by Hugh Thomas
Abingdon, Willoughby Bertie, fourth earl of, 531
Abiodun, Emperor of the Oyo, 359
abolition movement, 11, 12, 13, 320, 373, 401, 405, 469–75, 574–75, 592, 617, 741, 797
American Revolution and, 478–82
Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1818 and, 611–12
British abolition and, 550–51, 553–57
Catholic Church and, 451, 456–58, 466, 665–66
in Chile, 577–78, 598
Christian doctrine and, 29–30
Clarkson Committee and, 493–95
in Denmark, 526–27, 528, 549
Dundas’s amendment and, 528–29, 530, 538
and duties on imports of slaves, 462–63
Enlightenment and, 464–66
fear of rebellions and, 461–62, 545
forerunners of, 126, 147
in France, 452, 483–85, 496, 520–24, 531, 587–89, 662–68, 664, 786
French Revolution and, 520, 524, 530–31, 538
growing anti-slavery sentiment and, 450–54
House of Commons debates on, 478–79, 483, 508–9, 512–14, 516, 517, 524–25, 527–29, 537–38, 540–41, 549–51, 553–54, 555
“Mansfield judgment” and, 476
in Netherlands, 531–32, 611–13
in New Spain, 578, 579–80
novels and poetry in, 454–56, 464, 468, 471, 488, 490, 497, 624–25
organized opposition to, 509–10, 513, 514–16, 536, 555–56, 734–37
Pitt and, 494–95, 506–7, 514, 517, 525, 529, 530, 538, 539, 550, 551
Quakers in, 12, 458–61, 471–73, 476–77, 479, 481, 482, 485, 487, 490–92, 493, 509, 518, 657–58, 735, 797
rise of ethical and humane concerns in, 454–55, 463–64
Saint-Domingue revolution and, 527, 529–30, 531, 538
search debate and, 593, 599–600, 613, 618, 619, 627–28
“Sierra Leone plan” and, 497–99
slave rebellions and, 461–62, 545
Somerset case and, 473, 476
in Spain, 509–6, 778, 781–83
U.S. Constitution and, 499–501
U.S. shipbuilders and, 677–78
Wilberforce and, 513–14, 517, 524, 527, 530, 537–38, 539, 540, 541, 546, 549–50, 551, 554, 556
Zong massacre and, 489–90
Abreu, Limpo de, 730
Abson, Lionel, 359
“Account of the Giants newly discovered” (Walpole), 471
Acland, Richard, 259
Acosta, José, 781
Acton, Edward, 244
Adams, Charles Francis, 775–76
Adams, Henry, 776
Adams, James Hopkins, 765
Adams, John, 363, 564
Adams, John Quincy, 582, 592, 613, 617, 618, 619, 660, 718, 775, 776
Adandozan, King of Dahomey, 358–59, 694
Addington, Henry Unwin, 741n
Addington, Henry, 550n
Admiralty, British, 230, 490, 576, 589, 594, 651, 736, 741, 775, 777
Adolphe (ship), 588n, 622
Affonso, João (Jean Alphonse), 153
Affriquain, 392–93, 588
Afonso, Diogo, 68
Afonso, King of Congo, 109–10, 153
Afonso V, King of Portugal, 70, 72, 112
Africa, see East Africa; West Africa
Africa Civilisation Society, 786
Africa Emergent (Macmillan), 794
Africa Institution, 555, 564, 569, 593
African Slave Trade and Its Remedy, The (Buxton), 658
Agaja, King of Dahomey, 354, 357, 358, 391, 514
Agnes, 740
Aguilar, Juan de, 578
Aguilón (colonist), 91, 99
Aix-la-Chapelle conference, 561, 592–93
al-Andalus, 38, 39, 40, 41
Albemarle, George Monck, first duke of, 198, 275
Albergati, Niccolò, 65
Alberoni, Cardinal, 240
Albuquerque, Braz, 111
Albuquerque, Jerónimo de, 124
Alcaçovas, Treaty of, 332
Alcántara de Toledo, Pedro, 579
Alcidamas, 28–29
Aldama, Miguel de, 753
Aldenburgk, Johann Gregor, 169
Alegría, Martín José de, 280
Alexander I, Tsar of Russia, 585, 592, 593
Alexander VI, Pope, 65, 87–89, 93, 267
Alfonso III, King of Aragon, 39, 40
Alfonso VII, King of Castile, 39
Alfonso X (the Wise), King of Castile, 122
Aliada, 354–56, 357, 389
Allen, Captain, 696
Allen, Robert W., 661
Allwood, Philip, 504, 533, 638
Almagro, Diego de, 103, 104
Almoravid movement, 22, 39, 57
Alvarado, Pedro de, 103
Alvaras, Joòo, 147
Álvare, King of Congo, 128–30
Alvarez, José, 689, 802
Álvarez Chanca, Diego, 91
Álvarez Prieto, Manuel, 180
Alves da Silva, João Bonifacio, 706
Alves de Cruz Rios, José, 633
Amanieu, Joachim-Guillaume, 675
Amar, servir y esperar (Lope de Vega), 120
Amboe Robin John, 405
Ambriz, 704
Ambrose, Saint, 30–31
Amelia Island, 614, 616
American Board of Foreign Missions, 690
American Revolution, 248, 249, 268, 272, 341
abolition movement and, 478–82
France and, 275, 285
slave trade and, 282–83, 329
Amiens, Peace of (1802), 253, 296, 543, 547
Amistad, 718
Amory, Thomas, 259–60
Ana Marí a, 604, 715–16
Ancona, Antonio Jacobo de, 86
Anderson, Alexander, 342–43
Anderson, John, 342–43
Andrada, Antônio Carlos de, 729–30
Andrada e Silva, José Bonifacio de, 609, 729
Andrade, Bernardino de, 549
Andrade, Gaspar de, 219, 458
Anes Pintado, Antonio, 154
Anglade, André-Joseph, 625
Anglo-Saxons, 32, 34, 35
Ango, Jean, 106, 153
Angola, 13, 81, 117, 134, 143, 145, 160, 163–65, 166, 167, 169, 176, 185, 186, 203, 212, 213, 226, 247, 252, 265, 277, 278, 292, 303, 305, 318, 319, 323, 328, 365, 366–68, 375, 376, 378, 387, 388, 389, 399, 400, 401, 402, 457, 542, 563, 574, 630, 710, 717, 772, 787, 795
as Brazilian commercial dependency, 219–20
classic ships’ passage to, 313–14
inland source of slaves and, 256–57, 279
in 19th century, 703–4
Portugal and, 130–33
slave trade and, 132–33, 221–22, 228
Anne of Austria, Queen of France, 452
Anne, Queen of England, 230, 236, 238, 239
Anselm, Archbishop, 35
Antão, Joaquim, 742
Antigua, 174, 282
Antillón, Isidoro, 549, 581
Anti-slavery Committee, British, 509
Anti-Slavery Reporter, 734
Antonil, André João, 463
Antonio I, King of Congo, 220
Antonio of Crato, 158
Antonius Pius, Emperor of Rome, 29
An 2440, L’: Rêve s’il en fut jamais (Mercier), 483
Anunciada, 86
Apougny, Claude d’, 192, 194
Arango, Ciriaco de, 601
Arango, Francisco de, 273, 533, 578, 580–81, 583, 590, 599, 604
Araujo Lima, Pedro de, 634
Arcos, Count of, 278
Argentina, 503, 567, 577, 598
Argout, Count, 797
Argüelles, José Agustín de, 580, 586, 779
Arguin, 59–60, 62, 142
Argyll, Duke of, 238
Ari (Felipe I of Angola), 168–69, 184
Ariosteguí, Lorenzo de, 281, 294
Ariosteguí, Martín de, 267
Aristotle, 25, 28, 125, 127
/> Arlington, Henry Bennet, first earl of, 198
Armée Patriotique, 522
Armés, Yves, 408
Annistad, 718
Arrogante Emilio, 759
Arsem (African ruler), 701–2
Arte de los Contratos (Frias de Albornoz), 146, 147
Art of War at Sea (Oliveira), 126–27
Ashanti kingdom, 13, 52, 227, 326, 347, 374, 405–6, 561, 562
Netherlands and, 255, 348–49
in 19th century, 691–92
Ashburton, Alexander Baring, first Lord, 590, 671, 672
Ashley, Anthony Cooper, first Lord, 198, 209
Ashmun, Jehudi, 690
Ashton, John, 297–98, 794
Aspinall, Thomas, 565
Astley, Thomas, 469
Atkins, John, 318, 394, 400, 456
Atkins, William, 180
Atlantic crossing, 409–30, 715
brutality in, 417–18
disease in, 716–17
from East Africa, 707–8
Equianos’s description of, 410
food and water in, 419–21
length of, 411, 716
mortality in, 416–17, 423–24
in 19th century, 673–74
overcrowding in, 412–16
pirates in, 429–30
rebellions in, 424–28
sickness in, 422–23
storms in, 428
stowage of slaves in, 415–16
typical vessel for, 410–11, 412
Attwood, Philip, 281
Aubert, Jean, 187
Aubrey, Thomas, 454–55
Auchincloss, Louis, 792
Aufrère, George, 297, 300, 301, 323
Augusta, 674, 723, 802–3
Augustine, 282
Augustine of Hippo, Saint, 30, 51
Aury, Louis, 614
Austen, George, 268
Austen, Jane, 264
Austria, 585, 587, 663
Aveiro, João Afonso, 79
Avoiz de Abreu, Pero, 219
Awanta (Bonny priest), 736
Azambuja, Diogo d’, 77–78, 332, 348
Azanaghi, 22–24, 40, 42, 47, 54, 57, 58
Azcárate, Francisco Ignacio de, 543
Azores, 53, 76, 106
Baalde, Michiele, 293
Baba, Ahmed, 149
Backhouse, Daniel, 531
Backhouse, David, 510
Backhouse, John, 669
Bacon, Francis, 177
Bacon, Samuel, 618
Bahamas, 90, 92, 96
Baikie, William, 793
Baillie, James, 527
Baird, Robert, 768
Baker, Peter, 295, 503, 504, 506, 531, 532, 541, 542
Baker, Richard, 155
Baker, William, 642
Balboa, Vasco Núñez de, 95
Baldridge, Adam, 204
Balthilde, Saint, 35
Baltic-Guinea Company, 526
Baltimore, George Calvert, first earl, 208
Bambara kingdom, 226
Banastre, 516
Banco, King of Beomba, 682n
Bandi, Chief, 168
Bandinel, James, 715, 735, 737
Bane, Theodore, 429
Bangor Gazette, 678
Banha Cardozo, Benito, 165
Bank of England, 235, 241, 244
Bank of Scotland, 205
Banks, Joseph, 499
Banner, Samuel, 326
Bannister, John, 270
Baquaqua, Mahommah G., 799
Barbacena, Marquis of, see Caldeira Brant, Filisberto
Barbados, 70, 95, 136, 200, 203, 206, 208, 215, 218, 223, 229, 237, 241, 244, 245, 246, 247, 258, 261, 264, 267, 362, 399, 400, 401, 437, 474–75, 481, 517
American Revolution and, 282–83
sugar industry of, 187–88, 196
Barber, Francis, 475
Barber, Miles, 300, 341, 343
Barberousse, Khaïr-ed-din, 121
Barbosa, Rui, 788
Barbot, James, 362, 389
Barbot, Jean, 30, 218, 302, 310, 321, 327, 328, 330, 338, 340, 348, 350, 354, 371, 382, 392, 413, 438, 472, 798, 800
on meals of slaves, 420–21, 422
on treatment of slaves, 417–18
Barcelona Company, 267–68
Barchi, Cesar de, 86
Barchi, Costantino de, 85–86
Bard, David, 546
Barham, Charles Middleton, first lord, 493–94
Barham, Joseph Foster, 590
Baring, Alexander (later first Lord Ashburton), 590, 671, 672
Baring Brothers (bankers), 648
Barnave, Antoine-Pierre, 522
Baro, José, 646
Baroja, Pío, 622, 647, 676, 752
Barra, King of, 389
Barrera, Juan de la, 102, 118
Barreto, Honorio, 682
Barrington, William Wildman, second viscount, 530
Barros, João de, 111, 347
Barros, María de, 165
Barroso, Pedro Francisco de, 215, 216
Barroso del Pozo, Juan, 213–14, 215
Barry, Edward, 535
Barry, William, 312
Barsally, King of, 328
Barth, Heinrich, 376, 789
Bartelsen, Joris, 224
Bastidas, Rodrigo de, 104
Bastiniano, Pedro Bonito de, 101
Bates, Barnabas, 603
Battel, Andrew, 132, 167
Battista Botti, Giovanni, 119
Battista Botti, Girolamo, 119
Baxter, Richard, 454
Baylor, 430
Beattie, Hudson, 648
Beattie, James, 535
Beaufoy, Henry, 508
Beaumarchais, Pierre-Agustin Caron de, 280
“Beauty of the Lilies, The” (Auchincloss), 792
Becerra, Manuel, 781
Beck, Matthias, 186, 210
Beckford, Peter, 230, 245, 247
Beckford, William, 245, 247, 272n, 369, 478
Beecham, John, 562
Beechcroft, John, 698, 701, 777
Begouën-Demeaux, Jacques-François, 437
Behn, Aphra, 454, 468, 473
Bell, Henry, 661–62
Belle, La, 588
Bellhaven and Stanton, John Hamilton, Lord, 241
Beltrán Gonet, Luis, 543
Béluche, René, 615
Bemoin, Wolof King, 80
Benavente, Count of, 75
Benavente, Cristóbal de, 123
Bence Island, 342–43, 394, 444, 556
Bendish, Thomas, 209
Benediction, 176
Benedict XIV, Pope, 466
Benezet, Anthony, 471–73, 476–77, 489, 490, 491–92, 497, 503n, 797
Benguela, 366–68, 369, 630, 703–4
Benin, 13, 47, 73, 79–80, 106, 107–8, 109, 154, 176, 203, 221, 226, 275, 303, 304, 315, 319, 360–61, 403, 564, 586, 630, 697, 795
Benis, Paul, 335
Benítez, Susana, 752
Benson, Matthew, 546
Bentham, Jeremy, 470, 511
Bentinck, George, 734
Benton, Thomas Hart, 672
Berardi, João, 84, 85, 300
Berardi, Juanotto, 84, 85, 89, 94, 300
Berbice colony, 551
Bergevin, Auguste de, 585, 622, 624
Berkeley, George, Lord Berkeley, 197, 198
Berkeley, George, first earl of Berkeley, 198, 201, 208
Bernardo II, King of Congo, 130
Bernardos, Thomas, 802
Berry, Mary, 525
Berryman, O. H., 728
Bertendona, Jimeno de, 139
Bertrand family, 251, 436
Betancourt Cisneros, Gaspar, 667
Béthencourt, Jean de, 51, 53
Betts, Judge, 661
Bickerstaffe, Isaac, 471
Biet, Fr. Antoine, 190
Binger, Captain, 789
Bingham, Lieutenant, 697
Bingham, Senator William, 590
Birch, Captain, 676
p; Bisham, Lieutenant, 728
Bissagos Islands, 61, 340–41, 376, 401
Black Joke, 653, 654
Black Slave Trade, The (Hannah More), 497
Blackstone, Sir William, 470–71, 473
Blais, Jean, 674
Blake, William, 406
Blanco, Fernando, 645
Blanco, Julio, 645
Blanco, Pedro, 597, 645, 677, 687–89, 718, 802–3
Blessing, The, 247
Blommaert, Samuel, 222
Blount, Captain, 670, 682
Blundell, Brian, 297, 300
Blunt, John, 236, 238
Board of Trade and Plantations, British, 467, 479, 487, 505
boçal slaves, 631
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 50
Bodin, Jean, 148
Bolaños, Alfonso de, 75
Bold, James, 295
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, first viscount, 235, 238, 239
Bolívar, Simon, 577, 639, 666
Bolivia, 167, 211, 435, 787
Bolonha, José de, 549
Bolt, Pieter, 224
Bolton, John, 541
Bom Caminho, 575–76
Bond, Captain, 662
Bongo (African ruler), 701
Bono, Juan, 97
Bontemps, Jean, 157
Booth, Erastus, 774–75
Bordeaux, slave trade and, 253–54, 276, 547
Borges Ferras, Marcos, 744
Borgia, Alfonso de, 65
Bosanquet, Captain, 723
Bosman, Willem, 48, 326, 371, 377–78, 379, 383, 389, 397, 425, 472, 798
Bosquejo del comercio en esclavos (White), 600
Boss, Edward, 534
Bostock, Peter, 295
Bostock, Robert, 440
Boston, Mass., 259–60, 271, 660, 772
Boston Gazette, 259, 479, 497
Boswell, James, 477–78
Botefeur, Daniel, 683
Bothwell, Neil, 239
Botti, Giacomo, 300
Boubet de Lozier, Count, 626
Bouché, Pierre, 744
Boucher, Captain, 717
Boufflers, Chevalier de, 521
Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de, 278–79
Boughton, Captain, 654
Boulton, Matthew, 487
Bourau, Pierre, 392, 393
Bourk, James, 315
Bowen, Francis, 774
Bowie, James, 616
Boyd, Augustus, 269, 342, 444
Boyd, Sir John, 269, 297, 342
Boyer, Jean-Pierre, 603, 624
Brackenridge, H. M., 567
Bradford, William, 535
Bradley, Stephen, 551, 552
Bradstreet, Simon, 207
Brailsford, Samuel, 268, 297
Brainie, William, 395
Brandão, Luis, 148
Brandão, Pedro, 147
Brandenburg, 224–25, 333, 356, 388
Brandis, João de, 86
Brandt, Pieter, 160
Braxton, Carter, 296, 300
Brayne, Henry, 209
Brazil, 10–11, 12, 13, 14, 86, 90, 93, 106, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 132, 140, 145, 147, 154, 165, 172, 185, 213, 222, 238, 255, 256, 257, 265, 279, 305, 328, 329, 337, 340, 393, 399, 400, 402, 441, 453, 571, 572, 577, 578, 593, 595, 597, 600, 605, 626, 638, 643, 644, 649, 657, 658, 690, 704, 714, 715, 720, 768, 792