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Magic, New Mexico: A Touch of Harmony (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Evelyn Lederman

  Harmony pulled out her weapon and checked its settings. He had no idea what capabilities the weapon had. She returned the blaster to its holster after she seemed satisfied. Rather than taking off running, she gave him a probing look.

  “Can you turn into your wolf?” Harmony asked.

  Chase shook his head. “Not until the full moon. I will explain everything you need to know about werewolves later. Right now, we have to determine if there is a threat to the town and the port. We should follow the pride in case Danyal and the others need our assistance.”

  Harmony was the first to set off running and Chase followed. The scent of the jaguars was strong, if they lost the visible trail.

  It was only a matter of time before they caught up with the pride. All signs of the truck’s tire marks were gone, as well as the diesel fumes. If Chase wasn’t concerned before, he was now.

  Chapter 7

  With no trail left to follow, Harmony took latitude and longitude readings of their current location. She ran alongside the jaguars and Chase as they made their way back to town. It was surprising how at ease she was now with the shifters. Due to the security concerns related to the spaceport, she was ordered to accompany Chase, Danyal, and Pati to the sheriff’s office.

  She was once again alone with Chase as the jaguars headed back to the mercantile store. Pati and Danyal would change and catch up with them.

  Now that the immediate danger was over, the attraction she felt toward Chase was again front and center. The internal struggle between her pure lust for the man and her fear of the animal within him was palatable. What would happen when he got excited?

  “Ask your questions,” Chase said.

  His voice was tentative. He didn’t want to answer questions any more than she wanted to ask them. Where did she begin?

  “Why a full moon?” It was as good a place to start as any.

  Chase took a deep breath. “Eons ago, lycanthrope was a curse perpetrated by gypsies. They had limited magic, not like the witches who live in Magic today. Their curse was tied to the cycle of the moon, activating when it was full and the subsequent two nights. Back then, the lycan couldn’t control the beast within. Any bite from the wolf would result in any survivors carrying the disease.”

  “Disease?” Harmony asked. “Then there is a cure.” She tried not to sound as excited as she felt.

  He shook his head. “It’s part of our DNA now. We reproduce through our mates, not our bite. Over the centuries, the wolf became an intricate part of who we are.”

  “Then you can mate with only a female werewolf?” This time she couldn’t disguise the deep disappointment in her voice.

  Tears she had not expected welled in her eyes. She needed to get control of her emotions or she would embarrass herself. Harmony had only known this man for two days and there was no guarantee she would not be reassigned at the whim of the Ruling Director. If she didn’t get things into perspective, she would lose it.

  “The lycan gene is usually recessive in our females,” Chase informed her. “However, I can reproduce with any compatible species. Simon married a half-vampire. Their twin boys are part-werewolf. Although Simon was bitten, not born a werewolf.”

  Relief coursed through her. She was absolutely giddy. Harmony tried to stifle the nervous giggle that threatened to escape. It was as if she was an inexperienced teenager again.

  Harmony lightly bit her tongue, struggling with how to ask her next question. She could feel her face turning bright red. Chase lifted his right eyebrow in response to her heightened coloring.

  “Ask,” Chase demanded in a dreamy, lover’s voice.

  “What happens when you get aroused?”

  Now Chase’s coloring changed to match her own. She was partially petrified of the answer. However, a greater part of her was excited. She held her breath waiting for a response. Her internal temperature was causing her to perspire. She brushed off the few drops of sweat resting on her nose.

  “Nothing the woman objects to, I assure you,” Chase responded.

  His answer was both frustrating in its incompleteness and thrilling in the promise it held. She enjoyed the turmoil taking place in her body. The heightened sense of awareness within her had not been present until she met Chase.

  She was about to kiss Chase when Pati and Danyal came up from behind. The two were dressed and eager to meet with the sheriff. Harmony would have to find another opportunity to be alone with Chase and pick up where they left off. She regulated her body to cool her down in the meantime.

  The sheriff’s office was two blocks from where they were. Meaningless chatter filled the air for the remainder of their journey. It gave Harmony the opportunity to collect her thoughts and focus on the port’s security.

  Across the universe, law enforcement offices looked pretty much the same. Desks and cells, not much more populated the sheriff’s office. Dreyden and Prue were talking to the sheriff when they entered. Harmony’s eyes went directly to the silver star on the Earthling’s massive chest. The man was almost as large as a Glacierian Space Ranger.

  “What did you see and hear this morning?” Sheriff Theo asked. He pulled out a small pad from the pocket across from his badge to take notes.

  Danyal provided a detailed report of what occurred in the desert. He was brief and to the point, leaving nothing relevant from his recollection. Harmony provided the coordinates of where they lost the visual of the tire tracks and the scent.

  “It was smart of you to record the spot,” Theo commented. “I will make an aerial surveillance of the area. Danyal and Dreyden will be advised of what I find, if anything.”

  With those words, they were dismissed from the sheriff’s office. It was clear he wanted to head for the desert and assess the risk himself. Her companions didn’t seem as annoyed by their expulsion as she was. Didn’t the sheriff realize she was a Space Ranger, a sister in law enforcement?

  “It’s over, just like that?” Harmony asked with equal parts disbelief and annoyance.

  A coy smile spread across Chase’s face. “Hardly. There are ways to still research what is out there without physically being there.”

  “While you mess around with your computer, I have to head to the port,” Dreyden said. “I am late filling out reports. If I had known how much paperwork was involved in running a hub, even one not functioning, I doubt I would have agreed to being the administrator.”

  “Stop complaining.” Prue planted a kiss on Dreyden’s lips. The chemistry between them was obvious. “It gave you a reason to stay on Earth.”

  Dreyden took the brunette into his arms. “I would have stayed regardless. Even if I had to ask our resident cat for a job. Harmony, you might as well go with Chase. There is no reason for both of us to be bored out of our minds.”

  Harmony had been trying to come up with a reason to stay with Chase. Now that she’d been practically ordered to, she willingly complied.

  “Yes, sir,” Harmony replied, not bothering to hide how pleased she was.

  For an instant, Harmony wondered if she would have been so excited if tonight was a full moon. How would Chase change? More importantly, would she be safe with him?


  Chase was relieved Harmony would be with him a little longer. He just had to concentrate on keeping his hands off her. His fingers itched to remove the damn jumpsuit and explore her naked body.

  He knew she had powerful, toned legs. The shorts she wore last night showcased them perfectly. His mouth watered at the memory. Today’s outfit and yesterday’s T-shirt gave him no view of any cleavage. However, the outline of her upper chest indicated her breasts were plump and full.

  “Did you hear anything I just said?” Harmony’s question broke through his lust saturated mind.

  “I’m sorry,” Chase admitted sheepishly. “What did you say? My mind was elsewhere.” He didn’t bother clarifying his thoughts were focused on seeing her without clothing.

  Now that she had his attention, Harmony seemed to struggle
to ask her question again or repeat her statement. Her eyes continually drifted from his face.

  “What if there is no moon?” Harmony asked.

  Chase was taken aback by her question. Maybe his feeble brain was having problems processing anything other than his physical need for her. Harmony still had issues meeting his gaze.

  “The moon is always there, even when the Earth blocks it from the sun,” Chase replied.

  “No, you don’t understand,” Harmony answered in frustration. “What if you are in space, away from the moon’s pull?”

  He was speechless. Chase knew aliens existed and a spaceship “garage” was on the outskirts of town. However, he never considered how leaving Earth would impact him. The beast within him stirred in distress.

  “I honestly don’t know,” Chase said.

  Chase had to admit the idea was intriguing. He wanted Harmony comfortable in his presence when they consummated whatever it was between them. Once that was accomplished, they’d deal with his wolf.

  “Maybe we can find out,” Harmony suggested. “Dreyden and Frost have the port covered and Theo is investigating the disappearance of the tracks. Between the witches and the jaguars, Magic is well protected.”

  Chase had accompanied Dreyden and Prue to the port on several occasions. He had secretly wanted a ride in Dreyden’s ship, but never voiced the desire. Now Harmony was giving him the opportunity to go into space.

  “I’d like that,” Chase simply answered. “But even if we can contain him in space, the wolf will always be a part of me.”

  There was no sense in setting unrealistic expectations in Harmony’s mind. Now that she knew what he was, he would keep no secrets from this woman.

  “Let’s go then,” Harmony responded. “I will contact Dreyden from the ship.”

  Chase followed like a well-trained puppy. If space alleviated the wolf side of him, would he ever be able to introduce Harmony to his wolf? The animal represented his courage, loyalty, and strength. What would he be if his beast was eliminated?

  Chapter 8

  Harmony knew she was asking a lot from Chase. It was comparable to someone asking her to no longer be part Titian. She was surprised he agreed so readily to her request. His wolf was a barrier she believed she couldn’t hurdle. Last night, she was surrounded by friends when she met Pati’s cat. Being alone with Chase when he was excited was something totally different.

  She gave him a grand tour of her small ship. It was the standard sanctioned Tridbarrian cargo ship most Space Rangers flew. There was only one apartment aboard. If additional crew were present, they bunked in the cargo hold. The ship was built for transport and a lone pilot.

  Chase stared at the bed that dominated her sleeping chamber without comment. His brown eyes lightened and sparkled a little bit brighter. Although, it could have been her imagination.

  “We should head for the cockpit.” If Harmony tarried here any longer, she would have him on the mattress and perhaps release his wolf.

  As they traversed the walkway that led to the cockpit, their footsteps echoed in the hall. There was a beautiful symmetry to the sound of his steps vibrating off hers. It was not a conscious thought, but a feeling generated by the sound. There was a completeness about it.

  Enough wayward thoughts! She needed to concentrate on her pre-flight checklist. The last thing they needed was her ship malfunctioning during her assent. If Earth’s radar picked up her craft, there would be more than her fear of animals to contend with.

  “The ship does its own diagnostics.” Harmony felt if she explained the process, she’d be better able to focus her mind. “However, I need to view each step to ensure the craft is ready.”

  Chase nervously looked around the cabin. “Does the ship have an autopilot? Are you required to be in the cockpit while the ship is in flight?”

  She wondered if he asked out of curiosity regarding the ship’s operations or concerned they would be adrift when they had sex. Harmony had thought of little else since she came up with the idea of eliminating the moon’s effect on Chase. Only the routine associated with the pre-flight checks made it possible for her to complete the task. She could barely focus on anything other than the man beside her.

  “The craft pretty much flies itself,” Harmony replied. “The wide-range sensors will alert me if there is something out of the ordinary impacting the flight plan.”

  “Something out of the ordinary?” Chase choked on his words.

  Harmony placed a hand on his shoulder to reassure him. “A meteor shower, comet, or a dwarf planet out of sync with its expected orbit. The navigation system is only as good as the data provided. Earth is not in Coalition space. My computer’s sky charts are not as detailed as other regions of space.”

  She could feel Chase’s body stiffen under her hand. Space travel was natural to her. As a child, her mother often took her to Titan to visit her grandparents. This was all new to Chase.

  “I will navigate the ship out of your atmosphere and to our destination,” Harmony informed him. “The long range sensors will pick up the outlying planets and their satellites. Many of them have multiple moons. I don’t want to get too close to any of them. Let me know if you get overly aroused.”

  Harmony regretted saying the last statement as soon as it left her lips. Chase’s complexion reddened in response.

  A wide smile graced his handsome face. “You’ll be the first to know.”

  Rather than responding to his statement, Harmony navigated her ship out of its slip. During her pre-flight process, she contacted Dreyden advising him of their short trip. His immediate approval followed. There was nothing to delay their departure.

  “I’m taking us out of the atmospheric layers at a moderate pace, reducing the impact of the G-forces. We need to avoid being detected by Earth’s radar, so our ascent will not be as gradual as I would have preferred. Just concentrate on breathing. The more air you take into your lungs, the easier it will be on your system. The cabin will be continually pressurized.”

  “Will things start floating?” Chase inquired.

  “The ship is equipped with an artificial gravity system,” Harmony replied as she checked the various gauges. Everything was operating within normal parameters.

  They had already blasted through Earth’s troposphere and stratosphere. Instead of stealing glances at Chase, Harmony turned and examined him closely. His hands were clasped to each armrest, his knuckles white from the effort. Chase’s breathing was labored, but not dangerously so. Considering this was his first ascent from Earth’s surface, he was handling it well.

  “How are you doing?” Harmony asked, knowing appearances could sometimes be misleading.

  “You do this all the time?” His voice shook with physical stress.

  It was clear he was doing poorly, although Chase wouldn’t admit it. Fortunately, his color was still good and he wasn’t vomiting. She had to do or say something that would distract him as they transitioned from the mesosphere to the thermosphere.

  “When you make love, do you prefer being on top or the bottom?”

  “Bag!” Chase shouted before clasping his hand over his mouth.

  Harmony pressed a button on the console and a mask connected to a tube catapulted from the panel. As if he had made the trip before, Chase grabbed the mask and place it over his mouth as he emptied his stomach.

  By the time Chase finished being sick, they had successfully left Earth and headed away from the sun. There was a perfect spot between Uranus and Neptune that would suit their needs.

  Chase finally released the mask from his face. He sat back and watched as different planets came into view. The navigation system kept them far enough from both the planets and their moons’ gravitational pull. When they arrived at their destination, she powered down the engines.

  “There is a bathroom attached to my sleeping quarters,” Harmony advised him as she started her post-flight checklist. “The green bottle contains a liquid that will refresh your mouth. I buy it in
large containers because I get sick on some of the more dramatic landings and takeoffs.”

  Harmony wasn’t exaggerating to make Chase feel better. She often became ill from the impact of the G-forces. Her inability to handle some of the hairier assents was another reason why she preferred to visit space stations when apprehending criminals.

  “The ship will drift slightly, but we are safe from getting caught up in any planet or moon’s gravitational pull. My long range sensors will pickup anything of consequence heading our way. We are not the first ship to power down for sleep or recreational purposes. Go ahead, I will join you shortly.”

  After Chase left the cockpit, she let out a sigh of relief. Harmony could barely think due to his earlier proximity. She had a nearly uncontrollable urge to stroke his back while Chase was ill. She could almost hear herself telling him he’d be all right. Never had she been the soothing, maternal type. What was this man doing to her?

  After completing the post-flight status and placing the ship in drift mode, Harmony leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes. It was ridiculous her body was actually tingling for his touch. She couldn’t think of anything else.

  Why was she hesitating? Her body was literally crying out to his. Her mind could focus on little else, yet she continued to sit staring into space when she finally opened her eyes.

  His scent still lingered. There was a slight musk nuance that added to his allure. Was that what was impacting her body? She was not similarly impacted by Danyal or any of the other jaguars, only Chase.

  “Enough of being a coward,” she thought to herself. It was time she claimed what she wanted from the instant she saw Chase on the broomstick. Her body was close to becoming an inferno and she needed the burning fire within her extinguished. The attempts to regulate her body’s temperature failed.

  Harmony unfastened her seat’s harness and straightened her clothing as she stood. Would Chase demand she remove her top? She didn’t want her scars to dampen the mood or repulse Chase. Worse, she didn’t want him to feel sorry for her. All the negative thoughts cluttering her brain slowed her pace.


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