Tortured Soul

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Tortured Soul Page 26

by Kirsty Dallas

  She nodded, leaning her cheek into my palm. “Why didn’t you tell me what he was doing?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “Because I had no idea. That’s how Alexander works sometimes. He is a powerful man with endless connections. He saw an opportunity to get at Jonas, and he took it.”

  Emily’s eyes lingered on the window across the room. “He’s really gone isn’t he?”

  She knew he was. She had been the one to put the bullet in his head, yet after fearing one man for such a long time made it hard to believe it was truly over.

  “Yes, Malen’kaya, he’s really gone, and your life is truly yours again.”

  She pressed a kiss to my palm and nuzzled in closer to me, her face right by mine. “And I have you to thank for that. My warrior.” She ran a hand down my cheek. “You own my heart.” I shook my head.

  “No, Em, your heart is yours, but for some absurd reason you allow me to live in it, and for that I am grateful.”

  “I love you, Braiden.”

  I breathed her words in, allowing them to settle into my heart where I would keep them forever.

  “I love you, too, Em.”



  Braiden was in his office, again. He had been in there a lot this past week. Montgomery Securities had been busy before he was shot, and now it was ridiculously busy. I pushed the door open, not bothering to knock. This was our house now. I had officially moved in two days after Braiden had been discharged from the hospital. Rebecca and Charlie had just dropped me home after a visit to Mercy’s Shelter. As of next Monday, I would start working at the shelter again. It would only be two days a week to begin with, as I would need time to study. I was going to graduate high school and I planned to go to college. I wanted to become a social worker. I wanted to help other girls like me. Braiden supported my plans one-hundred percent, though insisted I do as many classes as possible via correspondence from home. He said his heart couldn’t handle being away from me right now, and, to be honest, I wasn’t ready to be away from him either. I had been filled with incredible guilt over Mercy’s abduction, but today she shushed my tears and told me if I really felt the need to make it up to her, I would join her at her belly dancing lessons. Although not entirely sold on the idea of belly dancing, I would be joining her one evening a week.

  Braiden was sitting at his desk, his fingers dancing over the keyboard of his computer. The house was blessedly quiet. Dillon was on another date with his real estate lady friend, Bomber had moved into his bachelor pad with Parker a week ago, Gabbie was working with Drew on a missing persons job in Philadelphia, and Larz was at the shelter helping Dave unload a truck of furniture and donations. It was nice to have the house to ourselves. Feeling daring, I had put on one of Braiden’s button down silk shirts and around the neck was draped one very particular red silk tie. We hadn’t pushed the boundaries of sex since the night Braiden had loosely restrained me with this tie. We had indulged in sex every spare moment we got, but it had been “safe”. Braiden was worried I wasn’t ready for anything more just yet, but I was quickly becoming restless and in need of something a little more dominant and aggressive. I went into our room looking for something enticing to wear and spotted the tie; the powerful desire to reach for it was all-consuming. When Braiden glanced up, he did a double take, slowly sitting back to take note of my attire, or lack thereof.

  “Three laps and winner gets to wear this.” I ran my fingers down the length of the tie. Braiden raised a brow.

  “Feeling confident are we, Malen’kaya? You haven’t beaten me yet.”

  I shrugged. I’d been practicing with Eli. Forza Motorsport 5 was our new favorite Xbox game, but Braiden didn’t need to know that. He pushed himself up from his desk and followed me to the living room. I handed him a remote, and when I went to sit down beside him, he pulled me into his lap instead.

  “You going to try and distract me?” I asked with mock annoyance.

  He kissed my neck. “House rules, last person to win gets a beautiful blue eyed girl in his lap for the next race.”

  I smiled a little, something I was doing more and more these days. The game started and was touch and go for a while. But then Braiden blew a breath of air in my ear and distracted me, causing my beautiful red Ferrari to spin out of control. Once the game was over, and I had officially lost, even if Braiden had cheated, the tie was carefully slipped from my neck. Braiden tied it around my wrists and used it to tug me forwards. We didn’t head for the bedroom though. Instead, Braiden guided me out of the house, around the pool, which I eyed nervously, and to the small guest house in the back of the property.

  Braiden took a key from his pocket and glanced at me. “If this makes you uncomfortable, you are to tell me immediately, Em. Say no and we stop.”

  I instantly became wary. Braiden had an uncanny ability of forcing me to face my fears, and while I loved that about him, I wasn’t sure if facing fears was what I wanted right now. The door swung open and I peered around Braiden’s shoulders. Not liking surprises, I needed to see what he had hidden in there. My heart skipped a beat, and my breathing hitched. Not out of fear though, but burning desire. The room beyond was different from others I had been in. I strolled through the doorway. Braiden began flicking on lamps, illuminating the room in a soft glow. The carpet was a rich red, and the walls were white. A large canopied bed sat to one side, a sturdy wooden chest at the foot of it. A mahogany padded bench equipped with a spreader bar was in plain sight. A couple of hooks hung from one wall and also from the ceiling beside the bed. A padded Versa Horse was on the other side of the room beside a wall adorned with paddles and floggers. The room seemed so light and innocuous in comparison to other bondage rooms I had been witness to.

  Braiden ran a hand nervously through his hair. “I haven’t used this space before. I didn’t think I would ever find someone who might want to use it with me, and I understand if you don’t want to.” He watched me carefully, his dark eyes sincere. “I meant it when I said I could be whatever you need me to be, Em. This will all be gone tomorrow if you want. I’ll take you anyway I can get you.”

  I ran my still tethered hands over the flowing red chiffon curtain that fell around the bed. It looked dreamy and wistful, not at all like the dungeons Jonas and his clients preferred. Some of the things in this room made me nervous, but some made me horny as hell.

  “What would you do to me in here?” I found myself asking as I continued to explore the room.

  “Anything you wished me to do, Malen’kaya. But pleasure only, no pain.”

  I turned to face him, knowing that I wouldn’t find comfort in exposing this side of myself to anyone other than him. I trusted Braiden with everything—with my heart, my soul and my body.

  “I want you here like this. I trust you,” I murmured.

  Braiden’s eyes closed for a moment as if savoring my words. When they opened, the hard, arrogant determination of one very dominant male was in place. He shut and locked the door and strolled towards me.

  “Say no if you need to,” he murmured, running a finger down my cheek.

  “We’ll go slow. One day at a time, Malen’kaya.”

  He reached for the length of tie that hung from my wrists and tugged my hands up. Kissing me hard he pressed me backwards, and I moved with him until my back was against the cool wall. Breaking the kiss, Braiden took my wrists and secured the tie to a sturdy hook on wall above me. I wiggled my hands and realized I was caught now, unable to move my arms, but my feet were firmly planted on the ground. And even though my heart jumped a little at the thought of being restrained, I trusted Braiden.

  He slowly unbuttoned the dress shirt I was wearing, his eyes never leaving mine, letting me know I was safe. Finally, he pushed the shirt open and exposed my breasts. With slightly calloused hands, Braiden rubbed his fingers over my nipples before leaning forward to suck one deep in his mouth. I groaned at the feeling of his tongue flicking over my nipple and arched my back, giving hi
m more of me, demanding he take more of me. Dropping to his knees Braiden wasted no time in pressing his mouth against my pussy. He licked my core, sucking my clit into his mouth while pulling my hips to his face. He ate me with his warm wet lips, sending me right to the brink of orgasm. Before I could topple over though, he pulled away, and I growled with frustration. He slapped my thigh as he stood and began peeling away his clothes, far too slowly for my liking. Once naked, Braiden began to stroke himself. I couldn’t look away. I didn’t want to look away. The sight of him pleasuring himself in front of me was erotic as hell.

  “You like this?” he murmured. I nodded, my eyes glued to his hand as he stroked himself. “Maybe next time I will jerk off while I watch you fuck yourself with those clever little fingers, and I’ll come on your beautiful breasts.” His words were making my pussy throb. Finally, Braiden gripped my legs and encouraged me to wrap them around his waist. Suspended by the hook, my legs wrapped around him. Braiden positioned his dick at my entrance and thrust deeply. One hand slammed down on the wall beside me and his head fell to my shoulder.

  “So perfect every fucking time,” he growled.

  Drawing his hips away, he thrust into me again, hard and fast just the way I liked it. He moved his head away so we could both watch our bodies join. Braiden’s cock glistened as it drew away and then quickly disappeared back inside of me. He moved slightly, positioning himself at an angle, which reached deeper in my body. My head lolled back against the wall as he pumped me into. His hands cupped my breasts, squeezing them, rolling them until his mouth replaced his fingers. My orgasm wasn’t creeping up on me, it was rolling towards me with the speed and power of a freight train. Braiden suckled on my breasts, the globes of my ass caught in his hands as he pushed my ass cheeks closed with every withdrawal from my body. My hips rocked towards him, needing his raw powerful body deeper, harder.

  “You are so hot and wet, Malen’kaya,” he whispered, his lips now at my ear. “Do you have any idea how fucking incredible you feel?”

  If it was anything how he felt inside me, then I could honestly say yes. My body began shake, and my core clenched at him as my orgasm built.

  “Not yet, Em, wait for me.”

  I almost laughed, there was no way my orgasm could wait. “You better hurry then,” I whispered.

  Braiden’s eyes latched on to mine with wicked promise, and his thrusts slowed, chasing away the orgasm that had been building so quickly.

  “No,” I groaned, lifting my hips in an attempt to get the pressure my body was aching for.

  “What did you say?” he growled in my ear.

  “Please, Shakhta, fuck me hard. I won’t come without you, I promise.”

  Braiden’s lips nuzzled my neck. “How can I deny such pretty words,” he chuckled, slamming into me hard again.

  The familiar feeling of tightness consumed my body as my orgasm teetered. Oh God, I hoped he was close because I was going to topple. I wanted to so badly. I whimpered with the need.

  “Come, Malen’kaya,” he finally growled.

  I screamed as I embraced the orgasm I had been withholding. Braiden growled his own release and we were left panting hard against the wall, my ass still cupped in Braiden’s hand as he carefully held my weight. I barely noticed him loosen the tie at my wrists, and my arms collapsed around his neck.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered, still holding me pinned against the wall.

  “I just had a great orgasm, why wouldn’t I be?”

  Braiden chuckled as he looked into my eyes. He was such a beautiful man, sensual and powerful. I could hardly believe he was mine. His eyes twinkled with humor, his crooked grin carefree and easy. My eyes dropped to his chest, to the scar right by his heart. The sight of it took my breath away, reminding me how I nearly lost him. My fingers brushed the scar, but Braiden quickly drew them away, kissing my fingertips.

  “That’s just a reminder that we should be doing this every chance we get,” he said, smirking.

  I arched a brow. “Really?”

  He nodded, kissing me with all the dominance and arrogance he could muster. “Yep, so give me ten minutes, and let’s go again.” He carried me to the bed and threw me down. “This time though I’m going to fuck those beautiful lips while I eat your pussy.” My nipples immediately responded. I throbbed between my thighs and became wet instantly. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life loving you, Malen’kaya. In every position, in every house, in every room, and in every country we end up in.”

  I smiled at the thought. “You promise?”

  “I do,” he whispered as he pressed the weight of his body to mine. “For as long as you’ll have me.”

  I ran my finger down his jaw, loving the feel of him covering me like this, loving the heat of his rapidly growing desire between my thighs.

  “Then I think I shall have you forever, Shakhta,” I whispered.

  Braiden smiled at that. “Then I’m yours. Forever.”


  Sometimes the chains that prevent us from being free are just as much mental as they are physical...


  Thanks to my Aussie James Bond...You know who you are. I won’t say your name for fear of self-destructing if I did. I hope I didn’t get you into any trouble asking all those suspicious questions, and thank you for discreetly answering them. Please don’t have me ‘knocked off’ for it...

  Thank you, Ami. I love you hard, Texan! And hug your husband for me, because honestly, without him and his police and weaponry knowledge, I’d look like a total douche!

  Thanks to my mum for her awesome cover design! I am so glad you get to be a part of my journey in the world of fiction!

  Thanks to my PA, Kylie, for your honesty and hard work. You not only keep me organized, but also focused. And nobody cracks a whip quite like you!

  Bloggers—YOU GIRLS ROCK MY WORLD. There are so many of you now that it is too hard to name you all. The ones that have been there since day one though; Desiree and her girls at A Love Affair with Books, The Reading Vixens, Eye Candy Bookstore, Totally Booked, Fab Fun & Tantalizing Reads, A is for Alpha B is for Books, and Bookslapped. Oh and, Jess at A is for Alpha, this is really hard for me to do, but...*takes a deep breath, wipes brow, sheds a tear*...I give Braiden to you. Damn that hurts. I hate giving him up cause honestly, he rocks my lady parts to bits!

  Jess and Rachel at Bookslapped, thanks once again for being my Blog Tour Hosts. I love you girls hard!

  And finally, my readers—THANK YOU! I love writing, but the fact you love reading what I write just blows my mind. I have the best fans in the world who are simply awesome. I hope my words continue to fill your minds with fictional bliss.

  Where to find Kirsty Dallas

  Other Reads by Kirsty Dallas

  Saving Ella, Mercy’s Angels Book 1

  Fighting Back, Mercy’s Angels Book 2

  Breeze of Life


  A comedy romance by Kirsty Dallas

  Decker’s Wood

  Decker Steele had it made. Penthouse apartment, VIP parties, girls on tap. You see, Decker Steele is the Pornography Association’s award winning, money making machine.

  So what does a self-confessed, womanizing warrior do once his most prized equipment starts to fail? Freak the ‘F’ out, that’s what!

  Andi Jennings is the socially inept, geeky and awkward, metal mouth cousin to Decker’s best friend. Only she’s not so geeky and awkward anymore. Now she’s a smokin’ hot country bumpkin with a husky sex phone operator’s voice, hot as hell cowboy boots and smart-ass humor to boot. Everyone adores her—his porn star friends, his mom and dad…his “equipment”.

  The failing prized package is suddenly not so failing anymore, but it will only perform for Andi, Decker’s friend without benefits. With one important thing finally looking up, D
ecker finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew and everything he thought he wanted.

  What will the Prince of Porn do? The girl or the career? He has four weeks to figure it all out.




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