Knight's Dominion (Knights of Hell Book 4)

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Knight's Dominion (Knights of Hell Book 4) Page 26

by Sherilee Gray

  There was nothing.

  Except her.

  He clung to memories so vivid, it was like she was there with him.

  Cold, unyielding manacles around his wrists and ankles clattered against the stone wall at his back, and the sudden movement caused the jagged steel to cut into his flesh.

  A scraping sound came from his right. He didn't know how they entered his prison or if they were always here, living in the darkness with him. But the creature would cause pain, unspeakable pain, before it finally left him alone.

  But first it would stalk, torment, until it became too much and the screaming would begin—his own screams ringing in his ears, echoing off the walls until his throat bled.

  A claw sharp as a blade sliced across his stomach, then was gone just as quickly. Warmth ran down his thighs and dripped on his bare feet. The next slice was to his shoulder, then his side, until all he heard through his heavy breathing was the steady dripping of his own blood hitting the stone floor.

  It finally struck, latching on to his shoulder. The creature wasn't in the mood to play with its prey today.

  He threw his head back and screamed.

  Light suddenly flooded his cell, so bright and warm it stole his breath and burned his eyes.

  The creature shrieked and retreated. He strained to see, but he’d been in the dark too long. The creature screamed, kept screaming until it wasn’t able to anymore.

  He blinked against the light. A shadow crossed him, the outline of a male filling a doorway. The doorway out.

  “You were hard to find.”

  “Who am I?” he rasped. “Who are you?”

  The big male closed the distance between them and placed his hand on his shoulder, the touch was gentle, kind, warm. He’d been so cold for so long.

  And with that touch, it all came rushing back. Every painful, horrific, awful memory.

  He didn’t want them. He wanted them out of his head again, it hurt too much. They hurt too much.

  “What the fuck do you want?” he asked thickly, because he knew who this male was now.

  Who he was.

  “I have a deal for you, and I think you’ll want to hear it.”

  Chapter 30

  Grace scanned the quiet streets as she, Chaos, and Gunner followed Zenon through an industrial suburb at the edge of the city. Kryos and Lazarus flanked Zenon and both sported worried expressions.

  She didn’t blame them. Nerves were assaulting her belly as well and there was no controlling it. Not after discovering that Zenon was not only the son of Diemos, but also the grandson of Lucifer. Freaking Lucifer.

  Well, apparently, Grandpa had told him how to find the beast, or was guiding him to it, or something—she didn’t totally understand. But whatever was happening, the knight didn’t look like he was fully aware of what was going on around him. His eyes were vacant, like no one was home, or at least someone else was in his driver’s seat.

  What she did know was the beast wanted Zenon’s blood. Chaos had told her that through Zen, the beast would be able to track its true target: Lucifer. Basically, Zenon was bait to draw the monster out—

  Zenon stopped suddenly and turned, head tilting to the side like he was listening to someone. His back arched and his eyes rolled up so all you could see was the whites.

  “Jesus,” Laz muttered. “I don’t fucking like this.”

  “Yes, sire,” Zenon said in an echoey, demonic voice, then he looked at Chaos, face contorted, every vein and tendon straining against his inked skin. “The old steelworks building across the street,” he said through gritted teeth. “I can’t…” He took a step toward the looming building, all shadows and sharp angles. “Let…go…” He took another step.

  “Hold him,” Chaos barked at Laz and Kryos.

  The two knights dove on Zenon, trying to hold him back. But it was like the male had tripled in strength. Gunner joined in, but Zenon fought even harder.

  Zenon couldn’t enter that building in the state he was in. He’d offer himself to the beast and would get himself eaten. Grace had heard Chaos promise Mia when they left that he would bring her mate home safe, whatever it took. But right now, even with Chaos joining the fray, they were still having trouble holding back their brother.

  A male dropped from the sky, seemingly out of thin air, landing in a crouch in front of them. His gold wings snapped in tight to his back before vanishing completely. His silver eyes slid to Chaos. “I’ve got him.”

  The velvet roughness of his voice lifted goose bumps across Grace’s skin.

  Chaos stiffened. “You sure about that?”

  The male dipped his head, gaze unwavering.

  The knights released their brother and the tall, golden-winged male wrapped his inked arms around Zenon, holding him easily as he whispered something that caused him to still.

  “Who is that?” Grace asked, unable to look away.

  Chaos looked troubled. “Silas. An angel. He’ll keep Zenon safe.”

  Her mate started toward the old warehouse, and they all jogged along with him. Gunner pulled the door open, and a roar filled the air, echoing off the iron walls.

  “That’s either the beast or one of Gunner’s exes,” Kryos said, pulling the Glock free.

  Lazarus chuckled, and Gunner flipped them off.

  Chaos swung around to her, his dark eyes trapping hers. “Call your people in.” He cupped the back of her head and planted a hard kiss on her lips. “And stay back until we have it restrained.”

  She nodded, and for once didn’t think about arguing. Tangling with the monster lurking in the dark was the last thing she wanted to do. But she could most definitely help with the demons she felt around them. Her people were hanging back awaiting her instruction. She quickly sent a text to James, telling them to move in.

  The lights came on and the creature hissed.

  It stood on the other side of the warehouse, and as soon as it saw them, it charged.

  Bits of old and rusted machinery littered the huge area and demons began to crawl out of the shadows.

  Her people moved in, facing off against the army of demons protecting the creature, as the knights ran toward the beast.

  The demons attacked, all hell breaking loose. The demi were outnumbered, but Grace knew without a doubt her people were better fighters. She gripped her blade in her right hand, slashing at the demon that lunged at her, slicing a deep cut through its chest. Another came at her from the left, and she pulled her Glock from her thigh holster and blew a hole through its shoulder.

  It flew back, hitting the ground. James, wielding an axe, removed its head as Grace swung around to engage the next one. Teeth elongated, drool sliding down its chin, the demon charged and she spun, kicking it in the head. It stumbled back, and she advanced, fisting its hair and dragging her blade across its throat. Its mouth gaped, its teeth biting at thin air. She hooked its leg and it hit the ground. James was there a second later and hacked off its head, turning it to ash.

  No tricks this time, no vanishing and reappearing demons. They’d managed to take them by surprise.

  The sound of growling suddenly filled the air.

  Hellhounds, huge and black, with fur sticking up along their spines and eyes glowing red, surrounded them, then flew into the fray. Chaos had told her they were coming, that he’d made a deal and they’d agreed to help, but she’d never seen anything like them in her life, and she’d seen a lot of weird shit.

  They tore into the demons, giant mouths filled with jagged teeth crunching through skulls, ripping off heads with deft efficiency.

  She was covered in demon blood, muscles screaming as more demons came at them. She took her place beside the hounds, fighting, hacking her way through the ones still standing.

  The sounds of the knights roaring echoed through the warehouse, the beast along with them. But it had retreated into the deep shadows, and she couldn’t see what was happening.

  A handful of demons ran from the building, escaping into the night, and h
er people and the hounds finished off the rest. Grace dragged her arm across her face, wiping away the blood splattering her skin and in her eyes as a huge hound moved toward her, sniffing at her feet and pawing at the ground.

  It shifted.

  A naked male close to seven feet tall was now towering over her. A pair of jeans flew at him, and he plucked them out of the air without even looking. His eyes stayed locked on her as he tugged them on, his sinewy, muscled body flexing as he did. His hair was shaggy and matted with blood, scruff covering his strong jaw.

  “You’re Chaos’s female?” he said, eyes boring into her, nostrils flaring.

  The male’s voice was deep and so rough she had to force herself not to wince. She dipped her chin, not even trying to deny it. That’s exactly what she was. There was no point pretending otherwise. She realized right then that she didn’t want to.

  Eyes the palest of gold moved over her. “You’re good with a blade.”

  A vicious roar came from the beast.

  Grace spun around as it stumbled forward again, and her heart leaped into her throat.

  The knights were in their Kishi demon forms, clinging to the beast with their claws, trying to slash it with their swords, desperately trying to weaken it.

  The creature shook like a wet dog, throwing the males clinging to it across the room. A blast of power filled the cavernous space, so strong Grace stumbled, and it lifted the hair on the back of her neck.

  The huge male beside her growled out a curse, lips peeling back, eyes glowing red again as he scented the air.

  Grace stared up at him. “What the hell was that?”

  He ignored her, barking out an order to his pack. They stopped what they were doing immediately and closed in.

  Her gaze flew back to Chaos as he flew at the beast again, wrapping himself around one of its thick necks. Laz was up next, Kryos right behind him, they ran back at it—

  But hit the air around it like it was made of stone, their big bodies jarring to a halt. It was like an invisible wall had been lifted in front of them.

  And Chaos was locked behind it, alone with the beast.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here, Warrick,” another male growled behind her.

  All the hounds were in their human forms now, and the male beside her, Warrick, gave him a look that was utterly terrifying. “Stand your fucking ground.”

  Grace had no idea what was going on. She didn’t care. Chaos was trying to fight that creature alone, tearing at its throat with his claws, biting into it with his fangs. But the beast was too strong and tossed him off again. Chaos hit the wall with a sickening crunch.

  “Do something!” Grace cried as the beast stalked her mate.

  Gunner roared and sprinted at the invisible wall, his brothers beside him, trying to slam through. But they couldn’t, no matter how hard they tried.

  Two huge jaws lined with razor-sharp teeth opened over Chaos, picking him up before he could get away and tossing him in the air like a rag doll. Grace screamed, flying at the invisible wall, pounding with everything in her. Chaos landed hard. One of his wings was bent wrong and blood pooled around him. She pulled her gun and fired, but the bullets were absorbed into the barrier, like she’d fired into a wall of molasses.

  The creature moved toward Chaos again, and Grace cried out, smashing her fists so hard she drew blood. “Chaos! Get up! Move!”

  The beast lowered its head, about to tear into him. It would kill him this time.

  Chaos’s arm shot out, and something gold glinted in his hand, it flicked out like a whip, wrapping around one of the beast’s necks. Chaos yanked on it, hard, slamming the beast’s head to the ground, dazing the creature, and then staggered to his feet. He tossed whatever it was he was holding and it looped around its second neck. Chaos gripped the end of the golden rope again, tugging as hard as he could. The two heads slammed together, and Chaos swung out, tangling it around its thick legs.

  The beast shrieked, swaying as it fought for balance, so loud that they had to cover their ears. It thrashed and toppled over, hitting the ground so hard the building shook.

  Chaos slumped down beside it, bleeding and battered, unmoving on the ground.

  The room went deathly silent. No one spoke. The invisible wall remained, preventing Grace from reaching Chaos, keeping him trapped.

  Zenon stood beside her now, Silas with him. She hadn’t even seen them come in. Zenon pulled his phone from his pocket and typed something out, then shoved it back.

  “We need to get him out!” Grace cried on the verge of a total meltdown as the pool of blood around Chaos grew.

  “We will,” Zenon rasped, but he looked as worried as Grace.

  A moment later, the door crashed open behind them, followed by the sound of boots hitting the concrete floor.

  They turned.

  A dark-haired male with features unmistakably similar to Zenon’s was moving toward them.

  “Who is that?”

  Zenon shifted but said nothing, his yellow gaze locking on the male walking toward them, bracing, waiting…for what?

  The sound of those boots grew louder as the newcomer approached. Someone walked behind him, head bent. Grace couldn’t see his face past his dirty blond hair hanging forward. Three females followed them both, all dressed in tight black leather from head to foot—one brunette, one with hair like spun gold, and the third with vibrant red hair and eyes so bright a green they seemed to glow. She was scowling, eyes narrowed. All three held wicked-looking blades, and the redhead spun hers as she walked, like she was ready to let it fly at a moment’s notice.

  The hounds bowed their heads, the knights going still, watching warily as he approached. The filthy male behind him, dressed in ratty jeans, shuffled after him, not looking up, not saying a word.

  “Lucifer,” Silas said when he reached them.


  Holy fucking shit.

  He nodded to the angel and gave Zenon a chin lift.

  No one moved, and she realized when she attempted to, she couldn’t.

  Lucifer kept walking, lifting his hand as he approached the invisible wall. It dropped instantly, and he kept on walking until he was right beside the beast.

  He clapped his hands loudly and rubbed them together, grinning. “Right, let’s send this ugly fucker back to Hell.”

  Lucifer crooked his finger to the silent male beside him, and the guy shuffled forward on shaky legs. Lucifer cupped his cheek and carefully brushed his hair back.

  Startling pale-blue eyes glowed like neon from his dirt-streaked face. Zenon sucked in a breath beside her as the dirty male’s gaze shifted to the knights in the room.

  “T?” Lazarus choked. “Tobias?”

  The male looked back at Lazarus.

  “Your eyes. Fuck, brother, your eyes.” Lazarus’s voice broke on the last.

  Grace didn’t understand what was happening, but she knew Tobias was their brother. She thought he was dead, and going by the reactions in the room, so did everyone else.

  Unmistakable regret filled Tobias’s startling blue gaze. The knights in the room struggled to break free from the invisible binds holding them in place. Chaos moved slightly, doing the same, and Grace almost fell to the ground and wept with relief that he was still alive. But like the rest of them, it was obvious he was frozen to the floor.

  A knife appeared in Lucifer’s hand.

  “No!” Gunner yelled.

  Lucifer ignored them. “You will be rewarded for your sacrifice,” he said to Tobias. “I promise you that.”

  Tobias looked to the knights again, his gaze settling on Lazarus. “I’m sorry, brother,” he rasped.

  Lucifer dragged the blade down both of Tobias’s arms, deep and long, and tilted his head back, lips moving in a chant as blood pooled on the floor below Tobias’s feet.

  A dark, gaping, swirling hole opened in the ground beneath the beast, sucking it through. Tobias’s gaze slid back to Lazarus again, not looking away as he was sucked through
as well.

  Lazarus bellowed.

  The portal closed.

  Grace’s feet were free, and she ran to Chaos, hitting her knees beside him as the knights stared at the spot where their brother had vanished.

  “Chaos?” He didn’t respond. “Answer me, please, answer me.” She searched for a pulse. It was weak.

  Zenon went at Lucifer, and the former king of Hell didn’t try to stop him as Zenon landed a brutal punch to his jaw.

  Lucifer smiled, blood coating his teeth. “Ouch.”

  Zenon fisted the front of his shirt and shoved Lucifer against the wall. “You had T this whole fucking time?” he snarled.

  Lucifer shook his head. “No, I rescued him from his prison.”

  “And then you sent him to fucking Hell.”

  Lucifer shrugged. “I offered him a deal. He willingly accepted.” He spat blood on the floor. “He felt he owed his brothers. He did it for you.”

  “What fucking deal?” Lazarus bit out.

  Lucifer ignored him and kept his gaze on Zenon when he answered. “That is for Tobias and me to know and for you to find out.”

  Zenon shoved away from him.

  “And you’re welcome,” Lucifer said, straightening and heading for the door.

  The females with him followed, and the redhead slid her hand over Silas’s back before she patted him on the ass. “Yum,” she said and strutted away.

  Silas cursed.

  Chaos’s pulse grew weaker.

  “Help me, someone please help me!” Grace cried.

  The knights snapped out of it and rushed in, lifting her mate and carrying him from the warehouse.

  Chapter 31

  Chaos lay naked on his bed, his body covered in dark bruises and puncture wounds across his abdomen and thighs. He was so still, his gray wings, one badly broken, inky and glistening from his own blood, were spread out beneath him.

  He was pale, so damn pale, bloodless. Every bit of power he had left now going into repairing his body, healing all those wounds.

  Jack had been called in because this was way more than the knights could deal with themselves. Gunner stood beside the bed, two fingers pressed deep inside one of the wounds low on Chaos’s stomach, staunching the blood from a main artery that had been nicked by razor-sharp teeth.


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