by Todd Henry
opacity and
in unclear objectives
in unnecessary complexity
dream lists
electronic note taking
e-mail, checking of
energy management
benefits of
buffers in
checkpoints in
creative ruts and
deceptive mind-sets in
eliminating less effective activities in
fallacy of compartmentalization in
identifying red-zone activities in
pruning in
whole-life planning in
expectation escalation
expectations, clarifying of
experiences, purposeful
false assumptions
of failure
of success
Ferrazzi, Keith
Fiore, Neil
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
“flow” phenomenon
false assumptions in affecting capacity to
the Ping as diversion of
relationships in gaining of
stimuli as damaging to
three modes of
focus-related practices
Big 3 lists and refining priorities in
checkpoint prompts for
clustering of work in
defining objectives in
establishing Challenges in
formula, structure vs.
Franklin, Benjamin
Free Play (Nachmanovitch)
French Revolution (Wollstonecraft)
Getting Things Done (Allen)
Gide, André
Godin, Seth
Gomes, Jean
Google Calendar
greatness, defining of
habits and rituals, falling into
Hawkins, Jeff
head-to-head meetings
Henry, Owen
Herberger, Jeni
heroes, as source of expectations
Hock, Dee W.
hours, use of, see time; time-related practices
How the Mighty Fall (Collins)
idea “conception,”
idea culture training
Idea Time
establishing of
frameworks for making use of
Idea Traction (software tool)
index cards, for note taking
indexes, for notebooks
intentionality, in implementing practices
Jobs, Steve
John Adams (McCullough)
Johnson, Lisa
Johnson, Steven
Kelley, Larry
Kettering, Charles F.
Kierkegaard, Søren
Lateral Thinking (de Bono)
Let Your Life Speak (Palmer)
Lewis, C. S.,
Linchpin (Godin)
Lombardi, Vince
London, Jack
McCullough, David
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Making Ideas Happen (Belsky)
managers and peers, as source of expectations
Mann, Merlin
circle group
mental ruts
Merton, Thomas
Miller, Julius Sumner
Mingus, Charles
monthly checkpoints
prompts for
Mooth, Bryn
Morning Pages
Nachmanovitch, Stephen
Neuroscience of Human Relations, The (Cozolino)
Never Eat Alone (Ferrazzi)
New Seeds of Contemplation (Merton)
Nicholson, Ben
Nightingale, Earl
notes, note taking
in Idea Time
notebooks for
Project Queues in
reviewing of
Stimulus Queues in
Now Habit, The (Fiore)
clarifying project strategy and
defining of
establishing Challenges and
microfocusing on
occupation vs. vocation
resonant frequency and
On Intelligence (Hawkins and Blakeslee)
opacity, in creative work
organizational dissonance, see dissonance, organizational
Palmer, Parker
Pasteur, Louis
past work, as source of expectations
Pepper, John
Personal Idea Pad (PIP)
phone calls
Ping, the
Play (Brown and Vaughan)
Postman, Neil
practices for fostering creativity, see rhythmic practices and structure
predictable-versus-rhythmic tension
Prince, The (Machiavelli)
processing stimuli
note-taking tools for
equation for sustaining brilliance in
natural peaks and troughs of
predictable-versus-rhythmic tension and
time as currency of
time-versus-value tension and
product-versus-process tension
Project Queues
project-review sessions
project strategy, clarifying of
Pryor, Jeremy
purposeful experiences
quarterly checkpoints
benefits of
dream lists in
prompts for
structuring study plans in
Rappaille, Clotaire
red-zone activities, identifying of
refining priorities
relationship-related practices
checkpoint prompts for
circle meetings in
core teams in
head-to-head meetings in
accountability cultivated in
benefits of
intimacy and generosity in
introverts and
Republic (Plato)
resonant frequency
rhythmic practices and structure
checkpoints in, see checkpoints
in energy management, see energy management
focus-related, see focus-related practices
overall benefits of
personal definition of greatness and
recovering meaning and engaging deeply as by-products of
relationship-related, see relationship-related practices
stimuli-related, see stimuli-related practices
three keys to implementing of
time-related, see time-related practices
varying results in implementation of
rhythmic-versus-predictable tension
ruts, creative
Sample, Steven B.
Sawyer, Diane
Schwartz, Tony
Senff, Tim
serving others
Seuss, Dr.
7 Word Bios
Shop Class as Soulcraft (Crawford)
snapshot productivity
characteristics of higher-quality
creative ruts and
potential benefits of
purposeful structuring diet of
subconscious effect on mental processes of
stimuli-related practices
checkpoint prompts for
converting information to creative insight in
processing and notation in
purposeful experiences and exploration in
staying ahead of pressure with
study plans and cultivating in
Stimulus Queue
Stone, Linda
formula vs.
and role in leveraging creative process
see also rhythmic practices and structure
study plans
structuring of
Tae Kwon Do
team work
Big 3 lists and refining priorities in
defining and clarifying objectives in
defining course of action in
distributing of responsibilities in
fear as creativity assassin in
focus-related practices in
idea generation and
identifying red-zone activities in
organizational dissonance in
predictable-versus-rhythmic tension in
product-versus-process tension in
pros and cons of
simplifying tasks in
time-versus-value tension in
see also creative work
focus diverted by
for note taking
as currency of productivity
as portfolio of investments vs. slot machine
versus-value tension
time-related practices
checkpoint prompts for
Idea Time in
unnecessary creating in
Twain, Mark
unclear objectives
uncomfortable events,
unhealthy assumptions
unnecessary complexity
unnecessary creating
Project Queue for
value-versus-time tension
Vaughan, Christopher
vocation vs. occupation
resonant frequency and
von Oech, Roger
weekly checkpoints
example of
prompts for
Welles, Orson
Westendorf, Richard
Whack on the Side of the Head, A (von Oech)
Where Good Ideas Come From (Johnson)
whole-life planning
fallacy of compartmentalization in
monthly checkpoints in
quarterly checkpoints in
three horizons of weekly checkpoints in
Who’s Got Your Back (Ferrazzi)
Wilde, Oscar
Wollstonecraft, Mary
Zander, Benjamin and