[Dragon's Destiny: Fated Mates 01.0] Heat

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[Dragon's Destiny: Fated Mates 01.0] Heat Page 5

by Wolf Specter

  I was dreaming as I always did: of Wesley.

  His legs were wrapped around my waist, his mouth open and gasping under mine, and it was heaven. In my dream, he welcomed all my heat, accepting everything I gave him as I thrust into him and urging me on with breathless, whimpering pleas that set my blood on fire.

  And I wanted to give him more. I desperately wanted to breathe that fire into Wesley’s open mouth, searing my claim into his body and binding him to me forever. A distant part of me knew I had to resist, but as the dream progressed it felt so right that I couldn’t for the life of me remember why.

  And then the dream shifted, and I was flying.

  The feel of the air caressing my hide, the endless view of the world laid out below me, the freedom to turn on a wingtip and head anywhere I wanted to go… it had been too long since I’d shifted, and now the feel of my other body — the freedom of flying again — was intoxicating. Especially in this dream, when I knew that every stroke of my wings was bringing me closer to my mate.

  The Olympic mountains were spread out below me, and as I banked into a turn toward a familiar, isolated peak I finally let myself acknowledge the truth. I wasn’t dreaming anymore. This connection I had with Wesley — the nightly agony of having him in my dreams when I wouldn’t let myself have him in reality — had worn down my defenses. My dragon had seized the opportunity to take over, and he’d brought me here, to the deep cave I’d made my home when I’d first claimed this territory two hundred years ago.

  Just an hour’s flight from my mate.

  I resisted going to him for another week, but when the bond that connected us told me that another man had started sniffing around what was mine, I had a moment of perfect accord with my dragon. I shifted and launched into the air with only one thought:

  No one was going to claim my mate except me.


  ~ Wesley ~

  I was in the bathroom when I heard a knock on the door, and for once — hunched over the bowl and losing what little breakfast I’d managed to get down a few minutes before — I hoped it wasn’t Dane. It had been six weeks since he left, and I was still pining for him… but if he ever did show up, I’d prefer that he not find me like this.

  I was still struggling with the stomach bug that had been bothering me a month before. Ty had been nagging me to see a doctor, and I was almost ready to give in. I’d only delayed because of the weird rhythm of my illness… as soon as I finished throwing up, I knew I’d feel fine again. The cycle kept me thinking that I was on the mend, but no matter how good I felt during the day, the sickness always came back the next morning.

  When my daily purge finally ended, I felt worn out and despite knowing someone was waiting on me, I took my time, brushing my teeth and using a little mouthwash. At this point I didn’t really hold out any hope that it would actually be Dane at the door, and my brother would have just let himself in… as far as I was concerned, anyone else could either wait, or leave.

  When I finally pulled open the door a few minutes later, I stifled a groan. Maybe if I’d taken even longer in the bathroom, he would have given up and gone away.

  “Hey Wes,” my ex said, looking me up and down in a way that screamed booty call.

  “Brent. What do you want?”

  “Can I come in for a minute?”

  I almost said no. What was the point? But he was already stepping forward, crowding my space, and I backed out of the way — more to avoid having him rub up against me than because I was agreeing to let him in.

  “So… you busy?” he asked, still crowding me.

  “God, Brent,” I laughed in disbelief. “You are really too much.”

  “What?” He ran a finger over my collar bone, sliding it up the side of my neck and cupping my jaw. I vaguely remembered that I used to like that, but now his touch just left me cold. “You know we were good together,” he said. “That last time… I was just messing with you.”

  “You were a dick, Brent. And you told me you wanted to fuck my brother.”

  “Don’t be like that, baby.” He leaned in like he was going to kiss me, and my stomach cramped. I doubled over, my head cracking into his nose.

  “Fuck, Wes!” he screeched, stumbling backward.

  “No, thanks. Not interested.” I’d made his nose bleed, and the sight of his blood settled my stomach. Huh. Go figure.

  “Not interested in what?”

  Neither Brent nor I had noticed Ty drive up, and when my ex swung around to face him he apparently forgot that his face looked like a horror show.

  “Hey, Tyler,” he said, smiling lasciviously.

  “Don’t be more of an asshole than you already are, Brent. Just leave,” I said, having zero patience for his bullshit today.

  He turned back and glared at me, looking me up and down again, but this time with his lip curled up in scorn. “Whatever, Wes. I thought I’d stop by and do you a favor. You’ve really let yourself go, baby.” He reached out and patted my bloated stomach, making it cramp again.

  God, he was right, I thought, flinching away from his touch. I was getting fat.

  He turned back to my brother with something probably intended to be a sexy smile. “But Tyler, if you ever want—”

  Ty’s glare shut him up, and by the grunt Brent gave when my brother brushed past him I’m guessing he got in a good elbow jab. “What an ass,” Ty said as he closed the door in my ex’s face.

  For no reason whatsoever, his comment made me burst into tears.

  “Fuck, Dub! What did he do to you?”

  Oh, God. What was wrong with me? Brent was a prick, but seeing him hadn’t really bothered me. And head butting him — even if it had been an accident — had kind of been the highlight of my day. I had no idea why I was crying.

  I wasn’t normally this emotional. Lately, though, it felt like the slightest thing would set me off, and having my ex point out that I was gaining weight was suddenly too much.

  Not to mention totally unfair, given that I’d barely been able to keep food down for weeks.

  “Sorry, Tee. It’s nothing. I just didn’t need the reminder that no one wants me.” God, I sounded just as pathetic as I felt.

  “No one?” Ty scoffed. “Honestly, who’s had the chance, Wes? You’ve been hiding out in your apartment for a month.”

  “I’ve been sick,” I said defensively.

  “I hope so.” He shook his head, rubbing his temples as he scowled. “Fuck, I didn’t mean it like that. I meant… I hope that’s the reason, and that it’s not because you’re still pining for Bennett.”

  “Have you heard from him?” I asked hopefully, my heart tripping a little at the mention of his name. Like I said, pathetic.

  “Dub, seriously. Stop. No, I haven’t. You need to move on.”

  I knew he was right. There was no reason for me to still remember the way Dane tasted. The heat that had consumed me when he’d looked at me. What I’d felt when he’d touched me.

  “See? You’re off in your zone again. Wes, I love ya, bro, but get over it. Bennett was a dick. I’m sorry I ever brought him over, but you’ve got to face the fact that he’s not coming back.”

  I couldn’t argue, so I decided to change the subject.

  “Why did you stop by?” I asked. “Shouldn’t you be on base?”

  “Nah, I’ve got today off. I had lunch at Farrelli’s with some of the guys. I figured you probably still hadn’t left the house, so I grabbed you an order of those Focaccia Bites you like.”

  My mouth started watering at the thought of the spicy appetizers, and I reached for the bag eagerly. Even though I’d been praying to the porcelain god a few minutes ago, I was suddenly starving.

  Ty followed me into the kitchen, and I threw the food into the toaster oven to heat up while he grabbed a couple of beers from my fridge.

  “None for me,” I said, my stomach rebelling at the thought. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a drink. This lingering bug was making me miserable. Speaking of w
hich… God. The kitchen was filling with the smell of pepperoni and cheese, and even though I knew for a fact that there was nothing left in my stomach, I was suddenly diving for the sink and dry-heaving into it.

  Ty handed me a towel once I was able to straighten up. “Have you seen a doctor yet?” he asked, sounding genuinely worried.

  I shook my head.

  “I think… maybe you should. This has been going on for too long.”

  “I know. You’re right,” I admitted. “I just keep thinking that it’s going away. You know I hate doctors.”

  “Yeah, but seriously. Something’s not right.”

  Before I could agree, there was another knock on the door.

  God, it had better not be Brent again. I left Ty in the kitchen eating my Focaccia Bites and flung the door open prepared to tell him off. But this time, it wasn’t my ex at the door.

  At least, not that one.

  I froze in shock with my mouth hanging open, and then a wave of familiar heat tore through me.

  It was Dane.

  “Wesley.” His voice was just as intoxicating as I remembered. “Can I come in?”

  I nodded mutely, stepping aside.

  “Where is he?” Dane asked, looking grim as he glanced around my apartment.

  I had no idea who he was talking about. Tyler? I pointed toward the kitchen, still speechless — and also starting to feel a bit feverish. God, what was it about this man that made my body instantly respond like this? It was the middle of October, cold and raining… but it was just like it had been the first time. I was suddenly burning up. Burning for him.

  I wanted to crawl all over him, even though I knew I should ask what he was doing here, or where he had been, or why the fuck — if he was just going to show up one day unannounced — he hadn’t been in touch for the past six weeks.

  But honestly, at the moment I didn’t care.

  I just wanted him.

  I followed him into the kitchen.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Ty asked Dane, giving him a black look.

  Dane ignored him, turning back to me with a scowl. “Where is he?” he asked me again.

  “Who are you looking for?” I asked, licking my lips as I stared at his. “It’s just me and Ty here.”

  “Someone else was here. Someone who wanted you.”

  “Brent?” I asked incredulously, jolted out of my lust for a moment. “Uh, are you talking about my ex?”

  “Bennett, what the fuck, man? Is today national ex-boyfriend day? You can’t just show up here”—

  Dane seemed to… ripple a little, and when he turned back to Ty his deep voice came out with a strange echo. “Byrne, leave.”

  My brother’s mouth snapped closed, and he headed for the door without another word.

  “What did you just do?” I asked, startled by Ty’s instant compliance.

  Even though the question was for Dane, my words seemed to jolt my brother out of the weird daze he was in. He stopped, looking confused for a minute, and then took up the conversation where he’d left off.

  “You can’t just show up here. Wes is sick, and he for sure doesn’t need your head games, asshole.”

  Dane’s lip quirked up in a little half smile that was so sexy I wanted to lick it. “I’ll take care of Wesley,” he told Ty.

  My brother got his stubborn look on, but before he could argue I spoke up. “It’s okay, Tee. Really. I’m feeling better now.”

  “No fucking way, Wes. You’ve been saying that for weeks, but you keep puking. You need to see a doctor.”

  “Later, okay? Tyler, I appreciate it but… leave. Please.”

  Dane was back. I was probably being foolish, but at the moment it was all that mattered.

  “Fuck, bro. Seriously?”


  “Fine. Deja fucking vu,” Ty muttered irritably. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Dub.” He stomped out, dropping a few more F-bombs under his breath as he slammed the front door behind him.

  “He wants to protect you,” Dane said from behind me. His hot hands landed on my shoulders, then slid down over my chest. Oh, God. He pulled me back to lean against him.

  “Do I need protecting from you?” I asked breathlessly. His body was on fire, and I melted against it, craving his heat.

  I gasped as Dane’s lips touched me, burning a trail up the side of my neck and causing hot ripples of need to flicker out from every point of contact, like a series of tiny flames that set me ablaze. I tilted my head to the side to give him better access, and then he was kissing the side of my jaw, his hand wrapped lightly around my throat as he tipped my head back toward his and, finally, capturing my mouth in a scorching kiss that shot straight down to my cock.

  “It’s too late, my treasure,” he whispered his answer against my lips, but by then I couldn’t remember the question.

  He slid a hand under the edge of my t-shirt, trailing his fingers across my stomach and making my skin quiver decadently. I didn’t ever want him to stop touching me. I whimpered into his mouth as he turned me to face him, not caring at all about whether it sounded too needy. I was needy. I needed Dane, and I wasn’t going to waste time wondering by what miracle I had him again.

  He ran his hands up my body, lifting my shirt and pulling it off over my head. I wound my arms around his neck, rising on my toes and pressing against him as he finished undressing me. Then his hands were on my ass, squeezing it a little and making the sexiest sound I had ever heard. I wrapped my legs around his waist when he lifted me, shamelessly grinding against him as he kissed me, and kissed me, and kissed me.

  “Wesley,” he finally groaned as his cock jerked against me. “I need to fuck you again.”

  “God, yes. Please… hurry,” I panted.

  I tightened my legs around him as he fumbled with one hand to free his straining erection. The head was already slick with pre-cum when I finally felt it slap against me. He lined himself up with my hole, teasing me with his cock as he spread his natural lubrication over me.

  “I need you,” he whispered against my lips, making my heart flutter. Fucking flutter.

  And then he pushed all the way inside with one smooth thrust.

  I gasped, burying my face in the curve of his neck. It had been too long, and my ass burned as he stretched me open.

  Dane froze, his fingers digging into me as he held himself still. “Okay?” he asked hoarsely.

  I nodded against his skin, curling one hand around his neck and pulling myself more tightly against him. His hair was longer than it had been the last time I’d seen him, and it tickled my fingers. I breathed in that primal scent that stoked the fire he’d lit just by showing up on my doorstep.

  He shouldn’t feel this familiar.

  “I’m okay,” I managed to say when he remained still. “But moving, that would be okay, too. Very okay.”

  “Oh, God. Wesley.”

  He locked his arms around my back, my knees bent in half over the hard muscles of his arms, and pinned me against the door of the fridge. And then he started to fuck me.

  My head fell back and Dane swallowed my every breath, locking his mouth onto mine as he drove into me, his rhythm so hard and fast that there could be no doubt that he felt the same overpowering desperation that I did.

  His cock, his presence, his heat — it all came together to fill an emptiness that I hadn’t wanted to admit was in me, but now he’d come back and made me whole again. My senses were overwhelmed by him, nothing existed outside of the exquisite completion of being his again.

  “That’s right, treasure, you’re mine,” he growled into my mouth, as if he’d read my mind.

  His voice had the same echoing timbre I’d heard earlier, and his words, his claim — vibrating across my lips and down my throat and into the deepest part of me — made me explode.

  My head slammed back into the refrigerator door and I arched against him, my vision whiting out for a minute as I came. Dane’s rhythm didn’t falter as my body tighte
ned around him and then, a minute later, he slammed into me one last time with a deep groan — pressing so close that I felt the sound physically move through me. The hot rush of his release went on and on, filling me with a delicious satisfaction to replace the urgency of the earlier heat.

  I felt boneless and relaxed, utterly content in his arms. It would have been perfect if I hadn’t remembered what had happened last time. He’d fucked me, and then he’d left.

  And I still didn’t know why he’d come back.


  ~ Dane ~

  Now that I was here, I acknowledged the truth: there was absolutely no chance I’d be able to leave my mate again.

  Wesley’s eyes were still closed, his head flung back and his mouth soft and slightly open. My eyes were drawn to a vein beating under the pale skin of his neck. I watched it slow as his body relaxed, and I couldn’t resist it. I couldn’t resist him. I dipped my head and licked the gentle pulse that bewitched me, sucking lightly and inhaling his taste and scent and the utter perfection of having him back in my arms at last.

  His hands threaded through my hair and he made a breathy little sound when my lips touched him. Hearing it, something inside me relaxed for the first time since I’d left him.

  I needed to be here.

  I needed him.

  Fucking him wasn’t what I’d intended when I came, but as my mate melted against me I silently acknowledged that it had been inevitable. The urge to fill him with my dragon’s fire was still there, but it had been muted this time — pushed aside by the raw, possessive need that had hit me the moment he’d opened the door.

  It was a physical need, but also something deeper.

  I’d had many human lovers over the years, but everything was different with Wesley. The mating bond between us was both more and less than a relationship. A part of me felt like I knew him as intimately as I did my own self, and yet — even though he was naked in my arms and my cock was still buried inside him — I had no idea what to say to him.

  I assumed by his reaction to me that the bond was affecting Wesley, too. He’d accepted me back eagerly, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t have questions for me now that he was sated. He had to wonder what was happening between us, but the truth would be overwhelming for any human.


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