When Angels Fall

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When Angels Fall Page 2

by Sherryl D. Hancock

  Over the next week Devin waited to see if Skyler would contact her. She was disappointed, but not completely surprised when no contact came. Her ego was slightly assuaged when at the end of the week she happened to hear that all of the LA Rescue people were up in Northern California helping out with wildfires that were burning out of control.

  Devin gave it another week, but couldn’t wait anymore, when she heard the crews were returning to LA that day. Skyler still hadn’t reached out to contact her. Finally taking matters into her own hands, she used her skills to find out where Skyler lived. It turned out that Skyler lived in an upscale apartment in Van Nuys and apparently she and Jams were roommates. She found this last part out when he answered the door when she knocked.

  “Hey,” he said, grinning at her as he opened the door wider. She noted that he was wearing his flight suit, it was an army green color with an LA Fire Department patch on it.

  “Come on in,” he said, stepping back from the door, “we’re just getting back.”

  “I heard you guys were up north,” she said, as she stepped inside.

  “We go where they tell us,” he said, with a smile, then standing back he gestured, “She’s down the hall, last door on the right.”

  Devin was surprised by the lack of preamble, like he’d been expecting her or at least that he wasn’t surprised by her appearance.

  What she didn’t know was that he’d bugged Skyler about Devin endlessly while they’d been in Northern California. He’d asked her repeatedly if she planned on calling the girl. Skyler’s replies had been less than friendly, fortunately, he wasn’t really afraid of his partner. He watched Devin head toward Skyler’s bedroom, grinning; the girl was definitely no wilting flower. He had a feeling Skyler had finally encountered someone she couldn’t shut down so easily. He was happy about that.

  Jams had known Skyler since they’d been in basic together in the Army. They’d spent twelve years together, and he’d seen her through thick and thin. She’d dragged him through some pretty hard times in his life and career, and he trusted her with his life. He knew that Skyler was in a bad way right now, and he knew that something had to give at some point. He’d been waiting, with dread, for that breaking point. Part of him hoped that someone would come along that would be able to get through to his hard headed partner, maybe Devin was that person. He didn’t know, but he couldn’t help but hope.

  Devin noted that the door to Skyler’s room was open. Stepping up to the door, she peered inside. She caught sight of Skyler standing with her back to her. Skyler was still wearing her flight suit too, so Jams hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d said they’d just gotten back. Devin hesitated, wondering if she should have waited a little bit longer before she decided to push Skyler again, but it was too late as Skyler turned around seeing her standing in the doorway. Devin couldn’t help but notice that the flight suit Skyler wore was unzipped down to her waist exposing the black sports bra and a lot of skin. She tried to concentrate on having a conversation with Skyler, and ignore her body’s instant reaction to the image before her.

  Skyler gave her a measuring stare, taking in the look of sudden desire on Devin’s face, and clamped down on her instant response to that. What is it about this girl? Skyler thought, not for the first time in the last two weeks. It had definitely been easier to control when she wasn’t in close proximity, memories weren’t quite as vivid.

  Leaning against the dresser behind her, Skyler placed her hands on either side of her, her look purposely bored, “What are you doing here?” she asked, making her tone quizzical.

  Devin stepped inside the door, tamping down on the irritation that rose at the sound of Skyler’s tone.

  “I hadn’t heard from you,” she began, “so I thought I’d come see if you were still alive,” she said, her tone chiding.

  Skyler nodded slowly, her look still assessing, “I’m still alive,” she said simply.

  Devin took a slow breath in through her nose, refusing to rise to the bait Skyler was throwing out, she was not going to scream at the other woman, no matter what.

  “So you didn’t call,” Devin said, her tone conversational.

  “Never said I would,” Skyler replied simply, her look direct, her face expressionless.

  Devin pursed her lips in consideration, then nodded, “You’re right, you didn’t,” she said amiably, “Still, I hoped you would,” she said honestly.

  Skyler’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Why?”

  Devin looked back at her, surprised that someone could be so changeable. Staring back at Skyler she waited, as she did, she caught a change in Skyler’s look, her eyes dropped slightly. It was a tiny sign, if she hadn’t been looking right back into Skyler’s face she wouldn’t have seen it, but it showed that for all Skyler’s bravado at that moment, there was something else going on. Devin just wasn’t completely sure she knew what that something was, but she was going to push it to find out.

  When Devin didn’t answer, Skyler turned around and started taking off her watch and her necklace, placing them in a box on the dresser. Turning, Skyler moved to the bed, sitting down to unlace her boots, glancing up at Devin, patiently waiting for an answer, but refusing to ask the question again.

  Devin looked back at the woman who’d been on her mind for the last two weeks, she was trying to decide how to answer Skyler’s question. She wanted to scream at her at, call her a bitch for making her a one-night stand, and for treating her like she was inconsequential. It was something she wouldn’t normally stand for, but this was different. Skyler was different, and damn it, she wasn’t going to just write this off.

  As Skyler straightened from kicking off her boots, Devin caught the wary look in her eyes. Devin took a step closer to the bed in reaction and instantly saw Skyler’s chin come up. Recognizing caution and even a slight note of alarm on Skyler’s face, Devin knew what she needed to do. Walking straight over to the other woman, Devin stood right in front of Skyler. Skyler’s position on the bed brought them to an even height so they were eye to eye when Devin reached her. She heard Skyler’s quick intake of breath and felt, rather than saw, her shift back slightly.

  Skyler shuddered, feeling Devin’s proximity send an electrical charge through her. Instantly all the sensations of their night together came rocketing back and she was trying desperately to hold onto her control. That was shattered a moment later when Devin uttered an “Oh no you don’t,” and kissed her. Skyler let out a groan as she pulled Devin closer, deepening the kiss.

  Devin’s hands pushed at the flight suit, even as she moved to straddle Skyler’s lap. Skyler obliged by pulling her arms out of the sleeves, then immediately put her arms back around Devin, keeping her close. Devin’s nails bit into Skyler’s arms as things became more heated between them. Skyler shifted them back so she could lie back, taking Devin with her. Once again, clothes were removed and tossed aside and they were making love. It was another hour before they finally lay breathless on the bed.

  Skyler laid with her body partially covering Devin’s, her head on the pillow just above Devin’s head. Devin had her hand on Skyler’s arm that was across her body. It was a few minutes later when Devin felt Skyler start to shift away; she immediately tightened her hold on Skyler’s arm. Skyler glanced down at her and Devin looked back at her with a challenge in her eyes.

  Skyler actually laughed at that point, surprising Devin completely.

  “I can’t run far,” Skyler said in explanation, “I just didn’t want to crush you.”

  Devin held onto Skyler’s arm when she started to move back again, “I like you here,” she said, her look as direct as her tone.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Skyler said, grinning as she settled her body comfortably again.

  They were both quiet for a while, but it was a comfortable silence. After a long while, Devin glanced up at Skyler. Sensing the movement, Skyler looked down at her. The sun was shining through the blinds in the room, and shining directly on Skyler’s face, it was then that Devin
noticed how tired Skyler actually looked.

  “When was the last time you slept?” she asked, concern filling her voice.

  Skyler closed her eyes slowly, then opened them again, “I don’t know,” she said with a grin, “can’t ever sleep good on those fire lines,” she said.

  “Why?” Devin asked, settling more comfortably to look up at Skyler.

  “Well, we were in tents, and they don’t stop flying out all night, so sleeping is rough. Plus, we worked twelve to fourteen hour shifts.”

  “Oh, my God,” Devin said, “okay, you need sleep.” She said decisively.

  “Not gonna argue,” Skyler said, grinning, closing her eyes again, suddenly really starting to feel how tired she was.

  “Oh happy day,” Devin countered, grinning, then pinned Skyler with a look, “but when you wake up,” she said, putting a finger to Skyler’s chest, “I want to go back to my house.”

  Skyler looked mystified.

  “I’m not leaving,” Devin said her tone sure, “Until we leave together.”

  “Don’t trust me, huh?” Skyler said.

  “Not really, no,” Devin said, a smile playing at her lips.

  Skyler nodded, accepting that. She knew her behavior had been reprehensible when it came to handling Devin’s feelings, so she was willing to accept that blame. She still had no idea where this left them, but she was really too tired to have that conversation at this point in time anyway.

  Skyler was asleep moments later, settled on her side. Devin moved to get up, putting her clothes on and wandering out of the room. She was surprised to see that Jams was still up and sitting at the dining room table eating, she’d expected him to be asleep in his room.

  “Oh, hi,” she said, grinning as she walked into the dining room.

  “Hey,” he said, nodding to her.

  “I figured you’d be asleep like Skyler,” she said.

  “Nah,” he said, shaking his head, “I can sleep anywhere, it’s a skill you learn in the Army.”

  “And Skyler didn’t learn it?” Devin asked surprised.

  “She did,” Jams said, his look changing slightly, “she just doesn’t sleep as good as she used to.”

  Devin looked back at him for a long moment, waiting to see if he was going to elaborate, but he didn’t.

  He gave her a knowing grin “So how’s that goin’?” he asked, nodding his head toward Skyler’s bedroom.

  Devin moved to sit on the chair across from him, pulling her legs up and hugging her knees to her chest.

  She shook her head in response to his question, “Does any woman ever know where she stands with her?”

  “Not these days,” he replied, his look pained.

  Devin knew there was more to that statement, but didn’t feel like she had the right to ask at this point. In truth, she and Skyler were no closer to being in an actual relationship than they’d been an hour before. She’d just managed to confirm that Skyler’s sexual attraction to her was just as strong as hers. She nodded, focusing on a thread on her jeans and toying with it.

  “You need to know something,” Jams said after a few long minutes, his tone serious.

  “Okay,” Devin said her tone cautious, her eyes lifting to his.

  “She has a lot going on,” he said, putting his finger to his temple, “in here, you know?”

  Devin nodded, “I can see that.”

  “She really needs to work through some shit,” Jams said then, his look almost apologetic, “if she doesn’t, it’s not gonna be pretty.”

  Devin looked back at the man that was Skyler’s friend, surprised by what he was telling her and not sure why he felt the need to say anything.

  “Why are you telling me this?” she asked honestly.

  He looked at her a moment, his look as assessing as Skyler’s had been earlier. Finally, he put his hand down on the table between them, “Because you’re the first woman she’s gotten this close to in two years.”

  “I don’t know that what we’ve gotten is considered ‘close’,” Devin said, her tone chiding.

  “You’ve spent more than one night with her,” Jams said, “that’s closer than anyone else has gotten.”

  “Really?” Devin asked, her tone shocked.

  Jams made a sucking sound through his teeth, “Our girl doesn’t usually get involved that fast, and she definitely doesn’t respond to being pushed. You were pushing today by showing up here, she usually pushes back.”

  “Oh, she did, trust me,” Devin replied sourly.

  “And you’re still here,” Jams said, smiling.

  Devin looked back at him trying to detect any sort of ulterior motive in him, but she couldn’t sense anything.

  “How long have you known her?” Devin asked.

  “Since basic,” He answered, leaning back in his chair, “we met the first day. She was no one to be messed with, so I found it necessary to mess with her.” He said grinning impudently.

  “How’d that go?” Devin asked.

  “Knock down drag out fight by lunch, friends by dinner,” he replied, grinning.

  Devin laughed, thinking that it definitely sounded like the Skyler she knew so far.

  “How long ago was that?” she asked then.

  “Going on fifteen years,” he answered.

  “Wow,” Devin replied simply.

  Jams nodded, “Yeah, long time.”

  Devin nodded too.

  “Well,” he said then, standing up and picking up his plate, “I’m headed to the gym and then to see my girl. Feel free to hang out, raid the fridge, whatever,” he said, grinning.

  “How do you know I’m not leaving?” she asked him.

  He gave her a sly look, “I think you’re smarter than that,” he said with a wink. With that he turned and walked out of the room.

  Devin watched him go, shaking her head. Did he know Skyler that well? After 15 years, she guessed he probably did. He left a short while later.

  Devin retrieved her laptop from her car and did some work that she needed to catch up on. It was a few hours before she stood up to stretch. Walking around to restore some circulation to her legs, she started looking at some of the pictures that hung on walls in the living room. She also examined pictures that were propped on a long side table.

  There were pictures of Jams with women, and pictures of he and Skyler, some in uniform, even one with them holding rifles in combat gear. There was even a picture of Skyler with a blond haired woman, it looked like a person she must have been in a relationship with as they had the look of a couple.

  Then she noticed that the fireplace mantle held three pictures, two of which had candles next to them. The center picture was of a crew, apparently Skyler and Jams crew in front of an Army helicopter, she didn’t recognize two of the men, and they certainly weren’t the two that had been with Skyler the night of the party. The two other pictures were single pictures of these men. Devin realized that this was some kind of memorial, she wondered about that. Then she thought about what Jams had said to her about stuff that Skyler needed to work through. Did this memorial have something to do with that statement? Reaching up, she touched the picture of the crew, as if it would somehow tell her what had happened.

  “Hey,” Skyler said from the doorway to the living room.

  Devin looked back at her, seeing Skyler’s eyes flick to the pictures she’d been examined, and then come back to her.

  “Hi,” Devin replied, smiling, “you look better.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Skyler replied, leaning against the door jam.

  She wore jeans and a t-shirt that was emblazoned with “Army” in camouflage. Devin noticed Skyler’s eyes skipped back to the picture again, it was obvious she was waiting for Devin to ask. Devin decided not to push at this point. So she walked over, and leaned in to kiss Skyler’s lips softly.

  “Ready to get some dinner?” Skyler asked, seeming relieved that Devin hadn’t asked any questions.

  Devin nodded, “Sure, yeah.”

Skyler nodded, “Let me grab my keys,” she said.

  “I have my car,” Devin said, “I can drive, if you’re still tired.”

  “Nah, I’m good,” Skyler said, “I know the area, probably better than you.”

  “Okay, true,” Devin replied.

  A few minutes later they walked out to the garage. Devin was not sure why she was surprised that Skyler’s car was a sports car, she wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but she was all the same. It was a low slung, sleek looking car that looked like it was quite fast. That did not surprise Devin at all.

  “What is this?” she asked, as Skyler opened the passenger door for her.

  “It’s a Z,” Skyler said, closing the door once Devin was seated, walking around to the driver’s side.

  Devin watched as Skyler pushed a button to start the car, the engine roared to life with a throaty growl.

  “Nice….” Devin said, sounding awed.

  Skyler smiled widely, “Yeah, isn’t it?” she said, looking very proud.

  As Skyler pulled out of the garage and then gunned the engine, Devin was relieved for the seatbelt she had on, the car was indeed fast. The car definitely fit Skyler, the exterior was a pearlized white with red accents, and the interior was all race car, with rich black and red leather. She looked down at the floor mats and read the word stitched on them.

  “What’s Nismo?” she asked.

  Skyler grinned as she gunned the engine to pass a number of cars, “It stands for Nissan Motorsports, it’s a racing brand.”

  Devin nodded, “So you have your own race car,” she replied.

  Skyler laughed at that, “I guess I have what’s legal in a race car, yeah.”

  Skyler reached over then and turned on the stereo. Devin was not surprised when rock music flowed out of the speakers. She recognized the band as Rush, it seemed to fit Skyler’s style. They rode for a little while, Devin glanced over, watching Skyler drive.

  Skyler had one hand on the steering wheel, the other hand on the stick shift. She was tapping the stick shift to the drum beat of the song that was on, Billy Squire’s “Everyone Wants You”. Devin noticed the ring she wore on her right ring finger, it looked like a class ring, but she could see that it said ARMY on it.


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