Trail of the Wolf

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Trail of the Wolf Page 5

by Joe Dever

  Turn to 295.


  You look across the steel platform and your eye falls upon a bronze statue of Darklord Chlanzor, partially hidden by one of the observatory's roof supports. A bold idea leaps into your mind and you scurry over to the statue and stand behind it. The rotund likeness of Chlanzor is top-heavy, and when you barge into it with your shoulder, it topples over and rolls towards the stairs. Hurriedly you give it another hefty shove, and it barrels down the steps towards the startled assault trooper.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 4 or lower, turn to 104.

  If it is 5 or higher, turn to 231.


  You snatch an Arrow to your Bow and let fly a snap shot at the swooping Kraan. The shaft buries itself in the creature's rib cage, and the sudden pain of the wound makes it abandon its deadly attack. Cawing with agony and frustration, the wounded Kraan circles once around the chamber and then hurls itself upon you in a desperate, vengeful attack.

  Kraan (wounded): COMBAT SKILL 32 ENDURANCE 38

  If you win this combat, turn to 157.


  You strike the Krorn a powerful blow in the middle of its forehead with the toe of your boot, and send it spinning backwards into the chamber. With a muffled groan, it slides down the grimy wall, leaving a trail of bloodied gruel smeared in its wake.

  Having incapacitated the tower lookout, you squeeze through the arrow slit and jump down into the chamber. The moment your feet touch the flagstones, you hear a high-pitched squeak somewhere above your head. You glance up and a shadowy blur flashes before your eyes. It is followed almost immediately by a sharp stabbing pain that runs all the way from your neck to your stomach. Something small and furry has attached itself to the flesh beneath your jaw, and it is feeding hungrily on your blood.

  Instinctively you take hold of the creature with both hands and crush it in a vice-like grip. You hear its bones crack and you feel it go limp, and then you detach it carefully from your neck and hurl its lifeless body to the floor. A wave of nausea wells up in the pit of your stomach and you feel your punctured neck begin to swell alarmingly. Your Magnakai Discipline of Curing slows the effect of the creature's venom, but you have been gravely weakened by this unexpected attack and you feel barely able to remain standing.

  If you possess Deliverance, turn to 138.

  If you do not, turn to 275.


  You race to the top of the steps and dive between the obsidian pillars before the force field recharges. Your speed and agility save you from sustaining a severe shock, for the invisible barrier takes shape just seconds after your body passes between the pillars. Quickly you get to your feet and then turn towards the archway and stairs that await you beyond the hall.

  Turn to 209.


  The lock disengages with a soft, well-oiled snick11 and you push open the door just enough to allow you to slip inside. Beyond the door you discover a pillared hall, its circular walls bedecked with battered shields and torn banners captured in battle. In the oily glow of a sputtering lantern you see two Drakkarim seated at a wooden table in the middle of the hall. They are playing dice and neither warrior notices you enter.

  Quietly you close the door and then hide behind one of the pillars which encircle this hall. Beyond the Drakkarim, you can see an archway in the opposite wall which leads to a flight of stone steps. This appears to be the only other exit from the hall and you resolve to reach it without being seen.

  Illustration II—You see two Drakkarim engrossed in a game of dice.

  If you possess Assimilance, turn to 58.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 205.

  If you possess Elementalism and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Defender or higher, turn to 326.

  If you do not possess any of these Disciplines, or if you have yet to attain the required level of Kai Mastery, turn instead to 111.

  [11] This is the correct answer to the combination lock in Sections 39, 256, 293, and 348.


  The Skryza's hideous cry echoes in your ears as you break away from the fight and flee towards the sanctuary of the surrounding forest. The creature's webs prevent you from heading north, towards Gazad Helkona, and so you are forced instead to make your escape towards the east. The giant spider gives chase, yet you are able to evade him with ease when he quickly becomes entangled among the twisted boughs and wire-hard bracken.

  For three hours you hurry through the dead forest without pausing for rest. It is not until the dusty ground eventually gives way to broken and rocky soil that you are forced to slow your pace. The distant eruptions of the Kokozritzaga volcanoes seem louder now, and the constant ground tremors have become steadily stronger. You are about to stop and rest for a few minutes when suddenly a violent tremor shakes you off your feet. As you struggle to stand, a fissure tears open the barren ground and a gushing plume of molten lava soars into the sky.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Nexus, add 1.

  If your total score is now 5 or lower, turn to 151.

  If it is 6 or higher, turn to 251.


  Zorkaan looms above you, his swirling black form swelling in volume and menace as it prepares to deal you a final, devastating blow. Valiantly you struggle to resist, but you are fearful that you no longer possess the strength to counter this powerful foe. An evil laugh echoes in your mind as slowly the wispy mass of black vapour spirals down towards your face. Desperately you lash out at your mocking adversary, but you lose your balance and collapse to your knees. With a prayer to Ishir on your lips, you watch with growing horror as a glowing spike of radiant energy appears at the core of Zorkaan's form. It hangs directly above you, like a sorcerous lance poised to deliver a killing blow.

  Turn to 196.


  The very instant that your fingers take hold of the silver crown, you are gripped by a terrible pain that burns through your mind. Blinding flashes of light become entangled with nightmarish images of death and torture that leave you gasping for breath.

  The object you have touched is a cursed crown, an implement of torture crafted by Darklord Chlanzor's Nadziranim — his evil magicians. This cursed crown was used by the Nadziranim to extract information from the Talestrians shortly before their deaths. The images you see and the pain that you feel are fragments of the terrible ordeal that the Talestrians were made to suffer before their demise: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.

  Desperately you draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen to counter the evil effects of this cursed crown. As your mental defences knit together, you are able to drop the crown and put an end to the crushing pain that fills your head. When you have fully recovered, you step away from the pyramid and offer up a short prayer to Ishir to watch over the souls of the three prisoners who died here. Then you leave the pyramid and turn towards the iron steps.

  To continue, turn to 135.


  Your Kai Sixth Sense warns you of the speeding bolt that is streaking towards your back, and you dive to the ground to avoid being hit. It whooshes over your head and explodes harmlessly against the parapet, near the top of the stairs.

  Fearful that the creature will launch another bolt at your back, you scramble to your feet and turn to face this merciless foe.

  Turn to 167.


  With the element of surprise firmly on your side, you decide to launch a swift and sudden attack on the bandits in the hall beyond. You shoulder the heavy door wide open and burst into the hall with your Kai Weapon held ready to strike. With gasps of disbelief, the bandits scramble for their swords as they rise to meet your advance. The youngest of the trio is a sweaty-faced youth with lank ginger hair. He lunges at you with his rusty rapier but you sidestep his clumsy stroke with graceful ease. Then you retaliate with a thrust that pierces h
is thigh, and the youth grunts in agony as his leg buckles beneath him. With a flurry of vile curses, his two older comrades find their feet and come rushing to his aid, their swords slashing wildly at your head and chest.

  Hammerland Bandits: COMBAT SKILL 29 ENDURANCE 36

  If you win this combat, turn to 131.


  Hastily you cast the crystal rod at the advancing enemy troops who are rushing across the landing below. It spins through the air and strikes the floor, exploding with devastating effect. The Drakkarim assault-troopers who are leading the attack are engulfed by a searing ball of yellow and orange flame. Then an entire section of the landing and stairs is destroyed by a huge eruption of power that rocks the very foundations of the tower. You dive to cover Lone Wolf with your body, and your selfless action keeps him safe as fragments of masonry smash into the dome and broken glass rains down upon the observatory platform. You are struck by falling glass and suffer cuts to your legs and upper back (lose 2 ENDURANCE points).

  When finally the deluge of glass and debris comes to a halt, you struggle to your feet and survey the surrounding scene of destruction.

  Turn to 307.


  After several minutes of intense effort, the lock opens with a loud click. Carefully you push open the door and enter a broad hall constructed entirely from black marble slabs. A strange amber light illuminates the upper walls and domed ceiling, cast by a dozen gold cressets fixed into the walls. Two large pedestals stand near the centre of the hall, each one topped by a horned skull. As you approach these pedestals, you hear the door slam shut behind you. Instinctively you spin around and you see that there is no lockplate on the inside of the door. Its black surface is entirely smooth, blending seamlessly with the sombre marble walls.

  To continue, turn to 250.


  You drag the slain Drakkarim to the side of the hall and hide their bodies in a shadowy recess behind one of the encircling pillars. Then you go to the main door and draw the bolt shut before exploring any further.

  You cross the hall and enter the archway where cautiously you ascend the steps to a landing located on a level above.

  Turn to 6.


  You draw upon your Kai tracking and fieldcraft skills to help you traverse the gully, but the dust gets progressively deeper. Rapidly you sink into the yellow powder until it rises above your waist and you are no longer able to move your legs. Desperately you claw at the surface in an effort to dig yourself out, but the more you struggle to get free the faster you sink.

  A fear of being swallowed by the dust suddenly takes hold of you and frantically you look for some way to escape from this terrible fate. Then you note that the walls of the steep-sided gully are pitted with rocks and boulders. If you can reach the gully wall you will be able to save yourself from drowning in this dry morass.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 270.

  If you possess a Rope and wish to use it, turn to 133.

  If you do not possess Kai-alchemy, nor a Rope, or if you should decide to use neither of them, turn instead to 52.


  Suddenly you hear the monotonous clang of an alarm bell echoing in some distant part of the citadel, and your Kai senses warn you that Xaol's corpse has now been discovered. Some of his minions are searching the necromancer's hall, and you are gripped by a fear that they will discover your trail and catch you before you can make good your escape. You take hold of Lone Wolf and lift him across your shoulder; then you pull open the wooden door and leave Xaol's chambers as fast as you are able.

  You pass along a tunnel that is lined with iron hooks and sputtering torches. Most of the hooks are bare, but some are festooned with weapons and clothing. Among the items are the following weapons and equipment:



  3 Arrows





  Leather Tunic

  Blanket (this item occupies 2 places in a Backpack)

  If you wish to keep any of the above Weapons and equipment, adjust your Action Chart accordingly before continuing.

  Turn to 240.


  Quickly you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and extend your right arm towards the swooping Kraan. You feel the familiar rush of energy shoot from your shoulder to your hand, and then a crackling bolt of blue energy leaps from your open palm. Desperately the Kraan attempts to avoid the sparkling ball of power, but the bolt hits its wing and tears a ragged hole in the scaly skin.

  Cawing with pain and anger, the wounded beast circles around the chamber and then hurls itself upon you in a desperate, vengeful attack.

  Kraan (wounded): COMBAT SKILL 32 ENDURANCE 38

  If you win this combat, turn to 157.


  The coast is still clear, so you leave the locked doors and hurry towards the stairs which ascend to a first-floor balcony.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–6, turn to 91.

  If it is 7–9, turn to 256.


  You shout out the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and take aim with your right hand at the smoking orb. A crackling bolt of energy leaps from your palm and strikes the deadly device. The impact splits the orb asunder and ignites the explosive fluid contained within. The Kraan and its rider are caught by the ensuing blast, and they are consumed in a roaring ball of flame. With grim satisfaction you watch as they spiral down into an avenue that is crowded with Hammerland bandits, enticed from their barracks by the spectacle of your dramatic air escape.

  Turn to 50.


  Your Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship warns you of an impending ambush, but you cannot determine the direction of the threat. You are peering into the curtain of webs, in search of the source of the movement that you detected moments ago, when suddenly you hear a noise. It comes from behind you.

  Swiftly, you spin around to see that a large section of the ground has opened up like a great trapdoor. From its subterranean lair, a colossal black spider hoists itself out of the ground and perches on the lip of the dark aperture. Swivelling on jointed legs, this titanic arachnid clacks its fanged maw as it fixes you with a cluster of crimson eyes that rotate and pulsate hypnotically.

  Illustration III—A colossal black spider emerges from its subterranean lair.

  An unexpected wave of fatigue washes over your body, making you feel weak and sleepy. You draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen to counter the seductive effect of the spider's hypnotic power, and at once the creature senses your resistance. Fearing that you may escape its clutches, it raises its great hairy forelegs and squirts forth a jet of clear fluid from a vent below its maw. Desperately you attempt to dive aside as this stream of sticky liquid comes gushing towards your chest.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Kai-screen, add 4 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2.

  If your total score is 5 or lower, turn to 346.

  If it is 6 or higher, turn to 224.


  You overhear the bandits talking and realize that your lost Backpack Items have aroused their suspicions that there is an intruder in the citadel. They avoid touching the dargorse buds, but they take the other two items and then walk towards the tunnel by which you entered the citadel. As soon as they have disappeared from view, you leave the statue and hurry around the gallery to the staircase opposite.

  A short flight of iron steps ascends to a long, low-ceilinged hall. Its plastered walls are decorated with frescoes that depict enslaved humans, bedecked with chains and heads bowed in defeat, parading in a line before a triumphant group of Drakkarim warlords. At the far end of this hall you discover three identical doors recessed into the painted wall.

  If you possess Telegnosis, turn to 107.

  If you
do not, turn to 174.


  Your swift and timely reflexes save you from sustaining serious injuries to your face, legs, and torso: lose only 1 ENDURANCE point.

  To continue, turn to 84.


  The rough-hewn blocks of the inner wall offer many handholds to help you climb, but the dry stone and mortar crumble under stress. Your first attempt to scale the wall comes to an abrupt end when a toehold collapses and you fall backwards to the ground: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy, turn to 78.

  If you do not, turn to 329.


  Quickly you recite the words of the Old Kingdom Spell Shield and circle your right palm before your face.12 The spell has only just materialised when the speeding bolt strikes and penetrates your magical barrier, ripping through it with a splash of livid green sparks. The bolt is deflected away from your face, but it strikes you in the shoulder and you are knocked back by the force of its impact: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

  If you have survived this wounding, turn to 287.

  [12] This section is unreachable and superfluous since it is equivalent to Section 301.


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