Broken (Broken Trilogy Book 1)

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Broken (Broken Trilogy Book 1) Page 23

by Drake, J. L.

  He moves in front of me again. “I do, it’s just that yesterday was pretty awful and you running off. Then I find you downstairs with Derek. I took out my whole day out on you. It was wrong and I am sorry, baby.” He leans forward kissing my forehead. “Please say you forgive me.”

  I sigh, wrapping my arms around his waist as he rests his cheek on my head. “I do.” We stay like that for a few minutes both just needing one other. “Can I still play in the ring?”



  “Because I don’t like seeing someone hit you, even if it is just for fun.”

  “Fine.” I mean how can I argue what that response? It’s sweet how much he cares for me.

  “What are we doing about the Jose situation?”

  “I’ll be discussing that over dinner tonight.” Oh no.

  “Can you do it after dinner?”

  He pulls back to look at me. “Why?”

  “Because you’ll dampen the mood. I need it to be light and fun tonight.”

  “Why?” He pulls me back to his chest.

  “I’m giving Abby and Doctor Roberts a push toward each other.” I feel him shaking his head then a slight chuckle follows.

  “Okay, but I have to talk about it afterward.”

  “Deal.” He helps me jump out of the ring, and through the gym. His eyes lower to my mid-section.

  “I hate your top.”

  “No, you don’t,” I laugh.


  June hands Abigail a large glass of white wine.

  Abigail frowns. “You know I like red.”

  “Not tonight, Abby,” June scowls. “You never drink red on the first date, do you want your teeth turning dark?”

  “No, you’re right.”

  I hide my smile as I put the lid on the feta cheese salad and place it in the fridge, thinking about the list of things I need to get done. Okay, so salad is done, chickens are prepped, veggies are chopped and ready to go. Okay, now for dessert.

  “You look pretty, Abby, in your pink wrap-around dress,” I say trying to help her with her nerves.

  “It’s June’s,” she replies, smoothing the fabric. It doesn’t surprise me. June is the younger sister and has a taste for fashion. She looks at me. “Thanks, dear. You look lovely, too.”

  I smile, looking down at my purple V-neck top and black leather leggings paired with heels.

  “So this weekend is the light festival in town. Are we all planning on going?” Mark asks coming into the room. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees Abigail’s outfit. “What are you wearing?” He looks at me. “What’s going on? Why do you three look so dressed up?”

  “Calm down, Mark,” June says. “Doctor Roberts is coming for dinner.”

  “Oh, okay,” he says as he heads to the fridge but stops again. “Wait,” He looks at Abigail. “But why are you so dressed up?”

  “Oh, so close,” June laughs into her glass.

  “Are you? Is this?” He shakes his head. “Are you dating the Doc?”

  “No,” she shoots back, “we’re just talking.” Poor Abigail can’t hide her smile.

  “Am I the only one that doesn’t know?” He looks to me. “Does Cole know? Of course he does.” He tosses his hands up. “I don’t know how I feel on this? I mean I haven’t had time to think this through.” He sinks onto the stool, rubbing his head. “I mean the Doc’s a good man, but is he good enough?” He’s now talking to himself, June rolls her eyes laughing. The doorbell rings and Mark suddenly stands and fixes his shirt. “I’ll get it.”

  “Be nice,” Abigail warns while June and I are holding onto the counter laughing.

  “Okay, that was quite possibly the one of the funniest moments I’ve had yet,” I say dropping my hands to my knees trying to catch my breath.

  “He’s so protective,” June says wiping the tears away. “It’s so sweet.”

  “It is.” Abigail nods downing her drink. “Okay.” She stands, smoothing out her dress. “Come on, ladies.”

  “I need to finish up, you go on. I’ll be there shortly,” I say, filling June’s glass before they head off toward the living room.

  I set the timer and pop in the potatoes in. When I stand back up I feel a set of hands wrap around my waist. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” Cole says, resting his head on my shoulder. “You look nice and you smell like dessert.” I can tell he is stressed; he sounds tired.

  “Are you okay?” I wrap my arms over his, holding him closer to me.

  “Not really,” he admits, “but we’ll get to all that later.” He kisses my shoulder. “I just needed this.” He sighs, nuzzling in my neck.

  “Happy to help,” I say leaning back giving him a peck on the lips. “Doc’s here and Mark is freaking out.” I laugh. “It was really funny when he found out why he’s here.”

  “Ha, I bet.”

  Derek’s voice booms through the house, making Cole grimace.

  “What happened between you guys?” He groans.

  “About five years ago he was trying to be a hero and didn’t have my back when we were trying to clear a house. I nearly got my throat slashed by a Cartel who had a knife tied to the end of his rifle.”

  I gasp covering my mouth.

  “It wasn’t even so much as what actually happened, it was how he was afterward. Like we look out for ourselves instead of as a unit. That’s why he’ll never be in Blackstone. I don’t trust him.”

  “I understand.”

  Derek’s voice is getting closer so I started to move but Cole doesn’t let me go. “Cole?”

  “I’m not ready yet.”

  I smile. “How about you hold me tonight?”

  I feel his chest rise and fall heavily.

  He kisses my shoulder again and steps back.

  “Hey ya, Savi,” Derek says entering the kitchen. “What’s for dinner?”

  I turn to the fridge pulling out the chicken breasts. “Chicken stuffed with feta and roasted red peppers.”

  “Mmm, sounds good.” He leans over taking a look.

  “I should get these on the barbecue,” I say, about to walk over, but Cole takes the dish saying he’ll do it.

  “He’s in quite the mood,” Derek comments as he takes a seat at the island.

  “Well, I can’t imagine you’d be happy having to deal with what he does in the run of a day.” I go to pour myself some wine but his hand grabs the bottle before mine does.

  “Allow me.” He smiles. “So tell me something, Savi, were you dating anyone before—” He pauses.

  “No.” I answer truthfully, knowing where this is going. He shifts a little closer.

  “Well, I was thinking that you should let me take you out. You know, like a date.” And there it is…

  “Oh buddy, you’re so blind.” Keith laughs coming into the room. Clearly he heard my awkward moment. Cole walks back in from outside setting the dish on the counter. He looks at me, then Keith, I’m sure wondering why the air is so changed in the room.

  “So what do you say? Friday, six o'clock?” He pushes on, not caring about our audience or the fact that it’s against house rules. Keith leans against the fridge grinning back and forth between me and Cole, loving every minute of the show.

  “What’s going on?” Mark whispers as he joins Keith.

  “Savi just got asked out on a date.”

  I glare at the both of them.

  “Oh!” His face suddenly brightens. “Oh. Okay, continue.” He waves his hand like this is a live performance.

  “There you are, Savi,” June says coming to my side. “Come say hello to Doctor Roberts. You did, after all, invite him.”

  “Sure,” I say, trying to smile. “Excuse me.” I want to throw my arms around June and thank her for getting me out of there when she did. She winks at me and I guess she must have overheard too. I mouth ‘thank you’ and head for the doctor.

  Cole keeps his word over dinner, not bringing up work. He helps keep the topic light, even though I catch him a
nd Mark exchanging looks. Doctor Roberts and Abigail are hitting it off nicely. June seems thrilled to see her older sister gushing over a man, not that Abigail gushes, but she certainly is glowing.

  “I can’t believe you did all this,” Doctor Roberts says waving his hand around the room. “It’s stunning, you certainly have an eye for decorating.”

  “Thank you.” I smile. “Christmas is my favorite time of the year.”

  “I love that you love Christmas and it’s your favorite time of the year.” Keith laughs, picking up a cookie. “So good.”

  “Is that cheesecake?” Mark asks, bloody well knowing it is. He leans to the side taking it off the table behind him.

  “I swear, you sit there just so you can be close to the desserts,” I laugh.

  “I do,” he claims, laughing and plopping a huge piece of cake on his plate.

  The conversation picks up again and we soon retire into the living room for drinks. Cole is speaking with Doctor Roberts and it looks serious so I don’t go over.

  “You never answered my question,” Derek says from behind me. Shit…I turn and attempt to smile.

  “I’m actually seeing someone, but I’m flattered you asked me.”

  “Sure,” he says slipping his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry, I wouldn’t have asked if I knew.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “Can I have everyone’s attention? I have some information to share with all of you,” Cole calls out over the chatter. “Please gather round, I would like to get this over with.”

  As we make our way over Keith tugs on my arm so that I sit next to him and June.

  “Are we late?” Daniel asks coming into the living room with Sue.

  “No, you’re right on time.” Cole nods as they take a seat.

  I notice he doesn’t give them his normal warm greeting. Sue seems a little off but I pretend not to notice as we all gather around waiting for Cole to start.

  “All right,” he says as he put his hands on his hips. “At approximately seventeen hundred yesterday, Frank, along with Agent Bridges, left to transport York to Washington. Thirty minutes into the flight York got hold of Agent Bridge’s gun, killing Bridges and during the altercation a stray bullet hit the pilot, wounding him.” He pauses as everyone starts whispering, then continues. “In the ensuing struggle, Frank shot York and killed him. I won’t share all the details but the pilot was able to fly on to Washington. He’s okay, just going to have to use one wing for a while.” He seemed to realize he had almost made a joke and looked stricken.

  “Poor Agent Bridges. Did he have a family?” Abigail asks quietly.

  “A wife but no children. She has been contacted,” Cole chokes out.

  “Why?” I ask, trying to make sense of it all.

  “York admitted to Frank that he had been selling certain information to the Cartel.” He looks directly down at me. “And to poisoning Savannah.”

  I shake my head in disbelief.

  “He swore he didn’t give up the location of the house, but he knew it was only a matter of time before they forced his hand and he wanted out. Seems he got in over his head, thought he could be selective as to what he would tell them. He was wrong.”

  “So Frank is all right?” Mike asks from behind me.

  “Yes.” Cole looks around one last time. “I’ve known York for ten years. I truly believe he didn’t give up the location of Shadows. He got greedy, but even his moral compass wouldn’t allow him to go that far.”

  A few people start to get up but Cole clears his throat. “One more thing.” He looks at me. “This morning, Blackstone got word that we are on standby.”

  My heart rate drops. I know this means that when they got word they would have to leave almost immediately.

  “Frank has confirmation of the American’s location. We have the green light to take him out dead or alive.” Holy shit.

  “Did Frank give you any indication of when you might be leaving?” His mother asks holding onto his father’s arm.

  Cole takes a drink. “It could be at any point, we’re waiting to get a visual before we leave.” His eyes flicker over to mine again but I break our connection feeling too raw.

  “For now we keep on doing what we’re doing. I don’t believe the house is in any immediate danger. That’s all for now. I’ll keep you updated as we know more.”

  It takes everyone a few moments to start to move. I, on the other hand, fly off the couch needing some space. I make it to the kitchen before I hear him.

  “Hey, hey, hey,” Cole says reaching for my arm, “don’t run.”

  “I’m not.” I close my eyes, hating that I just lied. “Okay, yeah I was.”

  He moves closer sliding his hand down my arm lacing his fingers in mine. He brings our hands up to his mouth giving mine a kiss.

  “Everything is going to work out.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because fate wouldn’t have brought you to me just to take you away.” He smiles, kissing me on my lips once. “And now that I have someone to come back to. I’ll have to be extra careful.” He kisses me again.

  I try and clear my head remembering that he could be leaving at any point. “Can you promise me something?”

  His jaw twitches but he nods.

  “Promise me that whenever you get the call, no matter where you are or what you’re doing, you’ll see me before you leave.” A tear slips down my cheek, he catches it with his finger.

  He runs his hand along the back of my neck kissing me with such passion I forget to breathe. He backs away just slightly. “Oh God, baby, I promise.”

  I nod as he backs up reaching for a tissue for me. I dry my cheeks and take a deep breath.

  “There you are.” Derek says. “I wanted to see how you’re doing.”

  “I’m fine.” Please go away.

  “You know what fine stands for right?” he says with a grin.

  “Freaked out, insecure, neurotic and emotional,” I reply nodding. “I’m an Edward Norton fan.” Derek throws his head back and laughs.

  “I heard you were funny but you’re quick too, I like you.”

  Cole, who is leaning across from me, against the island, rubs his face with both hands. I know Derek is getting on his nerves with the flirting.

  “So who are you dating anyway?” he asks boldly.

  “Me,” Cole says, dropping his hands. My mouth drops open but I quickly recover.

  “You?” Derek’s eyes pop. “You’re dating Savannah?”


  “Isn’t there some house policy?”

  Cole glares at him. “My house, my rules, remember.”

  “How convenient for you,” he snickers. “Nice that the boss is sticking his hand in the honey pot.”

  “Weren’t you just trying to do the same, Derek?” I ask.

  “Remember your rank, Agent Rent.” Cole stands pointing his finger at him. “We might live together under one roof, but you will still treat me as your superior.”

  Derek shakes his head but clenches his jaw. “Yes, sir,” he says smartly as he turns and leaves the room.

  “Cole,” I say stepping close to him and grabbing his shirt in my hand so he’ll look down at me. “Take me to bed?” He smiles down at me.

  “Sure, baby.”

  Cole still seems annoyed when we get to his room.

  I sit in the chair in front of his window watching the snow fall, hit the window, and slowly melt, trickling down the glass in a hundred different paths.

  “Crash into Me” by Dave Matthew’s Band flows through the room as the light dims. Cole moves in front of me and my eyes drag lazily up his body. His dress shirt is open, tie removed, sleeves rolled up, hands tucked in his pockets. I feel my lips turn upward; this man is pure perfection.

  Bending down, he squats in front of me gripping the back of my calf sliding his hand downward till he hits my ankle where he gently removes my shoe. He repeats this for the other one.

  I watch his stomac
h muscles flex as he moves about.

  His dark eyes lock with mine and blaze as he hooks his arms under my legs and behind my back.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and I feel myself lifted into the air.

  As he looks down at me with hooded eyes his, expression unreadable, he hesitates.


  His grip tightens right before he lays me gently on his bed. Peeling his shirt off and tossing it on the floor, he climbs up over me; his lips find mine and he slowly and softly swipes his tongue along the inside of my mouth.

  “Let me love you the way you deserve.” He brushes my hair back from my face, tilting his head slightly. “You are the most beautiful woman.” He kisses along my jaw, up to my ear, stopping as a long moan escapes him. “It’s like someone got inside my head, found my deepest desire and created you.”

  “Cole,” I whisper feeling pure emotion take over, “no one has ever made me—”

  His lips capture mine before I can finish. His hand travels down my side to unbuckle my pants. He pushes them down chucking them over his shoulder.

  I lean up removing my sweater, desperate for his mouth back on me.

  He whips his pants off in a flash, kissing my stomach. His hands travel up to my breasts gently massaging them through my lace bra.

  “You’re so soft,” he breathes between kisses, “so perfect.” His hot fingers release the clasp exposing my breasts to his hungry lips.

  I lean my head back into the pillow as a shot of lust bursts through me.

  Spreading my legs apart and settling in between them he lines up and nudges forward ever so slightly. He flattens his chest to mine, his hand cupping my face, staring down at me with such adoration. “It scares me how much I need you, Savannah.”

  I hold my breath as his words hit me. “I physically hurt when you’re not around to touch.” I run my fingers along his jaw as he leans into me closing his eyes.

  “I’m right here, yours to touch whenever,” I reassure him.

  He lets out a sweet breath as he slides his long thick length into me, deliciously, painfully slow. His eyes lock with mine holding me captive until he’s fully in.

  I tune into the sad voice of Sam Smith singing “Not in That Way”. My eyes close as my emotions play tug of war. My heart is incredibly invested in this man, tangled in a web of love, that’s almost making it difficult to breathe.


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