by Mark Curtis
UK special relationship with
Saddam Hussein,
campaign against the Kurds
dossier against
as favoured ally
involvement in 1963 coup
media stories concerning
removal of
support for
as Vice President then Prime Minister
and WMD programme
El Said, Nuri
al Sallal, Abdullah
Sankoh, Foday
Sao Tome
Saro-Wiwa, Ken
Saudi Arabia
Scarlett, John
Schlesinger, Arthur
Scott, Sir Robert
Second World War
Seconde, Reginald
Selwyn Lloyd, John
September 11th
Serbs, Serbians
al Shami, Ahmed
Sharon, Ariel
Shayler, David
Shepherd, Lord
Shiner, Phil
Short, Clare,
Sierra Leone
Silva, John da
Simons, Geoff
Slater, Richard
Smedley, Harold
South Africa
South America
South-east Asia,
Southern Africa
Soviet Union,
Spellar, John
Standard bank
Starmer, Keir
Stewart, Michael
Stiglitz, Joseph
Stirling, David
Stokes, Doug.
Strategic Defence Review (SDR)
Straw, Jack
Structural Adjustment
Programme (SAP)
Suharto, President Thojib,
Sukarno, President Achmad,
Sukarnoputri, Megawati
Sunday Telegraph,
Sunday Times,
Sutarto, General
Symons, Baroness
Tan, Andrew
Taylor, General Maxwell
Television International
as excuse for attacks
interventions, in
link with Iraq
and Nepal
rise of
scare stories concerning
and Turkey
UK support for
Thatcher, Margaret
Thieu, General Nguyen van
Third Force Europe
Thomas, George
Thompson, Robert
Thomson, George
Thorneycroft, Peter
Tikrit, General
The Times,
Tiro, Hasan de
Tocq, Eric le
Torpy, Air Marshall
Trend, Burke
Trevaskis, Sir Kennedy
Amin coup
break with
British support for
Common Man's Charter
expulsion of Asian community
massacres in
terror in
UN Security Council
United Arab Republic (UAR)
United Kingdom
aggressiveness of
and Amin
arms supplies
'assurances' concerning Indonesia
attitude towards international law
backing of repressive Iraqi regimes
and Chile
colonial attitude
complicity in/knowledge of campaigns against the Kurds
defence strategy
dirty war in Yemen
and disinformation
and Egypt
global deaths
inaction in Sierra Leone
and Indonesia
and international law
interventions by
involvement in 1963 Iraqi coup
and Iraq
knowledge of massacres in Iraq
and Nigeria
occupation strategies
offensive operations in Iraq
and Oman
recognition of Amin
as secretive state
special relationship with US
stance on nuclear power
and state propaganda
and state terrorism
support for UN
and Uganda
and US aggression
and Vietnam
Whitehall policy
United Nations (UN)
and British Guiana
and Colombia
contempt for
countering the threat by
ignoring of resolutions
and Nigeria
and Sierra Leone
US/UK breach of charter
and Vietnam
United States
aggressiveness, of
and basing rights in Iraq
energy strategy
and Guatemala
involvement in 1963 Iraqi coup
and Nicaragua
and Nigeria
offensive operations in Iraq
and Panama
special relationship with UK
support for Indonesia
and total propaganda control
UK support for aggressions by
and Vietnam
Uranium Medical Research Council
Uribe, Alvaro
Vanity Fair,
Vaz, Keith
background to war
British support for Diem
British support for US
chemical weapons used on
death and destruction in
Delta Plan
elections in
Foreign Office dissident
and Geneva Accords
Geneva Accords
increased bombing
indiscriminate bombing of
and land reform
massacres in
military escalation in
My Lai
National Liberation Front (NLF)
Noone mission
Operation Speedy Express
pacification programme
Phoenix operations
Rolling Thunder campaign
strategic hamlets programme
Tet offensive (1968)
US troop withdrawals
Viet Minh (Viet Cong)
way out and British interests
Walker, Edward
Wall Street Journal,
Warner, Fred
Washington Post,
weapons of mass destruction (WMD),
Webb, Colonel Michael
West Africa
West Papua
White, Dick
Wilmshurst, Elizabeth
Wilson, Harold
and Chagossians
and Chile
and comment by Dean Rusk
and the Kurds
and the Middle East
and Vietnam
and Nigeria
and support for US
and Vietnam, 2
and Yemen
Wilson, Joseph
Wolfowitz, Paul
Woodhouse, Lt. Col. John
Woodward, Michael
World Bank,
World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Wright, Joe
Wright, Sir Michael
Wright, Oliver
covert campaign
Operation Bangle
Operation Eggshell
Operation Rancour
Operation S
Rancour operations
threat posed by
Young, George
Zulueta, Philip de
Zunes, Stephen