Marilyn: Something’s Got to Give. Fox Entertainment, 1992.
Say Goodbye to the President. British Broadcasting Corporation, CTV Television Network, Landreth Associates, 1985.
The Making of Some Like It Hot. Sony, 2006.
The Many Loves of Marilyn Monroe. E! Entertainment Television, The E! True Hollywood Story, 2001.
Marilyn Monroe—Life After Death. United Artists Theatre Circuit, 1994.
Marilyn Monroe: Beyond the Legend—An A&E Biography, 1988.
Television Interviews
Cinéma Cinémas: Jack Lemmon—Hollywood Juillet 1987. Documentary directed by Claude Ventura.
The David Letterman Show. Yves Montand interview, 1987.
The Discovery of Marilyn Monroe. Documentary on YouTube, includes interviews with Robert Mitchum, Jane Russell, and Jim Dougherty.
Inside Edition. Jim Dougherty talks about Marilyn Monroe, 1990.
Larry King Live. Interview with Lauren Bacall, May 6, 2005.
Larry King Live. 35th Anniversary of Marilyn Monroe’s Death, 1997.
Larry King Live. Marilyn Monroe 75th Birthday Special, June 1, 2001.
Sally Jesse Raphael Show. Special on 30th Anniversary of Marilyn Monroe’s Death, 1992.
60 Minutes. Mike Wallace interviews Arthur Miller, 1999
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Academy Awards
Actors Studio
Adler, Richard
After the Fall (Miller play)
All About Eve
Allan, Rupert
Allen, Angela
Allen, Woody
Allenberg, Mildred
Ana, Aunt. See Lower, Ana
Arnold, Dorothy
Arnold, Eve
Arthur P. Jacobs agency
Asher, William
The Asphalt Jungle
As Young as You Feel
Atkinson, George and Maude
Atkinson, Nellie
Axelrod, George
Bacall, Lauren
Bacon, James
Baker, Berniece (Mrs. Paris Miracle)
Baker, Jack “Jasper”
Baker, Robert Kermit “Jack”
Baker, Roy Ward
Banas, Bobby
Banner, Lois
Bardot, Brigitte
Barris, George
Bates, John
Battelle, Kenneth
Baxter, Anne
Beatty, Warren
Bergman, Ingrid
Berlin, Irving
Bernstein, Walter
The Billionaire (title)
Blue Book Modeling Agency
Bogdanovich, Peter
Bolanos, José
Bolender, Wayne and Ida
Bow, Clara
Brand, Harry
Brando, Marlon
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Breneman, Al
Brown, Kay
Bus Stop (movie)
Bus Stop (play)
Cal-Neva resort lodge
Cannon, Jimmy
Capote, Truman
Cardiff, Jack
Caron, Leslie
Carroll, Diahann
Carroll, John
Carroll, Lucille Ryman
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Cedars of Lebanon Hospital
Celebration! (working title)
Chaplin, Charlie
Charisse, Cyd
Children’s Aid Society Orphanage
Christian Science
Clash by Night
Clift, Montgomery
Cohn, Harry
Cole, Jack
Colin, Pamela
Collier, Constance
Collier, Marion
Collins, Joan
Columbia Pictures
Columbia Presbyterian Hospital
Conover, David
Cook, Alton
Copeland, Joan
Cotten, Joseph
Cowan, Lester
Cox, Wally
Cronenberg, David
Crosby, Bing
Crowther, Bosley
The Crucible
Crues, Kimothy
Cukor, George
Curtis, Tony
Dahl, Arlene
Dangerous Years
Davis, Bette
Davis, Sammy Jr.
Dawson, Beatrice “Bumble”
Dean, James
Delaney, Frank
Deneuve, Catherine
Diamond, I. A. L.
DiCicco, Pat
Dickinson, Angie
DiMaggio, Joe
DiMaggio, Joe, Jr.
Don’t Bother to Knock
Dougherty, Ethel
Dougherty, Jim
Dugger (Westcott), Bette Sue
East of Eden
Ebbins, Milt
Edwards, Stacy
Eely, John Stewart
Elizabeth, Queen
Engelberg, Dr. Hyman
Famous Artists Agency
Feiffer, Jules
Feingersh, Ed
Feldman, Charles
Feldman, Phil
Fell, Mrs. John Fifi
Ferrara, Denis
Field, Fred Vanderbilt
film industry
the casting couch
scorn and hatred for Marilyn
Fisher, Eddie
Fitzgerald, Ella
Fonda, Henry
Fonda, Jane
Foreman, Mr.
Fox. See 20th Century-Fox
Franco, Amy
Freud, Anna
Freud, Sigmund
Frosch, Aaron
Funk, Dean
Gable, Clark
Gable, Kay
Garbo, Greta
Garland, Judy
Garrett, Murray
Geisler, Jerry
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Giancana, Sam
Giffen, Harvey and Elsie
Gifford, Charles Stanley
The Girl in Pink Tights (Broadway show)
The Girl in Pink Tights (film project)
Goddard, Eleanor “Bebe”
Goddard, Erwin “Doc”
Goddard, Grace. See McKee, Grace
Goddard, Nona (“Jody Lawrance”)
Golden Globes
Goodbye Charlie
Grable, Betty
Grainger, Charles
Graves, Lyle
Greco, Buddy
Greene, Amy
Greene, Milton
Greenson, Daniel
Greenson, Hildi
Greenson, Joan
Greenson, Dr. Ralph
Guastafeste, Al
Guiles, Fred Lawrence
Gurdin, Dr. Michael
Guthman, Edwin
Haddad, William
Hammes, Betsy Duncan
Harlow, Jean
Harris, Lou
Harrison, Rex
Haspiel, James
Hayworth, Rita
Hecht, Ben
Hepburn, Audrey
Heston, Charlton
Hockett, Guy
Hogan, Tilford Marion
Hohenberg, Dr. Margaret
Hollywood. See also film industry
Holm, Celeste
Hometown Story
Hopper, Hedda
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
How to Marry a Millionaire
Hudson, Rock
Hull, Gen John E.
Huston, John
Hyde, Jimmy
Hyde, Johnny
Hyde, Mozelle
“I Love Louisa” (title)
Inge, William
Ingram, Mrs.
Jacobs, Arthur
ean Louis (designer)
Jergens, Adele
Johnson, Erskine
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnson, Nunnally
Jones, Harmon
Kael, Pauline
Karger, Anne
Karger, Fred
Karger, Mary
Kazan, Elia
Kelley, Natalie
Kelley, Tom
Kelly, Gene
Kennedy, Ethel
Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Joseph
Kennedy, Pat. See Lawford, Pat Kennedy
Kennedy, Robert
Kennedy, Rose
Kilgallen, Dorothy
Kimmel, Mr.
King, Larry
Knebelkamp, Enid and Sam
Krasna, Norman
Krim, Arthur B.
Krim, Mathilde
Kris, Dr. Marianne
Krohn, Dr. Leon
Kupchik, George
Ladies of the Chorus
Lange, Hope
Langella, Frank
Langford, Joe
Larson, Christian
Lawford, Pat Kennedy
Lawford, Peter
Lee, Ruta
Leeds, Lila
Leigh, Vivien
Leimert, Walter Tim
Lemmon, Jack
Lester (boy)
Let’s Make Love
Levathes, Peter
Levine, George
Levy, Alan
Libin, Paul
Lieberman, Alexander
LIFE magazine
Lincoln, Abraham
Linn, Roberta
Lipton, Harry
Litman, Dr. Richard
Logan, Joshua
Look magazine
Love Happy
Lovell, Gloria
Love Nest
Lower, Ana (Aunt Ana)
Lyon, Ben
Lytess, Natasha
MacLaine, Shirley
Maharis, George
Mankiewicz, Joe
Mansfield, Jayne
March, David
March, Fredric
Marilyn Monroe Productions
Mars, Janice
Martin, Dean
Martin, Jeanne
Marx, Groucho
Marx, Harpo
Masters, George
Maugham, Somerset
Mayer, Louis B.
McIntyre, Alice
McKee (Goddard), Grace
McLaughlin, Charles F.
McPherson, Aimee Semple
Meryman, Richard
Method acting
Metty, Russell
Meyers, Jeffrey
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Isidore
Miller, Jane
Miller, Robert
Miracle, Berniece. See Baker, Berniece
Miracle, Mona Rae
Miracle, Paris
The Misfits (film)
Miller screenplay for
Mitchell, Laurie
Mitchum, Robert
Monkey Business
Monroe, Della
Monroe, Gladys Pearl
Monroe, Jack
Monroe, Marilyn
(1925) unknown father of
(1926) birth and birth certificate
(1926–41) in foster families
(1933) reclaimed by mother
(1935) in an orphanage
(1938) adolescence
(1942) marries Dougherty
(1944) photo model
(1946) screen tests and first film contract
(1947–48) first substantial film roles
(1954) marriage to DiMaggio
(1954) divorce initiated
(1955) acting classes
(1956) marriage to Miller
(1961) meets the Kennedys
(1962) buys house in Brentwood, Calfornia
(1962) visits Mexico
(1962) “Happy Birthday” song
(1962) 36th birthday
(1962) fired and sued by Fox
(1962) at Cal-Neva lodge
(1962) final day
(1962) final evening, and death
(1962) witnesses to death events
conversion to Judaism
difficulty of working with on films
drug and pill use
ego eradicated by psychiatrists
families, impulse to be part of
family of birth
fear of insanity
feeling of being used
feeling she didn’t belong
film industry scorn of
glowing aura of
hair color
homosexuality denied
iconic status of
improves her mind at UCLA
insecurity of
and the Kennedys
knowing her lines
living in New York, anonymity of
loneliness of
longing for a father
love of children
low self-esteem
many selves of
medical treatments
meets the Queen
mental illness in family
Miller’s diary seen by her
and money
nakedness of, before mirrors
the name
Nembutal abuse
nude film shots
nude photos
and Pat Newcomb
photography sessions
plastic surgery
pregnancies and miscarriages
press disrespect for
psychiatric treatment
religious exposure
scripts written for
sex appeal of
sexual abuse as child
sexual innocence of
studio conflicts
subway grating film shoot
suicide impulses and attempts
touchability of
training in acting and diction
weight gain
worry about aging
Monroe, Marion Otis Elmer
Monroe, Olive
Monroe, Otis
Montand, Yves
Montgomery, Robert H., Jr.
Moran, Earl
Morath, Inge
Mortensen, Martin (not related)
Mortensen, Martin Edward
Mortenson, Norma Jeane (name)
Mosby, Aline
Mr. Kenneth. See Battelle, Kenneth
Murray, Don
Murray, Mrs. Eunice
Neumann, Vera
Newcomb, Patricia “Pat”
New York City
New York Hospital
Nichols, Mike
Norell, Norman
North, Sheree
Novak, Kim
Nygårds, Leif-Erik
Olivier, Laurence
Paramount Pictures
Parker, William
Parone, Edward
Payne Whitney Clinic
Pearson, Albie
Peck, Gregory
Pisani, Chiari
Pollard, Michael J.
Power, Tyrone
Powers, Stefanie
Preminger, Otto
The Prince and the Showgirl
Prowse, Juliet
Pucci (design)
Raba, Peggy
Rain (TV project)
Ratoff, Gregory
Rat Pack
Rattigan, Terence
Ray, Nicholas
Reis, May
Remick, Lee
Right Cross
River of No Return
Roberts, Ralph
Romanoff, Gloria
Rose, Frank
Rosenfeld, Henry
Rosten, Norman
Roxbury, Connecticut
Rudin, Mickey
Russell, Jane
Sandburg, Carl
Schaefer, Hal
Schary, Dore
Schenck, Joseph
Scherbattoff, Mara
Schiller, Lawrence
Schlesinger, Arthur
Schur, Max
Screen Actors Guild
Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay! 39
Sebring, Cami
Selsman, Michael
The Seven Year Itch
Shamroy, Leon
Shaw, Sam
Sidey, Hugh
Signoret, Simone
Simpson, Babs
Sinatra, Frank‚
Sinatra, Nancy
Skolsky, Sidney
Skouras, Spyros P.
Slade, Paul
Slattery (Miller), Mary
The Sleeping Prince
Smathers, George
Smith, Delos
Smith, Jean
Smith, Liz
Snively, Emmeline
Snyder, Alan “Whitey”
Solitaire, George
Some Like It Hot
Something’s Got to Give
Sorrentino, Rosemarie
Spiegel, Sam
Spoto, Donald
Springer, John
Stanwyck, Barbara
Stein, Irving
Stephens, Ted
Stern, Bert
Stewart, Dan
Stewart, Sheila
Strasberg, Johnny
Strasberg, Lee
Strasberg, Paula
Strasberg, Susan
Studio Club, Hollywood
Summers, Anthony
Swann, Delores
Taylor, Curtice
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Frank
There’s No Business Like Show Business
Time magazine
Tippy (dog)
Todd, Mabel Elsworth
Travilla (designer)
Trilling, Diana
20th Century-Fox
Tye, Larry
A View from the Bridge (play)
Vogue magazine
Vreeland, Diana
Wallach, Eli
Walter, Francis E.
Watson, Philip
Wayne, John
Weinstein, Henry
Welles, Orson
Wells, Dawn
We’re Not Married
Westcott, Ken
Wexler, Dr. Milton
Wilder, Billy
William Morris Agency
Williams, Tennessee
Willinger, Laszlo
Wills, David
Wilson, Earl
Winchell, Walter
Winsten, Archer
Winters, Shelley
Wood, Natalie
Wood, Ward
Woodfield, Billy
Woodfield, Lily
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Wright, Lloyd
Writers Guild
Yorty, Sam
Zanuck, Darryl F.
Zolotow, Maurice
Outlaw: The Lives and Careers of John Rechy
Boys, Lost & Found
The Fame Game
The Marilyn Diaries
CHARLES CASILLO is the author of The Marilyn Diaries; The Fame Game; Boys, Lost & Found; and Outlaw: The Lives and Careers of John Rechy. His work has appeared in The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, New York magazine, The Los Angeles Review of Books, and many others. He is also a screenwriter and an actor; his movies include Let Me Die Quietly and Fetish. You can sign up for email updates here.
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