Mountain Man's Baby Surprise (A Mountain Man's Baby Romance)

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Mountain Man's Baby Surprise (A Mountain Man's Baby Romance) Page 51

by Lia Lee

  The little sounds that I didn’t even think she realized she was making played on repeat in my head like the soundtrack to that fucking fantastic kiss. A not insignificant part of me had wanted to punch Mark for interrupting us, throw her over my shoulder, and bury myself balls deep into her for several days, but that was my dick talking.

  It was my favorite appendage, but it didn’t know how disastrous the consequences would’ve been. So instead, I’d listened to my big brain and did the sensible thing. But that didn’t mean that it hadn’t been torturous, sitting in her living room and listening to Mark drone on about some or other chick he had his sights set on, while knowing that Sophia and her sweet body were right down the hall.

  In her bedroom. Doing god only knew what. If she was half as turned on as I’d been, I knew exactly what I’d have been doing if I had the luxury of disappearing into my bedroom after that kiss. And the thought of it did fuck all to calm my raging hard-on.

  Somehow, I’d managed to keep Mark talking until I was in a state to walk again, and I made an excuse to leave. Once I got home, I made an online reservation at a swanky hotel downtown for Friday night, jerked off twice, and fell asleep with fantasies of exactly what I was going to do to her when I got her to that hotel room playing in my mind.

  I was on a slippery slope, and I knew it. Completing a jerk-off hat trick to images of my best friend’s little sister in the shower that morning was more than enough to tip me off. But I wasn’t backing out of the deal I’d made with Sophia.

  And the damn devil, for that matter. I was fully committed to being the one who rid said best friend’s little sister of her virginity. I was going straight to hell for it in all likelihood. It had to be in the bible or the Bro Code somewhere.

  Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

  It felt like I’d had the air knocked out of me when she first asked me, but then my cock joined the party, and I hadn’t stood a chance. Besides, the stab in my gut at the thought of some asshole ruining something as special as her first time or, god forbid, hurting her, had pushed me over the edge. Then she said that thing about trusting me, and it was game over.

  I caved faster than I ever would’ve thought, and I’d never been happier that I had. I honestly couldn’t wait to get inside her.

  My mind was a filthy damn place that day, but there was nothing to be done about it. I was considering whether turning one time into one weekend would violate our agreement when my phone buzzed on the floor by my feet.

  Mark flipping me the bird in freshman year of college glowered up at me from my screen and guilt hit me square in the chest, but I ignored it and reached for the phone.

  “Miss me already, Love?”

  Mark snorted and scoffed. “You wish. So listen. You up for a couple of drinks at the Fox tonight? I’m in the mood to get wasted, and I need someone to share my hangover with tomorrow.”

  “You say the nicest things to me,” I joked. “But yeah, let’s do it. Seven?”

  Being around Mark wasn’t all that much fun for me, since it made me feel like shit for all my dirty thoughts about fucking his sister, but if I refused suddenly, he would start asking questions. There was also the added benefit that if I went with him tonight, he wouldn’t be too interested in going out tomorrow night. Which meant that I’d be in the clear for my night with Soph.

  “Seven works for me. See you there.”

  The line went dead, and I shoved my phone in my pocket, giving up on the workout. It was time to get to the office anyway. After a quick shower and donning my corporate armor, I shot a quick text to Sophia.

  Me: Booked a suite at the Madison tomorrow night. That work for you?

  My phone buzzed with her reply just as I got to my car. I slid in behind the wheel, glad that I was sitting down when I read her text.

  Sophia: Can’t wait. Take lots of vitamins and get in bed early tonight, because I’m not letting you get much sleep tomorrow night.

  Never, in my entire existence, had I needed two days to pass in a second that badly. It seemed that we were on the same page that “one and done” meant one night or weekend, maybe. Not just fucking once.

  Once would never be enough to get this intense urge to be inside her out of my system. The weekend? I could work with that.

  Me: I’ll take my vitamins with a shot of something and I can’t promise an early night tonight, but I can definitely promise a long night tomorrow. Going to the Fox with Mark later.

  The early morning traffic was light, and I was pulling into the parking garage underneath my office building by the time Sophia’s reply came through.

  Sophia: Fine, but I’m keeping you to your promise about tomorrow night. Even if I have to drag your hungover ass to that hotel myself, it’s mine for the night.

  A shout of laughter escaped from me. Sophia was cheeky and playful when it came to sex. Who knew? I hadn’t thought it was possible to get turned on more than I’d been since those kisses the night before, but I’d been wrong. Seeing this side of her made me literally, painfully aware of the number of hours between now and when I’d finally to get to fuck her.

  It was going to be a long-ass day.

  Crossing the parking lot to the elevator, I dragged my hand through my hair and tried to focus on the day ahead, but Sophia crept back into the forefront of my mind the second I stepped into my office and my phone alerted me to another text from her.

  Sophia: Speaking of your fine ass, don’t end up drunk off it tonight. I mean it. No matter how much alcohol the two of you consume, you can’t tell Mark what’s going on.

  I tapped out a reply without having to think about it. I wasn’t fucking stupid. Of course, I wasn’t going to let tequila do the talking for me.

  Me: I won’t. I’m rather attached to both my dick and my life and I’d probably lose both if he finds out.

  Sophia replied with a laughing face emoticon and a thumbs up.

  I stared at our flirty exchange for a second, sighed, and booted up my computer. It was time to get to work.

  As it turned out, I was fucking stupid. Because a little more than fourteen hours later, I’d lost track of how many drinks I had, and I let tequila do the goddamn talking. Mark and I were draped over the dark wooden bar at the Fox, a typical dark, low-ceilinged Irish pub with cold beer on tap and a bartender who, unfortunately for me that night, didn’t cut you off until you started breaking things or people.

  Mark hadn’t been kidding when he said that he felt like getting wasted. He had two shots of Patron waiting for me when I walked through the door and kept them coming for the rest of the night.

  He’d broken down about the reason for his urge to binge almost immediately, telling me that things were shitty at work and that he wanted to pick my brain. He did, and I was grateful for the distraction.

  I was also happy that I was able to help him out a little. It eased the guilt in the pit of my stomach some. Or maybe that was the booze. I couldn’t be sure anymore.

  But it felt like I was floating on air by the time the curve ball hit.

  “Let’s go away for the weekend,” Mark said, slurring his words a bit.

  Somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind, I knew that I should deflect and keep my mouth shut. But that seemed like a terrible idea at the time.

  “Can’t.” I smirked. “Got a big date tomorrow night.”

  “Yeah?” Marked asked. “With who? Can’t you move it? I really feel like we should go on a road trip this weekend.”

  Mark was a staunch believer in the power of the almighty road trip. As was I, usually. It would’ve been a tempting offer if the one I already had on the table wasn’t the only damn thing I’d been able to think about all day.

  I ignored the question about who the date was with, but I still ran my mouth. “Can’t move it. I already booked a room at the Madison.”

  Fucking tequila. It never made good decisions.

  Chapter Eight


  I ran through my mental check
list one last time. Nerves and excitement bubbled like a living thing inside of me. I’d been useless at work all day, surreptitiously reading articles on my phone about what I should be expecting from the night that lay ahead.

  It wasn’t the first time that I’d read articles on the subject, but now that I was actually about to lose my virginity, it seemed prudent to double check them. There was a mixed bag of opinions, tips, and warnings, but there were several things that people agreed on across the board.

  As a result, I’d bought new underwear that made me feel sexy, shaved my legs, and tidied up my naughty bits. I also purchased an economy-sized box of condoms and two different kinds of lubricant, one water based and one silicone based.

  A couple of the girls online were of the opinion that the prophylactics were the guy’s responsibility, but I wanted to be fully prepared, and it was the twenty-first century. I wasn’t going to depend on Brett for anything other than pleasure.

  A lot of it. Hopefully.

  Luckily, Mark wasn’t home when the time came to leave, so I didn’t have to hide my overnight bag or my nerves from him. My official cover was that I was probably going to spend the night at Beth’s, so he shouldn’t worry if I didn’t come home.

  I hated that I was lying to my brother. It left a bitter taste in the back of my mouth and a hollow feeling in my tummy, but it was a necessary evil. I was hours away from getting what I’d wanted for years, and while it made me feel like a selfish troll, there was no way that I was passing up on the opportunity.

  My blood felt like it was getting hotter, the closer the time came, and it was practically volcanic by the time I pulled up outside the hotel and handed my keys to the valet. Brett had texted me the room number earlier, and I punched the number for the penthouse floor when I got in the elevator.

  The hotel was fancy as anything, but I barely noticed the marble floors and modern steel finishes with sleek leather furniture and pops of color from flowers and decorations. My skin was alive with electricity buzzing over it, and my body sang with awareness and desire.

  Brett opened the door the second after I knocked, looking insanely hot in washed out blue jeans that were artfully ripped and a dark gray button-up shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His feet were bare and his hair still damp from the recent shower.

  But it was his eyes that got to me most. The way he was looking at me like I was dessert and he’d been on a diet for a decade, like he wanted me more than an alcoholic wanted their next drink or a drug addict their next fix.

  “You look fucking amazing,” he said gruffly, tugging me close and kicking the door shut behind me. The room around me faded into the background when Brett brought his hands to my face, holding it with surprising gentleness and leaning down to brush my lips with his.

  “You look terrible,” I joked, trying to create some distance between us and lighten the intensity in the room.

  Brett smirked, but put a finger to my lips. He knew exactly what I was doing, and he wasn’t having it. “Not tonight, Soph. Okay? Just relax. I’ve got you.”

  As if to prove his point, he pulled me in for another kiss. Much deeper this time, skirting my lips with his tongue and groaning when I allowed him access. He kissed me hard, his tongue sweeping into my mouth with deep, slow strokes until I relaxed completely against him. Melting into him, my body molding to his until the world had completely zoomed out of focus again and there was nothing but us. But him.

  He tasted like spearmint and something uniquely him, something that I was fast becoming familiar with and craved as much as I did my next breath. The smell of soap and man surrounded me, intoxicating me. Brett’s arms wrapped around my waist, holding me to him. Then he lifted me without breaking the kiss and carried me to the bedroom.

  It was only once we got there that he set me down next to the bed and broke apart from me. He took a step back, his eyes dark with lust as he let them roam freely over my body so hungrily that it was like he’d been fighting against doing it for his entire life. His tongue darted out, and he actually licked his lips, sending a jolt of desire through me that landed with a rush of moisture between my legs.

  Without a word, he made a “turn around” motion with his finger, and I did. I would do whatever he wanted, as long as he kept making me feel this sexy. This wanted. Like I was finally being seen.

  He grabbed the zipper of my dress, sliding it down while moving my loose hair to the side to kiss the back of my neck and the tops of my shoulders. I tensed when the dress started falling to the floor. I was about to strip to my underwear in front of Brett freaking Kelly.

  A dream come true? Absolutely. But I suddenly wondered if the sight of me in my underwear was going to finally drive home what we were doing here and send him running from the room. Or worse, what if he got a look at me in my sheer, lacy underthings and didn’t like what he saw? I’d seen some of the girls he’d dated, and they were all next level gorgeous. One was an actual supermodel.

  But Brett being Brett, he read me like an open book and pressed himself close to my back as the dress pooled between us, his rock-hard erection pushed into the small of my back.

  “You’re beautiful, Soph. So fucking sexy that I’m dying over here.” He thumbed my nipples through the thin bra, drawing a gasp when he pinched down on one. “I’ve been going crazy thinking about that sound, and I can’t wait to hear it over and over again.”

  He licked a path along my neck, all the while reassuring me in a voice that was becoming raspier and raspier, punctuating his words with kisses. “You taste so fucking good. Like honey and vanilla. I can’t wait to get my first taste of your pussy.”

  My stomach clenched, and my insecurities started falling away faster than I could count as he kept talking. “It’s killing me to take this slow, but this is all about you. Turn off that brain of yours for one night and just feel, baby.”

  The term of endearment peeled back the last of my worries, bringing comfort and warmth back to the moment. As if he could sense it, which he probably could for all that I knew, his hands gripped my hips, and he turned me around to face him again.

  Without breaking eye contact, he unhooked my bra and let it slide over my shoulders and fall to the floor with my dress. He kept his eyes on mine for a second longer, as though checking or searching for doubts or any sign that I was uncomfortable or wanted him to stop.

  I wasn’t, and I didn’t. In fact, if he stopped, I was liable to kick him or something. Brett smirked, then let his eyes drop, sucking in a quick breath when they saw my bare breasts. He leaned in, laying soft kisses on my lips, bringing his hands up to palm my breasts. My nipples hardened under his attention, each stroke of his thumbs over them echoing in my core.

  “Sensitive?” he asked.

  I nodded, my teeth capturing my lower lip as I tried to hold back a moan. One of his hands slid down my side to my thigh, massaging the soft skin there before moving to cup my mound over my panties, the lace not counting for a damn thing to hide my arousal.

  “Fuck, Sophia. Do you have any idea how wet you are?” He groaned against my mouth, sliding the thin strip of material away to sink a finger into me. “Holy shit, that’s tight.”

  I gasped, my fingernails digging into his shoulders as I lost myself in the haze of pleasurable sensations he was eliciting with only one damn finger. I shivered, arching my hips into his hand for more as I tried to absorb the raw pleasure as he stroked. A low moan fell from my lips when his thumb pressed down on my clit.

  He wasn’t even naked yet, and I was ready to lose it. It wasn’t fair, and yet, I didn’t want him to stop. Ever. I would fight off a pack of wild dogs if I had to, as long as he kept doing what he was doing. My breathing bottomed out, uncontrollable gasps and groans ripping from my lungs.

  “Lay back on the bed, baby,” Brett whispered against my ear, bracing my back with one of his arms as he gently laid us both down. His fingers kept making their magic, and the pleasure mounting inside me became almost impossible to control. I trie
d to squeeze my thighs together to counter the onslaught, but Brett’s free hand went for them immediately and spread them open again.

  He was lying by my side, propping his weight up and sliding a leg over mine to keep my thighs from clamping down on his hand.

  “Stop trying to fight it,” he whispered in my ear.

  I whimpered and writhed, trying to gain some semblance of control over the storm brewing in my body. “It’s too soon.”

  “There’s no such thing. Come for me, baby. Let me see you come for me.” Sensation and pleasure converged. My body was crumbling, spiraling out of control as Brett kept whispering low words of encouragement. “That’s it, Soph.”

  Shit. When I touched myself like this, it felt good. But it felt amazing when Brett did it. I had no choice in the matter. When he told me let go, I did.

  “Brett!” I screamed, over and over as my entire being was reduced to an intense, focused pinpoint of pleasure.

  It felt like a minute or a lifetime could’ve passed, by the time my breathing slowed, and I became aware of the kisses Brett was planting on my neck, my jaw, and my ear. He smirked when he lifted his head and reached my gaze, but his eyes colored with concern, mixed with near unbearable lust.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  I barely managed a nod. Brett’s breathing was almost as erratic as mine, quick and harsh. Getting me off seemed to have turned him all the way on. The orgasm was still reverberating through my body when Brett raised himself up, holding his body over mine by propping himself up on his elbows.

  Still fully clothed. That was unacceptable.

  “I know that I’m new to this, but doesn’t having sex require you to be naked, too?” I croaked, then cleared my throat to at least attempt to sound sexy.

  Brett started kissing his way down my body, looking up at me from my chest. “You don’t want me to get naked yet.”


  “Yet,” he confirmed. “Once my pants come off, there’s no way I’m not getting inside you immediately. I have the self-control of a legend, but it’s dangerously close to snapping as it is. You’re too damn sexy for your own good.”


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