Mothers Who Can't Love: A Healing Guide for Daughters

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Mothers Who Can't Love: A Healing Guide for Daughters Page 25

by Forward, Susan

  taking adult role in, 87–90, 93, 96–97, 102, 172, 226

  violent, see physical abuse


  responsibility to, 103, 263

  as targets of rage, 82–83

  as trigger for memories of sexual abuse, 129

  unwanted, 106–8

  chores, 79, 104

  college, leaving home for, 55


  benefits of telephone in, 218–19

  of decision to break off, 245–47

  dialogue with inner child, 177–79, 181

  empowering language in, 169

  of false messages, 147–55

  by letter, see letter writing, letters

  nondefensive, see nondefensive communication

  nonverbal, 68, 140, 147

  verbal, 73, 147, 180

  communication exercises, 136


  emerging womanhood seen as, 38–42

  by mother, 3, 21, 38–42, 148

  by narcissists, 28–47, 168, 238–39

  roots of, 43–44

  confidence, 3, 6

  building, 265

  lack of, 2, 4, 142

  conflict, avoidance of, 75


  as basis of sexual abuse, 123–26, 128

  criticism as basis for, 73–74

  in entrapment and bullying, 70–75

  as expression of power, 84–85, 123–26

  overt and direct, 69–70

  and perfectionism, 75–81

  rebellion as response to, 84–85

  sadistic, 81–85, 161, 176–77

  controlling mothers, 21, 69–86, 142, 159, 161, 176–77, 264

  breaking off contact with, 242–52

  conflict between partners and, 70–75, 217, 243–52

  establishing new normal relationship with, 222, 225

  expressing desires and needs to, 169

  messages of, 148

  roots of, 86

  setting boundaries for, 217

  counseling, see therapy

  criminality, of sexual abuse, 126, 128


  as challenge to new normal relationship, 253–62

  as opportunity for new relationship, 254, 257–58

  critical mothers, 4, 21, 159, 264

  expressing desires and needs to, 169

  standing up to, 197–201, 209, 217, 222, 238–41, 252

  criticism, 2, 3

  of abused daughters, 116

  of daughter’s partner, 70–75, 217, 243–52

  as fountainhead for controlling mothers, 73–74

  healthy response to, 32

  inner commentary of, 39–40

  narcissistic defense against, 29, 33, 35

  by narcissists, 34, 36–38

  and perfectionism, 75–81

  programming through, 141

  standing up to, 197–202

  crying, 93, 136, 171, 173, 179, 190, 237, 269


  emerging womanhood of, 4, 38–41, 54–56

  mother bond with, 5, 54, 266

  responsibilities and rights of, 193–96

  unloved, see unloved daughters

  decision making, avoidance of, 75

  defensiveness, as ineffective, 196–99, 205

  deflection, 140

  by narcissists, 27, 30–32

  de Havilland, Olivia, 187

  demeaning messages, 147–48, 197–98

  denial, 4

  of abuse, 112

  in alcoholics, 102

  of anger, 174

  grief and, 191

  by narcissists, 27, 30, 32–34

  in sexual abuse, 126–28

  “stuffing” as, 185

  dependency, 26

  on caretakers, 90–96

  control and, 70

  enmeshment and, 56–62

  on sexual abusers, 124–25, 128

  dependent mothers, 22, 87–104, 159, 172, 174–76, 264

  alcohol and drug abuse by, 96–104

  as childlike, 102–3

  depression in, 94–104

  establishing new normal relationship with, 226–29

  in old age, sickness, or isolation, 253–62


  anger and, 85

  in daughters, 2, 16, 90, 96

  in dependency, 94–104

  as illness, 94–96

  in mothers, 4, 22, 87, 142, 144, 226–29

  as obstacle to new normal relationship, 225

  sexual abuse and, 125, 129, 233

  treatment for, 136, 228

  deprivation, 5

  derision, 73

  devotion, of enmeshed mothers, 54

  discipline, 265

  disloyalty, 17, 159

  dismissal, 32

  distant mothers, 4, 106–7, 158

  expressing desires and needs to, 168

  divorce, 93, 128

  of daughters, 62, 115

  of mothers, 65

  from one’s own mother, 251

  drama queens, 27–31, 33, 48

  drug abuse:

  by daughters of addicted mothers, 99–101

  dependency and, 96–104

  in mothers, 22, 87, 96–104

  rebellion through, 85

  support as essential for, 136

  duty, false messages of, 149

  eating disorders, 84–85

  embarrassment, 129, 142, 236

  emotional boundaries, 207


  in breaking off contact, 246, 251

  confronting, 171–91

  false beliefs as basis for, 141–43

  intellect vs., 19, 162

  internalization of, 136, 146, 173–74

  in line with new behavior, 201–3

  painful, acknowledging of, 156–70

  empathy, lack of, 20, 26–27, 128, 264


  through asserting one’s own rights and responsibilities, 193–96

  boundary-setting as, 214, 219, 224

  in exorcising guilt, 248

  through expressing desires and needs, 167–69, 206–7

  through expression of anger, 176–77

  in face of crisis, 261–62

  language of, 169

  in tea party relationships, 241

  emptiness, 4

  of enmeshed mothers, 55

  as root of narcissism, 43–44

  empty chair scenario, 175

  empty nest syndrome, 55

  endorphins, 187–88

  enmeshed mothers, 21, 51–68

  bondage vs. bonding of, 52–56

  breaking off contact with, 242

  establishing new normal relationship with, 223–25, 229–33

  expressing desires and needs to, 168

  messages of, 149

  separation as betrayal of, 55–56

  standing up to, 202–5


  dependency and, 56–62

  guilt and, 59, 64, 66–68

  and marital dysfunction, 52–53, 56–60, 229–33

  overt control vs., 69–70

  ritual and, 66

  as two-way street, 67–68

  false beliefs:

  acceptance of, 142–43

  in career, 146

  demeaning, 147–48

  internalizing of, 141–55

  as lies, 151

  in love, 145–46

  nonverbal communication of, 147–55

  obstacles to challenging, 144–45

  recognizing, 139–55

  separating truth from, 151–55

  family, relatives:

  abuse by, 22, 110, 124

  of choice vs. blood, 251

  destructive, 112–13

  jealousy within, 46–47

  in response to breaking off contact, 246–52

  in role of good mother, 263

  seeking validation from, 14, 15–17

  strategies for handling reactions of, 248–52

  family occasions, after breaking off contact, 250


  angry, 92

  distant and uninvolved, 72, 73

  dysfunctional, 5, 16

  informing of break off, 250

  physical abuse by, 110, 112–13, 116–19

  replicated in partner, 115

  sexual abuse by, 110, 123–30, 233–38

  fear, 105, 113, 156, 197

  of abandonment, 54, 68

  of abuse, 113

  in allowing abuse, 110

  bonding by, 66

  in breaking off contact, 246

  in enmeshment, 67–68

  of facing truth, 17

  grief and, 190–91

  of replicating mother’s unloving behavior, 1–2, 77, 264, 265

  fight-or-flight response, 81

  “fixer-uppers,” 90–96, 172

  forgiveness, of self, 189–90

  freedom, rebellion vs., 85


  as catalyst for change, 75

  intervention by, 85

  isolation from, 15–17

  narcissists’ co-opting of, 41

  in role of good mother, 263

  seeking validation from, 14, 15–17

  strategies for handling reactions of, 248–52

  Gaslight, 34

  gaslighting, 34


  rejected, 49

  strings attached to, 45, 47, 56–62

  goals, sabotaging of one’s own, 146–47

  Good Mother Exercise, 266–67

  good mothers:

  becoming, 263–70

  criteria for, 3

  learning through observation of, 264–67


  of abuse victims, 123

  anger and, 172–79, 184

  in breaking off contact, 252

  in healing, 136, 171–91

  living with and through, 184–85, 190–91

  tapping the wisdom in, 171–91

  toolbox for handling, 185–91

  triggers for, 190


  in abuse, 110, 124

  in breaking off contact, 246–48, 251, 252

  in caretakers, 102

  and control, 75

  in creating and maintaining boundaries, 207, 221, 224, 233

  and enmeshment, 59, 64, 66–68

  for failure to protect daughter, 235–37

  “monster” exercise to exorcise, 247–48

  in narcissistic relationship, 46

  overcoming, 158–59, 172, 192

  self-destructive behavior and, 85

  of unloved daughters, 18, 142


  acknowledging painful emotions in, 156–70

  avoiding regression in, 253–54

  becoming a good mother through, 263–70

  being prepared for, 135–38

  breaking off contact with mother in, 242–52

  challenging false beliefs in, 139–55

  changing behavior in, 192–205

  confronting anger and grief in, 171–91

  distinguishing oneself from mother in, 264

  exercises in, 135–36, 151–55, 180, 182–83, 188, 191, 247–48, 267

  expressing desires and needs in, 167–69

  fulfilling one’s own needs in, 261–62

  immense benefits of, 253

  letter writing as, 157–70

  life skills for, 192–205

  new relationship with mothers in, see new normal relationship

  perseverance and patience in, 215–16, 222

  setting boundaries in, see boundaries, boundary-setting

  taking time in, 136, 156, 164, 172

  working on one’s own in, 136, 172

  Heiress, The, 187

  helium balloons, 154–55

  helplessness, 113

  “hungry ghosts,” 43

  “I am” statements, 140–41, 152–54

  “I attack/you defend” cycle, 196

  “I felt” statements, 162–63

  “if only” messages, 109, 150–51, 184, 244

  illness, in unloving mother, 253–62

  inadequacy, sense of, 4, 90, 142, 198, 244

  incest, 110, 123–30


  bonding and, 54

  through healing, 253

  as healthy goal, 60, 143

  transition to, 55–56, 69–70, 110–11, 139

  insanity, defined, 227

  insecurity, 142

  of narcissists, 24, 26, 29, 31–32


  of destructive messages, 140–56

  of emotions, 173–74

  of rejection, 17–19

  invisibility, of abused daughters, 106–9

  isolation, 15–17

  in abuse, 113, 118, 138

  from partner, 106

  of unloving mother, 253–62


  encouraging of, 46–47

  in sexual abuse, 128

  judgment, doubting of one’s own, 73


  defensive, 196–99

  empowering, 169

  learning disabilities, overprotection and, 59–60

  letter writing, letters:

  in breaking off contact, 245–46, 250–51

  expressing desires and needs in, 167–69, 243

  four-part structure of, 157–70

  handwritten, 157, 245

  in healing, 2–7, 135, 157–70

  to involve mother in therapy, 234–35

  to one’s own inner child, 258–69

  position statement through, 233

  reading aloud, 165, 170, 173, 177

  tapping memories and emotion through, 156–70, 171, 173

  unmailed, 157, 235

  Lies and Truth exercise, 151, 180

  “little adults,” 88–90, 93


  in breaking off contact, 246

  of childhood, 88–90, 104, 143, 160, 182

  in unloved daughters, 5, 18


  defined, 3, 143

  doubting one’s own ability to, 5

  enmeshed mother’s rules of, 64–67

  genuine, 253, 267, 269–70

  models for, 267–70

  of mothers, see mother love

  pity vs., 90

  rescue vs., 90, 96

  lying, lies:

  burning of, 154

  in dysfunctional marriages, 92

  exercise for challenging, 151–55

  by narcissists, 32–34

  self-blame as, 180

  separating truth from, 151–55

  see also false beliefs


  abusive, 112

  of controlling mothers, 72, 73

  daughters’, dependent mothers in, 97

  daughters’, enmeshed mothers in, 52–53, 56–60, 229–33

  of dependent mothers, 92–93

  dysfunction in, 5, 17, 27, 60–61, 72, 86

  of enmeshed mothers, 53

  maternal instinct, 13

  maternal responsibility:

  abdication of, 87–88, 94, 104

  mandate for, 94–96

  memories, remembering:

  accessing and confronting, 136, 157–66, 184–85

  of being loved, 267–70

  reliving vs., 166

  memory exercise, 267–68

  mental illness, in abusers, 119

  messages, communication of false, 147–55

  mommy blogs, 266

  “monster” exercise, 247–48

  “mother gene,” 265

  motherhood, 5

  as entire definition of enmeshed mothers, 54–55

  mythical version of, 13–14, 19, 20, 182–84, 244

  mothering of mothers, 87–104

  checklists to identify, 88–89

  see also role reversal, mother-daughter

  mother love:

  cost of missing, 4

  enmeshment vs., 57, 64

  Freudian tradition of, 13

  of good mothers, 3, 65, 263–70

  myth of, 13–14, 19, 20, 182–84, 244

  taboo of questioning, 13–23, 247


  healthy behavior of, 43, 54, 60, 65, 69, 127, 128, 139, 140–41, 263–70

  unloved daughters as, 52, 68, 103, 110–12, 115–16, 120–23, 125, 263–70

  see also unloving mothers; specific types

  Mothers Without Borders, enmeshed mothers as, 51

  mother wound:

  healing of, 9–10, 139–262

  identifying of, 13–138

  Mummy’s Tomb, The, 29


  defined, 24

  exalted expectations in, 36–37

  roots of, 24, 26, 29, 31–32, 37, 43–44, 47

  spectrum of, 25–27

  narcissistic mothers, 21, 24–50, 159

  ambivalence of, 44–46

  establishing of new normal relationship with, 225

  expressing desires and needs to, 168

  “good mother”–“bad mother” scenario in, 38–47

  as impossible to please, 48–49

  messages of, 142, 148

  new normal relationship with, 238–41

  standing up to, 197–201, 204

  Three D’s of, 27–38

  Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), 26–27, 49–50

  narcissistic rage, 34–38

  Narcissus, 24

  National Geographic, 247

  neediness, 62–64, 68


  as failure to protect, 105, 110–19, 123–24, 127–30, 233–37

  by mothers, 2–3, 4, 105, 159, 264, 265

  negotiation, for new normal relationship, 225–38

  new normal relationship:

  breaking off contact with mother in, 242–52

  four options for, 222–41, 242–52

  hopefulness for success in, 225, 229, 237–38

  meeting challenge of crisis in, 253

  mother’s rejection of, 244, 247

  negotiating for, 225–38, 243

  obstacles to, 224–25

  superficial, see tea party relationship

  using new skills to reinforce, 223–25

  nondefensive communication, 195–205, 206, 211, 215, 218

  in breaking off contact, 243, 245, 249–50

  lists of expressions for, 200–201, 210

  in negotiation, 226

  obligation, creating a sense of, 56–62, 66

  old age, unloving mother in, 253–54

  overprotectiveness, 59–60, 110–12, 115–16

  panic attacks, 197

  paranoia, narcissism and, 49


  of alcoholic mothers, 98

  as catalyst for change, 75

  critical, 76–78

  dangerous and violent, 104, 110, 114–15

  daughters’, enmeshed mothers’ competition with, 52–53, 61–62, 229–33

  daughters as replacement for, 65

  dysfunction in relationships with, 2, 27, 142, 158, 265

  falling for “fixer-uppers” as, 90–96, 172

  maternal pattern repeated in, 106

  sabotaging of love for, 145–46

  seeking validation from, 14

  supportive, 129, 170, 263


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