Broken (Broken Trilogy Book 1)

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Broken (Broken Trilogy Book 1) Page 20

by Drake, J. L.

“Says you,” I cut him off.

  “He was trying to send a signal to The American as to where you are. If you went to a hospital they would have entered your file online and it would pop up to anyone who knows where to look for a case of poisoning by tetrahydrozoline. Thankfully, Logan was able to figure this out and stop the Doctor before he entered it.”

  I look over at Cole. “I guess that’s two times you’ve saved my life.”

  His face looks so troubled I want to ask him what is wrong but I can’t.

  “Savannah, we have a problem,” Frank says bluntly. “It was bad enough when we found out The American was involved in your abduction, but now to know that he’s in love with you, that’s—”

  “Wha—What!” I set my drink down heavily on the table. “What are you talking about?”

  “Pronto serás mia, mi amor.”

  I look at Mark then Cole, suddenly remembering my conversation from last night.

  “Soon you’ll be mine, my love,” he clarifies for me.

  My blood pressure drops onto the floor as I stand up, feeling suddenly chilled. I awkwardly sit on the stones next to the fire.

  “I’m sorry, I thought you knew what it meant,” he says, seeing my reaction.

  “No.” I shake my head and look at Cole, feeling confused.

  “You were in no state to hear what that meant,” Cole explains, looking worried. “I couldn’t risk you disappearing into the woods again.”

  “Savannah,” Frank says, pulling my attention back to him, “we know York has connected with someone who has ties to the American. There’s a chance he may have given up your location. I feel its best that you come with me to Washington until we get this cleared up.”

  So many things run through my head at once, all I can do is hold on until my brain catches up.

  “I know you’re comfortable here, but if The American is on his way—”

  “So you don’t know for sure,” I manage to whisper.

  “No. York won’t talk to us,” Mark says stepping toward me. “He’ll only talk to you.”

  “Mark!” Cole snaps making me jump.

  “I’ll do it.”

  “No!” Cole snaps again.

  “Where is he, Mark?” I ask.


  Cole jumps to his feet lunging at Mark sending Scoot hissing under the couch.

  Daniel jumps up getting between them. Downstairs! Where?

  “Cole, sit!” Daniel pushes him backwards.

  “Even if we did allow you to speak to him it wouldn’t matter. We need to get you out of here,” Frank says standing.

  I stand too, shaking my head. I head for Cole’s office where I knew he kept my file, having seen where he put it on the day I first met with him, returning with it a few moments later. I hand the file to Frank he looks puzzled but opens it.

  “If you are saying I need to leave here then you can toss out my agreement and I’ll go home.”

  “No! Savannah!” Cole shouts coming over to me, I hold up my hand to stop him.

  “If you’re saying that me staying here is going to make it unsafe for these guys and the location of this house might be compromised, then I want to go New York.”

  “I don’t think you understand how big this is,” Frank says, surprised by my reaction.

  “You’re right, I don’t. I’d love some answers if you’re willing to provide them.”

  “Frank, give her some.” Cole looks pale. “She needs to understand how serious this is.”

  Frank looks over at me tossing the file down on the table as he sits. “Please Savannah, take a seat.”

  Cole reaches out gripping my arm and pulling me down next to him.

  Frank lets out a deep breath, leaning his arms on his legs looking at me. “Someone contracted to have you kidnapped. We’re not entirely sure who yet, but we have a few theories. One being your father’s right hand man, Luka.”

  I kept shaking my head. Luka has been like an uncle to me forever.

  “The others?”

  “I don’t want to go there yet.”

  I feel like I was hit in the stomach by a hammer, my meal is threatening to shoot up my throat like one of those high strikers you’d find at the carnival to test your strength. “My father’s one of them, isn’t he?”

  “Savannah, everyone is a suspect right now,” Cole says quietly.

  Frank sighs, “Problem is after you were taken by Los Sirvientes Del Diablos they found out something and decided to flip the tables. They were ordered to kill you after the first day; that’s when we realized you weren’t involved.”

  I jump to my feet feeling pissed. “Pardon me?”

  “There was the possible thought that you and your father planned this. He’s up for reelection and it gave him a ton of attention with the press, but—”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I hiss turning to look at Cole. “Did you believe that too?”

  Cole shakes his head. “Savi, your case just keeps growing. Yes, before we got you that was a possible thought but once we had confirmation you were still alive and still under their watch we realized there was something more going on.” I feel sick. “We are sure they’re blackmailing your father with something.”

  “Oh my God,” I whisper, fighting the spins.

  Frank clears his throat. “We’re not saying your father is involved with you being taken, but they have something that they’re using to blackmail him with, threatening to expose it if he doesn’t pay.”

  “Wait!” I pace the floor trying to catch up. “When did they start blackmailing him?”

  “Over a month ago.”

  “You mean right before I was rescued?”


  “Why start then?”

  “We don’t know.”

  “Maybe York gave them the heads up on your plans to rescue me?”

  “That’s something we’re considering.” Frank nods. “Look, we don’t know who set up the kidnapping in the first place. We don’t know where Los Sirvientes Del Diablos or the rest of the Cartels are, but they have something they are using against your father. We don’t know where The American is but he’s a damn smart man and always gets what he wants, and he wants you. If you go back to New York, you’ll be taken.”

  I run my hand through my hair, then grab Cole’s drink off the table, downing the brandy in one swallow. Holy Christ that’s strong!

  “I’ll take my chances,” I mutter, making both Cole and Mark jump to their feet.

  “No, I won’t let you,” Cole says grabbing my hand pulling me to my feet he wraps his arm around my waist holding me tightly. “Frank, she’s just scared.”

  “Frank,” Daniel says in a calm voice, “my father built and created Shadows. As of two days ago, I signed my company over to my son. I believe that if everyone who’s employed in this house is behind having Savannah continue to stay here then she should be able to stay, if that’s what my son wishes.”

  “I do,” Cole answers without missing a beat.

  Frank ponders the idea. “If everyone is on board then fine, we’ll stand behind you. But think about what you’re risking if they find her or this place.”

  “No guys.” I swallow the lump in my throat. “Daniel that’s incredibly kind of you but I don’t want them risking all this just for me.” I can’t help the tears that are threatening.

  “Savannah, stop please,” Cole whispers, gripping me harder.

  “Call a house meeting,” Frank says watching the two of us.

  Cole no longer cares who sees his affection for me?

  “Frank, may I have a word with you in Cole’s office?” I ask, feeling Cole flinch. “I’ll be right back,” I say. “Please trust me,” I beg him with my eyes.

  “Of course.” Frank waves toward the hallway.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Cole feels such a loss when she leaves his side. Watching her walk away, he wonders what in the hell they're going to discuss.

  Daniel calls over the radio
to meet in the living room for a house meeting asking that everyone leave their post temporarily—ASAP.

  Mark grips Cole’s arm pulling him off to the side. “I wanted Frank to tell her about the blackmail, it might trigger something for her, plus we don’t want her going back to her father yet. Something still isn’t adding up there. I’m sorry about the York comment; I thought maybe she’d stay if she could help with the York investigation.”

  Cole nods. He knows Mark is trying to help but he hates the idea that Savannah might go looking for answers from York.

  “You’re up son,” Daniel says, nodding at the crowd that has now gathered in the living room around them.

  Cole moves to the fireplace and everyone stops talking—waiting to find out what’s going on.

  “Thank you all for coming so fast. Here’s the situation. As of right now we’ve discovered that York may have been in communication with The American’s people. We now know that The American had other plans for Savannah,” Cole swallows the bile in the back of his throat and continues. “It seems he was planning on taking her for himself and he has stepped up the hunt for her. Frank Brandon is here and wants to take Savannah back to Washington for her own protection but Savannah won’t go. She wants to go back to New York rather than put Shadows at risk.” A light roar sounds among the crowd.

  “No, she’d be killed!” Abigail shrieks holding her stomach.

  “Here’s my plan.” Cole holds up his hand getting their attention again, “Frank will allow her to stay here as long as everyone is in agreement and understands the consequences that come with protecting her here at Shadows. This could get bad so if you’re not okay with it please let me know and I’ll lay you off temporarily till this is over, no judgment passed. So with a show of hands who is not all right with Savannah staying here?” No hands are raised.

  “I think I speak for all of us when I say Savi isn’t going anywhere.” Keith’s voice booms throughout the living room.

  Cole gives him a nod feeling relief spread over him. Now he just needed to convince Savannah.

  “If you don’t mind,” Mike tugs at his jacket, “I’m sweating in my gear and I would like to get out there and watch for that sick son of a bitch.”

  “All right, go, thanks guys.” Cole waits for the crowd to leave and then leans his forehead on the mantel taking a breather and wishing this would end.

  “Oh dear,” Sue says rubbing his back, “your father just filled me in, I’m sure she’s just scared and worried about all of you—give her some time. You know this is a lot for her to process.”

  “I don’t know what I’ll do if she leaves,” he whispers.

  His mother comes around to face him.

  “We had quite the talk in the car on the way home. She really cares about you, Cole.”

  “Mention the part about the Fritters, Sue,” June says as she eavesdrops while walking by.

  Cole looks over at his mother who is trying to hide a smile. “Yes, well, the aunts,” she nods toward Abigail and June, “got confirmation that she does want kids.”

  Oh lord! Poor Savannah; he could only imagine the firing squad of questions that were thrown at her. Although the idea of having a little one running around wasn’t as scary as he thought it would be. He shakes his head. What the hell is happening to me, I’ve only known this woman for two months!

  “Son.” Daniel nods toward the hallway where Savannah is shaking Frank’s hand.

  “I’ll see you all tomorrow,” Frank calls before he disappears out the door.

  Savannah walks into the living room and he can see she'd been crying. He can’t help but wonder what is going on in that pretty little head of hers, but knowing he has to give her some space he doesn’t say anything.

  “I have until tomorrow to decide,” she says, not looking at him.

  “Come and sit, Savannah,” his mother says as she puts her arm around Savi’s shoulders and walks her to the couch. Draping her favorite blanket around her, she says, “Can I get you anything?”

  “No. I’m all right thanks.”

  “What did Frank say?” Daniel asks watching Mark leave the room to answer his cell phone.

  “He just filled me in on the risks if I stay or leave. He answered a few more questions and in turn I answered a few for him. I will not go to Washington…the idea scares me more than going back to New York. Trusting people doesn’t come easily for me anymore. I’m just really confused.” She rubs her head. “I don’t think of New York as my home anymore and after what I learned tonight I feel like I can’t trust anyone there.” She starts to cry. “The worst part is I have mixed feelings toward my father, what does that say about me? I’m a horrible person. I’m sorry,” she says, standing. “I really just need some time to think this all through.” She looks over at Cole. “I promise, no woods.” With that she turns and heads upstairs.

  Cole jumps to his feet pacing the room ignoring the low hum of voices in the background. He knows that he can’t let her leave. Needing to prove to her how much he cares for her he takes off toward her room with his mother’s protests to give her more time ringing in his ears.

  Marching down the hallway he throws open her bedroom door locking it behind him. The shower is running and he strips off his clothes and heads toward the bathroom. He does not hesitate as he opens the shower door and steps in.

  “Cole!” She jumps letting her gaze travel down his body. “Oh!”

  He grabs her around the waist lifting her up and against the wall.

  She lets out a squeak as her legs wrap around him.

  He likes her this way…she can’t run and he has full access to her long, slender neck. He leans in, kissing her below her ear feeling her pulse quicken. He brushes his lips over her ear. “What is there to think about, Savi?” he whispers hoarsely.

  She runs her hands through his wet hair, letting out a sigh. “Cole, I can’t stay.”

  Oh, hell no. He positions himself at her opening and slams in.

  She screams, gripping his shoulders.

  He nearly doubles over she is so tight and ready for him. “Does that feel good?”

  “God, yes! Again!” She wiggles her hips. Her chest pushes into his face. Sweet lord she’s beautiful! He pulls out and slams in again nearly buckling. Christ, she feels amazing. He takes a minute, needing to control himself—it has been a long time since he has been with a woman. He slams again making her shoot up the wall.

  “Yes!” she shouts, clawing at his skin like she is starving for him.

  He slows the pace teasing them both, making short little thrusts.

  “Cole, please,” she begs, wiggling, trying to get more friction. “Please.”

  “If you leave, I’ll never see you again. You told me you were mine.” She starts to whimper as he thrusts up hard. “This is where you belong, baby, with me—nowhere else.”

  She leans forward sealing her lips over his, kissing him deeply.

  Oh, this woman is going to kill him. He returns to his rough movements giving her everything he has. He’s completely lost in her…his mind is spinning with all her gasps and moans.

  “Cole!” she calls out. He can tell she's close.

  “Give it to me, baby, give in.”

  She screams as her entire body shakes and squeezes him like a glove. His vision goes cloudy as he loses all control, emptying himself into her.

  They both are panting when they come down from their high. She’s like jelly in his arms, completely spent. He washes her, basically having to hold her up with one hand. He wraps her in a towel and puts her to bed. He quickly dries himself off and chucks the towel in the basket then crawls in behind her, their naked bodies giving each other comfort.

  It’s pitch black but he can tell she is still awake…her breathing is uneven. He kisses her shoulder, letting his lips linger on her silky skin, “I’m not letting you go Savannah,” he whispers. She doesn’t say anything but she pushes herself tighter against him.


  I tap
my fingers on the railing, watching the numbers light up one by one; fifteen more to go.

  “Savannah!” Luka calls out as I step out of the elevator door on the twenty-sixth floor of the Maxwell building. “What are you doing here?” He gives me a hug.

  “I’m meeting Dad for lunch.”

  He looks at me funny, and I know what’s coming. “He must have forgotten. He left about ten minutes ago.” I curse inwardly.

  “Third time in two weeks—a girl could get a complex,” I joke, giving him the best smile I can muster. “I guess I’ll head back across town.”

  Luka squeezes my arm. “Sorry, sweetheart. I’ll let him know you were here.”

  “Thanks.” I click the button a few times then decide I’d rather write my dad a post it and stick it to his monitor so he would see it when he got back. I race off toward his office. Margo, his receptionist, is away from her desk so I slip inside grab a pen and quickly write, ‘You forgot again…you owe me three lunches- S’

  I post it to the monitor and let myself out.

  “Oh, hello,” a woman with straight blonde hair cut in a bob greets me. “Savannah. right?”

  “Ah, yes.” I smile. “Where’s Margo?”

  “Her father is sick…she had to go visit him in Philly.”

  Later on that evening, my father finally calls me.

  “Hey, Dad,” I say rubbing my eyes.

  “Savi, sorry I forgot about today,” I hear a woman’s voice in the background.

  “Dad, do you have company?” I grin.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Savi, it’s just Margo. She came over to drop off a file.”

  “Right.” I laugh, walking over to grab a blanket off the chair.

  “We’ll reschedule for another day. Got to go. Good night, Savannah.”

  “Have fun, Dad.” I’m still laughing as I hang up. I stop suddenly when my eye is drawn to someone standing across the street. He seemed to be looking directly at me. He was holding what looked like a folded newspaper, when he turned away I noted how the light reflected on his boots…they look odd, like they flipped up at the tips. How strange.

  My eyes pop open as my heart pounds out of my chest. I look at the time: four thirty. Cole is wrapped around me so I gently try to move his arm but it locks around me.


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