Multinational Division, 292 Multi-National Force-Iraq, 410, 414 Murray, Pat, 332-33, 363 Murtha, Jack, 423-24, 430, 451 Musawi, Sahib al-, 206 Musharraf, Pervez, 287-88 Myers, General Richard B., 29-31, 32, 63, 65, 69, 72, 82, 86-87, 127, 149, 184, 192, 198, 217, 260, 267, 275, 303, 305, 306, 333-34, 371, 379, 387, 403, 405, 420, 455 background of, 70 combat experience of, 65 as JCS chairman, 71-72 relationship with Rumsfeld of, 71-74, 109
Najaf, 264, 322-23, 359
Nash, William L., 460
Nasiriyah, 157
National Assembly, Iraqi, 382, 429, 431, 434-35, 458
National Commission of Terrorism, 173
National Defense University, 124, 129-30
National Guard, 427-28
National Intelligence Council, 215
National Intelligence Estimate
(NIE), on WMD in Iraq, 97, 213, 304
nationalists, Iraqi, 261-62, 274, 478
National Military Command Center (NMCC), 24, 32
national missile defense system, xi
National Security Agency (NSA), 50-51, 93, 126, 235, 238, 286, 324-25, 333, 391 WMD intelligence of, 99
National Security Council (NSC), 6, 18,29,50,51, 67,73,77,79, 107, 108, 112, 116, 132, 153, 160, 191,204,208,209,218, 229, 230, 235-36, 240-41,
National Security Council (NSC) (cont.)
246-47, 249, 255, 259, 263, 264, 266-67, 273-74, 276, 288, 289, 295, 298, 301-2, 318,319,321,329,330,332, 333, 335, 359, 370, 374, 375, 376, 390, 393, 397, 398, 419, 427, 430, 434, 436, 442, 446, 488 animus between CIA and, 234 de-Baathification and disbanding
of Iraqi military, 194, 197, 198 deputies committee of, 109 Executive Steering Group of, 108,
212, 302 George W. Bush's WMD speech
and, 231-34 Hadley's view of role of, 384 infighting in, 252 Iraqi sovereignty discussed by,
262 Iraq Stabilization Group of,
258-59 JCS chairman and, 67, 68 tension between Rumsfeld and, 108-10 National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD-9, 52 National Security Presidential
Directive/NSPD-24, 112-13, 130, 132, 150, 177 National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD-36, 312, 360, 392 National Strategy for Supporting
Iraq (NSSI), 411 National Strategy for Victory in
Iraq, 427, 428-29 NATO, 314, 365, 403-4, 460, 470 Naval Academy, U.S., 39, 403, 439 Naval Space Command, 21 Navy, U.S., 17, 28, 36-37, 59-64, 67, 71, 191, 225, 379, 398, 405, 438, 470
Atlantic Command of, 36, 56 new definition of service in, 63 Pacific Command of, 29 space program of, 21 Swift Boats in, 332, 338-39 Navy Reserve, 427 Navy SEALs, 322, 464 NBC News, 213, 345, 395, 421,
426 Negroponte, Diana, 307 Negroponte, John: departure from Iraq of, 374, 390,
394 as Director of National
Intelligence, 390, 392,
477-78 as Iraqi ambassador, 307-8, 312,
381-82, 383, 434 as UN ambassador, 136 Nevada, 339, 345, 347 Nevada Gaming Commission,
417 New Deal, 124,463 New Hampshire, 339 New Iraqi Army and Civil Defense
Corps, 288, 387 New Orleans, 427, 447, 449 Newsweek, 21 A, 448 New Yorker, 305 New York Times, 147-48, 219, 232,
258, 266, 270, 306, 423, 429,
435, 454, 481 Nicaragua, 107, 273, 288 Niger, 218-19, 231-32 9/11 Commission, 52, 286, 317-18,
388 Nixon, Richard M., 42, 43, 123, 310,
316,407,409-10,419 Nixon administration, 409 no-fly zones, 22, 25, 92-93, 96 NOFORN, 318-19 Noonan, Peggy, 378 North, Oliver, 260 Northern Alliance, 52, 77-78
Northern and Southern Watch
Operations, 93 North Korea, 8, 12, 53, 329, 342
nuclear weapons in, 213 North Vietnam, 410, 482 Novak, Robert, 219 NR-1 submarine, 39 NSA, see National Security Agency NSC, see National Security Council NSPD-9, 52 NSPD-24, 112-13, 130, 132, 150,
177 NSPD-36, 312, 360, 392 nuclear capability, 214, 228, 409 nuclear weapons, 213, 227, 242,
282, 409, 469 Nunn, Sam, 143
occupation, 195, 209, 211, 248-49,
250-51, 261, 263-64, 275,
320, 328, 372 Office of Economic Opportunity,
U.S., 43 Ohio, in election of 2004, 339, 343,
344, 345, 347, 348, 350 oil, 287, 313, 389, 412-13, 472-73,
481 exports of, 440-43, 445 price of, 25 reserves of, 467 oil infrastructure, 122, 374, 400,
411,414,441,443 Oil Ministry, Iraqi, 441 Oklahoma City bombing, 47 Olson, Kim, 180, 194, 202, 205 101st Airborne, 70 Op Plan 1003 V, 102 Order Number 2, 194, 260 Osirak nuclear reactor, 215 O'Sullivan, Meghan, 127-28, 129,
144, 196, 263, 264, 330-31,
334, 427, 440, 442-43,
458 Oval Office, 190, 191, 221, 224, 226,
230, 237, 268, 270, 278, 281,
447, 448, 454 overwhelming force doctrine, 404,
415 Oxford University, 330
Pace, General Peter, 71, 127, 149,
208, 220, 261, 295, 320, 333, 403-5, 420, 455, 459, 460, 470, 475-76, 482-83, 484
Pachachi, Adnan, 175, 299
Pacific Command, 57
Pakistan, 130, 255, 287-88, 386-87
Palestinian Authority, 46, 47
Palestinians, 25, 45-46, 248, 358, 360, 463
Palmer, Mark, 84
Panama, U.S. 1989 invasion of, 119
paramilitary organizations, Iraqi, disbanding of, 194
Paris, 360
Pataki, George, 356, 361
Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), 83
Paxon, Bill, 356
Pearl Harbor, 430
Pelosi, Nancy, 295
Pennsylvania, 339
Perez, Anna, 231-32
Perle, Richard, 91
Persian Gulf, 210
pesh merga, 301
Peterson, Colonel Steve, 121-22
Petraeus, General David, 310, 316, 397
Phase IV Iraq, 111, 125, 142, 170
Philippines, 307
Pike committee, 286
Pincus, Walter, 218-19
Plame, Valerie, 218-19
Plan of Attack (Woodward), 81, 218, 303-4
plutonium, 213
point of penetration, 444
Poland, in Coalition, 292
police, Iraqi, 118-19, 122, 195, 201,
220, 246, 266, 291-92, 294,
412, 462 attacks on, 369-70, 373, 431, 454 training of, 389, 396-97, 398, 429,
469 ports, Dubai firm management of,
448 Powell, Alma, 245 Powell, Colin, xi, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19,
21, 25, 30, 33-34, 45, 46, 64,
66, 76, 82, 86, 100, 104, 106,
112, 114-15, 128, 132,
143-44, 176, 178, 236, 273,
416-17, 468-69 Blackwill's Iraq assignment
requested by, 255-56 Bremer and, 173-74 on doubt, 325
embassy reopening and, 306-8 EP-3 incident and, 28-29 high approval ratings of, 245 marginalization of, 230 on new WMD data, 281 overwhelming force doctrine of,
404, 415 replacement of, 360-61, 362,
364-66, 369 Rumsfeld's conflicts with, 129,
312 seen as not a team player, 328-29 on unity of command, 144-45 on unity of command issue,
191, 244-45 UN speech on WMD of, 120-21,
238-39, 242, 258 visit to Crawford ranch by, 244-45 Powell, Dina, 270 Powell Doctrine, 82, 83, 100, 404,
415 Predator aerial vehicle, 51
preemption doctrine, 342, 371 presidential power, 250 Bremer on, 250 limits on, 286 President's Daily Brief, 80, 236-37,
280, 335 President's Foreign Intelligence
Advisory Board, 388 professors, restrictions on travel by,
198 propellants, 278 protests, 429
against disbanding Iraqi army,
206,211 by Shiites for elections, 228-29 Provide Comfort, Operation, 104,
116, 123, 132, 150, 174-75 Provincial Reconstruction Teams,
; 421-22 Public Broadcasting System (PBS),
258 Puerto Rico, 36 Putin, Vladimir, 47
Qatar, 117, 192, 210, 211, 215, 227,
231 Qizwini, Farqat al-, 222-23, 224 Quadrennial Defense Review, 432,
434 Quayle, J. Danforth, 7 Quinn, Rear Adm. J.J., 20, 23-24,
34-36, 39-40, 41 background of, 21 Rumsfeld, discussions with, 21,
30-31, 35, 36, 39
Ralston, Susan, 346 RAND Corporation, 130, 445 postwar Iraq troop estimates by, 190, 191 Ranger, USS, 21
Raphel, Robin, 150-51, 162, 182, 193, 194, 199 on Garner, 202 Rather, Dan, 346
Reagan, Nancy, 2
Reagan, Ronald, xi, 1, 2, 4, 21, 28,
43, 171,265,288,307,332,
358,361,365,419 Reagan administration, 259, 273 Reagan Building, 344, 345, 346,
348, 350 Reagan Revolution, 283 Red Brigades, 84 Reid, Harry, 287, 417 rendition policy, 80-81 Renuart, General Victor E. Gene,
Jr., 90-91, 441 reporters, embedding of, 147-48 Republican Guard, 300 Republican National Committee,
356 Republican Palace, 196 Republican party, 236, 277, 285,
339, 344, 345, 347, 350, 351,
353, 356, 361, 377, 398, 424,
428, 430, 450, 474 Ressam, Ahmed, 50 Restoration: Civil Primacy, 172-73 Reuters, 277 Reverse Osmosis Water Purification
Units (ROWPUs), 117 Ricciardone, Frank, 307 Rice, Condoleezza, 25, 33, 87, 98,
111, 126, 143, 158, 163, 191,
236, 245, 253, 287, 300, 307,
323, 326, 331, 354, 356, 364,
422, 426, 448, 455, 467, 482 Armitage's view of, 100, 328-29 background of, 5-6 Blackwill and, 240-41, 255-56,
264, 301-2, 335, 336-37 Bletchley II and, 83, 85 Bremer and, 236, 249, 258, 260,
262,264-65,313 confirmation hearings of, 362, 377 Cheney and, 456 Garner and, 132-34, 136-38,
158-59, 221, 224, 226
George H. W. Bush and, 5-6, 420 George W. Bush:
discussions with, 6, 45-46, 109, 153,231,263,265,276,286, 326, 358-59, 382-83, 442, 479 first meeting with, 6 reelection of, 335, 339, 341,
342-45 second inaugural speech of,
378-79 second term and, 358-59, 361 Hadley and, 153, 240, 256, 264,
384, 419, 443 human toll of war and, 396 Iran and, 447, 469 Iraq and, 176, 231, 263, 312, 316, 322,391,415,421-22, 441-42, 445, 466-67, 478-79 army, 387
de-Baathification, 197 elections, 229, 264-65, 382-83 governance of, 298, 315,
392-93 Rice's visits to, 390, 394-96, 422, 457-58, 461-64 Iraq reports of, 294-295 Kay and, 278, 280-81, 282, 330 Kissinger and, 407, 408 Laura Bush and, 425 Miller and, 108-9, 212, 289, 303,
318,321,374,381 National Security Council and,
107, 108, 170, 276 Powell, discussions with, 144-45,
255, 281, 468-69 Rumsfeld and, 30-31, 33-34, 108, 110,258-59,273,323,360, 415 attitude toward, 240, 275-76, 302, 303, 306, 368, 421-22 discussions with, 79, 109, 274, 276, 441-42 Senate testimony of (2005), 417-18
Rice, Condoleezza (cont.) Tenet and, 49, 51-52, 79-80,
232-34,254-55,281 U.N. headquarters bombing and,
245-46 U.N. reengagement and, 295-96 Vulcans and, 7-8 Zelikow, Iraq reports to, 387-90,
396-97, 412-15, 444, 452-53 Richer, Rob, 89, 254, 266, 383,
386 Rickover, Admiral Hyman, 21 Ricks, Thomas E., 444 Ridge, Tom, 369 Robb, Charles S., 285-86, 311,
317-18 Roberts, John, 447 rock drill, 124-26, 129, 133 Rockefeller, John D., IV, 285 rocket program, Iraqi, 242, 278-79 rocket-propelled grenade (RPG)
attacks, 315, 374 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 373, 416,
463 Rotkoff, Colonel Steve, 98-99, 121,
147-48,210-11 haiku written by, 98, 102, 148,
152, 154, 192,211 Sunday Afternoon Prayer
Sessions run by, 121 WMD scares and, 101-2 Rove, Karl, 15, 20, 81, 100, 245,
253, 286, 335, 339-48,
351-52, 356, 362, 377, 381,
402, 430, 448, 450 Royal Air Force, 333 Rubin, Robert, 166 Rudd, Gordon, 123-24 Rumsfeld, Donald, xi-xiv, 17, 19-21,
36-37, 42, 44-45, 53, 62, 87,
98, 145, 196, 224-25, 229,
319,328-29, 336, 359,
368-69, 380-81, 387, 391,
407, 425, 426, 427, 455, 478,
481, 487-88
Abizaidand, 115-16, 143, 158,
260, 275, 276 Adelman and, 43-45, 77, 431-34,
445-46 Afghanistan and, 77-79, 111 Anchor Chain memo of, 25-27,
41,487 author's interviews with, 68-69,
103, 368, 379-80, 475,
483-88, 490 black beret controversy and, 142 Bletchley II and, 83-85 Bremer and, 173-74, 190, 191,
235-36, 261-63, 273-74, 275 as bureaucratic infighter, 217-18 Bush, George H. W. and, xii, 77 Bush, George W., xi-xiv, 186-87,
367-68 leadership of, 484-86 meetings with, xii, 142, 212,
230, 241, 260, 266-67, 276,
288-89, 305-6 Card and, 72, 181-82,263,
360-62, 363, 367-68, 422,
427-28, 441, 442, 443, 445,
447, 448, 456 Cheney and, xiv, 34, 43-44,
367-68, 485-86 Clark and, 38-39, 55-58, 59, 64,
66-70 DiRita and, 149, 203 EP-3 incident and, 29-30 evaluating Bush's first term,
384-85 Feith and, 90-92, 104, 105,
107-108, 111,208-9 on foreign occupations, 162 Garner and, 104, 105-6, 107, 116,
127, 132, 139-40, 146,
149-51, 152, 153, 156,
162, 172, 180-81,205,
219-26 Hadleyand, 79, 87, 109, 111-112,
367, 368, 369, 379, 381,
384-85, 393, 400, 419, 427,
442, 443, 455 Herbits and, 31-32, 35-36, 43, 65,
103-4,316,481 insurgency definition, 266-267,
483-84 interagency process and, 379-80,
384-85 Iraq, 52-53, 146, 164-65, 240,
248, 268, 288-89, 309-10,
441, 442, 486-88 Abu Ghraib scandal and, 275,
305-6 bicycle analogy, 393, 415,
418 on bodycounts, 482 casualties, 438-39, 475 de-Baathification, 139-40,
193-94, 198, 224-25 ministries and, 150-51, 152,
153,157-58 postwar governance and, 143,
148, 173-74, 177 postwar planning, 91-92, 103,
107, 113, 123, 130-31,
166-69 public statements, 45, 164-65,
368, 459-60, 464, 468 reconstruction, 400 role as military commander,
487-88 troop levels, 103, 256-57 war plan, 81-83, 137 Joint Staff and, 18-19, 22-23, 67,
72-73 Jones and, 54, 104, 470 management style of, 23-24,
41-43, 66-67, 82, 103-4,
262, 303, 403-5, 445-46,
459-60, 484-85 military transformation by, 17, 19,
24, 25-27, 34-35, 60, 67, 83,
Miller and, 108-110, 177
Myers and, 30-31, 71-74, 86, 192
NSA intercepts on WMD
questioned by, 50 NSC meetings of, 77, 78-79, 86,
108-10, 131-34, 241, 266-67 Powell and, 33-34, 129, 312 President's Daily Brief and,
236-237 Quinn and, 20-21, 30-31, 34-36,
39-40 Rice and, 33-34, 109-10, 273,
421-22, 441-42, 443, 461,
464 Sanchez and, 297-98 second term uncertainty about,
360-64, 367-68, 454, 456,
459 Tenet and, 132, 243-44, 267 Weapons of Mass Destruction: doubts about intelligence,
99-100, 102 search for, 212, 217-18 Wolfowitz and, 26, 43-44, 127,
309-10, 367, 368-69 Rumsfeld, Joyce, xiii Russell, USS, 39 Russert, Tim, 151,426 Russia, 130
Saddam Fedayeen, 152
Saddamists, 309, 478
Sadr, Moqtada al-, 322-23, 331, 359,
444, 446, 458-59 Sadr City, 290, 323 SAIC, 157, 230-31 Saleh, Jassim Mohammed, 300 SALT II, 446 Samarra, mosque bombing in,
4-45, 469, 477 Sanchez, General Ricardo S., 275,
297-98, 309 Bremer's lack of communication
with, 292-93, 295, 308, 316
Sanger, David, 258 satellite television dishes, 230, 294 Saudi Arabia, 2, 25, 47, 75-76, 81, 82, 84, 88, 163, 216, 270, 271, 372, 379, 386-87 intelligence of, 400-402 National Security Council of, 411 Pakistani military aid from, 288 terror attacks on Westerners in,
204 U.S. relations with, 204, 287-88, 334-35,411 Sawers, John, 197 Scalia, Antonin, 283 Scarborough, Rowan, 69 Schatz, Henry Lee, 150 Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 371 Schlesinger, James, 166, 398 Shultz, George, 167 Schwarzkopf, General H. Norman,
18,82 Scowcroft, Brent, 14-15, 384, 387, 419-20 China mission of, 33 Seagram Company, 20 2nd Infantry Division, U.S., 12 Secret Internet Protocol Router
Network (SIPRNET), 318-19, 380-81 Secret Service, 324 sectarian mistrust, 461-62 sectarian violence, 376, 411, 444,
477 security, 462 of infrastructure, 400, 411, 414,
441, 442, 453 in Iraq, 220, 248, 293, 309,
315-16,382,396,398,410, 412, 452, 453, 480n, 481 private contractors and, 422 U.S. voters and, 353 Senate, U.S., 283, 286, 332, 377, 384,398,415,417,491 Appropriations Committee of, 398
Armed Services Committee of, 239,278,285,362,398,415, 450 Foreign Relations Committee of,
285,377,417-18,481 Intelligence Committee of, 114, 232, 239, 285, 317 Senor, Dan, 236, 270-71 Sensitive Site Exploitation Task
Force, 93, 102-3, 147, 159, 210,214 September 11, 2001 terrorist
attacks, 52, 77, 79-80, 84, 100, 120,317,324,325,342, 353, 372, 398, 406, 409, 430, 432, 446, 455, 463, 476, 482, 489, 490 investigations into, 79 1776 (McCullough), 326 75th Exploitation Task Force (XTF), 93, 102-3, 147, 159, 210, 214 75th Ranger Regiment, 117 Shalikashvili, General John, 405 Sharon, Ariel, 25, 75, 76 Sharp, General Walter L. Skip,
321, 334 Shelton, General Henry H. Hugh, 22, 23, 29, 32-33, 34, 38, 40, 52, 53, 54, 61, 62, 63, 68, 405 Clark recommended to Rumsfeld
by, 64-65 disappointment with Myers selection as JCS chairman, 70 meeting with Rumsfeld of, 17-19 warnings about Rumsfeld received by, 19 Shiites, 107, 117, 131, 174, 184,
224, 234, 279, 290, 296, 298, 301,312,313,321,376,384, 392, 407, 419, 436, 444, 445, 448, 458, 461, 473-74, 477, 478, 481 on Constitutional Committee, 396 election of 1920 boycotted by, 370
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