Game Changer

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Game Changer Page 4

by Rene Folsom

  “Oh,” she breathed, eyeing me skeptically with that all-too-sexy smirk on her face. “Liam’s got game.”

  I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my lips as I opened the Audi door for her and said, “You have no idea.”

  Chapter Five

  Maci: Normalcy is Boring

  The sight of Liam in a suit was a shocker, to put it mildly. The man could seriously clean up, the slight scruff on his face becoming that much more adorable, now that I realized he left it like that on purpose. I found myself actually looking forward to this evening and getting to know this man who was eyeing me from head to toe—or toe to head since his gaze was trailing up the slit in my dress.

  I guess all that fuss Sam went through to make me presentable was paying off. Not sure what I would have done without her. The only thing on my body I was responsible for was my damn hair.

  I flashed him a genuine smile as he opened my car door and couldn’t help but sigh as I sat my ass in the luxuriously comfortable seat. The car hugged me like it was specifically made for me—a feature I totally didn’t expect.

  Settling next to me, he cocked an eyebrow and asked, “You ready?”

  “Definitely,” I assured him with a nod. “I’m starving.”

  Since the publishing company’s office was smack in downtown Tampa, the view was breathtaking, as usual. The lights of the buildings shimmered on the water’s surface like diamonds as we drove along the bay’s waterways and channels.

  Once the water was no longer in view and we began heading toward the restaurant in Ybor, I glanced over at Liam and examined his profile. Dim bursts of illumination lit his face as we passed by streetlamps, and I couldn’t help but wonder what it was about this guy that had me so conflicted. One moment, I wanted to scoff at his arrogance, and the next, I wanted to make him smile just so I could see the cute little dimples prominent on his cheeks.

  My apparent ogling didn’t go unnoticed as he glanced at me, smirked, and said, “Are you just returning the favor?”

  “What favor?” I asked, confused with this joke he seemed to think was funny.

  “You’re staring,” he said, stating the obvious.

  “Yes, I am. I didn’t realize it was a favor though. I’m guessing you’re so full of yourself, you like to be gawked at?” I snapped back, still continuing to grin like a fool at my unusually quick wit.

  “Actually, I don’t mind you staring, but anyone else would probably unnerve me.” His answer puzzled me because I wasn’t sure why my eyes mattered more than anyone else’s did, especially to a man I didn’t know.

  Before I could come up with a retort, he pulled the car into a spot right in front of the restaurant, easily parking parallel between two other vehicles.

  “Rock star,” I mumbled.


  “Rock star,” I said louder as I pointed to the curb. “Rock-star parking? Not exactly common to get this great of a spot in Ybor, especially on a Saturday evening during the dinner rush.”

  His grin told me he already knew what I meant and didn’t need the novel-length explanation I so easily provided. I rolled my eyes at the thought he was just fucking with me. Infuriating man.

  Once settled in the fancy restaurant, I attempted to ignore how close we sat together as I glanced over the menu and grasped at any thoughts I could possibly use to stem conversation. I probably had nothing in common with this man, so the challenge to get to know him was necessary.

  “So, what charity is tonight’s event for?” I asked. The subject was better than the awkward silence between us.

  As soon as the charity was brought up, his face brightened and he looked like such a joyful little child when he took a breath to speak.

  “Ahh, you might like this, seeing as you’re in publishing. My company is sponsoring this literacy campaign—sort of a way to engage young children in the essential area of literacy and hopefully solidifying a brighter future for them. Tonight’s gala will not only raise money toward the campaign, but will also showcase some of the poems and writings we’ve received from children all over the world.”

  The pride in his tone didn’t go unnoticed, and I was suddenly unable to speak beyond the lump in my throat, the cause obviously being near and dear to my heart. I also wondered what he meant by his company, but seeing the type of car he drove and the cocky attitude he so easily broadcasted when I first met him, it wouldn’t be surprising if the man had money.

  Clearing my throat, I finally found my voice and said, “That sounds amazing, Liam.”

  His smile was dazzling as he bowed his head and nodded. “Yeah, it’s pretty amazing. The teams hired to organize these events really go all out too. So, tonight should be tons of fun.”

  I suddenly felt really hot and stifled the urge to fan myself with the damn menu. This man was beginning to dazzle me, which was not what I wanted out of this arrangement.

  Placing his long arm on the back of my chair, Liam brushed his thumb over my bare shoulder opposite of him and leaned in close, causing my skin to prickle in awareness. “Maci?” he breathed, my name a sweet caress on his lips.

  The waiter clearing his throat had Liam pulling back and me breathing a sigh of relief. Even though my body craved to be close to him, my mind kept screaming not a date, the sound ringing through my head like a cheerleader with a bullhorn.

  In a matter of seconds, too quickly for me to catch on to what was happening, Liam ordered a bottle of wine along with our food, never giving me the chance to speak up.

  “Did you just order for me?” I whispered, my hushed voice coming out harsh as the waiter scurried away.

  “I did. If you don’t like what I ordered, you’re more than welcome to get something else. But, I at least want you to try their veal. I’m pretty certain you’ll love the Scaloppine al Marsala.”

  “I do like veal, but I also like ordering for myself. I’m a big girl, you know,” I pointed out to him in a quiet tone, so as not to get all fired up in the middle of a fancy restaurant.

  “It’ll be worth it, just this once,” he said with an exasperating smirk as he draped his arm behind me again and leaned closer.

  “Not a date, remember?” I reminded him with a light touch to his chest to push him away. While the contact was intended to push him away, I wanted nothing more than to grab his tie and pull him closer. His familiar scent consumed me and filled my mind with utter confusion. What this man was doing to me made me feel way too exposed.

  “I can’t help it,” he admitted, his breath tickling my ear and neck as he spoke. “With that dress, those heels, your—”

  “Your wine, sir?” the waiter interrupted. Liam’s scowl had me thoroughly amused, and I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my lips.

  “Thank you,” Liam mumbled as the man poured our glasses and set the wine into an ice bucket next to the table.

  Without hesitation, I picked up my glass and sipped the liquid. A fruity, light, flavorful, invigorating taste flooded my mouth, and I nearly groaned with the feel of it gliding down my throat. My eyes fluttered shut as I enjoyed the zesty feel against my palate with nice fruit flavors and a clean finish.

  When I finally opened my eyelids with a lazy lift, I noticed Liam studying me intently. A half smirk was all I could manage as I got lost in his eyes. Maybe this guy wasn’t so bad. He could be infuriatingly cocky, but I knew I could hold my own and give him a taste of his own medicine when necessary.

  “Good?” he asked, fingering the stem of his glass and drawing my attention to his strong hands. They looked well kept, almost boyish in their softness, but manly in their size and strength.

  I nodded mutely, nibbling at my lip before finally finding my voice and whispering, “Amazing.”

  The rest of dinner went just as I had hoped. The food was mouthwatering and Liam was a perfect gentleman, making me wonder how long it would take for the shit to hit the fan. No date was this perfect.

  No… not a date. No non-date was this perfect.

While we both evaded the topic of family and talked about our jobs—my fake job as a file clerk, of course—I noticed he was also being somewhat vague with his answers, making me wonder what he was hiding. It couldn’t be too bad, right? After all, I was about to go to a charity event where his employees or coworkers were bound to be. Maybe he was just a private person and wasn’t used to talking about himself, a complete one-eighty from the cocky geek I’d first met almost two weeks ago.

  The hotel the event would be held at was only two blocks away, so I was surprised when Liam wanted to drive rather than walk. Shrugging and not questioning his motives, I clambered into the car and settled back, sighing with the way the seat seemed to hug me. I appeared to be falling in love with this damn car.

  Just when I thought Liam would start the engine, he let the keys dangle in the ignition and leaned over to me instead. My breath hitched as he reached across my body and grabbed the seatbelt, buckling it in place with a loud click.

  Never backing away and hovering his face precariously close to mine, he said, “Safety first, beautiful Maci.”

  “For two blocks?” I scoffed, trying to deny my inner delight at his closeness.

  “For two blocks,” he affirmed just as his eyes began roaming over my body, landing on the slit that parted all the way up my left leg to mid-thigh. Extending his hand out, he traced a finger along my leg, right between the parted fabric.

  “Non-date, Sir Liam,” I chided, reminding him of our agreement. Even though I turned him down verbally, I didn’t bother flinching or pushing him away. I honestly enjoyed his touch, like he was caressing a fragile item with adoration. But I needed to keep my wits about me if I planned to make it through the night with dry panties.

  His fingers lingered on my skin just a bit longer, sending a chill through me at the thought of him lifting my dress and moving even higher.

  “Liam,” I whispered, breathless and desperate for him to either increase his hold on my self-control or stop punishing me with such delicious torment.

  “Right. Non-date,” he agreed as he retracted his hand. “I just can’t seem to act normal around you, Maci.”

  Well, that statement seemed to send a whole new thrill through me, because it meant he wasn’t used to moving in on a girl so quickly and vigorously. I didn’t care much for players, so his masked confession had a grin spreading on my face before I realized it was happening.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked, peeking over at me while pulling into traffic and making an immediate left.

  “You. You said you can’t act normal around me, but I think normal is utterly boring.” His dimples made their appearance at my words, and I delighted in the fact that I could make him smile.

  God, I barely wanted to come on this stupid non-date tonight, yet now I realized I was having a great time with him. I would be the first to admit I was wrong. Well, at least to myself. No need to admit it out loud and ruin our fun banter.

  A little too soon for my liking—because I was honestly enjoying the comfy ride—we were pulling up to the Hilton where several valets stood waiting to get their hands on the keys to this beautiful car.

  “I’ve never ridden in an Audi before,” I admitted to him as we climbed out and made our way toward the lobby doors. “I think I’m in love.”

  His laughter was mesmerizing as he guided my hand to rest in the crook of his elbow and said, “Just wait until you drive it.” When he finished off that stunning sentence with a wink, I lethargically walked next to him, nearly paralyzed at what he was insinuating.

  “You mean I can drive it?” I gasped. Stunned didn’t even begin to cover how I felt at that statement. He didn’t know me from Eve, other than our rather informative dinner date… ahh… non-date. His trust was likely misled somehow. There was no reason for him to trust me.

  “Sure… someday.” He smiled as if there was a hidden meaning behind his words, and I rolled my eyes at his demure, evasive answer.

  When we walked into the main conference room, I saw the place had been transformed into a beautiful display. Blue lights gave the room a muted underwater glow. A makeshift stage was at the head of the room, and a few round tables were speckled between what looked like ingeniously comfortable chairs and loveseats. Track lighting lit up one large wall with a slew of handwritten papers pinned neatly for everyone to see.

  Confusion began to muddle my brain as I noticed the huge, green nZone logo projected on the far wall behind the stage. What did this event have to do with the gaming company that seemed to adorn at least half my video game collection?

  Then it dawned on me… nZone was the sponsor for this charity.

  “William Allen,” a familiar, booming voice echoed around us, causing Liam to squeeze the hand I had resting in the crook of his arm as if it were an involuntary reaction to the person approaching us—a man I loathed down to my core. “Long time no see,” the large man said as he shook hands with Liam.

  Liam… William. William Allen.

  Suddenly, it clicked and everything fell into place. The geeky gamer t-shirts. The cocky, holier-than-thou attitude. The gamer jokes and innuendos. The wealth.

  I was clutching the arm of THE William Allen—lead gaming developer and co-owner of nZone Studios—all while the bane of my existence stood in front of us. I could only hope the man wouldn’t make a scene.

  Looking up at his face, I noticed him assessing me, maybe trying to gauge my reaction. Was this why he was so vague at dinner? Did he not want me to know who he was? Or did he want to see if I’d recognize the name?

  My first knee-jerk reaction was usually the right thing to do, so I decided to feign nonchalance and pretend I hadn’t connected the dots.

  Chapter Six

  Liam: Draw Your Shields

  Examining her face as we listened to one of my biggest corporate enemies rattle on about his latest new business venture, I didn’t see any spark of recognition or shock. Her expression remained stoic, impassive, like she hadn’t even heard the loud man say my full name.

  Well, I was glad. This was my attempt to possibly get someone to like me for me, and not my status with the company. Then again, she’d probably figure things out by the end of the night. It wasn’t like the rest of my employees attending were in on the mission.

  In order to get the bear of a man to shut up for a second, I interrupted him. “Big Jim, I’d like you to meet a friend of mine, Maci Layne. Maci, this is Jim Celeste, owner of Celeste Entertainment Group.”

  Big Jim’s eyes swept greedily over Maci, causing her to tighten her hold on my arm before she opened her mouth and said, “Nice to meet you.” Her words lacked conviction as she clutched my arm tighter with both hands this time and began to fidget her fingers.

  “Well, aren’t you a hot little number?” Jim sneered, inching closer and reaching his hand out to greet her—a hand she refused to take. Before I could even think of defending her, or backing away and pretending slime like him didn’t even exist, she spoke.

  “Hot enough to char meatheads like you.” Venom seeped through her tone, making me wonder if she knew just what a piece of work this man was.

  A sinister laugh left his chunky lips. “I don’t doubt that, Ms. Layne. Pretty things like you are usually only around for one thing…”

  “Watch yourself, Jim,” I said with a deathly sneer. “You can talk shit to me all you want, but you will respect a lady.”

  “Oh, so she’s a lady and not one of your—?”

  “Enough!” I barked, pissed this man was even standing in front of me. Who the hell had invited him anyway?

  As if I summoned them, two of nZone’s security guards approached us, immediately speaking with fat-ass Jim and working up the balls to escort him to the exit without anyone noticing. Responding to their interference, I calmly led Maci to the front of the room.

  “Fucking waste of skin,” Maci muttered under her breath while letting go of me and crossing her arms over her chest. If it weren’t for her cute little outburst, the los
s of contact would have made me anxious.

  “He really is. I’m sorry he spoke to you that way. Just know you can’t believe a word he says,” I assured her.

  “Oh, I know,” she responded, catching me off guard.

  “You know? You mean, you know who he is?”

  She nodded as I led her by the small of her back to a loveseat right in front of the stage. Taking a seat, she drew in a long, ragged breath before she spoke.

  “He’s the asshole who promised to donate a percentage of proceeds to the Wounded Warrior Project for each war game that his company sold, but then backed out after the fucking game made him a millionaire,” she seethed in a low voice. Quieting her tone even more, she leaned into me and added, “Someone should show that fat ass what being permanently wounded is really like.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. I tried so hard not to, but her anger and hate for a man I despised was just so endearing that it made the chuckle leave my lips before I could stop it.

  “It’s not funny,” she whispered harshly while backhanding me on my chest.

  “No.” I had to clear my throat of laughter just to continue speaking. “No, it’s not funny. You just hit the nail on the motherfucking head, Maci. I loathe that man. Not even sure who the hell invited him tonight.”

  “Why do you hate him? Other than his Slimer-like qualities,” she asked.

  “Well, of course, he’s a total douche for the whole war game fiasco and, of course, he’s my mortal enemy. But, a few years back, the man actually wrote a bad check at one of these charity events just so he could get recognition. Needless to say, once it bounced, we yanked his name off the donor list so fast and banned him from ever attempting to donate again.”

  “God. He’s such a pussball,” she said, still whispering as she huffed and slumped back against the plush seating of the small couch.

  “Let’s not talk about him anymore and try to relax this evening, okay?” The hope in her eyes suddenly came back to life just as a waiter approached us, asking for our drink orders.


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