Broken (Broken Trilogy Book 1)

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Broken (Broken Trilogy Book 1) Page 16

by Drake, J. L.

  Savannah’s head whips over to Abigail, who looks like she's just seen a ghost.

  “Who is this?” Cole whispers leaning into Savannah, knowing she knows something.

  She turns so that their faces are almost touching. “The girl Mark’s been seeing.”

  Really? That might explain why Mark’s been so eager to do the runs into town lately.

  Melanie looks at Abigail. “I was just grabbing something to eat and saw you. I thought I’d come by and say hello.”

  “Well that’s nice of you, dear. I’m Abigail. Please, won’t you join us?”

  June is already grabbing a seat and wedging it between Mark and Savannah.

  Mark shoots Cole a look mouthing he’s going to kill Abigail.

  Savannah has to squeeze into him—luckily for him most of the action is on her side so now he has an excuse to wrap his arm around her chair. She seems to like this as she settles in next to him she quickly runs her hand over his thigh. He lets out a puff of air fighting off the nasty thoughts that are flashing in front of him.

  “I don’t want to intrude,” Melanie starts to say, but Abigail is pushing her into the seat.


  Cole catches his father’s gaze. He’s smiling at both him and Mark, his mother is beaming too. Well at least his father seemed all right if something was going on with him and Savannah. He needs to speak to him about it though.

  “Do you work here in town?” Savannah asks Melanie.

  “Yes, at The Cliff. It’s a coffee shop my parents own. I’m helping them out while I go to school. I’m getting my marketing degree.”

  “Oh, I have a degree in marketing. I used to work for—” She catches herself. “So how did you and Mark meet?”

  Melanie doesn’t seem to notice Savannah change the topic.

  “Yes, how did you two meet?” Keith asks, clearly loving this situation.

  “Agent Black’s job?” Cole whispers over Savannah’s shoulder. His lips just brushing over her warm skin she chuckles, he can tell she enjoys getting a rise out of him. “I hate your dress.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  He can’t help but smile, damn woman is good, but he can play this game. He looks around seeing most of the attention is on Mark and Melanie. The restaurant is loud and very busy.

  “I want to run my hands up your thighs and find out what you’re wearing under that ridiculously tight dress.” She stiffens. Yes, at the moment he has the power. “Push you up against the wall, bury my face in your neck and show you just how fucking hard that dress is making me.” He gently traces circles along her smooth inner thigh. “Find out if you’re as ready for me and I am you.” She swallows hard as her cheeks start to blush. “I want to taste—”

  “Savannah, come with me to the bar?” Abigail asks, pulling his attention away. He wants to scowl at her again, but she doesn’t know what he was just up to.

  Savannah nods pushing back her chair she leans in pretending to point to something in the far corner.

  “Nothing,” she whispers, “to answer your question. I’m wearing nothing underneath.”

  Poof, the power shifts back to her as his eyes widen, running down her body.

  “Excuse me.” She gives him a sexy smile.

  “I don’t know how you guys get any work done with that walking around the property,” Kyle jokes.

  “What, is it that what you all do?” Melanie asks Cole, who is trying to drag his eyes off Savi.


  “Really? I’ve always heard there’s a group that trains somewhere around here, but you never see them in their uniforms. Is that you guys?”

  “Yes, we train all over the country.”

  “Well, it’s kind of nice knowing there’s more protection up here, seven policemen is hardly enough to handle this whole town, especially with the amount of tourists we get, they should bring more in.”

  Cole has to agree with her. The town is understaffed but the police are well trained and work well with his company. No locals have ever stumbled upon their location mainly because there are three separate armed gates spaced three miles apart and you have to have a level five clearance to get through any of them. If anyone is to spot the house the rumor they put out there is that the property belongs to a Kent Cuttingham who made his millions in the green air industry. The army and his father have every angle covered when it comes to the Shadow house, so far there’s never been a problem.

  “Cole,” Abigail places her hand on his shoulder, “either Savi has been recognized or she has an admirer.”

  He looks over to where she shifts her gaze. At a small table by the window sit three men and a woman. “Navy sports coat, blond hair,” she says through a smile as she notices Kyle watching them. “I didn’t want to hurry her away from the bar as she and June are talking, but he’s been watching her since we walked over. I notice he’s been pointing to her and he said something to his friend on his left. They were looking at their phone and nodding.”

  “Another round?” Cole asks the table as he stands cheerfully. “Mark, you want a scotch, neat?”

  “Yeah, that sounds good.” He nods. ‘Scotch, neat’ is their code for possible threat.


  “Nothing for me, please. I’m driving.”

  “Very well.” He turns to Abigail. “Go have a seat. I’ll check it out.”

  Cole slowly heads toward the bar while watching the table by the window out of the corner of his eye. He catches Zack’s arm as he is goes by.

  “Table of three men and the woman, who are they?”

  “Out of towners. Sounds like they’re from Chicago.”

  “All right, can you do a sweep? Find out what they’re talking about.”

  “Of course.” He moves off toward the kitchen.

  Cole makes his way over to Savannah and slips in behind her. “Nichole, can I get you another?” She flinches but quickly recovers.

  “Please.” She pushes her half empty wine glass aside. “Let’s make it a martini this time.” Cole orders while June finishes her story then leaves, saying she needs to go hound Melanie.

  “Here,” Cole slides the glass to her, “just act normal, baby.”

  “My legs are shaking.” Her trembling hand moves for the glass but stops to shake it out.

  “Hey man,” Cole says to the guy next to her, “would you mind shifting down one so the lady can have a seat?”

  “Oh yeah, sure.” The man moves down a seat. Cole helps Savannah onto the tall bar stool.

  “Thanks, I thought I might fall.”

  “I’d never let that happen.”

  She smiles but he can tell she is nervous.

  “How did you know who Melanie was?” Hoping to distract her while he watches the table of four.

  “Abigail found out he was talking to her so she introduced herself and ended up inviting her to dinner. You think Mark will be mad?”

  “No,” Cole laughs, “it’s not surprising that she’s playing cupid. It’s not the first time she’s tried this. Abigail wants grandbabies more than anything.”

  “Yes, I got that impression.” His eyes shift to hers as she chuckles. “She asked if I was on the pill.” His mouth drops open. “Even though she knows I am, it was one of the first things your physician spoke to me about, saying it’s a smart move being that I’m living in a house full of men.” She laughs. “Yeah, that was fun to wrap my head around, but after my conversation with Abby I think I may need to start hiding them.”

  Cole lets out a laugh of his own. Oh, that Abigail is a trip sometimes.

  “Well she should be flattered,” Zack says, leaning into Cole. “They think she’s Megan Fox. I think at most they’ll ask her for an autograph. They were going to approach her until you showed up.”

  “Okay, thanks, Zack.”

  “Anytime.” He looks over at Savannah. “I hope you enjoyed your dinner.”

  “I truly did. You have a wonderful restaurant, Zack. Thank you for hav
ing us.”

  He leans in so she can better hear him. “You are welcome anytime. Get Cole to bring you to dinner some night. I’ll reserve you the booth in the corner no one will bother you. I’ll cook you something special myself.”

  “Well that’s an offer I can’t refuse.” Cole nods. “We’ll have to set that up soon.” An evening alone with her sounded perfect.

  “Wonderful!” He claps his hands together. “All right, I must go, enjoy the rest of the night.”

  Cole watches Savannah sip her martini. She seems to be a little more comfortable now. She peers at him over the rim of her glass her eyes holding onto his making him swallow hard. “Have I been spotted?”

  “No, they think you’re Megan Fox.”

  She coughs on her drink, laughing. “Well now, that I’m all right with. Bring ‘em on, I can talk about Optimus Prime and Autobot Drift.”

  Cole burst out laughing. God, she is funny.

  “Sorry, you’re out of luck, they won’t come over because I’m here.”

  She raises her eyebrow.

  “Over my dead body, baby.”

  She gives him a playful smile.

  As long as they don’t snap a picture of her he doesn’t care what they think. Social media is a real bitch. “Let’s go back to the table.”


  “We’ll see you for breakfast, dear.” Cole’s mother kisses his cheek before she gets in the land rover.

  “Drive safe,” he says to his father, shutting her door.

  When Cole reaches the truck he walks into Abigail and June laughing at Mark about the look on Mark’s face when Melanie arrived.

  “No, no, please, laugh away, I’m glad my stomach hitting the floor and rolling out the door was so entertaining to you,” he scoffs from the front seat, only making them laugh harder.

  Savannah looks out the window, off in her own little world.

  He sits next to her fixing the vent to blow warm air on her. “You see something?”

  “No, just thinking.”

  She seems far away so he leaves her be and signals for Paul to leave and they start their drive home.

  “A little music, Paul?” June asks. He turns on some music and the Beatles' Hey Jude fills the car.

  Savannah’s hand rests on his thigh.

  He looks down to find her looking troubled. He wraps his arm around her pulling her into him.

  She runs her hand along his waist jumping when she feels his gun.

  He kisses the top of her head, holding her tighter. He doesn’t care if Paul sees him in the mirror, he wants to hold her. She has something big to tell him tonight and it is obviously playing on her. He’s been patient but she’s suffering and it bothered him.

  She tucks her head into his neck and relaxes a little.

  His phone vibrates in his pocket he reaches down seeing it’s a text from Keith.

  Green Land Rover—since Zack’s—branching off—see who he follows.

  “Paul,” Cole’s voice is sharp through the music, “keep on course.”

  Paul nods looking in the mirror.

  Savannah sits up looking behind them out the window.

  “Look forward, please, Savi.”

  She stares up at him, sensing his mood change. “Is there someone following us?” Her voice is shaky and she starts to rub her hands over her lap her nerves getting to her, “Cole, say something please.”

  “Besides the blues what other kind of music do you like?”

  “I’m not five, Cole…your attempt at a distraction is a little insulting. Keep me in the loop or the panic that’s about to surface will be the least of your worries.”

  He has to fake a cough to stop from laughing. She's so feisty.

  “Keith noticed a Land Rover following us.”

  “So, couldn’t they just be going somewhere?”

  “Not on this road.”

  “We have company,” Paul announces.

  Savannah reaches for his hand. He loves that she looks to him for comfort.

  “How far are we away from the house?” she asks.

  “Ten minutes to the first gate,” Cole answers while texting Keith back.

  Just as they approach the turn off for the first gate the Land Rover slows down then suddenly speeds around them.

  Paul flashes his card to the first guard and gets waved through.

  Once the gates close behind them Savannah puts her hands over her face. “I hate this.” Her words are muffled.

  “I know,” Cole says rubbing her back, wishing he could make it better.

  Savannah heads straight into the house before Cole gets a chance to see if she is all right.

  “Give her a moment,” Abigail says, looping her arm through her sister's. “This is a reality check for her tonight.”

  “We got the plate number, let’s go run it,” Mark says as they walk to Cole’s office.

  Chapter Twelve

  I flop on my bed after changing into a tank and yoga pants, wrapping my sweater around me, needing to feel safe. The drive home played on some buried emotions that are surfacing quickly. I close my eyes falling asleep immediately.

  “Savi.” I stir. “Savannah,” Abigail whispers loudly, “wake up, please!”

  I pry my eyes open, seeing her looking frantic.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You need to go down to Cole’s office before he kills him!”

  I sit straight up, feeling like the room is tilting to one side. “Oh no!” I cry, jumping out of bed and running down the hallway, taking two steps at a time. My heart is pounding in my ears as I shove the door open to his office. Cole has York by the neck against the wall. Mark is loudly saying something.

  “Cole!” I scream. “No!” I run over to him. “Please don’t do this.”

  “How could you hurt her?” Cole is yelling at York, ignoring me.

  York is struggling to breathe.

  I reach up touching Cole's arm; it’s like steel.

  “Cole, please look at me!” I beg.

  “Savannah, get out of here!” Cole yells, barely hanging on to his temper.

  Keith blows into the room. “What the fuck?”

  “No, Cole,” I cry, trying to get his attention. “Look at me. I’m fine, I’m not hurt.”

  “Mark!” Cole barks out, making me jump.

  Mark comes over quickly, pulling my sweater off my shoulders.

  “Mark!” I shriek. “What the hell?”

  Cole’s eyes flicker over at me taking in the bruises on my arms. They instantly grow dark and angry. He quickly punches York in the gut, doubling him over.

  York collapses, gasping for air and clutching his midsection.

  I yank my sweater back up, tears streaming down my face. “I trusted you. I can’t believe you told him!” I scream at Mark.

  “He didn’t.” Cole’s voice is like ice. He’s standing perfectly still, staring down at York. “I watched the tapes.”

  “Savannah,” Mark’s says, ignoring my last comment, “tell Cole what York threatened you with.”

  What is Mark doing? Is he trying to make the situation worse? “Mark, stop.” I’m shaking, feeling my emotions are shot all over the wall. I just want this to end.

  “Savannah.” Cole doesn’t sound like himself, and it’s borderline scary.

  I look at York, who is giving me the nastiest look I’ve ever seen. My mouth dry, I run my trembling fingers through my hair, feeling sick.

  York pulls himself up to his feet, standing like he is getting ready to fight.

  I step back as he shakes his head at me.

  He moves his hand up to his lip, wiping off the blood. “Aww, Savi, we could have had something beautiful,” he smarms. “You should’ve kept your fucking mouth shut. Bad move.” He chuckles then starts coughing.

  Mark moves in behind me.

  As I stand frozen he hooks an arm around my waist holding me tightly. What the hell? “The sick son of a bitch threatened to hand her over to The Cartels himself if she sai
d anything,” he says to Cole.

  Cole launches himself at York, sending him hard into the wall.

  “No!” I scream, trying to get away, but Mark wraps his other arm around me. I thrash all around as the two of them fight. “Let me go! Keith, stop them!”

  Keith shakes his head at me; it feels like I’m watching a movie and I have no control of the outcome. “Cole, stop! You’ll kill him, he’s not worth it!” Nothing is getting through to him. I’m shaking so violently that I start losing focus. Then it hits me.

  “Blackstone!” I scream at the top of my lungs, making the entire room freeze.

  Cole’s fist is inches from York’s bloody face, his breathing heavy and his look that of a madman. He drops York’s limp body on the ground, stepping away.

  Mark’s death grip on me loosens, freeing me, and I sink to the floor sobbing.

  “Get him out of here,” Cole whispers.

  Mark and Keith pick York off the floor. York starts laughing like he’s delirious. “Watch your back, Savannah.”

  My hair is blocking my view of him but I can feel his eyes on me.

  Mark jabs him in the ribs making him cry out.

  “Go!” Cole orders. The three disappear through the back door.

  I stand on my shaky legs, feeling like I might pass out. My head is swimming with everything that just happened. I open the office door but it is pushed shut, his arm above me.

  “Savannah,” Cole’s voice is bleak, “please stay.”

  My hand falls away from the handle.

  He lets out a heavy breath taking my hand leading me out of his office through the back door.

  His room is just how I remembered, big and open. He doesn’t speak a word as he strips off his bloody shirt and dress pants. He disappears for a few minutes in the bathroom.

  I stand completely unable to move. Suddenly he’s in front of me pulling off my sweater. He inspects my arms as I look away feeling raw.

  He bends down and gently kisses the bruises on each arm he drops to his knees in front of me wrapping his arms around my waist pressing his head against my stomach.

  “I’m sorry, baby, forgive me.” His words nearly break me.

  “Don’t apologize. You didn’t hurt me,” I whisper, feeling such sadness that he thinks I’m upset with him.


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