Royal Blood vk-6

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Royal Blood vk-6 Page 12

by Эллен Шрайбер

  As we approached the auction room, I grew anxious, too. This event could send Alexander packing his bags toRomania and me to my bedroom, grieving for the next ten years.

  The auction room seemed like the ones I'd seen in movies. Lines of folding chairs were placed like pews in a church, facing a podium and an easel. We tried to slip in unnoticed, but for us that was impossible. Alexander and I grabbed two seats in the back, behind two tall club members, I was ready to kick anyone who scoffed at my boyfriend's artwork.

  This was a huge night for Alexander. He wasn't used to being around so many people. He fidgeted in his chair and I clasped his hand reassuringly.

  "If you are really uncomfortable, we can leave," I offered. "We don't have to stay."

  "No. I'm not leaving" Alexander said. "And neither are you. We are staying to see this thing through."

  Dullsville's elite began entering the room in full fanfare. Alexander was the only true royal one, but the club members entered as if they were expecting their names to be announced like kings and queens.

  Jameson entered on the arm of Ruby White, his girlfriend, along with Janice Armstrong, her business partner and my former employer at Armstrong Travel Agency.

  Mr. Mitchell, an older version of Trevor complete with moussed blond hair and khakis, arrived in the company of other millionaires and sat in the front row. Mr. Berkley came in a few minutes later and sat a few rows behind him.

  With every person's entrance, my heart beat faster and my hands grew hotter.

  My parents finally arrived and spent a fair amount of time greeting everyone they knew.

  My mom eventually spotted us, and she and my dad came over.

  "I think it's wonderful that you two came to the auction/' my dad said, shaking Alexander's hand.

  "Maybe next year you can auction off your paintings, Alexander," my mom said.

  "Sarah, we'd better get seats before it fills up," my dad suggested. "Good luck," they said, and found two empty chairs in the middle.

  I felt a sudden commotion as members were focused onsomething out in the hallway.

  Just then Mr. and Mrs. Sterling entered the room. Her open black and red umbrella was in hand, and she wore a skin-tight camisole dress and monster-size heels. Mr. Sterling walked in with his skull cane, wearing a suit, a flashy green tie, and his cape.

  A huge smile spread across my face.

  A few women fanned themselves with their auction signs. No one talked to the Sterlings , but everyone talked about them. Whispers ensued as the gossipmongers were in top form.

  The members were very curious about the locals-who arrived with who and what they were wearing-and just as curious about the strangers' conservative fashion choices. The Sterlings upstaged everyone in their attire.

  The only ones who greeted them were my parents and Mr. Berkley.

  I held up my hand to wave them over, but Alexander quickly clutched it.

  "I want us to be alone on this."

  Mr. and Mrs. Sterling eventually sat next to Jameson and crew.

  Finally, Mrs. Mitchell stepped up to the podium. "Welcome to our annual auction. In a moment, I'll bring out your auctioneer. We'll be presenting art in many of its forms- pottery, paintings, sculptures, and wood designs. Thank you all for coming tonight. Good luck and good bidding."

  The auctioneer, an elderly gentleman dressed in a suit, came out to the podium. A volunteer placed a glass-blown vase be jeweled with sparkling gems on a table. Its image was enlarged on a video screen behind the podium.

  I was on the edge of my folding chair.

  Mrs. Mitchell read a brief description of the vase. "The bidding starts at five hundreddollars " "Five hundred dollars.That's a lot of moola !" I whispered.

  " Shh."

  "Whatever you do, don't raise your hand," I said, teasing. "No matter how much you want to buy it for me."

  Alexander wasn't laughing. "I didn't price my work very high. Maybe I should have."

  "Your paintings are much more valuable than a dumb vase."

  Signs began to wave and the bidding price immediately soared. Within minutes the vase sold for over a thousand dollars.

  "I wish I had something fancy to sell," I said, seeing dollar signs before my eyes. "I could make millions."

  Even though I wasn't bidding, I got caught up in the frenzy. I could see why Dullsvillians waited all year for this event. It was like high-priced bingo, everyone waiting on the edge of their seats, wanting the glamorous prize, or hoping their item might make them millions-more than they already had, anyway.

  A covered painting was brought to the easel. They unveiled it to a few gasps and whispers. It was a landscape of the country club itself.By Alexander. I was soproud, his artwork was displayed for all to see. No one even knew Alexander had painted it.

  "This is a painting from a rising European artist," Mrs. Mitchell said. "There was little information about the artist, but as you can see, the work speaks for itself.A one-of-a-kind original painting. The artist states, 'The inspiration was the beauty that unfolds when I open my eyes in this town/ " The audience whispered and sat up as if they were eyeing a museum piece, "Bidding starts at five hundred/' the auctioneer began.

  "Five hundred?"I heard someone say in front of us.

  "I can't believe we're doing this. This whole thing is going to blow up in my face. I can kiss the Mansion and you good-bye," Alexander said in my ear.

  "Five hundred is a steal," the person in front of me continued. "I bid seven hundred."

  I turned to Alexander in amazement.

  "Eight hundred," another said, holding up their sign.

  "Nine hundred,"' still another shouted.

  "Do I hear nine-fifty?" the auctioneer asked.

  "A thousand," the first bidder answered.

  "Eleven hundred?Do I hear eleven hundred?"

  The second bidder held up her sign, "Fifteen hundred-" The signs went up until it reached two thousand dollars.

  "Sold for two thousand," the auctioneer proclaimed, and slammed his gavel.

  I grabbed my boyfriend and hugged him with all my might. Even though I knew Alexander's art was priceless, I was so proud his pictures commanded so much money. The most money I'd ever made in sales was three dollars from my chocolate milk stand in the middle of summer.

  And my dad paid for it.

  The members couldn't contain their comments and began to buzz about the painting.

  The highest bidder was the president of the country club. "I'd like to hang it here in the club for all to see," he said proudly.

  I was not only flabbergasted because Alexander's artwork sold for so much money but because my ghostly gothic vampire boyfriend's work was going to hang in Dullsville's conservative country club.

  A piece of jewelry was shown next. Now I was fidgeting in my chair, anticipating anotherSterling painting going on the auction block.

  After a six-foot-high sculpture of a mother and child was sold, a narrative quilt was auctioned off.

  Then another covered painting was placed on the easel. When it was uncovered, it was revealed to be Dullsville'sMain Street .

  "Another beautiful piece.It captures the charm that is our town," Mrs. Mitchell said.

  The painting was of the shops on the square.Shirley's bakery.The fountain.Children eating ice cream.

  Looking at it made me feel I was standing on the square with the townspeople.

  "Lovely," the couple in front of us commented.

  "Starting price one thousand dollars."Several signs immediately rose, "Fifteen hundred/' the auctioneer called. Several signs kept flying up at the same time. The bidding war increased and finally ended with a winning bid of four thousand dollars.

  I squeezed Alexander's hand so hard I thought it was going to break off.

  I made a quick note of how much Alexander had made.

  When the next item was a mosaic mural, the crowd sighed.

  They perked up when the following item was a covered painting. When it was unveil
ed to be a painting of the town from the "European artist/ everyone was on the edge of their seats; the blue bloods were anticipating a sign war.

  This time it was the front of Hatsy's Diner, I could almost hear the fifties music playing and smell the aroma of french fries cooking.

  "Starting price one thousand five hundred dollars."

  "He bid two thousand," Mr. Berkley said.

  "Two thousand five hundred," another shouted.

  "Three thousand," still another shouted.

  "Do I hear three thousand five hundred? "

  Mr,Berkley held his sign high, "Do I hear four thousand?"

  Another bidder raised his sign.

  "Do I hear four thousand five hundred?"

  Mr. Berkley raised his sign.

  "Five thousand," Ruby White suddenly burst out. "Going once, twice…Sold for five thousand dollars."

  I cheered, but when the couple in front of me turned around, I tried to play it cool.

  When another painting was put on the easel, the members became very excited again. They thirsted to get their hands on an original painting by this hot new artist.

  When they revealed it, it was a portrait of flowers, obviously painted by an artist other than Alexander. Mrs. Mitchell went on to talk about this artist, but the bidding didn't start high, nor did it skyrocket.

  The crowd waited impatiently for the next painting to be presented.

  And when it was again one of the European artist's creations, the hands began waving.

  It was now becoming clear to me after seeing these paintings one by one-the cemetery under the soft glow of moonlight; the rail yard, with its bright-colored boxcars and sunfire yellow weeds; the front of the high school, its American flag blowing in the wind; the swings underneath a blue sky at Evans Park; the drive-in running an old movie-that even though Alexander only visited these places at night, he was seeing Dullsville in brilliant colors and happy hues rather than the dark and dismal black and white I'd seen it in my whole life. These were the places we'd visited together. My heart melted seeing that I'd had something to do with Alexander's happiness here, and that his vivid impressions were of our experiences together. Finally they revealed the last painting. But this painting was unlike the others. It was a picture of me.

  The members sighed, "That's not the European artist," many of them said.

  "No, that's not his work."

  "Bidding starts at one thousand dollars."

  No one raised their sign.

  I quickly calculated my notes and realized we had fallen short of what Alexander needed.

  My dad looked around. Here was a picture of his daughter and no one was buying it.

  "Do I hear one thousand?"

  "I'll bid one thousand," my dad said, waving his sign proudly.

  Then Jameson got into the game. "One thousand five hundred," he called.

  "Two thousand," my dad said.

  "Do I hear two thousand five hundred?" the auctioneer asked. I peered around. No signs were waved. "Going once, going twice."

  My heart dropped. We'd raised a lot of money, but we hadn't raised enough to buy the mansion.

  "We're short," I said to Alexander. "Do I hear two thousand five hundred?" I shouted.

  Alexander grabbed my arm.

  "We have to get the bidding up," I whispered to him.

  "Two thousand five hundred."Jameson raised his sign "Two thousand five hundred.Going once, going twice."

  "Three thousand dollars," a new voice, coming from the back of the room, called.

  "Do I hear three thousand five hundred?" the auctioneer asked. He banged his gavel."Then sold for three thousand."

  Alexander and I stood up and hugged each other. We were so ecstatic we didn't care that anyone saw us. And I was too excited to wonder who the mystery bidder was.

  "Now we just have to get that money to Mr. Berkley before Mr. Mitchell does."

  A few volunteers brought out all the auctioned items and displayed them so that everyone could take a last look at what they'd won and what they'd lost.

  Mr. Sterling put on his reading glasses and examined the tiny inscription about the rising artist whose work had quickly sold out.

  Then he turned straight back to us.

  The club members were milling about, talking to one another and discussing the auction. But there was only one member I wanted to speak to: Mr. Berkley. I weaved between the members until I spotted him.

  After a brief conversation with him, I raced over to Alexander, who was waiting by the kitchen.

  "Here," I said, showing him Mr. Berkley's card. "You have an appointment tomorrow night at eight."

  We lingered for a few minutes while the crowd talked excitedly about the evening.

  "I hear the artist is here," I overheard a patron say. "He is?" another asked. "I'd love to meet him."

  "The artist has been here the whole time," one woman said.

  "Which one is he?" a man asked.

  "The one in the cowboy hat?" another man inquired.

  "No, he must have been the one with long gray hair," the woman said.

  "I think you should meet your public," I said.

  "I'm not sure that now is the time," he said anxiously, his face white as a ghost.

  Alexander had done enough tonight. Though he was beaming from his sudden acceptance, he was too humble to accept fame.

  We ducked through the kitchen and out a side exit to the opposite end of the club where the members were exiting. We were afraid that if anyone found out the artist was Alexander, they'd demand their money back. We were leaving through the patio exit when we were blocked by a thin wooden stick.

  We froze.

  Mr. Sterling stepped in front of us.

  Alexander and I didn't know what to do.

  "You have your grandmother's gift," he said in his thick Romanian accent.

  "It's just a hobby," Alexander said.

  "I think you've just proved to me-and to yourself-that it's more than that. I've found that new artist I was looking for. I just didn't realize he'd been here the whole time."



  Mrs. Naper handed back our graded English career essays. Matt and Trevor and all the other jocks were off preparing for a pep rally, so I wasn't going to have to face Trevor. Unfortunately, that was the only thing that madeschool exciting.

  "I'm hoping you can give the papers to your partners," Mrs. Naper said to us.

  "I sure will," Becky said, excited. "We got an A."

  "No surprise," I said.

  "What did you get?" Becky asked.

  I opened Trevor'sDullsvilleHigh School folder and saw the scarlet A next to his name. "Well, Trevor got an A of course." I designed my folder like it was the cover of a gothic magazine, complete with pasted headlines, gothic fashions, and teasers. I opened it and hoped for a good letter in the alphabet.

  "So didI !"

  After school, I biked over to Oakley Woods.

  Mrs. Mitchell answered the door. "Hello, Raven."

  "Hi, Mrs. Mitchell.Is-" "It was quite a surprise to learn that the European artist was actually Alexander."

  I waited. Maybe we had embarrassed her at the auction. It was as if at any moment the Wicked Witch of the West would point her broom at me.

  "I must say your boyfriend is truly talented. What a wonderful surprise to know that we had such a fine artist among us. It's a shame he'll be moving. We'd love to have his work in the auction next year."

  "Uh… thanks, Mrs. Mitchell," I said, relieved. "Is Trevor home? We got our grades back from our English assignment."

  "Come on in. Trevor's upstairs."

  I quickly raced up the main staircase and found Trevor's bedroom door ajar.

  I tapped it. "Hello.Soccer Boy?"

  No answer.

  I could have waited in the hallway, but that wouldn't have been any fun at all.

  Trevor's room was still a shrine to himself. I nosed around his awards and trophies and framed soccer

  I noticed something large was covered in the corner. Maybe it was a mirror.

  I snuck over to it and pulled back the cloth so I could take a peek.

  Staring back at me was me -the final painting of Alexander's sold at the auction. I was shocked.

  I heard the door begin to creak open and quickly recovered the painting.

  "What are you doing here?" Trevor asked.

  "Uh… I wanted to tell you we got an A."

  "So?"' "I just thought you'd like to know."

  "What else would we have gotten? You're not used to getting good grades."

  I had done my duty and there was nothing left to say. I started for the door when he blocked my escape.

  I was alone with Trevor in his room-a dangerous place to be.

  "Anything else you'd like to do?" he asked.

  I wanted to say, Get that picture back, but I sensed Trevor wanted a stolen kiss-a treasure that was far more valuable than an A..

  I'd never let myself succumb to that. Even if I wasn't dating Alexander, nothing would ever be sacred or special with Trevor.

  I didn't mention seeing the painting. I was too touched and slightly bothered that he'd spent his money on a picture of me. It was ironic that Trevor would be the one to help Alexander buy back the Mansion and divert his father from his plans.

  It would be awesome to throw it in his face. But I didn't dare do that to my partner.

  I offered my hand instead. I figured I was safe with that.

  He held it like he didn't want to let it go.

  His golden hair was perfect against his suntanned face. I knew he wanted to kiss me-and I wasn't sure whether it was love or lust or just because I was a girl alone in his room.

  "I know there's a part of you that wonders what it would be like," Trevor said.

  "I already know," I said. "The cheerleaders have it written on the bathroom walls."

  I withdrew my hand and left his room before he tried to hold any other part of me.



  "Hello, Miss Raven," Jameson said as I entered the Mansion. "Alexander will be down in a moment."

  I waited in the parlor room.

  "Hello, Raven," Mrs. Sterling said, stepping into the room. "Did you like the auction? I thought it was a blast."


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