Knight's Dominion (Knights of Hell Book 4)

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Knight's Dominion (Knights of Hell Book 4) Page 30

by Sherilee Gray

  “What if it’s too late?” he said.

  Zenon shoved open the window to Grace’s apartment. “It’s not.”

  He wasn't so sure—someone or something was blocking her from him, the same thing that had been gunning for them for months. He knew firsthand how powerful a force it was.

  He climbed in after Zenon and was instantly assaulted by her familiar scent. He groaned as pain hit him, like someone had torn his heart from his chest all over again. He sucked in a breath and attempted to focus. He’d been here already, but with no leads, he was willing to try anything.

  Zenon started in the living room and Chaos moved to her bedroom. Images of her lying in her bed naked and wrapped around him flooded his mind, tore at his soul.

  If someone’s touched her, hurt her...if they...

  He forced the thought from his mind before he lost his sanity completely. He'd failed her on so many levels.

  Chaos tried to shut his mind down and started moving methodically through the room, searching every damn inch, but came up empty. The sound of a door slamming shut came from the other room, followed by a cry of alarm.

  Someone had just spotted Zenon.

  Chaos walked out and Vince was pressed up against the wall, cowering like a fucking pussy. Zenon was on the other side of the room, head tilted to the side, scratching his crimson head with a razor-sharp claw.

  "What the fuck’s wrong with you?" Chaos asked.

  "' look..."

  "You know what we are, you're embarrassing yourself,” Zenon muttered.

  "What’re you doing here?" Vince said, finally getting his shit together.

  "Grace. She’s missing,” Chaos growled, unable to do anything else at this point.

  "No…she’s not. And I'm not expecting her back for a few days, either." His eyes were wide and filled with sympathy. “She wanted to tell you herself, but…she knew you wouldn’t take it well.”

  Chaos stepped closer. “Tell me what?”

  Vince stood to his full height, which was five-foot-fuck-all, and straightened his jacket. "She's with Oden.”

  He was lying.

  In two steps Chaos was in front of the smaller male, fingers wrapped around his throat. He lifted him off the floor and his head connected with the wall a second later. "Why don't you try that again, Vince."

  He pried at the fingers around his throat. “Look, let’s just calm down here,” he choked. “No disrespect, but Grace is f-family. I know you think she’s your mate, but she chose him, Chaos, not you.”

  Vince blinked up at him, visibly paling.

  "Grace is my mate, and she’s not your anything, not anymore. So start fucking talking. The truth this time.” The or die was left unsaid, but loud and clear all the same.

  “She doesn’t want you,” the fucker said, stupidly sticking to his bullshit story.

  He knew where she was. “Where is she?"

  The male turned green. "I can't tell you..."

  Chaos tightened his hold around the guy’s neck and shook the shit out of him, then slammed him back against the wall. "It's taking every bit of control I possess not to snap your skinny neck."

  Vince clawed at Chaos’s wrist. “S-she said she wanted to go. I-I don't know how to f-find the place. I'm blindfolded and a driver picks me up. I-I couldn't take you even if I wanted to."

  Was he telling the truth? Chaos was too far gone to read the male. "Zenon, call Kryos and have him take Vince to the compound." He let the sadistic darkness curling inside him show on his face. “You can’t hide the truth from us, Vince. We can get in your head and extract it, all of it.”

  His eyes went wide and he broke out in a sweat. The male was a coward, if he knew how to find her, it wouldn’t take much to get him to talk even without Eve’s help. But Chaos didn’t trust himself to get it out of Vince, he’d end up killing him before he got the information he needed.

  Kryos strode in a few minutes later wearing an expression that was pure evil, despite the angelic blond curls—maybe that’s what made it worse. The male looked like an Angel of Death.

  Without a word, he strode to the smaller male, grabbed him by the back of the shirt, and shoved him out onto the fire escape. "I'll call when we know." His white wings snapped into place, and he glanced down at Vince. "If you piss yourself, I'm breaking your kneecaps."

  There was a whimper, then they were in the air, Vince's body dangling below him.

  “He knows where she is,” Zenon said. “We’ll get her back.”

  Chaos dipped his chin and climbed out onto the fire escape, taking flight.

  He wouldn't rest until Grace was home.

  Chapter 35

  The second kick to her ribs was brutal. The demon wasn’t holding anything back, but Grace refused to cry out in pain. She could barely see at this point, her eyes too swollen to open properly. Fuckers.

  "I thought I was a gift to some whacked-out demon cult leader? Won't he be pissed if you kill me?" She was pleased at how strong her voice sounded, even if it was kinda slurred, especially when her whole body felt, and more than likely looked, like raw roast beef.

  Feeling helpless was not something she enjoyed, but with her hands and feet tied, lying on the cold, concrete floor, she couldn’t do a damn thing to help herself. Vince knew what she could do, she’d stupidly told him, and the demons had made sure she couldn’t touch them—add in the chains forged in Hell wrapped around her again, and she was utterly defenseless.

  The demon fisted her hair, yanked her head back, and got in her face. His rancid breath washed over her. "Oh, I'm not going to kill you, demon butcher. Where would the fun be in that?"

  She was in deep shit, and if she didn't find a way to get out of these chains, she was toast, no matter what this asshole said. "I can see you enjoy your work,” she said to him. “I can respect that. You know, I don't think we've been formally introduced." She turned away and spat the blood welling in her mouth on the floor and smiled. "I'm Grace, and you're…?”

  He stayed silent, but was still close, his blurry outline right in front of her, his rank odor singeing her nostrils.

  "No name? No worries." Being as thick as a post, she doubted the male could multitask. Maybe if she kept him talking, he'd stop beating the crap out of her for a few minutes. "So how long have you been part of the commune? Sounds like a good deal. So when Diemos is freed from Hell, you what? Get some virgins to despoil and a pot of gold?"

  His fingers were suddenly wrapped around her throat. "You have a smart mouth for someone tied up and lying at my feet. You’re at my mercy, don’t forget that. Vince isn’t due back until tomorrow night. We could have a lot of fun in that time, couldn't we, demon butcher?"

  "If you untie me, we could really party.” She spat out some more blood. “Why don't you take off the chains and I'll show you just how fun it could be?" Yeah, then all she had to do was grab the asshole and suck the life right out of him, because getting to her feet so she could kick his ass, no matter how much she wanted to, might be out of the realms of her capabilities at that moment.

  She was pretty sure a couple ribs were broken, possibly some internal injuries as well. Blood kept filling her mouth, and with how weak she was feeling, she was starting to think it wasn’t just from her cut lips and gums.

  "Do you think I'm stupid, female?"

  Well, duh. “Course not—”

  The slap was a shock since she couldn’t see it coming, the kick even more so. If she wasn't worried about what he'd do to her, she'd be hoping for blessed unconsciousness about now.

  “I’ll teach you, bitch, I’ll show you—”

  The sound of something heavy landing on the ground cut him off, followed by a whole lot of female cursing.

  Grace recognized the low, husky voice instantly. "Goth girl?”

  The chains fell away from her wrists and ankles. “You look like shit. Can you stand?”

  If they were on their way out of this hellhole, she could dance a goddamned jig. "Yeah.” With
some help and a lot of hissing and cursing, Grace got to her feet.

  "We have to be quick, the guards will be switching in about fifteen minutes."

  Pain sliced through Grace’s body as she worked at staying upright. Thankfully, goth girl clung to her, all but dragging her out of the room. Grace’s sight was still for shit, but she could make out shapes and colors. "We have to get Hannah.”

  “Spencer, the male you met in the kitchen the night of the party already got her out. I thought it best if we split you up."

  “The others?”

  “Trust me.”

  "Why are you doing this? Why are you helping us?"

  "Stairs," she said before Grace could trip.

  Just when she didn't think the other female would answer, goth girl finally said, "I wouldn't wish this life on anyone."

  "Come to the knights’ compound, they'll keep you safe.” Grace felt rather than saw her shake her head.

  "I can do more good where I am. I’m his favorite, he trusts me.” Her voice held an edge.

  “The demon I met, the powerful one?”

  Goth girl didn’t answer, which was answer enough.

  They went through a door that led to a garage and headed toward a black SUV.

  "I'm going to have to ask you to cover your eyes, Grace."

  She didn't bother to argue; this girl was risking her skin to help her out. They climbed in and she secured the scarf over her eyes. "At least there's no chance of me peeking," she said.

  "I'm sorry you had to suffer through that. I would’ve come sooner, but I had to pick my moment.”

  Grace didn't get a chance to reply because the sound of feet pounding on concrete echoed in the distance. The car started and they gunned it out of the garage and onto the street. Goth girl could drive. Grace could feel the car weaving in and out of traffic, turning a dozen corners until she was sure they'd lost anyone following.

  Grace turned to her, even though she couldn't see her. "They know what you've done. You can't go back."

  “The windows are blacked out. They don’t know it’s me driving.”


  “None, it’s too risky.”

  “Are you sure no one saw you?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

  This female was a warrior in her own right, but they could break her other ways. How had she ended up where she was? Grace had so many questions, but she knew they wouldn't be welcome.

  "Look, I know you can't tell me your name. But please, if you ever want to get out, if you ever need help...shit, just someone to talk to…call me. Will you do that?"

  “Honestly…I hope I never see you again, Grace." There was so much weight behind those words, and she knew what they meant. If they ever saw each other again, Grace was screwed.

  The car slowed, then stopped.

  "You can take off the scarf."

  Grace removed the strip of fabric covering her eyes, and could see a little better than before. “You’re trying to stop him from releasing Diemos, aren’t you?”

  The female beside her held Grace’s gaze, her violet eyes, so pale, so unusual. “I’m going to kill him before he gets the chance. No one gets to do that but me.”

  She’d been hurt badly by this sick, twisted demon, and she wanted revenge. Grace understood that.

  She gave the other female a long, hard look. Something was different than the last time Grace had seen her. She was thinner, pale. “You’re sick.”

  She shook her head.

  “We can help you,” Grace said, feeling even weaker, her chest painfully tight, her pulse racing. “P-please don’t go back to that twisted fuck… You don’t need to sacrifice yourself for this cause.”

  “I’m not sick.” Her violet eyes moved over Grace’s chin, down her throat, and lingered, her entire body freezing for a long moment. “I’ll be okay…soon.”

  “Your eyes, they look…lighter?”

  She quickly looked away from Grace. “You’re mated to one of them, aren’t you?” she asked, ignoring Grace’s question.

  “Yes.” Her eyes felt heavy. She was so damn tired.

  “Would you let your mate stop you from fighting? Even knowing the risks, could you stop?”

  Grace didn’t even have to think about it. “No. I’ll n-never stop fighting.”

  “I can’t stop, either. I need to be where I am. I can get closer to him than anyone else.” Her lashes fluttered, and she looked away for a moment. Grace’s stomach churned, thinking about what that meant. “I’m the only one who can kill him.”

  There was no use trying to talk her out of it, Grace could see it in her eyes.

  “What about the other demi being held?”

  “I promise, as soon as I get back, I’ll get a message to your people, let them know where you can find them,” she said.

  Grace believed her.

  The low-level hum that had filled the car since they left wherever the hell she'd been stopped, and a new silence settled over them.

  Goth girl had dropped her block.

  Silence filled the car, there was nothing else to say. There was no convincing this female to leave with her, she wasn’t going to falter from her course, and Grace respected the hell out of her. It didn’t stop her from being terrified for her, though.

  "So now what?" Grace coughed, wincing in pain. More blood filled her mouth.

  “We wait," goth girl said.

  For Chaos. He’d be able to sense her now.

  Grace glanced out the window. They were just outside of the city, parked in an empty parking lot outside of Chambers furniture store, one of the larger chains. The lighting was dim and they were surrounded by shadows. With a groan, she leaned forward and opened the glove compartment in front of her. She felt around and found a pen but no paper. “Give me your hand. My number.”

  The other female paused, then held out her hand, which told Grace that despite her words, she needed the connection, the possible out Grace had offered. The pen slipped through Grace’s bloody fingers several times, but she managed to write her number just above the other female’s wrist, so the sleeve of her top covered it. "I m-meant what I said."

  Goth girl didn't answer, just offered a small nod.

  Several more minutes ticked by—

  The thump and screech of buckling metal above them was so loud Grace winced. He got there faster than she thought. She didn't have time to react because a fist smashed through the driver’s window a second later. A massive hand came through and pinned goth girl to her seat and at the same time Grace’s door was literally torn from its hinges on the other side and flung across the parking lot.

  Chaos was suddenly there, cursing and growling as he slid his arms around her and lifted her gently from the car.

  Gunner was on the other side, snarling down at the female who had risked her life to save her. She was blinking up at him, eyes wide, terrified.

  “Gunner, no. L-let her go. She helped me." His pale-gold gaze lifted and landed on the male holding her tenderly in his arms. Chaos nodded, and Gunner released the female and stepped back.

  "Bring her to the compound," Chaos said.

  "No." Grace shook her head, her breathing becoming more labored. “W-we made a deal. Let her go."

  Chaos scowled, but in the end gave Gunner another sharp nod. The curvy female turned to Grace and held her gaze for several seconds before glancing back at Gunner. She swallowed hard, then spun and ran into the night. Grace felt the second she lifted her block, the other female seemingly disappearing into the shadows.

  Grace wanted to lift her head, but all her strength had drained away with her adrenaline, and the aches and pains roared back to the surface. She cried out in agony.

  "Grace, Jesus, I thought I'd lost you." Chaos's distress was obvious in his voice, on his face.

  The urge to reassure him was overpowering. "I'm o-okay.” She forced a grin. “Killed Oden. Pussy screamed like a l-little bitch…t-took out a fuck of a lot more before they got m-me again.” B
lood filled her mouth, this time spilling past her lips. Breathing was serious work and hurt like hell. She opened her mouth to tell Chaos, but the words came out a bloody gurgle.


  Black spots moved across her vision as each breath became shallower. She looked up at the male holding her in his arms, wanting him to be the last thing she saw before she died. She’d never loved anyone else after the death of her parents, not like this, not until Chaos. He looked fierce, beautiful. Perfect.

  Her lids grew heavy, and she struggled to keep her eyes open, just a little longer...

  Chapter 36

  Chaos landed on the roof of the hospital. Jack was waiting for him.

  “This way,” Jack called.

  They ran for the elevator. Chaos couldn't take his eyes off her, off the blood coming from her mouth, how so very still she was. How all color had drained from her. God, she looked blue, her breathing erratic. Her face was swollen, bruises already darkening. Grace was almost unrecognizable.

  The skin around her wrists and ankles was raw and bleeding. Someone had tied her up, had beaten her while she was unable to defend herself.

  He would kill whoever had done that to her. He would make them scream in pain.

  Grace coughed and cried out. More blood leaked from her mouth, soaking into his shirt, into her pale blond hair. He couldn't think. The fear had all but paralyzed him.

  He was losing her before he’d truly had her.

  He was losing Grace.

  She would die never knowing how much he truly loved her. He’d told her, but words meant shit. He’d wanted a lifetime to show her.

  The elevator opened and Jack raced into the emergency room, Chaos hot on his heels. There was another female there waiting. “Put her on the gurney.”

  Chaos didn’t want to release her, but forced himself, knowing this was something he couldn’t do for her. He couldn’t save her.

  “Stand back, give us room,” Jack barked out.

  Chaos had never felt more helpless in his life. He couldn't leave the room, couldn’t leave her, so he stood in the corner as they worked on her, shoving tubes down her throat and needles in her arms. He knew it had to be done, but he couldn't stop the growl every time they poked and prodded her, when they cut off her clothes.


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