Switching Lanes

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Switching Lanes Page 14

by Porter, Renea

  She stalks off to find her next willing victim.

  Layne puts his arm around me and kisses me. “You two really should get a room,” Cole says, jokingly.

  “Fuck you,” Layne says with a smile.

  “Seriously, congrats on that win. That will be me one day.”

  We all clink our glasses and drink the shot. It burns my throat as it flows down. More shots follow the first one and my head is spinning already. A few people come and join the shot party and the room starts to spin. I don’t recall ever doing this many shots, and I vow after tonight, I going to cut back and really focus on getting myself on a healthier path. I stand up and almost run to bathroom. I bend over the toilet and empty my stomach’s contents, while I curse under my breath for doing so many shots and thinking I could keep up with the men.

  Sometimes even I forget I’m a light weight and I’m usually the first one buzzed.

  Chapter Twenty Two


  I notice Renee has been gone awhile so I decide to go check on her to make sure she is okay. Eventually, I find her in the bathroom bending over toilet and throwing up. I enter the room and shut the door behind me. Grabbing a washcloth from the shelf, I wet it up and when she empties her stomach completely I put it on her forehead for a few minutes as she rests on the floor. I give Renee props for trying to keep up with us, but sometimes you got to quit while you’re ahead.

  “I’m humiliated enough; please go while I still have some dignity,” she says, out of breath.

  “No;, I’m not leaving this room until I know you are okay. You’re my butterfly and you have nothing to be humiliated about. Everyone has that one day that they drank too much and you know...”

  She doesn’t argue and I help her get to her feet and steady her. I put the lid of the toilet down and set her on it. Taking the washcloth, I clean her face. She leans forward and looks at my face closely. “What happened there?” Her words slur as she points to a small scar in my eyebrow.

  I chuckle. “Don’t you remember? I got it when I was eight, thinking I could skateboard.”

  She giggles. “Oh yeah.”

  This girl is drunk and I’ve never seen her like this before and it’s quite comical. I help stand her up and lead her to my bedroom; I guide her on the bed and take most of her clothes off for her, just leaving her bra and panties on. She talks groggily, but I can’t comprehend what she is saying. As soon as I pull the sheets over her she is out cold. I go grab my beer from the kitchen and come back to the room to keep my eye on her, in case she needs me. I flip on the TV and watch an old Western I used to watch with my dad when I was a youngster. Every few minutes I turn my head and watch her sleep. She looks so peaceful and you wouldn’t believe she just got sick from having too much alcohol.

  I should have stopped her after a few, but I was so caught up in celebrating my win and stuff. I wasn’t thinking and I could kick myself for not saying anything to her. She is definitely going to have a hangover.

  Sometime during the night, I hear moaning and I look over to Renee looks to be in pain. I bring her closer and wrap my arms around her and hold her body tight against mine. I can’t believe it’s been several weeks since we shared the same feelings for each other. I firmly believe Amber came into my life to show me what was right in front of me. I know now she is smiling down on us, and I can even see if I try hard enough. The thing is; I know Renee has always been The One, but I just didn’t see until Amber died and we became so much closer than we ever had been. How can you love a person this much? I feel like I can’t breathe when she is not around, and I can’t get enough of her lips, her touch, and her smile. She makes my world brighter, and clearer. I eventually fall asleep with her pressed tight against my chest.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  A pounding headache wakes me from a deep sleep and I feel Layne’s arms wrapped around me. Then humiliation sets in and I don’t want to wake up from this, but my head pounds so bad I need to get some headache medicine. I slowly unwrap myself from Layne’s arms and pull my clothes on so I can go to the bathroom and grab an aspirin. I turn the faucet on and fill up a cup of water and take the pill. I brush my teeth and slid into bed next to Layne and snuggle into the crook of his arm. He sleepily smiles at me as I look up at him. “Hey, how are you feeling?” he asks, rubbing my shoulder.

  “I’ll be okay. Thanks for taking care of me last night,” I tell him. “I hope I wasn’t too embarrassing.”

  “That’s what I’m here for. I’ll take care of you as long as you let me and I’ll defend your honor until my last breath.” He plants a kiss on my forehead and I rest my head on his chest.

  “I know you will,” I whisper.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The final week of school passed so fast, I don’t even remember it. But I’m so glad to be done with it for the summer. Two more years and I graduate. It’s Saturday and Alexis, Cole, and I are headed to the biggest race of the season, Layne is up for the number one position. I can’t stand the kid he is racing against; he is a real prick, so I’m hoping Layne smokes his ass.

  I find Layne standing by his car, while his team puts last minute preparations on the car. I greet Layne as I always do and give him a good luck kiss. Then I move to the sideline as it is already crowded with everyone wanting the best view. I squeeze in by Alexis and Cole as we watch for them to take off. The look outs are in place and hopefully we don’t have any interruptions from the police.

  Layne guns his engine and his opponent follows suit. Once they get the go ahead from Alex, they fly. It happens so fast, I barely see what happens, but Layne wins by a mile. The three of us high five each other in excitement and I hope Alexis isn’t freaked out. We cheer as Layne makes his way back to the start line, I watch as he receives high fives and pats on the back from his crew and his uncle is so happy. I stand by waiting for the fuss to calm down and he turns to see me. He pulls me to him and we kiss. “Congrats, I knew you could do it,” I tell him, super excited for him.

  “Thanks, Butterfly.” Alexis and Cole both congratulate him.

  “Dude, you won by like a mile,” Cole says, causing Layne to chuckle.

  “Thanks for being here and cheering me on,” Layne says to the three of us. “Want to wait for me and we can ride to my house together?” he asks me.

  “Sure, you know where I’ll be,” I kiss him once more as I head to my car to wait for him. Alexis still hasn’t committed to coming to the party, even to celebrate Layne’s win but I respect her decision.

  Layne meets me at the car and I toss him my keys. He is still riding a high from his win, and I couldn’t be happier. We make it to his house and he is smiling from ear to ear, and everyone congratulates him as he walks into the room.

  It’s the party of all parties. The house is crowded, the beer is flowing, and the music is blaring. I vowed to stick to beer only tonight. Too much partying is taking its toll on me and I need to start taking better care of myself.

  “I think I will cut back on the shots as well, and just stick to beer,” Layne says. “Cheers.” He clinks his bottle with mine and we take a sip.

  We walk to the back porch and take in the night air. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and I relax into the crook of his arm. “I love you,” he whispers into my ear.

  It’s the first time he said those three words in full. Yes, we usually say ‘I love you’ as a sign off, but he’s never said them in full with so much sincerity like that. “I love you, too. I know you will never love me the way you loved her. But it’s okay.”

  “How could you even say that? Haven’t I shown you how much you mean to me? I would take a bullet for you. Even if you say you are okay with that, I’m not. I want to be happy and you make me happy, and I know deep down I love you like I have never loved anyone not even Amber.”

  I don’t respond I don’t need to; I raise my head and press my lips to his. His words touched my heart and I know he means what he says.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  We are free for the summer. As we sit at the local 50’s diner, I daydream about spending the whole time with Layne and all the things we could do and we don’t have to worry about anything.

  “Earth to Renee.” Layne waves his hand in front of my face to get my attention. I snap back into reality.

  “I’m sorry, I was lost in thought.”

  “What were you thinking about?”

  “Us; and how we have all summer to spend together.”

  “Well, I have some news to share with you and I’m not exactly sure how to tell you…”

  He seems nervous and it makes me anxious, wanting to know. “Okay, are you going to tell me or do I have to guess?” I give him a weak smile.

  He looks down at his fingers and he twirls them, only making me more nervous. “Do you remember that guy Anthony we met a while back?”

  “Yes, I remember. He gave you his business card to give him a call.”

  “I called him yesterday and he offered me a job, and I couldn’t turn him down,” he says, pausing to see my reaction. I just wait to hear what else he has to say. “It would be a dream come true driving professionally, and getting paid to do it,” he beams and his eyes shine bright.

  “Layne, that is fantastic! I’m so happy for you. It’s what you always wanted,” I tell him, but silently die inside knowing he will be gone in twenty four hours, no longer my Layne.

  “He wants me to fly out to Atlanta, Georgia tomorrow morning, so I can train and get ready for the season. And I’d be away for a while, so I would be finishing my last year of school on the road. What are you thinking?”

  “It’s a lot to process and I’d miss you. But I’m happy for you.”

  “I want you to come with me. Anthony already said it was fine. I can’t do this without you by my side,” he tells me.

  “Layne, I still have two years of school left. I just can’t throw that away and follow you around the world.”

  “I’m not asking you to give it up. Just spend the summer with me.”

  His pleading eyes wait for my answer.

  “As much as I’d love to, I think I need to stay here and continue working on myself. And Alexis I can’t possibly leave her hanging with that apartment we just got. But we can Skype all the time, and maybe I can come see you on some weekends.” I struggle with my thoughts. He doesn’t need me trailing behind him, dragging him down. My heart was breaking. Here we are, just discovering our feelings for each other, and he is being ripped from me like a band aid from a sore that hasn’t healed yet. If I were an irrational thinker, I would have said yes without a single thought. But someone needs to be rational of the situation.

  Even though he is doing his last year of school online, I cannot see myself doing that. I need the interaction of others and we don’t need to spend twenty four hours a day, seven days a week with each other for our love to survive.

  He looks deflated from my answer. “The offer is still on the table if you change your mind, which I hope you come to your senses.” I watch as he texts on his phone. I assume it’s Anthony.

  “I’m really happy for you.” I smile, hiding the sadness deep down inside so he doesn’t see it.

  “Will you spend the last night with me?”

  “Of course,” I whisper, choking back the tears, and I swallow a hard lump.

  It takes us no time to reach his place and once we enter his room, the outside world no longer exists; at least not until tomorrow morning. Our bodies press together, engulfing the flame that is burning between us. He kisses me feverishly and passionately. We make love all night. He can’t get enough of me and I can’t get enough of him his lips, his fingers which lightly trace my skin causing goose bumps.

  Morning comes too soon and I didn’t sleep a wink and neither did Layne. We stayed up planning our future together after graduation. We promised to see each other as often as possible while I’m still in school. I stare at Layne, silently begging him not to go, but I would never stop him from pursuing his dream. “I got to get ready to go,” he says, pressing his lips against mine, and letting them linger for a few extra seconds.

  I watch as he packs a suitcase full of his clothes. Pulling my strength together, I walk him out to his car. He leans against the door with his arms folded over each other and his ankles crossed while I put my stuff into my car. I walk toward him and it seems like it is happening in slow motion. I smile widely at him. He takes my face into his hands and I wrap my arms around his waist, never wanting to let go. I fight back the tears with all my might, feeling proud of myself for holding on for almost twenty four hours. He couldn’t know that inside I was dying and already missing him.

  “I’m only a phone call away. I’ll miss my butterfly.” He presses his lips to mine. When he calls me Butterfly, I nearly lose it right there as the tears start to creep down my cheeks. He looks me square in the eye. “I love you.” He says it as if he wants me to hear those words that I desperately need to hear.

  “I love you, too. Be careful out there and watch out for those vultures.” He chuckles at my comment. We bid another kiss goodbye and I wave at him as he pulls away. I don’t move a muscle, as if I’m frozen in place, until I no longer see him.

  Forcing my legs to move, I slowly make my way to my car and the tears continue to fall. I manage to get home in one piece and I see Alexis eating a sandwich at the kitchen island. I sit on the stool next to her.

  “Renee, what’s wrong? Did you and Layne break up or something?” she asked, confused by my crying eyes.

  “No. Remember that Anthony guy I told you about, that talked to Layne and he wanted him to drive for him? Well, now Layne is flying out to Georgia, because he took the job and they needed him there to get him trained for the season and then he’ll be out on the road. He is doing his last year of school online,” I tell her, trying to calm myself down.

  “Didn’t he invite you?”

  “Yes, but I turned him down. I need to finish school first before I follow him all over the world.”

  “Well, what about the summer?” she asks as if I hadn’t thought of that.

  “Alexis, I can’t just leave at a moment’s notice. I can’t leave you with this apartment. Plus, isn’t there a saying that if you love someone to let them go and if they come back it’s love, or something to that effect?”

  “You’re fucking kidding me, right? That is a bunch of bull shit,” she says, and I watch as she storms down the hall. I follow her and she walks into my room, and I see a suitcase on the bed.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, confused by her actions.

  “Layne told me what happened. And I personally think it is ridiculous that you won’t even spend the summer with him. I’m a big girl; I will be fine, and I know I can call you if I need you,” she says, as she hauls my suitcase down the hall.

  “You promise you will call?”

  “I promise. Now, let’s get your ass to the airport before it’s too late,” she says in a rushed tone.

  Hurriedly, we rush out to her car. “I promise I will be back when school starts.”

  “I know. Just make sure to enjoy your summer,” she tells me as she jumps on the phone, making a call to book me a flight.

  I honestly don’t know how we got to the airport so fast as she pulls up to the drop off point. I pull out my suitcase from the trunk. “I really want to hug you right now,” I tell her, flashing a smile.

  “I know. Say hi to Layne for me,” she rushes me off.

  “You’re the bestest friend a girl could ask for. Thank you for everything.” I wave as I walk into the terminal.

  I remember that Layne’s flight is not for another hour, so I check the flight schedule on the screen just to be sure and panic sets in once I see his flight has been bumped up and it’s departing in twenty minutes. Unfortunately, I have to walk all the way across the terminal and I’m not sure if I will even make it in time.

  Rushing, I make my way to the terminal I need to go to and I almost break out into a sprint. By
the time I reach the terminal, I scan the crowd for Layne and spot him just before he goes through the security check. I scream his name.

  The look on his face is priceless once he sees me. He reaches his arms out and embraces me tight. I pull away to ask him one question. “Does the offer still stand? If so, I’ll spend the summer with you if you’ll have me.”

  He presses his lips to mine and that’s the only answer I need. He grins so wide his dimples show. “I gotta ask. What changed your mind?”

  “Someone has to keep the vultures away,” I say jokingly. I smile and nudge his shoulder.

  “I’m so happy you came.”

  We board the plane and set our luggage on the overhead carriage. He grips my hand and interlaces his fingers with mine and pulls it into his lap. The flight attendant approaches us and asks to take our drink order. Layne orders us each a glass of champagne. She brings our glasses and Layne holds his glass to mine.

  “To new adventures.”

  “To new adventures,” I say after him.

  The End

  Author’s note

  I hope you enjoyed Switching Lanes as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  I hope you will consider leaving a review. Just a twenty word sentence is enough or you can write a long one. Either way a review is very important.

  If you enjoyed these characters, stayed tuned for the novella that is coming NEXT. It will be Alexis and Cole’s story, but it will just be a novella.

  Where you can reach me:

  Facebook: I LOVE to hear from the readers. Feel free to contact me.


  Twitter: @Renea_Porter






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