When Angels Fall

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When Angels Fall Page 15

by Sherryl D. Hancock

  “You’re here for Skyler Boche’?” the doctor asked.

  “Yes,” Jams said.

  “Are you family?” he asked.

  “I’m her brother,” Sebastian said, his tone brooking no argument.

  The doctor nodded, “Ms. Boche’, while being very intoxicated, is also suffering from two cracked ribs and a severe contusion to her sternum. While not life-threatening, she is going to be in a lot of pain for a while. We noticed on the X-rays that there was a lot of healed fractures to her chest area,” the doctor said, his tone taking on a suspicious note, “Is Ms. Boche’ in an abusive relationship?” he asked.

  Jams gave a short snort of laughter, “Only if you count an Army helicopter, doc,” he said, “We were in a crash in Iraq, she broke a number of ribs, and punctured a lung, all kinds of fun stuff.” His tone indicated that he was not joking.

  “Oh,” the doctor said, nodding, “that would explain the previous injuries, thank you.” Then he looked at the three of them, “Did she have another crash?” he asked pointedly.

  All three of them hesitated, not sure how to answer that question.

  “I think you should probably ask her,” Jams said, looking to Sebastian for confirmation. Sebastian nodded agreement.

  “Alright then,” the doctor said nodding.

  “Can we see her?” Devin asked then.

  “Certainly, come this way,” the doctor said, leading them back into the treatment area.

  Skyler was partially lying, partially sitting up in a hospital bed, but her eyes were closed. She was hooked up to an IV. Devin could see all the bruising on Skyler clearly now and it scared her. She had to blink back the tears that threatened to over-flow at the sight of the woman she loved in such bad shape.

  She shook her head as she moved to stand near Skyler’s head, reaching down to take Skyler’s hand. Then she looked over at Sebastian, her face showing the rage she was feeling.

  “How could your father do this?” Devin asked, her tone accusing.

  Sebastian looked back at her, surprised by the woman’s ire, but happy that his sister had someone that seemed to be willing to champion her.

  Sebastian shook his head solemnly, then shrugged in futility, “He always has,” he said simply.

  Devin’s eyes widened as the impact of that statement hit her.

  “Always?” Devin repeated.

  “Yep,” Sebastian said his eyes on Skyler.

  “Even as a child?” Devin clarified.

  Sebastian nodded, looking at Jams to see that the other man looked just as surprised as Devin did. In truth, Jams had long suspected that Skyler had been abused as a kid, but she’d never really said much about it.

  “Did he hit you?” Devin asked then.

  “No,” Sebastian said, his tone flat, his face reflecting shame. “Just her,” he said, gesturing to Skyler.

  “Why?” Devin asked, her voice held a note of an almost hysterical nature.

  Sebastian shook his head, “Skyler was always different,” he said, his look pained, “she never acted like a regular girl, always hanging out with us guys. She didn’t play with dolls, she didn’t put on makeup or heels…” His voice trailed off, as his gaze fell on his big sister again, “He hates that about her.” Then he shrugged, “That’s why she joined the Army the minute she turned eighteen.”

  Devin blinked repeatedly, shaking her head as she did her best to understand. She knew there was a lot of hate in the world, but she’d never seen it so closely as she was seeing it at that moment.

  “He should be shot,” Jams stated in the silence that followed Sebastians’ statements.

  Devin nodded, agreeing with Jams whole heartedly.

  “We could tell the doctor who did it,” Sebastian said quietly.

  Devin and Jams both looked at him, then looked at each other.

  “She’d probably kill us,” Jams said.

  “Maybe,” Devin said, not looking too worried about the prospect.

  “Should we take that chance?” Jams asked, looking at Devin then at Sebastian. “Isn’t it up to her?” Jams added.

  “Is it?” Devin asked.

  “Yeah, it is,” Skyler answered, surprising them all.

  “Skyler!” Devin exclaimed, smiling down at her, “I just meant–“ she began, but Skyler cut her off.

  “I know what you meant,” Skyler said, her tone reproving, even as she moved to sit up.

  “Don’t move too much,” Devin said, moving to try and help Skyler.

  Skyler held up her hands in a warding off gesture, “I got it,” she said sharply.

  “Easy…” Jams said, his tone cautionary.

  Skyler shot him a narrowed look, then blew her breath out, shaking her head.

  “Sorry,” she said to Devin.

  Devin only nodded, stepping back and looking away to hide the tears in her eyes.

  Skyler closed her eyes, pushing back the irritation she was feeling. She didn’t like that they’d been discussing her like she was a child to be managed. And Devin’s comment had ignited her temper. She hadn’t meant to lash out like that, but she felt like her emotions were all right there on the surface. She desperately tried to reign in her anger, and calm down. Flexing her arm, she felt the IV shift that had her looking up at the IV bag.

  “What are they giving me?” She asked no one in particular.

  “Uh,” Jams stammered, “not sure.”

  “Can you find out?” Skyler asked.

  “Sure,” Jams said, his tone of voice a little cautious.

  Jams left the room and came back with the doctor in tow a couple of minutes later. The doctor smiled at Skyler.

  “Ms. Boche’,” he began, his voice instructive, which only served to irritate Skyler more, “you have…“

  “Cracked ribs,” Skyler said, cutting the doctor off, “I know.”

  “How…” Devin asked, looking over at Skyler.

  Skyler shrugged, “Felt ‘em break,” she said simply.

  The doctor looked perplexed for a moment, then he got back on track.

  “I’ve ordered pain meds for you, but…“

  “There’s nothing you can do for me,” Skyler interrupted again, “And you can cancel the meds.”

  “Ms. Boche’…” the doctor began, his tone chiding.

  “I’ve had worse, doc, and didn’t have pain meds,” Skyler snapped, “and you can get this thing out of my arm too,” she said, holding up the arm with the IV in it.

  When the doctor hesitated, Skyler canted her head, “You do it or I’ll do it, doc, take your pick.”

  “I’ll send a nurse in,” the doctor said and made a hasty retreat.

  “Think that’s a good idea?” Jams asked Skyler.

  “I think it’s my choice,” Skyler said, her tone even.

  Jams shifted his stance, indicating that he thought she was being unreasonable, but he didn’t say anything else.

  When the nurse came in and took out the IV Skyler asked her where her clothes had ended up. The nurse gave her a long look, but had already apparently heard about the difficult patient, so she showed Skyler the bag with her clothes in them.

  “Thanks,” Skyler said, as she moved to get up out of the bed.

  “What are you doing?” Jams asked, even as he moved to steady her when she shifted uncomfortably.

  “Leaving,” Skyler said simply as she reached for the bag.

  “I don’t think so,” Jams said, moving to block Skyler from reaching her clothes.

  Skyler’s chin came up, her eyes challenging.

  “You can give me that look all day long,” Jams said, moving to stand with his legs wide apart, his arms crossed in front of his chest, “but till the doc signs you out, you’re not going anywhere.”

  They had a two-minute stand-off, where the only sound in the room was the ticking of the clock on the wall. Finally, Skyler threw up her hands, leaning back against the bed.

  “Fine!” she exclaimed, “But get that doctor back in here now.”
br />   Jams narrowed his eyes at Skyler, not liking the way she was acting, and definitely not liking the fact that she was choosing to stay in pain.

  Skyler looked back at him, her look defiant.

  Jams made an annoyed sound in the back of his throat, shaking his head and muttering as he walked toward the door.

  “Watch her!” He growled to Sebastian.

  Sebastian had watched the scene before him in fascination. He knew his big sister was tough, but he’d never really seen her in action like this before. He knew that she was probably being stupid wanting to leave the hospital, but he couldn’t help but feel awed at the way she handled herself. Big sis is a baller! He thought to himself. He also had to respect that Jams was trying to do what was right for Skyler, and wasn’t afraid to stop her or challenge her. It was an interesting dynamic.

  Sebastian wasn’t sure how he felt about Devin. He appreciated that she was concerned for Skyler, and he hadn’t liked the way Skyler had treated the younger girl. He just didn’t really have a good read on her yet.

  Within an hour, Skyler had signed herself out of the hospital “AMA” the doctor had insisted, “Against Medical Advice” Skyler had explained, followed by a “Yeah, yeah, give me the damned paper, I’ll sign it.”

  The four of them went back to the hotel and Skyler went in to take a shower. While the rest of them sat around in the living room area of the room.

  “Is she always like that?” Sebastian asked Jams.

  “You mean, a pain in my ass?” Jams replied, with a sly smile.

  “Yeah, that,” Sebastian said, grinning.

  “Not always,” Jams said, sitting back in his chair and drinking a beer, “she’s usually pretty mellow. She doesn’t like hospitals, never has, and I’m betting she’s pissed that we’re all here to witness her low.”

  Devin looked over at Jams, she hadn’t realized that was a possibility, but it made sense. Skyler was usually so confident and self-sufficient, able to take care of herself. Now she was hurt and weak, and had given in to her demons and drank herself silly. Moving to stand, Devin looked over at Jams, who was watching her.

  “I’m going to go check on her,” she said.

  Jams nodded, his eyes tracking her, his look concerned.

  “That’s not good,” Jams muttered.

  “What’s not?” Sebastian asked.

  “Devin’s never seen her like this,” Jams said, “she’s seen some of it, but not this much at a time.”

  “What do you mean?” Sebastian asked, more and more curious about his sister.

  Jams blew his breath out, taking a drink of his beer, then looked over at Sebastian.

  “Sky’s been real different since Iraq,” he said, “she has highs, and she has lows, sometimes the lows are just brutal. This is one of those times.”

  Sebastian nodded, “And you don’t think Devin can handle them?”

  Jams thought about it for a minute, a slow smile spreading on his lips, “I think if anyone can handle them, it’s Devin. I just hope it’s enough.”

  Sebastian looked back at Jams for a long minute, then asked the question he’d been thinking for years now.

  “The Army didn’t tell us everything about that crash, did they?” he asked, his tone both earnest and cautious.

  Jams shook his head, his look pained.

  Sebastian nodded, pressing his lips together in resignation, then looked back at Jams, “And you’re not going to tell me either, are you?”

  Jams shook his head, “Nope,” he said, “it’s not my story to tell.”

  Sebastian drew a deep breath through his nose, then nodded again. Part of him wanted to know what had really happened, but part of him was afraid that it would hurt too much to hear it.

  Devin walked into the bedroom and saw Skyler sitting on the bed, she still wore the clothes she’d come back from the hospital in, in her hand was a lit cigarette. Skyler was sitting with a wide stance, her elbows on her knees, her head bowed. Devin stood watching her for a while, seeing that her hands were shaking when she lifted the cigarette to her mouth. While she watched, Skyler smoked a cigarette and then lit another.

  “I thought you were going to take a shower,” Devin said moving to sit next to Skyler on the bed.

  Skyler didn’t look at her, but grinned, “I am,” she said simply.

  Devin nodded, canting her head to the side, “Is this a smoking room?” she asked, noting that Skyler was using a glass as an ashtray.

  Skyler gave a short laugh, “It is now,” she said.

  Devin laughed softly. They were both silent for a few minutes.

  It was Skyler that spoke first, “When you said ‘we were worried’,” she said her tone hesitant, “who did you mean?”

  Devin was surprised by the question, and actually thought Skyler might be joking, but then she noticed that one of Skyler’s knees was bouncing, a sign that she was agitated. Devin also noticed that Skyler’s right thumb was rubbing the palm of her left hand, another sign of distress.

  “I meant Jams and me,” Devin said, her voice soft.

  Skyler didn’t respond, only nodding her head, taking another deep drag on her cigarette.

  “Who did you think I meant, Sky?” Devin asked gently.

  Skyler shook her head, her knee still bouncing, her thumb still moving in her palm.

  Devin moved to sit on the floor to get under Skyler’s gaze. Skyler’s light blue green eyes met hers, and Devin could feel the despair clearly displayed there.

  “Oh, Skyler…” Devin said, her voice a sad whisper, “you thought I meant Sarah and me, didn’t you?”

  Again, Skyler hesitated, but finally nodded again.

  “Oh babe…” Devin said, reaching out to touch Skyler’s knee, “I’m with you, I love you.”

  Skyler looked back at her, her eyes searching Devin’s, then she pressed her lips together, “Are you sure that’s the best idea?”

  “What?” Devin asked, not sure she was following Skyler’s thought processes.

  “Being with me, staying with me,” Skyler said her tone serious. “Is it worth it?”

  “Yes it’s worth it,” Devin said, her tone sharper than she’d meant it to be, “You’re worth it,” she clarified, her voice softer.

  “Why?” Skyler countered her look skeptical.

  “What makes you think you’re not worth it, Skyler?” Devin asked, turning it around on her.

  Skyler shrugged, “That shit at the hospital, all of this, I’m a fuckin’ train wreck!”

  “You’re a human being, Skyler,” Devin said, her look entreating, “You’ve been through so much in your life, more than I even knew, but you’re here, you’re still strong. You’re pushing through.”

  Skyler a short humorless laugh, “Yeah,” she said, her tone filled with self-loathing, “that’s me.”

  “Skyler, I couldn’t even begin to deal with the things you’ve dealt with and still be here.”

  “I didn’t always want to stay here,” Skyler said, her voice breaking on the last word.

  Devin was shocked, so much so that it took her a minute to assimilate that information.

  “That’s why you wanted me to help Sarah…” she said, her voice trailing off as Skyler nodded.

  Giving another short laugh and nodding her head, “I had no idea how it would feel seeing you doing it,” she said, her voice quiet.

  “Oh, Sky….” Devin said, her face reflecting the pain she saw in Skyler’s eyes, “why didn’t you say something?”

  Skyler shrugged, going back to rubbing her palm with her thumb, “I figured if you were meant to be with her, that’s how it would go.”

  “So when I called you the other night and told you she kissed me…” Devin filled in, “Oh, Skyler, I told you that it meant nothing.”

  Skyler nodded, agreeing that Devin had said that, but it was evident that she hadn’t believed that for a minute.

  Devin blew her breath out, shaking her head.

  They were both silent again f
or a little while.

  “So what ended up happening with your brother’s case?” Devin asked, trying to steer their conversation to safer ground.

  Skyler grinned, as she lit another cigarette, “I managed to get him probation.”

  “How the hell did you manage that?” Devin asked shocked.

  Skyler chuckled, “Got our CO to recommend Sebo for a probationary fire fighter position with LAFD.”

  “Wow,” Devin said, “How many strings did you have to pull to make that happen?”

  “A whole helluva a lot,” Skyler said.

  “So, he’s moving to LA?” Devin asked.

  “Looks like.” Skyler said.

  Skyler moved, wincing in pain when she did. Shaking her head, she made a disgusted noise in her throat.

  “I don’t know what the fuck I thought I was doing coming back here,” she said.

  “You came to help your brother,” Devin said,

  Skyler snickered, “Right, yeah.”

  Devin looked at her for a long moment, “Didn’t you?” she asked.

  Skyler curled her lips, dropping her head.

  Devin looked at her, puzzled, “Then…” she began, a thought occurred to her, “you were running,” she said then.

  Skyler rolled her eyes.

  “Jesus, Sky…” Devin said, shaking her head again.

  Moving to lean up on her knees, Devin took Skyler’s face in her hands, kissing her lips softly.

  “Let’s take the shower now,” she said.

  Four hours later, Devin woke to realize that Skyler wasn’t still in bed. Laying in the darkness she could hear voices in the living room area of the room. Getting up, Devin pulled on some clothes and walked out of the bedroom. Skyler was sitting on the couch, her back to the arm of the couch, her legs stretched out. Sebastian and Jams were in the two chairs. All three were drinking beers, they were laughing about something.

  Skyler glanced over seeing Devin standing in the doorway to the bedroom, she held out her hand to her. Devin walked over, moving to sit next to Skyler on the couch, perching on the edge. Skyler’s arm encircled her waist.

  “I lost ya,” Devin said with a grin.

  “Sorry,” Skyler said, “couldn’t sleep.”


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