Moirai (Aberrant)

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Moirai (Aberrant) Page 1

by Silver, Ruth



  Ruth Silver

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  About the Author





  Copyright © 2013 Ruth Silver

  Cover art by Anthony Walsh

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, any events or locales is purely coincidental. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission from the publisher LazyDay, with the exception of quotes used in reviews and critical articles.


  To my brother, who has opened up his home to me countless times, helped me get my first job, and (hopefully) has forgiven me for whining and begging for those Garbage Pail Kids cards, that I had to have of his, and inevitably losing them. Yeah, that's what little sisters do, annoy their big brothers. Thanks Geoff.


  As I stood outside, I felt the crisp January air graze my cheek. I stared up at the pale blue sky with a few wisps of clouds in the distance. We had to meet the council in twenty minutes and I had no idea where Joshua had disappeared to. I approached the edge of town, thankful for the first time in my life no walls or gates kept us locked inside. Leaving Shadow wasn't much of an option as I had nowhere else to go. In the seven months I had been here, this place had become my home. I shuffled slowly through the grasses, watching as they rose in height with each step I took further into nothingness. From the distance I could hear the commotion of the town behind me, and as I moved further away the sound drifted into oblivion.

  My feet crunched on weeds as I pushed my way through the waist-high grasses towards the river. It was rare anyone ventured outside of Shadow. In most cases leaving wasn't permitted. Was I breaking the rules by being here? I didn't know the answer to that question and hoped I wouldn't find out. Bending down, my body hid among the grasses as I dipped my bare feet into the water. I shivered and grimaced, scrunching my nose from the sensation. As quick as my feet had dipped into the icy cold water, I pulled them out. With a slight splash I heard a rustling in the distance.

  “Who's there?” My voice echoed as I stood. I wasn't afraid. Shadow was my home. Although I'd ventured from the town, it wasn't far. I glanced in the direction of Shadow and could barely make out the community. Perhaps I'd traveled further than I thought.

  The grass shifted in the distance and I felt my heart skip a beat. My eyes widened as I quickly took off for town. I ran as fast as my legs would take me. Gasping for breath, I refused to slow down. Whether it was an animal or an outlaw, I wasn't waiting around to find out. Swiftly, I headed for Shadow. My knees lifted higher off the ground with each bare step I took. I didn't turn around but I could hear the pounding of weight against grass. Whoever or whatever was behind me wasn't small or light and they were gaining on me. I didn't have time to scream as I felt a large body coming down hard on top of me. My face slammed into the grass, scratching my cheek as I gasped for breath. “Help!” The words barely left my lips as my head lolled up from the ground; someone ripped at my hair and slammed me fast back into the grass. I bit my bottom lip, tasting dirt as I jammed my elbow behind me. I had to think fast. I'd spent months in Shadow training and now was the time to use it!

  “Having fun yet?” the voice echoed into my ear. The whispered breath made me shudder. I didn't recognize the voice. Was I supposed to? I couldn't turn my head around, no matter how hard I tried.

  “Get off me!” I grunted towards the ground. I pushed my weight hard upwards but whoever had me pinned was twice my size.

  “Try harder,” the voice answered as I used my leg to kick back and jabbed again with my elbow. I missed my shoes and the sheath with a small dagger I'd been carrying around. I wasn't prepared for today. That'll teach me.

  My head lifted slightly off the ground, my eyes seeing the edge of the grasses and Shadow just a few feet away. I'd nearly made it back. Good or bad, this person sought our town. “Help!” I screamed again, hoping someone would hear me.

  “Quit yelling.” A thickly whispered response rolled me onto my back as I felt a blade nicking at my neck. “Fight back,” she commanded, staring down at me.

  “Margo?” I choked, shocked she was the one testing me today.

  “We told you there'd be surprise training exercises.” She stared down at me. The fear that had been crawling through my veins simmered down. In all our recent sessions, the knives had been dulled. They were real and weighted but not meant to cause harm. This one didn't feel dull.

  “Okay, I failed.” I rolled my eyes, getting the point. “Now let me up!” I demanded, pushing at Margo to let her weight off me. She weighed more than twice what I did and didn’t budge. How was this a fair fight?

  Margo laughed, “Come on, it doesn't work like that. A real outlaw is going to cut you nose to navel.” She made a point of showing me with the tip of the knife against my skin. “Fight back.” Her eyes narrowed as she reached down into her own boot, unsheathing a dagger. “I'll make it fair.” She offered me the blade.

  With both hands free, I took the blade and rocked my hips to the side, knocking her off. I wasn't sure she didn't let me win that one, just to get the fight started. At the moment, I didn't care. I knew we had a meeting with Chancellor Collins and time was running out. “Fair?” I huffed, finally able to stand. Margo loomed above me. I wasn't afraid or frightened—only slightly intimidated—but I'd get over it. I exhaled a loud breath and leapt forward, my blade coming with me. Margo jutted out of the way, anticipating my move.

  “Nice try,” Margo chuckled. Was she enjoying this? I knew it was part of the training requirements—be prepared for anything—but I didn't even have my shoes on!

  “Maybe I should try harder,” I mocked, eyes narrowing as I charged at her; this time she didn't move out of the way. Perhaps she didn't think I'd slam into her, full-force. Her body tumbled backwards and she slammed against the ground, the breath knocked out of her. I didn't give her time to recover. She hadn’t afforded me that luxury when she pinned me down and had me eating dirt just moments ago. I grabbed her arm that was holding the blade, pulling it from her fingers as she struggled to catch her breath. With two knives, I made an X over her throat. “Call it!” I demanded, staring down at her.

  Margo nodded weakly. “You win,” she rasped, coughing as I slowly moved off her frame.

  As soon as I stood, I felt an arm ripping me away from Margo. “What the hell are you doing?” Jaxon demanded, grabbing the blade from my hands.

  “It's just training.” I gestured down towards Margo as I offered her a hand to help her stand up. “She started it. I was coming back from the river when she attacked me.”

  Margo nodded,
catching her breath. “It was a training exercise, Jaxon. You know we're supposed to make sure Olivia's ready for anything. No hard feelings.” Why would it be anything more than training? Margo never had a grudge against me. We've always gotten along.

  Jaxon flipped the blade over once, then twice. “This isn't a training blade. You could have easily gotten yourselves killed. You both are so stupid!” he shouted at us. “Come on,” he insisted, leading us the few final steps from the field as we walked down the street for the council meeting.


  We were the last to arrive—Margo, Jaxon and I. Joshua gave me a questioning look, wondering where we'd been, as I sat across from him. I still didn't have on any shoes and now wasn't the time to explain what I'd been up to. The council got situated around the long oak table. I was the first to speak.

  It had been seven months since we'd arrived in town. Most of it had been spent training for the uprising. I knew it was only a matter of time until we faced what we were preparing ourselves for. “We're getting closer to spring; we need to know when it's safe for me to go to Genesis to gather information on when the Governor's Ball will be held.”

  “In due time, Olivia,” Chancellor Collins nodded slowly. “We need to discuss our plans for the day of the Governor's Ball.”

  “Plans?” I repeated, confused. “What do you mean?”

  Chancellor Collins glanced briefly at Jaxon before landing his gaze on me. “We're planning a strike on Genesis. The Governor's Mansion is not our only target. I think it would be beneficial to take out their medical center where children are conceived. It would put a huge dent in their system.”

  “What?” My mouth dropped and my eyes widened in shock. “You're not serious!” There were innocent lives at stake.

  The Chancellor answered somberly. “I'm dead serious.” He stared at me, showing no indication of joking around.

  I couldn't believe his suggestion. I'd known for months I'd be going back to Genesis. A small part of me wanted to go back, in hopes of seeing my mother again. I knew it was selfish and I'd be stupid to try and find her, but even so, just a glimpse would satisfy me, to see her alive and happy. What the Chancellor suggested was insane. There was no reason at all to risk hundreds of lives. And for what purpose? “This is a stupid idea.” I stared at Chancellor Collins, refusing to back down. My eyes narrowed angrily as I crossed my arms defiantly. “I won't go in. I won't do it if this is your plan.”

  The corners of the Chancellor's lips curved upwards in a smile. “You can rest assured, Olivia, we will get you out before we strike the mansion. You're too valuable to lose in this battle.”

  I was appalled! “I'm not worried about my own life! I'm worried about everyone else's.” Was I not clear to Collins what was upsetting me? “You're going to kill innocent people and for what purpose?”

  Jaxon spoke up, trying to intervene. “Our goal isn't to kill the people of Genesis. In fact, if the Governor's Ball is in the evening, as we're hoping, no one will be at the hospital.”

  “Doctors and nurses will be there,” I reminded him. Glaring, I shook my head. “I can't believe you all are willing to go through with this plan!” I slammed my fist hard against the oak table.

  Joshua's voice was soft, calm. “People don't get sick in Genesis, Olive. You know that. It's unlikely there will be any doctors or nurses working on a Saturday. The chances of civilians getting hurt is minimal. I'm not thrilled with the plan either, but you have to see their side.”

  I couldn't believe Joshua was in agreement with the council! “You know these people; you're okay with watching them die?”

  Joshua stared down at the wood and shook his head. “No,” he whispered. “But I think it's our best option. If we kill Craynor, another Governor will rise. We need to take out the system in order for the entire government to fall.”

  Chancellor Collins’ voice was harsh as he spoke. “Is that not what you're here for: retribution?” His eyes were small and narrow, trying to remind me I left home for a reason, something I will never need a reminder of. I know what happened. I was there, I experienced it. I was forced to leave because I was different. Thrown in jail because I was born not from the “The Day of the Chosen” but by natural means. My existence was illegal.

  “No,” I shook my head. “This isn't about getting even.” I couldn't believe him! Did he think I'd be okay with destroying my home? I accepted the losses of the Governor's Mansion. Those who would be there helping support the ball would unfortunately die. Their lives would mean something though. I couldn't in good conscience agree with the Chancellor's plan to attack the medical center.

  Chancellor Collins stood up abruptly. “What would you prefer we do, hmm?” His tone was condescending and laced with anger as he paced the length of the gray-walled room. The window shades were open and cast a ray of sunshine through, which made me squint as the light stretched in and across the table.

  Margo watched Chancellor Collins pace. “You should sit down. You'll wear a hole in the floor.” A moment passed and she sighed. “Look, Olivia and Joshua have a point. Our numbers are small. We may be capable of fighting but we can't stop the government and tear down the walls of all five Genesis towns and the other cities of Cabal on our own.” Margo shifted in her seat, turning her attention toward me. “You mentioned once about other cities near Haven?”

  I nodded weakly. “Yes. I know of two additional nearby cities. They were part of the eastern rebel alliance.”

  Chancellor Collins interrupted. “They were never part of our five cities.”

  I rolled my eyes in annoyance. “Okay, but five plus at least two more cities, if they're both still standing, is seven. Seven cities that could help us!” I stood up, slamming my fist on the table. “I'm not here to destroy the current system. My goal is not to turn our world into chaos.” I made it clear. “I want people to have the right to choose their lives. To pick who they marry, to keep their children and to decide the life they wish to live!” I huffed and sat back down. “I want things to be right, just. Right now they're not. No one here can claim otherwise.” I paused, taking a moment to recompose myself. “I'm not suggesting we destroy the entire system, but rebuild it. Before we go ahead and take out the medical center in Genesis,” I shot daggers at Collins, “we need to know further about the infertility issues. Elsa, how far have you come?” I was not about to suggest wiping out humanity. It sounded to me like that was Chancellor Collins’ plan. I understood what was at stake.

  Elsa sighed. Every week she was required to update the council on her findings. “Nothing.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “If I had more time and more resources…” she trailed off.

  Chancellor Collins scoffed at her request. “We have more than most cities and an advanced lab, better than what the government has access to.”

  Elsa groaned, “That's not the point! I need more time. More scientists and doctors. It would help even more if there was another woman like Olivia who could conceive but I haven't found anything or anyone.”

  I hesitated, tapping my fingers anxiously against the table. “I know of one other woman. She may be too old to conceive now but she was able to, eighteen years ago.”

  Elsa's eyes locked on mine. “Your mother.” It was an obvious answer she'd ignored. “We could try and smuggle her out past Genesis' walls and bring her here.” She shifted in her seat, turning to face Chancellor Collins, awaiting his permission.

  Collins eyes narrowed. “Absolutely not! You'll make do with Olivia. If you need more scans or further test samples she'll do whatever needs to be done.”

  My mouth dropped in horror. “That was not part of the agreement!” When we had first begun the tests, Collins had agreed to do no harm to Joshua or myself. It had been months since we'd finished the trials; the town had learned who we were. They had promised the scans would be all I'd endure and they'd be painless. Thankfully, they were quick and easy, but I'd heard rumors aplenty and was more than slightly concerned at what Chancellor C
ollins would have me do.

  “Things change, Olivia.” Chancellor Collins held little sorrow in his eyes. “You are different. We need to know why.”

  Joshua spoke out, “We're all different, in case you've forgotten! You've made us that way, experimenting on us, doing some crazy procedure on our brains!”

  Chancellor Collins was quickly losing his patience. “That procedure made you better! It made you successful! The Mindonsiphan had to be administered, now, during your teenage years. You weren't getting any younger! If we waited any longer the drug we administered would have likely killed you.”

  Jaxon glanced at his watch and cleared his throat to get our attention. “I say we call a twenty minute break.” The room had been tense and there hadn't been any agreements since the moment the meeting had begun.

  “Agreed,” I spoke up, stressed and agitated.

  “Couldn't agree more,” Joshua muttered.

  Maya, Hazel, Margo, Elsa, Cate, Aidan and Mason all murmured in agreement as Chancellor Collins finally resigned. “Fine! We'll resemble here again in twenty.” He huffed loudly as he left the room.

  “I need some air,” I excused myself, pushing my chair back as it squealed against the floor. I stood up and made my way for the door before heading down the stairs and outside, glad for the warm sunlight and even more for the cool air. I moved to sit down, my back against the brick wall, the cold feeling good on my sticky skin.

  “You okay?”

  I glanced up, seeing Joshua standing over me. A moment later he found a space beside me to sit. “Not really,” I admitted. “I'm just about at wits’ end with Collins.”

  Joshua nudged me with a smile. “I noticed. Can I make a suggestion?”

  I nodded. “Go ahead.” I wasn't sure I was ready to hear it but I trusted Joshua, more than anyone else in this town.

  “At this point I think we should consider Margo's suggestion. If you and I travel to the other two towns, and rally to get them to join the five cities, maybe we have a fighting chance.”


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