Denying the Watcher

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Denying the Watcher Page 8

by Kim Loraine

  Glancing up at the clock, I smile inwardly when I realize there’s only five minutes before class ends and the studio closes. All I want is a hot bath, a big glass of alcohol—any kind will do—and maybe a session or two with my vibrator. Just because I’m mad at Devin, that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten his amazing tongue and thick, long cock.

  Pain blossoms across my lip and jaw as my opponent’s foot connects. I fall backward, unprepared for the blow. The room goes silent as the students all seem to collectively hold their breath. Wincing, I roll my head from side to side and bring my fingertips to my burning lower lip. It comes away bright with blood.

  “Shit,” I mutter as I ignore my partner’s offered hand and get to my feet. “Okay, so that’s a good example of why you need to stay focused.” My face throbs, the swelling in my jaw already causing stiffness in the joint. “I think it’s time to close up. Have a good week, everyone.”

  “I’m sorry, sensei.” Brent has been a student at the dojo for a long time, and we’ve sparred countless matches. None of them where Brent got in a hit on me. Until today. Fucking Devin.

  Waving a hand, I shake my head and start for the door. “I wasn’t paying attention. You were just doing what we’ve been taught. I’m the one who let my face get in the way of your foot.”

  “You want me to get some ice?”

  “I’m going home. I’ll take care of it. Besides, I’m sure it looks worse than it is.” I’m lying. It hurts like a motherfucker, but the last thing I want is for Brent to think he needs to care for me.

  He shrugs and walks with me until we leave the studio, locking up and parting ways. My phone chimes with an incoming text, and I sigh. I don’t want any distractions tonight, especially now.

  Drinks at McCoy’s. You coming?

  Oh, Alanna. In all honesty, if I didn’t have a split lip and a jaw that might or might not be dislocated, I might take her up on it.

  Can’t tonight. Split my lip. Need to ice and rest. Be careful and have fun.

  I know she’s going to be disappointed. I barely spent any time with her at the bar crawl, and haven’t seen her since.

  I see someone you know.

  She sends me a photo message immediately after. It’s Devin, his long hair combed and tied back at the nape of his neck. He’s wearing a leather jacket over a dark shirt, and my nipples stand at attention at the memory of his body.

  Alanna sends me another text.

  Come on. You know you want to. He’s been sitting here, nursing a beer, looking like you kicked his puppy. I thought you two were sort of a thing.

  Examining the photo again, I can see dark circles under his eyes. His face is drawn and paler than normal. He looks hungover, which I know is impossible. My heart gives an uncomfortable squeeze at the idea of him being distraught. Is that over me? Or is something else happening, something sinister enough to upset a vampire?

  As soon as I arrive home, I strip and step into the shower, washing away a day’s worth of sweat, and now some blood from Brent’s well-placed kick. Devin’s face keeps flashing in my mind as I shampoo my hair. Then I’m filled with the fire of righteous anger.

  He’d cast me aside like a booty call. I am not a fucking booty call. Towel drying my hair as quickly as possible, I twist it into a high bun and inspect my lip. It’s swollen, but not terrible. There’s a shadow of a bruise on my jaw, but it’ll look worse tomorrow. Tonight, with a little help from the concealer I bought at Sephora, I’ll be able to camouflage and minimize the damage.

  By the time I’m ready, dressed in a tight-fitting top with a plunging neckline, and low-waisted skinny jeans, my stomach is in knots. He’s probably already gone. I send Alanna a message, asking if she’s still at McCoy’s. Her response sends a thrill through me.

  Yes. And so is he.

  Hailing a cab, I make it to the firehouse-themed bar in only a few minutes. I straighten my shirt, make sure my tits are on full display, and walk through the door, smiling through my turmoil. I catch sight of him instantly. But my heart drops when I see him smiling, with a blond-haired beauty sliding her hand over his thigh. He’s giving her the look. The one that says, baby, I’m going to rock your world if you say yes.

  Stalking to the bar, I order a beer and make my way to Alanna. She’s seated on the other end of the bar from Devin, her beer is half-empty, and she’s clearly got her eyes on someone.

  “Who’s the lucky guy tonight?”

  Jutting her chin forward, she directs my attention to the table in the corner. Two handsome men, all broad shoulders and kind eyes, wave at us. Perfect. If Devin thinks so little of me, he won’t mind if I find entertainment elsewhere. Orgasms are like currency: some people are charitable and giving; others make you work for it. I’m feeling rather giving tonight, and I think this new guy is in need.

  “Well, come on. Let’s get over there.” I think I surprise her when I say this. I’m not one for the overly predatory gestures.

  “Uh, okay.”

  We take our beers with us as we approach the two men. Both offer us wide, beaming smiles. I slide into the seat next to the one named Alec, while Alanna sits by Drake. After only a few minutes we learn that they’re both marines, stationed across the water in Bremerton. Marines. That explains the shoulders—and the muscles.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and a chill runs through me.

  “You okay?” Alec asks, his arm going around me and pulling me closer. “It’s kind of cold in here with that door open.”

  Devin is staring at me, I don’t know how I know, but I do. I can feel his eyes like daggers on me. Snuggling closer, I turn and whisper, “I don’t mind the cold as long as you’re here to keep me warm.”

  Alec chuckles, and I see his gaze drift to the valley between my breasts. “I’ll keep you warm all night long, baby. Just say the word.”

  A firm, cool hand grips my forearm, and I turn, face-to-face with the man who holds the power to break me.

  “What do you want, Devin?” Acid coats every word that falls from my lips.

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  He does look terrible—and beautiful. Those icy eyes are blazing with fury, and they snap from me to Alec’s hand as it tightens on my shoulder.

  “Get your hands off what’s mine.”

  I laugh, a harsh and bitter sound. “Yours? Now I’m yours? I don’t think so, Devin. Go back to your snack. I’m busy here.”

  I know I’m flirting with disaster at the moment. Devin’s jaw clenches as I lean closer to Alec’s warm body, and I swear, my blond-haired vampire lets out a feral growl low in his throat.

  Alec puffs out his chest. “Back off, man. Lorelei, do you want to get out of here?”

  Lorelei? Shit, right, I’d given him my alias. Devin laughs, his self-satisfied smirk sending rage through me.

  “Oh, I see. Fine, Lorelei, have your fun.” He walks away, shaking his head.

  “What the fuck was that?” Alanna breathes the words on a sigh. She’s flushed and flustered.

  “That was a wolf trying to mark his territory.” I can’t help but flick a glance Devin’s way. The blonde is gone, and he’s back on his stool, facing me now. His intense gaze is locked on me, following every move I make, until he pulls his phone from his pocket and begins typing. A grin lifts one corner of his mouth as my own cell begins chiming. Text after text light up my phone.

  You can’t even give him your real name. How do you expect him to make you come?

  I can make you scream around my cock so many times, you see stars.

  I can sink myself inside your body so deep, I touch parts of you no one else can reach.

  A heated blush races up my cheeks as the visual of exactly what he’s talking about flashes before my eyes. Clenching my thighs together, I shift in my seat. And another text comes through.

  You’re wet right now. Because of me.

  “Excuse me,” I mutter, shoving my phone in my pocket and heading for the bathroom in a rush.

  As so
on as I round the corner, Devin is there, locking the bathroom door behind him. He pushes me up against the wood, his hands caging me in. His lips meet mine in a desperate kiss, teeth and tongues, breaths coming harsh and unbridled as his hand finds my breast.

  “You’re mine, Willow.”

  I stiffen at the words before I knee him in the balls and unlock the door.

  “Fuck off.”

  Pain unlike anything I’ve felt in a very long time grips my balls, runs down my legs, and coils in my stomach in the form of nausea. I let out a grunt because it’s about all I can muster as I collapse to the floor. I attempt to get to my feet and follow the little spitfire who holds my heart in her hands, but any movement sends waves of misery through me. Taking short breaths, I work to push the pain away. My recovery period is blessedly short due to my nature, but I’m still weak, still suffering the aftereffects of drinking poisoned blood.

  Hobbling through the bar, I glance at the table where Willow had been letting that douche paw her. Empty. Fear lances through me, eclipsing the dull ache in my crotch. She’s mine. I’ve told her as much. There is no way that man is getting inside her, and the fact that she’d consider him leaves my heart hollow and cracked.

  As the cold outside air hits my skin, I’m revitalized, and my focus sharpens. She’s near. I can smell her in the air. My cock threatens to rise, and a momentary flash of panic hits me. I’m recovered, but not ready for that. A soft giggle floats on the air, turning my head and drawing me in. Picking up my pace, I run toward her. My chest tightens when I see them. His hand cups her pert ass, fingers delving into the back pocket of her jeans, but she’s uncomfortable. I can see the hesitation in her posture. Her friend is loving the attention, tossing her blond locks and flirting shamelessly with the other guy, but my Willow is leaning away, trying for space.

  I stand in the shadows, watching and waiting. Willow is pissed at me, but I don’t know why. I’m sure Sariel did something when he took control of me. Hoping I can explain and get her to trust me again, I tell myself she’ll come around.

  “So, what happened with Devin?” Willow’s friend, I think her name is Alanna, asks the question in a singsong voice.

  Alec tenses and removes his hand from Willow’s pocket, thank Christ. “That guy is unhinged. He’s not your husband or something, is he?”

  Shaking her head, Willow crosses both arms in front of her and sighs. “I don’t want to talk about him. He was just a mistake I made a few times. It didn’t mean anything.”

  Red colors my vision. Didn’t mean anything my ass. It meant fucking everything, and she knows it. I want to storm over to her, scoop her up, and bury myself inside her against the building just to prove how much it meant. Fuck. This woman is going to be the death of me.

  “He seemed pretty upset,” Alanna says.

  Yeah. Pretty fucking upset. I like this Alanna chick. I think she’s on my side.

  “I don’t want to talk about it, okay?”

  Alanna shrugs. “Fine. Let’s go dancing.”

  Her date pulls her closer and nuzzles her neck, while Alec tries to do the same to Willow. But my girl deflects, stepping away and not letting him get his hands on her.

  “Come on, baby. Don’t be like that. I thought we were going to have a good time tonight.”

  He kisses her before she can react, and my hands ball into tight fists. I want to fly over there and rip his still-beating heart from his chest. But I can’t. Willow is independent, and clearly, she knows how to defend herself. A loud crack fills the air as she slaps his cheek. Yeah, she’s fine. She’s fucking amazing.

  “You bitch!”

  She pulls herself into a fighting stance as he fumes and raises a hand to lash out. Oh, no way is that happening. In the space between heartbeats, I’m there, gripping his arm and twisting until I hear the bone creak with strain. A scream rips from his throat as I hold steady.

  “Move one fucking muscle, and your bones are going to be poking through that pretty tattoo on your arm.” My words come out on a raspy growl. Glancing at Willow, I ease off just a bit. “You okay, Angel?”

  She nods, placing a hand over mine. “Devin, let him go.”

  It takes me a few seconds, but eventually I do as she asks. No use wasting any more of my energy on this guy.

  Alanna’s eyes are wide, and I can tell she’s trying to figure me out. “You guys had better get out of here,” she says to the two men. “Sorry, Drake. Your friend is a little too rapey for me to be comfortable with.”

  They don’t argue, instead choosing to run like the scared little shits they are. Their platoon would be ashamed.

  A cold ache takes up residence in my gut as we stand together, Willow’s hand still on me, Alanna standing beside us.

  “Devin, are you all right? You look sick.” Willow’s voice holds a warm, affectionate concern. I know she feels for me. She was lying when she said I didn’t matter. She had to be. Her palm cups my cheek, and I can’t help but lean into her touch. “You’re burning up.”

  I sway in my spot and cough, spitting out blood.

  “Jesus, Devin!”

  I try to walk, but crumple to the ground. I need to feed.

  “Shit. Alanna, help me get him into a cab.”

  The world around me is filled with black spots and gray edges as consciousness threatens to disappear. I’m held up on either side by these two angels, and all I want to do is hold Willow tight as the darkness closes in.

  When I wake, I’m on her bed, in a dark, empty room. Soft murmurs flow in from the living room, making me tense. If Alanna is still here I won’t be able to talk to Willow. Shuffling through the doorway, I see that the noise is coming from the television. Willow is curled up on one corner of the couch, a blanket around her legs and a bowl of popcorn in her lap. She’s watching some show about ghost hunters with rapt attention, but when she hears me, her head snaps toward me and those luscious lips turn up in a weak smile.

  “Hey. You’re up. I’ve been checking on you every thirty minutes since we got here.”

  “Thank you.” My voice is a hoarse scrape over gravel.

  “What’s wrong with you? Vampires don’t get sick.”

  My whole body aches with the desire to sit. Gesturing to the free spot on the couch, I raise my eyebrows in question. When she nods, I gladly sit. “Someone poisoned me. Made me drink blood from the dead.”

  “Who? When did this happen?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. The last thing I remember is holding you while you slept. Then nothing until I woke, chained and out in the open as the sun rose.”

  “What?” Her shock and concern make a tendril of hope bloom in my chest. Maybe she hasn’t tossed me aside completely. “Who would do something like that? How did you survive?”

  “You said you’ve met Sariel. How much did he tell you?”

  “That you want to save your soul. You agreed to take him so you could save your friend. That he’s searching for his soul mate.”

  “There is so much more to this situation, Willow. I think I need you to know, because I have a feeling you’re a part of this whether you want to be or not.”

  Her hand finds mine, and that tiny bit of hope grows. “Then tell me.”

  “I will. But first, I have a favor to ask.”

  “What?” Her tone is dubious.

  “I need to feed. The reason I haven’t recovered yet is that I haven’t fed.”

  “Why didn’t you feed? You had your pick in the bar.”

  “I can’t. Not anymore. I tried at the bar, but … my body only reacts to you. I need you to tell me it’s okay to take your vein.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” She backs away, snatching her hand from mine.

  “I’m not.”

  “I can’t let you bite me. What if you kill me?”

  Reaching up, I run my fingers across her cheek. “Angel, I would never hurt you. I’d rather die.”

  “Do you promise you won’t take too much? I don’t want to die, and I don’
t want to become a vampire.”

  The thought of damning her soul makes my blood turn to ice. “I promise.”

  “Fine. But if it hurts, I’m stopping you.”

  A small smile begins to spread across my face. “It’s not going to hurt. Tell me where you want it.”

  Pulling her hair to the side, she bares her neck. “If we’re going to do this, I suppose straight Bela Lugosi is the classic option.”

  Chuckling, I lean in. My fangs descend and pierce her flesh.

  “Oh, holy fuck.” Pleasure runs from my neck straight to my clit as he sinks his teeth into my skin. The pull of his mouth as he sucks me sends wave after wave of orgasm through my body, and I’m just a quivering mass of euphoria. I’m sure my panties are drenched and my nipples are pulled so tight, they hurt. I understand now why vampires have been immortalized in literature as sexual beings. This is fucking amazing. I could die right now and never see it coming.

  As my head begins to swim from the overwhelming sensations, he breaks his hold on me and sits back. Through the haze of arousal, I see him bring his thumb to his mouth before he sweeps the pad of it over my neck. A faint sting covers the place he’d fed from.

  “Are you okay, Angel?” His voice sends shivers down my spine.

  I nod drunkenly. “I’m so good. How about you?”

  He looks better. In fact, he looks good enough to fuck. With clumsy hands, I shove my pajama pants down my hips and kick them free.

  “What are you doing?”

  I let out a giggle and yank my shirt over my head. “I’m too hot.”

  His eyes blaze with a need I’m all too familiar with. He wants me. Standing now, I’m naked in front of this beautiful man while he just watches me.

  “Touch yourself, Willow.” The heat in his words makes goose bumps flow over my body.

  Running my fingers over my breasts and down my belly, I rest them over my aching pussy. Eyeing him. Wanting more direction.

  “Slow and steady circles over that lovely little clit of yours.”

  I do as he says, tingles of pleasure race through my body as soon as I brush the oversensitive bundle of nerves.


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