Switching Lanes

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Switching Lanes Page 9

by Porter, Renea

  “It’s colder than a daddy’s dick out there!” he says, shivering with the wood in his hands. He places the logs in the fireplaces and lights it and pokes the wood around for a few minutes, then rubs his hands to warm up. Jimmy and his girlfriend, Ciara, come into the house and we greet them both. I hug both of them and Layne welcomes them.

  “You guys get to pick the next room. The suite is off limits, though,” I tell them happily. I watch as the two bound up the stairs to pick their rooms.

  “This place is amazing,” Ciara says, looking down at us over the railing from up above.

  “I’m so excited for the weekend,” I tell Layne as he sits next to me on the couch.

  “I have some things planned. So I hope you brought some warm clothes,” he tells me while patting me on the leg.

  “I did. I seriously can’t wait,” I tell him with a smile.

  “When everyone gets here, we’ll propose a toast and cheer for an exciting weekend. I think this is definitely going to be a good weekend.”

  God how could I not love this man that stands before me? He would take a bullet for the one he loves. And I finally see his personality is starting to come back and shine through. Maybe he is finally breaking free from the pain. Death is not something you can easily get over, but with time it does get easier. Even I can atone to that.

  “I wasn’t even thinking, but you don’t mind sharing a room, do you? I don’t know what I was thinking just assuming you would want to,” Layne says.

  “Oh no, it’s fine. I mean, come on, that suite is amazing,” I say with a laugh.

  “Oh, is that the only reason?” he asks with a smile.

  Ciara and Jimmy come back down the stair sand join us in the living room. “Did you guys have an okay ride up here?” Layne asks.

  Ciara sits on Jimmy’s lap in the big oversized chair by us. “We did,” Jimmy answers.

  “You guys can help yourselves to anything in the fridge. It should be pretty well stocked with beer and food,” Layne tells them. Then he looks at me. “Wanna go for a walk around the property?”

  “Sure, let me grab my coat,” I tell him. I run upstairs and throw on my heavy coat and gloves. “Okay, I’m ready,” I tell him as I bound down the stairs. He holds his hand out to grab mine. I let him, and they seem to fit perfectly, like that’s what they were made for.

  We walk through the wooded area in the back and make it to a clearing. It is so beautiful as the snow starts to fall. “Thanks for coming with me,” Layne says, shoving his hands in his coat pockets.

  “I’m glad you invited me. I could use the getaway after all the studying and catching up I’ve done. And midterms were a bitch.”

  We walk a little while longer before heading back.

  By the time we get back to the house, we meet the rest of the crew that arrived and we greet each one. Everyone managed to pick their rooms without any fighting. We meet in the kitchen for some shots.

  “To Layne, for inviting all of us on this awesome getaway,” Carter salutes and we all cheer. It’s already turning dark outside since we changed the clocks back, and I love the extra hour of sleep.

  “Wanna head upstairs and watch a movie?” Layne turns to me. We head upstairs and I spot a full basket of goodies on the bed. The note reads “For the host and hostess”. I sit on the bed and see that it is filled with cheeses, crackers, and bologna.

  “Mmm, looks good,” I tell Layne.

  Layne starts by taking out the small cutting board and knife to cut the meat and cheese.

  “What movie do you want to watch? He points to the stack of DVDs by the TV. “I have a collection over there.”

  “I thought there was something you wanted to tell me last night,” I tell him, remembering his statement.

  “I think I need another beer. Want one?” he asks, changing the subject.

  I’m already buzzed from the shots we did earlier, so what’s one more beer? “Yeah, sure.”

  I stand and look through the pile of movies. I opt for a Mission Impossible movie and slide it into the player, and then I grab my pajamas to change into. I go into the luxurious bathroom and change into my pajama shorts and short sleeve top. Hopefully being under the blankets will keep me warm. I prop myself against the headboard of the bed and pull the sheets over my legs.

  Layne comes into the room and hands me a beer.

  He sits on the bed next to me and we dig into the goodies from the basket.

  I must have fallen asleep halfway through the movie, because I wake early the next morning to the smell of coffee. My head pounds from the drinking last night. I look to my left and find an empty spot, and then I hear the shower running in the bathroom. Layne comes out with just a towel wrapped around his waist and I almost melt right there. The watery bead cascading over his body is so hot.

  “Good morning, Sunshine. Are you ready to get a live Christmas tree today?” he beams and his eyes light up like a small child’s.

  “I’m excited. I’ll just jump in the shower while you get dressed.” I pass him and I want to just rip off the towel that is hiding his manly figure. But I continue to the bathroom and a cold shower is sounding like it’s something I might need. Once I feel lively enough, I head downstairs and grab a cup of coffee.

  “The boys are out getting a Christmas tree. They probably won’t be back for a while,” Heather says. “We are more concerned with what’s going on between you and Layne.” The girls giggle.

  “You guys know there is nothing going on between us. We’re just friends; we have been for years,” I brush them off. “Heck, I’m surprised he didn’t drag one of his sluts along, being that he isn’t getting any from me. Hell, this is probably a record for him.” I giggle, and then bring the coffee mug back up to my lips.

  “Well whatever you are doing, you look great,” Ciara tells me.

  “Thanks. I’ve just been trying to take care of myself.”

  I listen to the other girls talk about their boyfriends. A twinge of jealousy shoots through me, since I don’t have someone to brag about. But I am happy for them and I’ll listen to anything as long as the attention is off me.

  As predicted, the boys show up an hour later with a huge Christmas tree. They put it in the corner by the fireplace it fits perfectly in there. The girls and I get busy decorating it and making it really nice and pretty while the boys enjoy a beer as they talk among themselves and watch us. We string the tree with lights, and pretty decorating balls, and colorful garland. I place a leafy strand along the fireplace and wrap lights around it. We place a few Christmas figurines and houses on the mantle and throughout the room.

  Once we are finished, we step back and admire our work, proud of ourselves. It’s Christmas Eve and Layne and I agreed not to get anything extravagant, since money is tight and he has a fine to pay from the stunt he pulled that got him arrested. So I just bought him a MMA shirt and a pair of jeans.

  Later that evening, I watch Heather and Thomas get engaged, and I’m so thrilled. I hug them both and congratulate them. Layne shakes Thomas’s hand and hugs Heather as well.

  Layne and I exchange gifts. I take the small box from him and I unwrap it while it sits in my lap. Uncovering it, I see a small jewelry box. Opening it, I watch as a ballerina dances in circles. “Oh my gosh! I love it so much,” I tell him with a smile. “You really shouldn’t have, though.”

  “It was worth seeing your smile. And I remember you saying you always wanted one,” he says while he unwraps his. He pulls the shirt out first and then he pulls out the jeans. “Nice! Thank you.”

  He comes over to hug me for the gift. “Thank you so much,” I whisper in his ear.

  “You’re welcome,” he whispers.

  Chapter Fourteen

  We still don’t have school for another week. And it’s been one week since Layne and I got back from the little weekend getaway we did. Nothing really happened; except for Layne dodging my question about what he was going to say that night we went to the theater. I wish I wouldn�
�t have told him that maybe he could tell me another time. Because I think he took it literal. Other than that, we did a lot of drinking and just lounging around watching movies and hanging out with the others.

  It’s finally Friday and I got my finals results, and I scored really well. Tomorrow Layne is racing since there is no snow on the ground and the weather has been fairly clear all week. And he is racing against Dylan. I’m very nervous about going and dealing with that. I haven’t seen or talked to him since that night Layne kicked his ass out of the house. Him calling me a bitch was so out of line. I should have slapped him.

  Alexis and I are in the student lounge, circling apartments in the newspaper we want to check out on Sunday when we go looking. She smiles. “It’s going to be so much fun being roommates.”

  “I know, and we like each other and like similar things, so I am excited, too,” I tell her while circling another available apartment. We are meeting a realtor first thing Sunday. “I think we’ll need a pair or two of strong arms to help us move.” I wink.

  “Are you going to ask Cole and Layne to help us?”

  “Um, yeah! We can’t move all our stuff ourselves,” I tell her.

  “I just don’t want Cole to get the wrong impression of me. I mean, I’m no easy girl, and if he thinks I am, he’s got another thing coming,” Alexis says sternly.

  “Well, I can tell you he is very interested in you and I highly doubt he is just out for a piece of ass. I mean, I did threaten him after all.”

  “I know you did. And like I said, no one has ever done that for me before. You mean a lot to me, and I don’t want to see you get hurt in any way either,” she says.

  “You’re too sweet.”

  “I better go; got to work at the Pizzeria tomorrow. I’ll see ya on Sunday.” Alexis waves, as she stands to walk away.

  Cole will have his work cut out for him, if he pursues her. I kind of even feel sorry for him.

  I walk back to my dorm and lounge on my bed with a book in hand. It’s been so long since I read a book for pure enjoyment. I hardly ever see my roommate since school has been out. It will be a nice change to get an apartment with Alexis.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  I wake early in the morning with the book on my chest from last night. I take a shower and gather my laundry to get caught up on it. I’m running low on clothes. I gather the basket and my essentials and the book I started last night. I could use the school’s Laundromat but I go to one off campus. I hate running into people I know all the time. I hurriedly grab my basket and supplies and get a load started and then I take a seat with my book in hand.

  “Fancy seeing you here.” Cole smiles brightly.

  “Jesus; I didn’t even see or hear you come in. You scared me.” I hold my chest from it beating so fast.

  “Shouldn’t you be out getting all fancied up for the New Year’s Eve party tonight?”

  “Am I not fancy enough?” I ask, acting offended by his comment.

  “That must be an intense book,” he points, changing the subject.

  “Oh, it is. It’s a murder mystery. So you come here too?” I ask.

  He walks to a washer and throws his clothes in. “Yeah, I’m not a fan of the campus one. I take it you aren’t either.”

  I shake my head. “Say, Alexis and I are looking for apartments to rent. Would you be interested in helping us move, when it came time to do so? We could use a pair of strong arms,” I say with a smile.

  “You don’t have to ask me twice. Give me your phone and I’ll punch my number in.” He holds his hand out and I pass my phone to him. “Just text me whenever you want me to help. I have a truck, so I can even haul some stuff for you guys,” he says and his eyes twinkle.

  “Are you doing this out of the goodness of your heart or because you want to see Alexis?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

  “Well for Alexis, of course. Gosh, that girl drives me crazy.”

  I laugh, as he sits next to me.

  “I feel for you. You have your work cut out for you.” I look at his name, and his last name sounds familiar. “Are you related to Chase Vega by any chance?”

  “He’s my cousin. I transferred from my community college. I figured he could use some support, losing Amber has been rough on him, even though he doesn’t show it. I know he is hurting. I wish I could have met her.”

  “You would have liked her, I’m sure. She was one of a kind,” I say fondly. I stand to put my clothes in the dryer. “So are you heading to the race later?” I ask, while putting the change in to start the dryer.

  “You’ll probably see me there at some point. I need to check on Chase and then maybe I will be there. I’d like to check out the competition.” He smirks. That smirk could get all kinds of panties in a twist luckily I’m only into Layne.

  “Have fun with that,” I tell him, sitting back down next to him.

  Once my laundry is done, I fold everything and put it in the basket neatly. “I’ll catch you later, Cole,” I tell him as I approach the door.

  “Don’t forget to text me when you are moving,” he says, turning to me. “See ya at the party tonight?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Will do,” I say, heading out the door.

  I smile at my little victory of getting Cole to help with the move. I head back to the dorm and hang some of the clothes that need hung and throw the rest into my dresser drawers. I take out the dress from the back of my closet which I had been saving for a special occasion. I bought it on one of those shopping trips with Amber. She convinced me to get it since it was a steal. I set everything on my bed so I can change into it later, after the race. I’m feeling confident about everything, and I’m even happy to be having some fun later at the party. It’s not every day that the gorgeous Layne puts on a tuxedo. I grab my purse, throw my phone inside, and grab my keys on the way out the door.

  I make sure to have my heavy coat and scarf so I can tolerate standing in the cold to watch Layne race. It might not be snowing but it is freezing out. I crank up the heat in my car and head to where the race is being held. Once I get there, I see a lot of familiar faces from school and from the racing world that I live in.

  I spot Layne standing by his car and I walk over to him. “Hey stranger.”

  He smiles.

  Before I can even reply, the devil appears in the form of Dylan. His green eyes pierce through me, but not in a good way.

  “So what? Are you two fucking now?” He smirks.

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” Layne says.

  “What, he didn’t tell you? That it was nothing new, that I was screwing around on you when you were away for those six weeks at the beginning of the school year,” Dylan says with spite.

  I can’t believe Layne would betray me like that.

  “I think you’ve said enough,” Layne says, pushing Dylan away.

  Dylan walks away with a smile on his face, satisfied with his revenge. I wait for Dylan to walk away, and then my hand connects with Layne’s cheek with a hard slap.

  “How could you? How could you? We’re done!”

  I storm off with tears running down my cheeks without even looking back. I hear my name in the distance. It feels like a dagger was stuck in my heart, pulled out, and then reinserted to inflict even more pain. How could Layne betray me like that? He was supposed to be my best friend. And if Dylan had been cheating on me for those six weeks I was gone, how could Layne think that was okay? My hand still stings from the slap and I only hope his cheek stung just as much.

  I enter my car and let the tears fall. My world has just crumbled around me. My phone buzzes just as I’m about to drive away. I look at the screen and see Layne’s number. I hit the ignore button. I can’t even stand to see his face on my phone; I’m so disgusted with him. I’m not sure we can even come back from this. I guess he is like all the other men in my life that betray me. I honestly thought he was different. Hell, I even loved him. I still love him, and it will take a while to g
et past this. As soon as I’m inside my dorm, I crumble. I slide down my door and begin to cry.

  Finally, when I gather myself together I call Alexis and tell her what happened.

  “I can’t believe Layne would do that to you. There has to be some sort of explanation behind it,” she says in disbelief. “It’s New Year’s Eve and I think we should forget about the boys and celebrate,” she tells me.

  “Have you lost your damn mind? Did you hear anything I said at all?” I can’t believe she would even suggest we celebrate. What would I be celebrating exactly?

  “I heard you loud and clear, and you need a night out and some shots. I’ll be the designated driver. You can drink until your heart’s content and we can dance our asses off all night.”

  I laugh through the tears. “You had me at shots.”

  “Get your ass ready and I’ll be there soon,” she instructs.

  I manage to conjure the energy to get off the floor and get dressed. I take my dress into the bathroom and change into it. It is a shiny baby blue color with a sleeveless fitted bodice and a full skirt. The skirt of the dress hits me mid-thigh saying it’s short is an understatement. I slide on my silver high heels, I put a glittery headband in my hair and then I’m ready to go. Not long after I’m ready, there is a knock at the door. I open it and my jaw drops. Alexis stands before me all dolled up in her body hugging lavender dress.

  “Is it too much?” She looks down and smoothes the dress with her hands.

  “You look absolutely stunning,” I tell her. She let her blonde hair loose with curls at the end. Her makeup is light and her high heels are just as pretty.

  “Then I guess that makes us two gorgeous bitches,” she says with a smile.

  “I guess it does.”

  I grab my clutch and throw my phone and I.D inside as we head out the door. “I never pegged you for the clubbing type,” I tell her as we reach her car.

  “I’m making an exception this time. It will be a new experience for me, so no time like the present and on New Year’s at that.”

  I slide in the passenger seat of her black SUV and we head to a new club in the city called Stella’s Place.


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