Maybe Forever (Missing Pieces Book 1)

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Maybe Forever (Missing Pieces Book 1) Page 13

by Keyanna Butler



  “I can’t believe you found the key to where Dakota keeps the wine,” Bianca says as she takes another sip.

  “Drink up. Hopefully they don’t count the bottles; otherwise they’ll kill me,” he says, shaking his head.

  “Probably,” Bianca says, smiling. They’re comfortable on the living room couch. The room is dimly lit with some candles spread throughout the room to add a bit of atmosphere. They have just popped in The Fast and the Furious Two and are enjoying their wine and pizza like it’s a five course meal at the Ritz.

  “Want to hear something intense?” Jamie says, a huge grin on his face. Bianca sets her glass down on the table beside her and nods enthusiastically.

  “Dakota’s going to ask my mom to marry him this weekend,” he says, trying really hard to keep himself from jumping up and down like a five year old.

  “Oh my God! Are you serious?” Bianca yells. “That’s amazing! Oh my God!” Jamie nods and picks up another slice of pizza from the coffee table in front of them.

  “It’s extremely exciting. When they come home from the wedding, they’re going to be engaged. My mom loves Dakota, she’s having a baby…I mean, it’s all absolutely perfect timing.” Bianca shakes her head in awe.

  “I can’t believe how cool you are about all of this. If it were me, my head would be absolutely spinning by now.” She picks her glass back up and sips.

  “Mason says that too, but I just…I don’t know. Everything about what’s happening just feels right. Dakota and my mom are meant to be. They really are. I just want them to finally be happy.”

  “You’re so sweet. Are you single?” Bianca asks, smirking.

  Jamie chuckles into his pizza. “Mm…unfortunately not. I’m taken by a beautiful girl who always smells like sunshine,” he says, winking at her. Bianca laughs, blushing. Jamie puts his pizza down back in the box and scoots closer to her, kissing her sweetly. After a few seconds, the kiss deepens and they pull apart, knowing that if they continue things will get really heavy really fast. They’ve been there before. Jamie slides back to his spot on the sofa, swallowing thickly, and then returns to his pizza.

  “Hey, Jam, this is probably the wine talking but, um, I think we should probably talk about the elephant in the room,” Bianca says, smiling warmly at him. Jamie looks at her.

  “What elephant is that?” he asks.

  “Sex,” Bianca says directly. Jamie chokes on the piece of crust he just swallowed down. He grabs his glass of wine and drinks it, clearing his throat.

  “Um, okay…what about it?” he asks, hoping his cheeks are inflamed from fighting for his right to breathe and not the topic at hand.

  “Are you feeling like…maybe you want to take things further?” Bianca asks, looking at him shyly. Jamie pauses for a second, taking in her question.

  “I’m thinking that kissing you feels good, and I’ve been thinking about what else would feel good with you.”

  “Me too,” Bianca says, smiling.

  Jamie nods. “Have you…have you ever done…it…the act before?”

  “The act?” Bianca says, chuckling at his nervousness. “Yes, I’ve done the act before. Does that bother you?” Jamie shakes his head.

  “No, it doesn’t bother me,” he says.

  “Have you?” Bianca asks softly.

  “No,” he says. “I haven’t. Does that bother you?”

  Bianca shakes her head. “Why would that bother me?”

  “I don’t know. I mean…how much experience do you have? I wouldn’t want to be, like, this dude you have to teach. Dakota told me that’s lame sometimes.”

  Bianca laughs. “What don’t you two talk about?” she says. “No… no…it doesn’t bother me at all. I’ve been with one guy. He was…it was…it was a mistake. It was just something I decided…I wanted to do…because…I thought I was supposed to. Freshman year was not as good to me as it was to you.”

  Jamie nods his head. He gathered from the references she made to her first year of school that it wasn’t happy-go-lucky.

  “Okay,” Jamie says.

  “Okay,” Bianca mirrors. They both pick up a slice of pizza from opposite boxes. They had gone through two already. Dakota had challenged them to six boxes, all with different toppings.

  “So we are both thinking about what it would be like to…commit this act, and we’re both okay with our experience levels, so that means what?”

  “From now on…sex is…a possibility?” Bianca says, not meaning for it to sound like a question. Jamie nods.

  “Sex is a possibility,” Jamie says.

  “When the time is right,” Bianca says.

  “When the time is right,” Jamie says, still nodding. They smile at each other and then turn back to the movie. A few car races later, Bianca turns to Jamie.

  “Hey, what do you think your daddy Aiden is going to think of the engagement? You think he’s going to be jealous?” she asks.

  Jamie thinks for a second. “I think he’s going to be happy. He seemed genuinely happy for my mom when I told him about the pregnancy. I think that…my dad is finally happy with his own life so now he can be happy for everyone else.”

  Bianca nods. “That’s good. It must have been so hard for you when everyone was at each other’s throats.”

  Jamie nods. “Yes,” he says. “Especially because back then I felt like I was going to have to choose eventually. I didn’t want to have to do that.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t have to,” Bianca says. Jamie nods.

  “I used to feel so bad because I loved my dad, but I had such a different relationship with Dakota than with him. I felt like I was a bad son or something.”

  Bianca shakes her head. “You weren’t a bad son; you were just a good son to the guy who allowed you to be. Dakota allowed you to play that role when he became a surrogate father for you. You weren’t a bad person for falling into that.”

  Jamie nods. “You’re right,” he says. “It took me a long time to realize that.” He takes a deep breath. “But now…” He picks up the near-empty bottle of wine and splits the contents between them. “I can be a son to both of them.”

  “You’re a lucky guy,” Bianca says. “Not everyone is lucky enough to have so many people who care about them and love them so much.” Her eyes sadden slightly. Jamie catches it, but it’s gone before he can comment on it.

  “Thank you,” Jamie says. He smiles warmly at her. Bianca scoots closer to him on the sofa and snuggles up to his side.



  Dakota, Harper, Casey, and Aiden are all seated with glasses of wine in their hands—Harper’s actually being sparkling white grape juice. The reception is in full swing. The hall Rick and Jennifer chose is just the right size and decorated in beautiful silver and white with flowers everywhere. There is a long table at the front of the room where the wedding party is seated and surrounding it are smaller round tables where guests are seated. The dance floor is directly in the middle of the room for all to see. Music is blasting from the DJ on the stage in the back of the room near the entrance. It’s an amazing party for the two lovebirds, and everyone is happy for them. Dakota couldn’t help but stare at Harper during the ceremony, watching her reaction to everything that was going on and trying to predict if this is what their wedding might be like. She cried when they shared their original vows and squeezed his hand when they kissed, finally becoming husband and wife. He didn’t know if that was a sign, but he was taking it as one.

  Casey and Aiden decided after numerous dates that they were “a couple” and since then have been out on a couple of dates with Dakota and Harper. To their surprise, they enjoyed each other’s company when Dakota wasn’t insulting Casey and Aiden wasn’t pining after Harper and Harper wasn’t ready to kill them all. Aiden even congratulated them on the pregnancy and sounded sincere. Things were falling into place like they never knew possible. For the first time, things were calm, and it felt like they were form
ing their own universe.

  “I have to go to the bathroom again,” Harper says, pouting. “I forgot how annoying peeing like Seabiscuit was.” Casey, Aiden and Dakota laugh as she heads off toward the restrooms.

  “I have to tell you guys something,” Dakota says. Aiden and Casey look at him suspiciously. “I’m going to ask Harper to marry me this weekend.” Casey squeals.

  “Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my God!” she says.

  “Casey, please—you are making a spectacle,” Aiden says, shaking his head as people from other tables look at them with curious faces.

  “That’s so amazing!” Casey says. “Of course that also means I’ll have to deal with you forever, but I guess I can deal with that.” Dakota shakes his head, smiling at Casey’s backwards way of saying she approves of him.

  “That’s really cool, man. I’m genuinely happy for you two,” Aiden says and shakes Dakota’s hand firmly. Dakota never would have thought they could actually become friends. But things seemed to be headed in that direction.

  “Thanks, Aiden. That means a lot,” he says, nodding his head.

  “Oh my God, Dakota. Do you know when you’re going to do it?” Casey asks, but just then Harper approaches the table. Dakota gives Casey a look, and she nods her head at him, agreeing to keep her mouth closed.

  “The line was intense, but one perk of being pregnant is that you get bumped to the front,” Harper says, winking. Dakota laughs and pulls her to his side, kissing her forehead.

  “Want to dance?” he asks her softly in her ear. Harper looks at him and nods. Casey and Aiden smiles at them as they walk to the dance floor. They snuggle closer to each other at their table and talk quietly, Casey smiling from ear to ear as Aiden kisses her forehead.



  “It’s amazing how things turn out, isn’t it?” Aiden says. Casey nods.

  “Amazing is the perfect word to describe it,” she says, and they chuckle lightly before kissing. When they break apart, Casey looks at him seriously.

  “Are you sure that you are okay about Dakota’s announcement there?” she asks. Aiden sighs and pushes a stray curl behind her ear.

  “I would be lying if I said that it doesn’t feel weird knowing that the mother of my child is starting a family, with my son, with someone else, but they’ve shown me that they want me to be a part of that family. That’s all I really care about. I’m happy for them.”

  “I knew there was a good guy hidden in there somewhere,” she says.

  “Well, I think you might have been the only person who saw it and the only person who cared enough to try and bring him out.” He looks at her sincerely. “Thank you.”

  “Welcome,” Casey says. He kisses her forehead again. Casey frowns dramatically and glances over at Dakota and Harper laughing and dancing to the fast song currently playing.

  “I can’t believe my best friend is going to be Mrs. Daughtry. I’m going to be stuck with Dakota forever.” Aiden laughs, and then his eyes narrow slightly.

  “Did you say Daughtry?” Aiden asks. Casey nods.

  “Yeah, that’s Dakota’s last name. Daughtry. Assuming that she takes his name, that is. Why?”

  “Oh…nothing. I just…I didn’t know that…” Aiden says pensively. He stares at Dakota for a few seconds longer than he should but then shakes his head, clearing his thoughts and turning his attention back to Casey, but he couldn’t help analyzing Dakota a tad bit closer for the rest of the night. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Can I please just have a small coffee? Dr. Andrews said that it’s perfectly okay to have one cup of coffee a day.” Dakota’s eyes narrow as he grips the steering wheel a little tighter. It’s the morning after the wedding, and they’re headed out to find a place to eat breakfast. Harper woke up craving coffee and Belgian waffles. They had been arguing about the effects of caffeine since she announced her need for coffee was a matter of life and death.

  “I just don’t like the idea of caffeine and pregnancy, Harper. There are all kinds of studies that show caffeine can bring harm to the baby,” Dakota says, annoyed.

  “And there are just as many studies that show the exact opposite, Dakota. It’s one cup once a day. I’m used to four times that. I’m not going to drink like I used to anymore.”

  “I. Don’t. Like. It,” Dakota says, rounding a corner and stopping at a red light. Harper folds her arms across her chest and scowls.

  “Dr. Andrews wouldn’t tell me that if it weren’t true. Do you honestly think I want to hurt our baby?” Harper asks, trying not to get emotional. She’s having trouble controlling her emotions lately, and it’s infuriating. She couldn’t intimidate anyone anymore. Dakota glances at her and sees the hurt in her eyes.

  “Harp, I know you would never do anything to intentionally harm our baby.” Harper scoffs.

  “You sure about that?”

  “Yes, I’m sure, baby. This is just all new to me. I guess I’m just…”

  “Scared?” she asks, seeing his hands tighten on the wheel.

  “Dakota, I’m scared too, and this is not new to me. I totally understand that. So how about we talk about those things? We’re in this together, right?”

  “Right.” She sees air leaves his chest.

  “Sooo…” Dakota glances at her, and she grins widely.

  “So if Dr. Andrews says it’s okay, then…fine. Have your coffee,” Dakota says and lets out a frustrated sigh. Harper unfolds her arms and glances at him.

  “Thank you, Dakota,” she says, a small smile playing at her lips.

  “Whatever,” Dakota says, and Harper giggles.

  “I love you so very much,” she says in a sing-song voice. Dakota tries to keep the smile from his lips, but when he looks over at her smiling at him, he’s instantly no longer annoyed with her. He rolls his eyes.

  “Let’s get some coffee now,” he says. Harper nods her head, excited beyond belief. Because of their disagreement, she hadn’t had coffee for weeks. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on a cup. They park and get out of the car quickly. Harper sits at a small table by the entrance, and Dakota goes up to order her coffee. He comes back to the table a minute later.

  “Listen for your coffee while I go use the restroom.” Harper nods, and Dakota walks away. A minute later Harper hears her name. She walks over to the counter and picks up her to-go cup, turning herself toward the entrance. She immediately takes a quick sip, loving the way it burns down her throat. She’d let it cool in the car for a bit, but she just needed that first sip to calm her nerves. She switches her weight from one foot to the other, waiting for Dakota to come back from the bathroom, and glances at the name written on the cup. She recognizes it as hers but soon realizes there’s more written there. She moves her fingers so she can read the words and turns the cup slightly. It says:

  Harper, will you marry me?

  Harper gasps, and tears quickly pool in her eyes. She sets the coffee down like it has burned her hands.

  “Wha-Wha—” she stammers and turns around with every intention of going into the bathroom and grabbing Dakota and figuring out what the hell is going on, but when she turns around, Dakota is in front of her, his face serious. The place is generously filled with the morning crowd, some on laptops, some reading, a few couples, and other groups of close friends or coworkers. They are all curiously looking at the couple as the staff behind the counter stops taking orders and are now focused on them.

  “Harper,” Dakota says. He swallows thickly. “Since you came into my life, I’ve never been happier, more complete, and more alive. You’ve given me friendship, you’ve given me somewhere to call home, and most importantly, you’ve given me a family, and that’s something I could never thank you enough for. You’ve given me everything. You and Jamie and our soon to be new little girl or little boy are my everything. I love you so much. I didn’t think I could love a person as much as I love you, but I do, and with you now becomin
g the mother of my child, I can’t imagine my world without you in it. So I have to ask…”

  Harper watches him, thick tears falling down her face as he gets down on one knee in front of her. Harper gasps, unable to speak, and covers her mouth with one hand as Dakota takes hold of the other. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black box, the one he just shared with Jamie the day before. He cracks it open with one hand, revealing the beautiful ring inside.

  “Harper Montgomery, will you please make me the luckiest man on the planet and agree to marry me?” Dakota says, unable to hide his emotion anymore. His eyes fill with tears, and Harper feels like she might pass out. She doesn’t think, she doesn’t breathe, she doesn’t hesitate for a moment before nodding her head so furiously that she feels she might get whiplash.

  “Yes, Dakota! Yes! I—” She sniffs, trying to get control of her emotions. “I will absolutely marry you!” she says, and the coffee shop bursts in applause, whistles, and cheers as Dakota exhales and slips the ring on Harper’s naked finger. Harper throws herself at him when he stands back up, and they stand there hugging and crying into each other’s shoulders for what seems like forever. They connect foreheads.

  “I love you,” Harper says, smiling through her tears.

  “I love you too,” Dakota says.



  “Ahh!” Casey yells as Harper reveals the news to her a couple of hours later. Dakota and Harper never made it to breakfast, or out of the car, for that matter. It seemed that celebrating their engagement was way more important than eating or…getting to a bed. Nevertheless, Harper rushed to tell Casey the minute they came back to the hotel. Aiden and Casey had just gotten dressed and were about to come find them to see if they wanted to go get lunch somewhere. Dakota and Aiden are sitting at a little table in the corner of the room while the girls are seated on the bed, jumping up and down excitedly, Casey examining Harper’s ring with a satisfied smile and Harper smiling from ear to ear like she just won the lottery.


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