and felt Bagnor didn’t seem to be bothered by the admiral’s question of opening and sampling the scotch.
The Emperor turned his eyes back to Admiral Allen and said, “I do not know this term of yours, willy-nilly, but I think it may be the same as not to be taken lightly. The beginning of trust must start by taking risks and I am fairly gifted when it comes to trusting my senses. My senses tell me to trust you, Supreme Commander. So, open the bottle and pour us both a taste.”
Chapter 41
It pleased Allen greatly that this prideful alien Emperor showed his stuff by accepting the offer of a drink of the gift presented to him. What surprised Allen the most was the Emperor didn’t wait a few seconds to see if Allen’s drink killed him or not, instead, he lifted the small shot-sized glass to his nose, sniffed, then drank the liquid.
Emperor Gaul loved the taste of the Glenfiddich, so much so that he and Admiral Allen shared three more jiggers before finally stopping as Gaul laughed and said, “As you do, Supreme Commander, I find this blend to be intoxicating to the palate. So, since this is the only bottle you brought with you, I must save the rest for myself, which made everyone at the table laugh, including Gaul.
The Emperor was adamant about where the Humans had encountered the presence of the Mantis. Learning they had discovered the elimination of a species on a world in the Jovan System infuriated Gaul. Over a period of ninety minutes, the group concentrated on the mission of discovery of the flesh-eating species' home or homes and what would be their strategy to eliminate as many as they could.
Every few moments Emperor Gaul would reiterate his appreciation of his Human guests bringing the news of the Mantis. It was obvious to everybody in the room that the Emperor had more than a hatred for the Mantis, and Admiral Allen had the feeling Gaul’s experience with them had to do with something personal.
After nearly two hours of conversations, Emperor Gaul ordered a late afternoon lunch to be brought to the Confer Room. During their lunch, the Emperor and Commodore Jeeves had a lengthy discussion about Jeeves’s ability to feel pain, if he had emotions, his strength and most importantly to the Emperor, his mental capacity.
Colonel Hammer couldn’t help but try to listen in on their conversation, but couldn’t make out most of it. He did, however, hear Gaul say ‘very intriguing’ more times than he could count. I sincerely hope he doesn’t forget he is talking to Royalty and get us all keelhauled to the bottom of a ship.
With their lunch finished, Grand Admiral Bagnor thought it time for his Emperor to take a rest, as he had been in one meeting or another for several hours. Gaul was a striking individual, standing 7’2” and still had an athletic build that any man would dream of having. But Bagnor knew the man and thought it in his best interest to rest before continuing with his friendly interrogation of his guests.
Something happened never experienced by Bagnor before and that was when he said aloud within the group in the room that he thought his Excellency should rest before continuing on, Gaul did not appreciate being treated like he was an old unfit ruler and he let Bagnor know it in no uncertain terms.
“Bagnor, how dare you suggest I’m as fragile as an old woman.”
“I do not suggest…”
Gaul interrupted him before he could finish his statement. “If it is not an insult, then what?”
“I merely thought we all could use a rest, Your Grace. Never would it cross my mind to suggest you are anything but the strength of the Vagan Empire.”
“Because you are my favorite of all of those that secure the safety of all Vagans, I wi
ll let your insolence go. So, now, if I may, I would like to ask you, Supreme Commander, how is it those that commissioned your travel through the stars could allow you to take such a perilous journey into this realm without cloaking capabilities?” He turned to Bagnor and asked, “Do you agree that it is a wonder these Humans have made it this far?”
“I too have wondered the same question, Your Grace,” Bagnor replied.
“To answer your inquiry, Your Grace, our race didn’t think the ability to cloak was a real technology. It wasn’t until we discovered the cloaking of a ship that rescued some of their small attack fighters that had attacked us on a planet when we first came into the Perseus Galaxy.”
“Did you ever run into the aliens that attacked you any other time during your travels after that incident?” Bagnor asked.
“No, Grand Admiral, we did not. But we did experience that capability with the Aborian Race. We were fortunate to learn they were a reasonable race and ended up making an alliance and friendship with them.”
“Ah, yes. The beautiful Aborian Warriors. We know of them and have had a long friendship with them, though we have not heard from them in many years,” Gaul said.
“How is it you came to know the Aborians, Supreme Commander?” Bagnor asked. He referred to Admiral Allen as Supreme Commander as not to confuse his Emperor.
“It is quite a tale. If you recall I mentioned during your and my first meeting, the race is known to us as the Daakie. They were the first race we informed of our contact with the Hive and they too had several confrontations with the insectoids.
“We found a training base of the Hive on a desolate world but didn’t show ourselves at the advice of our Military Commander, General Dubois. It was during our scanning of the planet that, Colonel Hammer determined their training resembled military movements. It was during our visit to a neighboring star system that we met the Daakie.