Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112)

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Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112) Page 21

by Slaughterbown

  “What do you have in mind?” continued Edward grinning.

  Elijah looked at the center of the gorge. “Does this creature like to fight for his meals? Or does he like an easy target?” he asked Edward.

  “What do you propose?”

  Elijah looked straight into Edward’s eyes. “Tie me up to a pole over there. Use me as bait. When he comes to get me, set your men up around me and be ready to attack,” he said.

  “Are you a fool? You can’t do that!” demanded Aiken.

  Elijah smiled. “I don’t plan on staying in this gorge, Aiken. I have come too far to get my wish and I will not let a ghoul stand in my path,” he replied.

  Aiken just stared.

  “Make it look like I am tied up, and I will be ready for this beast.”

  “Do you not fear this creature?” asked Aiken.

  “Of course I do, but I have taken on the great Radwan himself. I think I can handle a ghoul,” grinned Elijah sheepishly.

  Darrel raised his heavy eyebrows. “I say we do it. If he dies, it will be no loss to us,” he said.

  “Hold your tongue, Darrel. He saved my life,” demanded Aiken frowning.

  Edward continued with Elijah. “You are brave. We will get you ready for the beast. Men, prepare the sacrifice to the creature,” commanded Edward. Within minutes, the able-bodied crusaders began construction of the battle area in the very middle of the gorge.

  Elijah paused with Aiken. “You have lost your mind! You can’t do this! You know what they said about that creature!” pleaded Aiken.

  A dazed look came over Elijah. “I am tired of playing games and wasting time! Just have my back when it comes!” he asked.

  “I have to say, boy, you are braver than you look. This creature, this demon, is the most frightening things I have ever heard of,” said Aiken.

  Elijah smiled. “It’s a good thing I haven’t seen it then,” he said.

  Elijah continued as the men worked on resurrecting the thick pole. “I didn’t know you had a brother here.”

  Aiken nodded. “Yes. We were not that close, but he was still my brother,” he said.

  “I am sorry, Aiken.”

  Aiken shrugged. “It is not your fault. I will see him again,” he replied quietly.

  “In the afterlife, you mean?” asked Elijah.


  Edward quickly interrupted, “The pole is set.”

  Elijah asked Edward, “What time does this beast usually come out?”

  “Depends. He is attracted to blood.”

  Elijah blurted out. “Put blood on me.”

  Edward immediately shouted, “Kill a horse!”

  Elijah watched as another man scurried away.

  Edward explained, “We have been eating our horses to survive. It has been a miserable experience. These horses are as much family as anything. It is hard to put them down.”

  A horse’s cry could be heard nearby as the crusader ran his knife under the animal’s throat. Edward turned to Elijah. “Go on, get some blood on you,” he said.

  Elijah quickly took off his shirt and walked over to the dead horse. After rubbing the sticky substance all over his body, it dried almost instantly.

  Edward watched carefully, “All right, we are ready. We will hide behind what we can. We will be ready,” he said.

  Aiken curiously asked, “Why have you not tried out this technique?”

  Darrel chided the man. “Because no one is stupid enough to be bait.”

  Elijah glared.

  Edward pulled out a canteen. “I think brave is the better word. Here you go. Drink up,” he said.

  Elijah took and put the container to his lips. He felt his stomach tighten as he breathed in the stench covering his body. “Thank you,” he said.

  Edward smiled. “It’s the least I can do. Come on. Let’s go get you set up,” he replied.

  Aiken followed. “I will go with you,” he said as the three men walked to the pole. Elijah mounted the small platform and lowered his hands behind.

  Edward stepped back. “Good,” he exclaimed.

  Aiken thrust his sword behind the pole and met Elijah’s eyes. “For safety,” he said.

  “Thanks,” replied Elijah.

  “What is your name, son?” Edward asked.


  “I am Edward. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is mine,” returned Elijah.

  “We will set up,” said Edward and he turned to go.

  Aiken’s voice faltered. “Are you sure about this?”

  Elijah slowly nodded. “Never been more sure about anything in my life.”

  Aiken glanced back up toward the top of the hill. “Where did our little friend, Caleb, go?” he asked.

  “He ran back to the tunnel.”

  “Good for him,” said Aiken.

  Aiken took a deep breath. “Do not worry. I will be ready to kill this creature,” he said.

  Elijah replied, “I know. Don’t worry about me.”

  “Too late,” said Aiken grinning.

  The sunlight beat against him relentlessly, but he shuddered when images of the ghoul appeared. He stood there, defenseless, with his life in his enemy’s hands. He started to consider the last month of his life and couldn’t believe all that he had been through. It has been a good life, he thought. He had been at his highest high and then at his lowest low. He had a love affair with a princess! Then he became a wanted criminal, and now he was defending the crusaders from a vicious beast! Deep down, he wanted to tell Natalia what he was doing and everything he has done. He thought how wonderful her support would be right now. Even through the hardest of times, especially Radwan, he still held on to a glimmer of hope to see her again. Maybe Aiken was right? he thought. Maybe I will still have a chance with her. But can I really steal her from the prince? She did say she loved me. His legs started to wobble. His back screamed out in pain, time and time again. The only way to relieve it was to shift his weight, but that didn’t seem to be working anymore as the minutes ticked by. If only I could wipe my brow. My eyes burn so much, he thought. He scanned the quiet, motionless camp. They must already be in position, he thought. Elijah stared at the blue sky and imagined himself a prince. He found himself walking through the wide thoroughfares filled with people cheering him and his beautiful bride Natalia on. He missed her smell, her touch. Was it over though? he wondered. Should he move on and really travel the world? He was a criminal. He still had the silver and the emerald in his pouch. Maybe I can still have the necklace made for her! he dreamed.

  Elijah whipped his head around when a loud shriek exploded in the camp. It was the same blood-curdling sound from the night before. His heart jumped into his throat, almost choking him when he tried to see everywhere at once. Another shriek blasted under the cloudless sky. Head flailing backward and forward, a white, boney creature loped on all fours down the gorge, straight toward him!

  Chapter 31

  The sun glared off the beast’s bulging blood-streaked eyes. Its claws scraped against the rocks as he leaped closer and closer. Elijah’s heart beat out of control, but he didn’t notice. What were the others doing? flashed through his mind, glancing toward the tents. How long are they going to wait? he winced. The beast’s growls rumbled across the distance. Their eyes locked, but Elijah remained frozen in time, doing everything in his power to not flee. He watched the rise and fall of the ghoul’s heaving chest as he calculated his options. Time had run out when, in an instant, the beast broke free of the ground and shot through the air. Elijah collapsed to his right just as the ghoul slammed into the pole. Snap splintered the pole as the ghoul landed on all fours. Elijah jerked himself up, frantically scanning for the sword. Sunlight flashed beside the beast. He couldn’t believe his misfo
rtune. How can I get it? he thought. It lay just under the heaving mound of rotted flesh. The distorted shape of a man sent its gruesome shrieks out again, shaking the very ground he stood on. Its fangs glistened as it turned. Suddenly, it shrieked again and lunged. Elijah’s back screamed out in pain as he dove into the sand. The shred of his pants leg told him how close the animal’s claw had come. It screamed out again furiously and wildly struck its claws across the sand. Suddenly, the air became unbreathable. The sword laid bare, beckoning Elijah. He leaped and pulled it to himself. And not a second too soon. The ghoul jumped at Elijah’s swinging sword, and slammed him down. Elijah’s back cried out again, but he sprung to his feet, sword outstretched. The ghoul wildly struck out in all directions, sand raging. Elijah caught movement to his side as the crusaders bolted into position, their shouts pressing him forward. The ghoul paused, then slowly swiveled its head around, scowling intensely. In seconds, it sprang back to face Elijah, saliva oozing, dripping to the ground. Elijah’s eyes widened when he felt his knees buckle. He felt alone. He wanted to cry out for help, but his throat was frozen.

  The zing of a crusader’s arrow split the air, abruptly quieted by a sand dune. With its head wagging, the beast moved again, dragging its razor-sharp claws a hair’s width from Elijah. Only his flailing sword separated him from the ghoul’s ravenous hunger. The creature struck again, forcing Elijah to sidestep and cry out from the pain in his back. No matter how many times he swung, his blade wouldn’t connect. The beast continued to slither and grind with unbelievable speed. Elijah felt his arms give way as the beast clawed through the hot air, closer and closer.

  He stumbled backward, resisting the creature with everything he had. Elijah heard shouting around him and felt only slightly relieved. The sun’s rays glinted off the drawn blades. Aiken’s voice rose above the rest as they screamed their distractions. One of the bold men stepped forward, sword thrust out, causing the ghoul to spring to its side. It slammed him head on and raked its claws across the man’s face. Blood spilled everywhere as the beast quickly regained its focus on Elijah. The beast flew through the air. Elijah dropped and twisted onto his back and sprung to his feet. Another stabbing sensation riddled his back. Two more crusaders stepped forward and advanced toward the ghoul. It shrieked violently, clawing wildly at the men’s legs. The sound of tearing metal filled their ears just as one of them dropped to the ground, screaming. His companion slammed his sword through the ghoul’s shoulder. The creature let out a painstaking shriek and clawed into the crusader’s head. Instantly, his flailing body impacted the ground after the beast sunk his fangs into his face. A second later, the man’s head was crushed beyond recognition.

  Elijah quickly thrust his sword, with both hands, into the ghoul’s back. It shrieked in pain as it reared up on its boney feet. Without warning, the back of its hand slammed against Elijah’s face. He was airborne. Elijah thudded into the sand as the sword-struck beast turned toward him. Like an insect, Elijah slithered away on all fours, gasping for breath. Another bolt of pain shot across Elijah’s back, forcing him onto the ground. Edward suddenly appeared behind the blood-covered beast and chopped wildly at its back. Another loud shriek filled the air when the ghoul quickly spun around, slashing violently at Edward. Elijah sucked in a deep breath and tried to ignore his back as he staggered to his feet. Stabilized, he flew straight ahead and reclaimed his sword, slashing at the creature from behind. The ghoul’s hind legs flew out, launching Elijah back into the sand. The creature’s claws tore through Edward’s armor, exposing his chest and three gaping slashes. Edward fell to the ground as the beast spun to face Elijah. Head to head, the ghoul’s shrill cry filled the air. Elijah screamed and pounded his chest! The ghoul growled and threw itself through the air. Elijah collapsed on the sand and wedged his blade beside him just as the animal dropped out of the sky. The blade sliced through its chest and out its back. On top of Elijah, it screamed over and over again. Quivering slowly, it drew back its lips, exposing four razor-sharp fangs. Positioned over Elijah’s face, the creature slowly tilted its head back. The shrieking abruptly stopped when the beast’s head thudded into the sand. Elijah gasped over and over and stared next to his feet. His ever so wide eyes blinked in shock at the shadow of his friend above him. It was Aiken with his bloody sword in hand, grinning wildly.

  Someone shouted out, “Is he alive?”

  Aiken beamed. “He is!” he cried.

  The sword-waving men erupted in cheers while the ghoul lay, headless, in a puddle of bloody sand.

  Elijah wiggled, and with the help of a crusader, thrust off the headless monster and stood up.

  Elijah glanced down at this body and wrinkled his nose. “That was too close,” he muttered.

  Aiken smiled.

  More rustling took place, and then Edward, with Darrel’s help, rose to his feet. “Good job, Elijah…good job,” said Edward.

  Suddenly, Elijah started wobbling. Aiken grabbed his arms and shouted. “Get him into camp! Carry all the wounded to camp! Come on, Elijah. Let’s go get some rest. Good job! You were incredible!”

  “Thanks,” said Elijah. Both men nodded.

  The crusaders left the lifeless body of the ghoul to rot in the sand as they headed toward the shelter of their camp.

  Elijah shuddered when he thought of what he just went through. “Will you teach me how to fight with a sword now?” he asked Aiken.

  “I don’t think you need any help after that showing,” chuckled Aiken.

  “Please, I didn’t feel as comfortable as I should have with that blade,” pleaded Elijah.

  Aiken nodded. “I will teach you,” he answered smiling.

  The crusaders kept coming up, patting Elijah on the back and wishing him well. Several times he winced, and he, once again, felt like he was on top of the world.

  Elijah hesitated and tried to turn around. “What about the two that he killed?”

  Aiken turned him back. “We will have a proper burial for them. Do not worry. They gave their life for the greater good, and now they will soon see their reward,” he said grimly.

  Elijah closed his eyes as he limped back to the camp. If only Natalia could see me now, he thought.

  Chapter 32

  The sultan stepped down from the golden throne as Anas and Tariq entered. He glanced up and noticed Natalia following close behind. Several servants quickly disappeared behind hung tapestries when Tariq’s voice boomed out.

  “As we agreed, we will take 10,000 of your soldiers back to Artelon with us,” Tariq said.

  The sultan nodded. “I understand,” he replied.

  Tariq beamed. “When they come back, they will be blessed from the God-King himself. They will be super warriors,” he exclaimed.

  The sultan continued to nod.

  Natalia moved a little closer. “What of our safety? Will not the barbarian hordes see this as an opportunity to attack?” she asked.

  Anas touched her folded hands. “Do not worry, my love. I am leaving Voran and the chimera in your hands. No one would dare attack with that beast here. You are completely safe,” he said.

  Natalia forced a smile. She wondered what it would really be like once most of their army was gone. It seems so farfetched, she thought.

  Smiling, Tariq added, “We will be back by winter to pick up your daughter for the betrothal of the two in Artelon.”

  “Of course. She will be ready,” replied the sultan.

  Natalia’s gaze met Anas’s. “Tariq,” asked Anas.

  “Yes, of course. Sultan, if you would come with me, we have a lot to discuss, for we must gather 10,000 men to be ready to march by the end of the week,” continued Tariq.

  The sultan started to turn away. “Yes, yes,” he mumbled.

  Anas held onto Natalia’s arm and led her out of the room. “Well, my dear. I suppose this will be our last night together,” he said soft

  Natalia nodded slightly. “Until winter is a long time to wait.”

  His eyes met hers. “I know,” and he reached out his hand. Natalia held on as he whisked her into the hall. “It will be worth the wait. I promise,” he said.

  When she smiled back, he said, “You are so beautiful.”

  Natalia felt her face flush, and it made her think of her first time with Elijah in the garden. She obediently followed the prince up the winding stairs. She thought about it for a minute and then tugged on his hand. “Why can I not go with you?” she asked. She kept thinking about leaving her life in the palace forever. I just want to get away, she thought.

  Anas started to chuckle. “Because I have business to attend to, my dear. My father is preparing to launch an all-out war against the religious zealots to the West. Soon, their race will be wiped out, and we shall have control of the entire world!” He broke out into a laugh. “I can see it now. This earth is but our stepping-stone.”

  Natalia felt her heart start to pound. “Where will we be wed?” she blurted out.

  “How about the stars?” exclaimed Anas as his eyes widened.

  She gasped and started to giggle at the same time. “That sounds perfect!” she replied.

  Beaming, he led her into her room. “I thought so,” he said.

  In her teenage mind, she believed she has accepted her destiny with Anas, even though thoughts of Elijah were with her every day. She accepted that the bandit was no more and that Anas was the perfect prince. She forced herself to like him, even to love him. She knew that she had no choice now, for he was to be her future husband. A small tear formed and then quickly disappeared.

  Anas let her walk in front of him and then closed the door. He abruptly stepped up behind her and started kissing her neck. She immediately let out a soft moan as she became lost in his embrace. Silently, she raised her arm around the back of his neck and ran her fingers through his flowing hair. He gently pulled her around and peered down into her eyes as he touched his lips to hers. Within seconds, the room filled with the sounds of their breathing. She pushed harder against him and parted his lips, tasting him fully. Anas wrapped his large hands around her tiny waist and held her tightly. Natalia felt her knees grow weak and fell limp in his arms. He pressed his lips harder, refusing to breath for the longest time. Their motions became one as she reached up and dragged her fingertips across his chest. Her thoughts were broken for a moment when she realized how powerful he felt. Her hands again found the back of his neck as he reached behind and undid her silk straps. Feeling a cool breeze against her back made her push away, but he pulled her back. Their lips remained locked as he tried to pull her top over her head. This time, she pulled back again, harder. “Maybe we should wait until we are married,” she whispered, her voice shaking.


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