Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112)

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Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112) Page 30

by Slaughterbown

  “Elijah!” shouted Natalia.

  Elijah stared at Karam in disbelief. Karam scowled back. “It’s just you and me now,” said Elijah smiling.

  Karam swallowed hard.

  Chapter 49

  The growling wind scattered the dark smoke in a thousand directions as Elijah stared into Karam’s eyes. Cowering, Karam quivered ever so slightly. Elijah heard stones falling to the ground and quickly turned around. Zeke met his glare as he rose from the blast. Their eyes locked as Zeke leaned over to retrieve a fallen spear. Two more bandits staggered to their feet, holding their heads.

  Karim and Firas scaled up the shattered wall and reached the top. “Not so fast!” shouted Karim.

  “You…You dare come into my palace and destroy everything that I have worked toward! I may die today, Elijah. But I promise, so will you!” snarled Karam, sword outstretched.

  Elijah threw his head back in laughter. “Give it your best shot, Karam!”

  Karam lifted his arms and shouted. “Prepare yourself!” He instantly took off in a full run, slashing the air with his blade. Their blades slammed violently, back and forth in perfect rhythm. Elijah countered every move but was jolted back by the force. Zeke turned toward him, spear in hand. Karam swung, hard right, forcing Elijah to stumble left, and crossed his blade back again, making Elijah quickly shuffle to stay upright. Karam advanced, blow by blow, forcing Elijah closer and closer to the awaiting Zeke.

  Natalia suddenly shouted out. “Watch out, Elijah!”

  Elijah quickly glanced back and saw Zeke’s awaiting spear.

  The sultan lifted his head. “Come on. You can do it!” he said.

  Behind Elijah, a sudden clatter marked the end of two bandits when Karim and Firas closed in for the kill.

  Natalia shouted out again, “Elijah!”

  Zeke thrust his spear at Elijah, but he jerked back just in time as the spear sailed past. Zeke scrambled to find another spear and joined Karam again as Elijah swung his sword, back and forth, in a desperate attempt to survive. Elijah spun back around, thwarting Karam’s advances, time and time again. Zeke jousted his spear, slamming the wooden part into Elijah’s stomach. The force of the impact sent Elijah flying to the ground. Karam raised his blade, and brought it down hard over Elijah’s head. Elijah rolled with his blade outstretched, deflecting the descending metal. Zeke lunged in an attempt to thrust his spear through Elijah’s side, but a quick twist took the downed man out of the way. Sparks flew as the blade shattered a stone block. Elijah kicked Karam’s leg, forcing him back and giving Elijah the moment he needed to jump back on his feet. It was just in time, too, as Zeke’s spear sailed harmlessly through the air. Elijah leaped forward, sword extended toward Zeke, while Karam’s blade barely missed his neck. Elijah gasped for air as his heart pounded nearly out of control. He wondered how much longer he could battle these two skilled fighters.

  The wind’s velocity increased in pitch until Natalia’s voice could barely be heard. “Elijah!” she screamed.

  Zeke threw himself at Elijah, spear forward, but Elijah saw it coming and grabbed it with one hand. As he held on, he swung his leg through the air and landed it in the middle of Zeke’s gut, forcing him to stumble backward. Karam snuck up from behind and slammed his fist into Elijah’s face while his blade sailed from the other direction. Elijah dodged the blade just in time as his face pulsated painfully. He tried to regain his balance when Zeke leaped in the air, spear aimed at Elijah’s leg. Elijah sidestepped to the sound of sparking metal, and raised his sword over Zeke’s head. Zeke tried to shield himself with his spear, and fell backward. The blade cut through the spear, shattering it into two. Elijah swung his foot around and slammed his foot into Zeke’s stomach, once again, gasping, the man dropped to the ground. Karam sprinted toward Elijah, screaming. Elijah deflected the first attack, but Karam caught him off guard with an elbow to the face. Elijah winced as he staggered backward under Karam’s continuous blows to his face. Karam raised his blade from below and uppercut Elijah’s blade, sending it flying over the wall.

  Karam’s wicked laughter shattered the silence. “Now you die, fool!”

  Elijah worried when he glanced over at Natalia struggling to break free from the ropes. Zeke wobbled against his broken spear as he leaned over and pulled a dagger from his boot.

  Karim shouted from across the distance, “Elijah!”

  Natalia yelled, “Elijah! No!”

  Karam’s non-stop, psychotic laughter filled the wind-swept stage. “Now you die!” he screamed, and then charged Elijah, again, full force. Elijah spun around toward a charging Zeke when time suddenly came to a standstill. He watched Zeke lift his blade for the final blow. In an instant, time returned as an arrow sliced through the air and into Zeke’s neck. The startled man collapsed instantly. Elijah dove over his body, grabbed the broken spear, and arched it forward with all his might. Karam stood only a few feet away, his heaving stomach making a perfect target. In a second, Karam stood motionless as blood poured from his gut.

  Natalia shouted again, “Elijah!” Her voice quivered.

  Karam’s blood drained down his neck as he fell to his knees, gasping over and over.

  Elijah reached for Zeke’s dagger.

  Karam searched the sky as his blood continued to flow. Then, his beaten face slowly turned to Natalia and smiled. But, he never said a word.

  Without warning, time again began to crawl. Elijah gripped the stealthy blade with both hands and sprinted toward Karam. He surged at the near lifeless man with everything he had. Time returned just as the blade shattered the man’s ribs and sunk into his chest. A groan was all that Karam could muster as he gasped one last time. He teetered on his knees for a second and then fell backward onto the cold stone pavement, dead.

  “Elijah! Elijah!” screamed Natalia.

  Karim waved his sword in the air. “Whooo!” he howled, as the sun broke through the clouds. The small army of guards, acrobats and crusaders erupted in cheers as Elijah ran toward his princess. He freed her hands with one quick slice, staggering backward when her body collided with his. He felt her warmth surround him as her tears of joy cascaded down their cheeks.

  Chapter 50

  Suddenly, the clouds parted and the winds disappeared, allowing the sun to shed its brilliance. Below on the street, several bandits ran from the palace entrance and disappeared into the alleys. Elijah and Natalia stood, arms intertwined, barely audible.

  Still sobbing, Natalia kept trying to talk. “Oh, Elijah! You came back for me! You came back for me!” she cried.

  Elijah didn’t move as she struggled with her words. He held her tightly and realized that he was holding on to his life and his dreams. “I told you I would always be there for you,” he said softly.

  She gently stroked his hair. “Oh, how I love you,” she whispered.

  He pressed his face against hers. “I love you too,” he said.

  Elijah suddenly jerked. “Somebody help me!” shouted the sultan.

  A smile crossed Elijah’s face as Karim stepped up to the other pole and cut off the man’s ropes.

  The sultan quickly walked toward the edge of the wall and peered into the street.

  Elijah could hear Karim’s chuckle. “You’re welcome,” he muttered.

  “Crusaders? Here?” exclaimed the sultan.

  Elijah rested his head on Natalia’s shoulder as he glanced toward the sultan. “They were here to help, Sultan. That’s all,” he replied.

  “Help? But why?”

  Elijah responded. “Because they are good people. That’s why.”

  The sultan continued to stare at the group of men. “I never would have…”

  Elijah closed his eyes as Natalia’s embrace grew stronger.

  But Elijah was forced to concentrate on two things at once. “And who are you, boy?” asked the sultan.

  “I am Elijah.”

  “Elijah? The one who freed the Crusader? The one who tried to assassinate my daughter?”

  Elijah pulled away slightly as Natalia stared at her father. “No, father. He didn’t. It was all a misunderstanding,” she replied.

  Elijah could hear her voice start to break, but he couldn’t hold back his grin. Thoughts of that desperate night flashed before him as the sultan stared him down. Neither moved until footsteps behind Elijah caused him to turn.

  “Aiken!” shouted Elijah. He quickly let go of Natalia, and ran, throwing his arms around his friend.

  “We did it! Ha! We did it, Elijah!” shouted Aiken, joining in with Elijah’s laughter.

  Elijah raised his eyebrow. “You shot him, didn’t you? You made that shot?” he asked.

  “Why, of course I did!” replied Aiken, throwing back his shoulders.

  Elijah arms found his friend again. “Thank you, friend…Thank you,” he whispered.

  “That was incredible!” said Sam, approaching from the wall.

  They stood, smiling, just as the sultan raised his hand. “You! You are the crusader we arrested!” he shouted.

  Aiken turned to face the demanding man. “Yes sir. I am Aiken, Your Highness. A pleasure to meet you,” he replied grinning.

  His hand quickly dropped to his side. “I…I am lost for words, I…” the sultan replied.

  Aiken winked. “Oh, you don’t have to say anything, Your Highness. We will leave as quickly as we came.”

  Suddenly, the sultan started pleading, “Why did you save us? Why did you help me and my people? We are sworn enemies!”

  This time, Aiken pointed to Elijah. “Because we grew to love one of your people, and because of that, we grew to love all of your people.”

  The sultan bowed. “I and all my people owe you a debt that we can never pay.”

  Aiken quickly held up his hands. “No, Your Majesty. You owe us nothing.”

  As they were talking, Natalia ran over started tugging on Elijah’s hand.

  Elijah glanced around. “Aiken, Sam! This is the princess!” he said grinning from ear to ear.

  Aiken immediately bowed. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Natalia. I am Aiken.”

  Natalia returned the graceful gesture. As they stood, smiling at each other, she said, “Thank you, Aiken, for what you did for us today. We owe you our lives!”

  Sam’s quiet voice interrupted. “Nice to meet you!” she said.

  Natalia bowed again. “Nice to meet you!” she said. Her eyes welled up again with a stream of tears.

  Aiken leaned closer to Sam and winked. “Thank you for helping me today. You should be quite proud of your fighting skills.”

  Sam smiled. “The pleasure was all mine.”

  “You can fight by my side any day. Who knows? Maybe we’ll do it again?”

  The sultan suddenly interrupted. “A barbarian?”

  “Long story,” replied Elijah, shaking his head.

  Again, Natalia gave Elijah’s shirtsleeve a yank.

  His intense gaze followed her prompting as she led him to the side.

  The sultan raised his bandaged hand. “We will have a feast to celebrate this day! We will…” he continued as his voice faded. Natalia and Elijah slipped into a nearby passage.

  She slowly leaned into the love of her life and gently caressed his powerful arms. Elijah gazed deeply into her eyes and was overcome with a sensation of floating. He pushed thoughts of his recent past brushes with death away as the sound of her voice settled upon him. “Elijah,” she whispered. “You came back for me…” Tears pooled quickly in both of their eyes.

  “Natalia. I love you with all my heart. I have never loved someone or anything as much as I love you. I would go through any trial or tribulation to be with you,” he softly replied and pulled her close.

  She tried to talk, but suddenly choked up. After a deep breath, she lifted her hand to his face and tried again. “My every thought is consumed with you. When I thought you were dead, I thought I lost a part of me forever. I love you, Elijah, and it’s not a love that comes and goes. I know that, now, with everything that we have been through. I will love you forever and ever, and for all eternity. You have my heart and you are the only one who I can give it to.”

  Elijah felt time grind to a halt, breathing deeply. Their quietness filled the narrow space.

  “You complete me, and I know now that I can’t live without you. I want to give you everything of me. I want to be in your arms. This is where I belong,” she said, gently stroking his bruised skin.

  Elijah looked away. “But, Natalia. I know that you can’t…I know that we can’t…” he stammered.

  She pulled away. “What, Elijah?”

  He looked out over the rubble and toward the city. “You know…you’re a princess, and I’m a…,” he whispered.

  “A what, Elijah?” she exclaimed.


  Natalia grabbed his arms and shook him. “A hero? A courageous man who risked everything to save me? A compassionate, sweet, funny, handsome, perfect man?”

  Elijah’s face suddenly turned red.

  “A man who has stolen my heart forever?” she said as she pulled them back together.

  Elijah closed his eyes as her warmth and love overpowered him. Slowly, he gazed at her again, feeling his heart beat harder and harder, absorbing her beauty.

  She softly whispered in his ear. “A man that I want to share my life with?” she said smiling. “That is who you are, Elijah, And that is why I love you.”


  “I don’t care anymore about the politics or my responsibilities. I will not live up to them if I can’t be with you. You are my everything,” said Natalia, shaking her head.

  Again, Elijah breathed in deeply. “I love you so much, Natalia. More than you will ever know,” he sighed.

  Her face beamed as she continued to stroke his hair.

  “So what do we do now?” asked Elijah.

  “We will figure it out. I promise.” Elijah?” she asked.


  “Will you be my bandit forever?”

  Elijah quickly grinned. “Forever and ever.”

  “And all of eternity?” asked Natalia.

  Elijah chuckled. “And all of eternity!”

  A thick vale of silence settled over them as the princess and the bandit, hearts racing, gently kissed.




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