Wild Rugged Daddy - A Single Daddy Mountain Man Romance

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Wild Rugged Daddy - A Single Daddy Mountain Man Romance Page 57

by Sienna Parks

  “Go inside. I want you to see where I’m going to make love to you every night.” I’m trembling as I reach out my hand and turn the doorknob. When I step inside, my lungs constrict as I gasp in wonder. Imagine a place that embodies soft, sensual serenity. It’s a haven in the chaos of life—a retreat for Jax and me to be alone in our little corner of the world.

  “How did you keep this a secret? I’m here on the ranch every day.”

  “With great difficulty. I’ve been dying to tell you every time I look at you. It’s been killing me to keep it from you because I want to share everything about my day with you, but I needed to do this for you… for us.” I wrap my arms around his neck, my lips finding his in an all-consuming, earth-shattering kiss.

  “Thank you. There are no words to describe how I feel right now. Thank you doesn’t even come close.”

  “You’re welcome, darlin’. You know I’d do anything for you.”

  “Can I ask you to do one more thing?” His low raspy chuckle is sexy as hell.

  “Just name it.”

  “I dropped your surprise in the field. Can you get it and bring it in here?”

  “Sure.” With a swift peck on the cheek, he heads outside. I walk back through to the living room mesmerized by the stunning vista laid out before me. The view is just unbelievable. While Jax is outside, I try to compose myself taking a few deep breaths focusing on the feeling of my lungs expanding and contracting.

  The minutes drag on as I wait for him to return, anxious to see him open the box. When he strides through the door with a grin on his face, my heart swells with more love than I ever thought possible.

  “Before you open it, I just want to tell you how much I love you and how blessed I feel to have found you. You’re the love of my life.”

  He carefully unties the ribbon and opens the lid. His eyes widen as he removes the tiny trinket.

  “Is this what I think it is?” He looks to me for confirmation.

  “Yes.” He runs his hand through his hair, his facial expression astounded.

  “I’m going to need to hear you say it. I won’t believe it until you say the words.”

  “I’m pregnant, Jax. You’re going to be a daddy.” He stares at the tiny framed ultrasound picture in silence. “Are you happy?”

  “Are you kidding me?” He places the frame on the table next to him before sweeping me up into his arms. “I’ve never been happier.” His lips descend on mine in a gentle kiss—soft and protective but urgent and passionate. “How far along are you?”

  “Four months. We conceived him the night you proposed.”

  “Him?” His eyes light up sparkling brighter than the stars in the sky.

  “It’s a boy.”



  Five Months Later

  “Are you sure we should be out here? I’d rather stay close to the main house. He could come any day now.” My nerves are shot to hell at the moment.

  “I’m not due for another week. Last time I saw A.B., she said the baby was in the right position, but his head needs to drop. It’s fine, stop worrying.”

  “I still think it’s a bad idea to be out here.”

  “Jax, we’re on the ranch. It’s twenty minutes to walk to our house from here. I like the barn. I’ve had heartburn for weeks, I can’t sleep, and I just want to lie on the floor of the barn and look at the twinkling lights. Is that too much to ask?”

  “No, ma’am.” I daren’t cross Savannah right now. Her hormones are all over the place, but if I allude to that, she’ll rip me a new one. Other than the occasional emotional tirade, pregnancy looks so good on her. She’s stunning, radiant, and she’s growing my son in her belly. I’m astounded every time I feel him kick or watch as her stomach moves when he gets the hiccups—the hiccups in utero!

  The barn is set up for a wedding in three days. It looks even more special than usual. Since we moved into our house, Savannah loves coming up here to stare up at the ‘barn stars’ and talk about our hopes for our son. Today is probably the last time we’ll come here when it’s just the two of us. It’s equal parts exciting and terrifying.

  Becoming a father scares me, but I know I’m nothing like the man who abandoned me. I believe in learning from your mistakes, and in this case, learning from the mistakes of those who’ve gone before me. You can either follow in your parents’ footsteps and repeat the cycle, or you can choose to be different and break the cycle. I choose to break it. There is nothing on this earth that could tear me away from Savannah or our child. My family is the most important part of life—they are my life.

  “I hope he looks like you. A cute little cowboy with big blue eyes and dimples that would melt your heart.” I ponder her words as we stare up at the eaves. She’s tucked into the crook of my arm at a right angle to my body the way she always does when we’re here.

  “I hope he has your smile. You could take down an empire with the warmth of your smile.” We lie in companionable silence listening to the cicadas outside—a familiar cacophony here on Mustang.



  “Can you call A.B.? I think my water just broke.” My heart comes to a grinding halt.

  “It’s time?” I carefully lift her head and jump to my feet grabbing my phone from my pocket.

  “A.B.! She’s in labor. We’re at the barn.” She reassures me we’ve got time. Most first labors take anywhere from twelve to twenty-four hours. I kneel beside Savannah pressing a kiss to her lips.

  “We need to get you to the hospital.”

  “I don’t think I can walk. I feel like I’m having one big contraction.” I take her hand in mine stroking her arm.

  “Just breathe. It’ll pass. The baby won’t be here for hours. We can wait until the pain subsides, and then we’ll go. Okay?” She holds my gaze, fear evident in her eyes.

  “Okay. It really hurts, Jax.” I check my watch to time the contractions. All the books say you need to time them.

  “Tell me when it stops.” I wait—seconds turning into minutes. “Has it gone away?”

  “No. This isn’t supposed to happen. Something’s wrong.”

  “I’m going to carry you. We need to get you out of here. Wrap your arms around my neck, darlin’.” I slip my arms underneath her and lift. Before I get to the door, she’s screaming in agony.

  “Oh, God. Please, put me down. It’s too painful. I can’t do this.”

  “You’re the strongest woman I know. You can do this, and when it’s over, you’ll be holding our baby boy in your arms.” Her cries echo in the eaves as she writhes in pain.

  “I need to lie down. It’s getting worse.” I lower her to the ground pulling one of the tablecloths to wad up as a makeshift pillow. I call A.B. again and explain what’s happening.

  “It’s unusual, but it can happen. It’s called precipitous labor.”

  “I don’t care what it’s called, A.B. I just need you to get your ass here and tell me what the fuck to do in the meantime.”

  “It’s a fast labor. I’ll call an ambulance, but Jax… you need to be prepared… we might be delivering this baby in the barn. I’m on my way.” I hang up the phone, my pulse racing so hard I think my heart is going to explode.

  “Is she coming?”

  “She’s on her way, and she’s calling an ambulance.”

  “It won’t stop, Jax. The contraction won’t stop.” I try to remember what they taught us in Lamaze class. Getting behind her, I position her back on my chest supporting her weight. She squeezes my hands as she attempts to breathe through the pain, but it gets worse, and her entire body tightens against me. “Oh, God! I need to push.”

  This can’t be happening.

  “Okay. I need to take a look.”

  “No! You can’t. We’ll never have sex again if you see a baby coming out of my vagina.”

  “Darlin’, I need to see if I can feel the baby’s head. If you push too soon, it could harm you and the baby. I’ll look after you,
I promise. I’ve delivered dozens of foals.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? You did not just compare me to a goddamn horse!”

  “I didn’t mean that!” I position her head on the pillow and move between her legs. I grab another tablecloth and drape it over her to give her some semblance of privacy. The moment I examine her, I know our baby is coming. “Okay, darlin’, our baby boy is ready to come into the world. Go ahead and push.” Tears stream down her face as the pain becomes more intense.

  “I don’t want to. I need A.B. You’re supposed to hold my hand, not deliver the baby.”

  “Look at me. I’m right here with you.”

  “I was wrong.”

  “About what?”

  “We should have gotten married sooner. I want to be your wife when our son comes into the world. I’m so sorry.”

  Maddox comes running into the barn, and I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see him.

  “A.B. will be here any minute. What can I do?”

  “Sit behind her and support her back. Then Google how to become an online minister.” I don’t have time to look up—I can feel my son’s head at the top of her cervix.


  “You’re going to marry us right now. Your sister wants to be married when our son makes his entrance, and you’ve got about ten minutes to grant her wish. Hurry the fuck up!” He pulls out his phone without another word.

  “Hang on, darlin’. A.B. will be here, but if you gotta push, you go ahead and do it. I’ve got you, okay.” She reaches for my hand. All I want to do at this moment is take away her pain. I’m helpless, and it’s killing me to see her so distraught. I shouldn’t have brought her out here. I had a bad feeling, but I ignored it.

  “Okay, I’m a minister. You ready?”

  “Do it.” I don’t hear half of what he’s saying as he runs through the legal requirements for a marriage.

  When it comes time for Savannah to say her part, she’s screaming through the pain, stopping to push before shouting, “I do!” The baby’s head is crowning.

  “I do, Mad. Just say we’re married already! Push darlin’. You gotta give me one more big push.”

  “By the power invested in me by the internet, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Kiss her before my nephew’s born.” He holds his sister in his arms, her hands clutching his.

  I reach over and kiss her lips as she bears down. “You’re my wife. Now, take a deep breath and push.” My cheeks are wet with silent tears as Savannah gives it everything she has, exhausted and scared, screaming in agony as my son is born in my arms. Wrapping him in a white linen tablecloth, I can’t take my eyes off him. “You did it, darlin’. You’re a momma.” I place him gently in her arms, her body limp in relief.

  “He’s so beautiful.” I cover her and move to take Mad’s place behind her wrapping my arms around them—my wife and my son—my family.

  “What do you want to call him?”

  “Jackson Maddox McKinney. J.M. for short.”

  “I love you, Savannah McKinney.”

  When A.B. arrives, she cuts the cord and delivers the placenta. I’m in awe of my new wife. She’s just been through the worst pain of her life, and yet she’s completely content with J.M. snuggled in her arms. Her strength is boundless. From the moment we met, she’s been the driving force that kept us together. Without her determination, I wouldn’t be gazing into the eyes of my newborn son. She’s the best part of me—my wife, lover, and friend. Savannah is, and always will be, the love of my life.

  It doesn’t matter how hard you try to deny love—if it’s real, it can’t be tamed, and it cannot be extinguished by space, time, adversity, or the wild buck of a Mustang heart.

  The End

  Acknowledgments For Wild Rugged Daddy

  I can’t even begin to describe how amazing my sweet husband has been through this process. We have had yet more medical issues to rock our world, but his steadfast support, love, and understanding are what keeps me getting up in the morning. Si, you inspired me to dig deep and find Travis and Juliet’s story. I’d scale any mountain for you. You are and always will be my one true north. I love you.

  Ria – Finding that one reader who understands the method in your madness is the gold dust writers pray for. I know I can always rely on your honesty and constructive criticism. You make me a better writer, and I’m so grateful we found each other. When I didn’t think I had it in me to fight through the pain and get this done, you got alongside me, rolled up your sleeves, and got out that red pen. Thank you just isn’t enough. I love you more, sweet friend.

  Louisa Maggio – Thank you for creating a stunning cover for this book. You have a true talent. I’m looking forward to working with you on another project.

  Nicki Kuzn – Thank you for your patience. You take my unpredictable schedule in your stride always giving me your best when I need it most. It’s a pleasure to work with you, and I look forward to working with you in the future.

  Patty – Your continued support and understanding of the many challenges that come with my life and my writing is appreciated more than I can say. Thank you for having faith in me and encouraging my vision for the future.

  To my wonderful betas – I feel truly blessed to have each and every one of you in my life. Our little band of badass ladies brightens my day. You always offer an understanding ear and words of encouragement. I love you all.

  To my readers – Thank you so much for your support. You make my dreams possible.

  About the Author

  I'm happiest when wandering through the unchartered territory of my imagination. You'll find me curled up with my laptop, browsing the books at the local library, enjoying the smell of a new book, or taking great delight in cracking the spine and writing in the margins!

  Sienna is a native Scot, but lives in Texas with her husband, two kids, and a whizzy little fur baby with the most ridiculous ears. She first fell in love with British Literature while majoring in Linguistics, 17th Century Poetry, and Shakespeare at University. She is an avid reader and lifelong notebook hoarder. In 2014, she finally put her extensive collection to good use and started writing her first novel. Sienna became a writer at Prism Heart Press in 2017, and is currently writing some exciting new projects.

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