This collection of seven short stories from the universe of Chameleon Moon gives readers a look at everyday life in Parole, and the colorful, memorable, and thoroughly human characters who call it home.
In Chronological Order:
1. Happy REGARDS
2. The Library Ghost
3. Group Therapy
4. Runtime
5. Phoenix Down
6. Un-Dead
7. Come Home Alone
BONUS: Full Lyrics to the songs featured in Chameleon Moon, Book 1: "What You Remember" and "Dream Sweet"
Read more at RoAnna Sylver’s site.
Also by RoAnna Sylver
Chameleon Moon
Chameleon Moon
The Lifeline Signal (Coming Soon)
Life Within Parole (Chameleon Moon Short Stories)
Life Within Parole
You're Not Going That Way
Runtime - A Chameleon Moon Short Story
Always Be You
The Library Ghost and Happy "REGARDS"
Watch for more at RoAnna Sylver’s site.
The Lifeline Signal Page 41