Jane Austen, the Secret Radical

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Jane Austen, the Secret Radical Page 36

by Helena Kelly

  as artist 33

  on banknote 11

  in Bath 12, 15, 35–6, 41–2

  biographical details 12

  candour 305–6

  at Chawton 5, 14, 80, 119, 209–11

  Cobbett compared with 239

  critics on 24–6, 259–60, 310

  death 292, 297–9

  final illness 291–3, 294–6

  funeral and burial 300–4, 308–9

  as never married 68


  editing 29

  publication 12

  speaking for Jane 310–11

  see also individual works

  obituaries 304–6

  poetry 18, 297

  religious beliefs 200–1, 306–7

  romantic stories about 27–8

  in Southampton (Castle Square) 1–9, 14–15, 291

  at Steventon 14, 71–2, 113–15

  will 301

  Austen-Leigh, Caroline 28

  Austen-Leigh, James-Edward 113, 295–6

  A Memoir of Jane Austen 26–7, 75

  Austen, Marianne 164

  Austen, Mary (wife of Frank) 17

  Austen, Mary (wife of James) 28, 72, 76, 81, 113, 298

  Austen, Mary-Jane 8, 9

  Austen, Philadelphia 6, 13, 106

  Austen, Rebecca 50

  Austen, William (nephew of Jane) 36


  baronets 135

  Bates, Miss 136, 236, 245–6, 249–50

  Bates, Mrs 73, 236, 245, 247

  Bath 277–8

  Austens in 12, 15, 35–6, 41–2

  in Persuasion 274–5, 276–7, 290

  Beckford, Margaret 188

  Beckford, William 188

  Becoming Jane 28, 116

  bedrooms 45–6

  The Beggar’s Petition 62–3

  Belinda 21, 40, 43, 294

  Belle, Dido Elizabeth 173–4

  Bennet, Elizabeth 77

  and Darcy 137, 138–40, 143–5, 149, 150, 151–6, 157–9

  and Lady Catherine 139

  and militia 126, 127

  as radical 155–6

  unconventionality 154, 158

  walking alone 128

  and Wickham 138, 141

  Bennet, Jane 136, 141, 147, 153

  Bennet, Kitty 126

  Bennet, Lydia 125–7, 140–1, 154, 155, 160

  Bennet, Mary 130

  Bennet, Mr 77–8, 141, 146–7, 152, 155

  Bennet, Mrs 126, 145–7, 150, 152, 155, 159

  Benwick, Captain 280, 284

  Bertram, Edmund 181, 189, 191–2, 202–4, 207

  Bertram, Julia 185, 190

  Bertram, Lady 169, 179

  Bertram, Maria 169, 171, 181, 183–4, 185, 187–8

  Bertram, Sir Thomas 169, 177, 179–80, 186, 189, 204, 207

  Bertram, Tom 177

  Bible Society 196, 197–8, 200–1

  Bickerton, Miss 231

  Bigeon, Madame 301

  Bigg, Catherine 221

  Bigg-Wither, Harris 27–8, 29

  Bingley, Miss (and sister) 129, 142, 143, 149

  Bingley, Mr 136, 140, 143, 145–7, 149–50, 153, 158

  The Birthday 42, 44

  Blackstone, William 92, 234

  Blue Beard 42

  Brabourne, Lord 29

  Brandon, Colonel 88, 98, 103–4, 106–12, 121

  ‘brass’ 87

  Bride and Prejudice 116

  Brighton 122, 126–7, 129

  British Critic 165–6, 205–6

  Brontë, Charlotte 25–6, 49, 221

  Buckland, Reverend William 256

  Burke, Edmund 105, 131–4, 136, 144, 155

  Burney, Fanny 30, 43, 134, 309

  see also Camilla; Evelina

  Byrne, Paula 174, 191

  Byron, Lord 166


  Cadell, Thomas 78

  Caesarean section 50

  Caleb Williams 44

  Camilla 40, 43, 57, 148, 293

  Campbell, Colonel 246

  Caroline of Brunswick 249

  Catherine, or the Bower 105

  Cecilia 40, 130

  census-taking 218

  chain and the cross 195–6

  chains 190, 195

  Chandos, Dukes of 75

  Chapman, R.W. 224

  Chapone, Hester 158

  Charles I, King 269

  Charles II, King 268–9

  Charlotte, Princess 50, 271–2

  Chatham 122

  Chawton Cottage 5, 14, 80, 119, 209–11

  Chester, Bishop of 193–4

  childbirth 46–7, 48–50, 52

  in fiction 51

  Church of England

  challenges as institution 196–7

  failings 202–6, 307–8

  and slavery 192–6, 201, 204, 308

  and tithes 214–15, 227

  Churchill, Frank 228, 231–3, 238, 239, 246–7, 249, 263

  Churchill, Winston 119, 120–1

  Clare, John 220, 224

  Clarkson, Thomas 177–9, 187, 194–5, 201

  Clay, Mrs 277, 282, 285, 289

  clergy 137

  Cobbett, William 239

  Codrington, Christopher 192

  Cole, Mr 233, 244–5

  Cole, Mrs 244–5

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 19, 221

  Collins, Charlotte (née Lucas) 137, 139, 142, 151

  Collins, Mr 137–8, 155, 214

  common land 215–17, 221

  consumption 52

  Cooke, Samuel 229

  Cooper, Edward 200, 300

  Cooper, Jane 2, 123, 261, 266, 282, 288

  co-parceny 234

  Corn Laws 219

  Cornwallis, Admiral 188

  cousins, marriage between 171

  Cowper, William 79, 180, 181–2, 237

  Cox, Mr 233, 242

  Crawford, Henry 170, 171, 183, 199, 202–3

  Crawford, Mary 75, 183, 187, 188–9, 202–3

  Critical Review 165, 303

  Croft, Admiral 123, 271, 288

  Croft, Mrs 123, 271, 288

  Crosby, Benjamin 4, 6

  Crosby, Richard 7–8, 17, 309–10

  Crosby (publishing firm) 40–1

  cross and the chain 195–6

  Cumberland, Richard 186

  Cuvier, Georges 253


  Dalrymple, Lady 272–3

  Darcy, Fitzwilliam 135, 136–7, 140, 157–61

  and Elizabeth 137, 138–40, 143–5, 149, 150, 151–6, 159–61

  snobbery 142–5, 149–51, 157, 161

  Darcy, Georgiana 40, 160

  Darwin, Erasmus 256–8

  Dashwood, Elinor 81, 88, 92–4, 96, 102–3

  and Edward Ferrars 92, 94, 96, 100, 102, 112

  and wealth 97–8

  Dashwood, Fanny 81, 91, 93–4

  Dashwood, Harry 83, 90

  Dashwood, John 83, 88, 90–1, 93, 110

  Dashwood, Margaret 81

  Dashwood, Marianne 79, 81, 85, 92–3

  and Brandon 111–12

  and wealth 97–8

  and Willoughby 89, 95, 96, 100, 103, 111

  Dashwood, Mrs 91, 93, 98, 103

  dates, in Jane’s novels 262–7

  Davinier, John 174

  De Bourgh, Anne 91

  De Bourgh, Lady Catherine 91, 121, 135, 137–40, 155, 160–1, 214

  death penalty 228

  Denham, Sir Edward 293

  Dixon, Mr 123

  Donwell 232–3

  Duckworth, Alistair 226


  earls 135

  East India Company 104–5, 106, 168

  Easton, Celia 226

  eclampsia 49–50

  ectopic pregnancy 49

  Eden, Sir Frederick Morton 220

  Edgeworth, Maria 21, 43, 45, 123, 134, 211, 294, 309

  Edwards, Bryan 194

  Egerton 166

  Elegant Extracts 184

  Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate La
dy 63

  Elford, Sir William 157

  Elinor and Marianne 9, 78–9

  Elizabeth I, Queen 270

  Elliot, Anne 38, 120, 123, 200, 259–61, 280–8, 290

  and Bath 274, 277–8

  as self-portrait of Jane 259–61, 310

  and Wentworth 264, 273, 277, 280, 281, 285–9

  Elliot, Elizabeth 259, 267, 277, 280, 282, 284–5

  Elliot, Sir Walter 259, 264–5, 267, 271–3, 277, 281–2, 284, 290

  Elliot, William 280, 281–2, 286–7

  Elton, Mr 230, 243, 245, 248

  Elton, Mrs 189, 190, 236, 243–4, 245

  Emma 211–50

  as about need 227

  on enclosure 228–35, 248–9

  introductions in 148

  reviews 166–7

  servants in 241–2

  timeframe 263

  Emmeline 142, 255–6

  enclosure 204, 217–22, 228–30

  in Jane’s novels 222–7, 228–35, 248–9

  entails 82–4

  Evelina 42–3, 89, 130, 142, 153

  Evelyn, Mr 42


  Fairfax, Jane 73, 236, 242, 246, 247, 249

  The Fatal Secret 64

  Fawkes, Guy 266

  Feltham, John 254

  feme covert 91

  Ferrars, Edward 88, 89, 92–4, 98–102, 112

  Ferrars, Mrs 92–4, 98–9

  Ferrars, Robert 88, 93–4, 99

  fidelity 280–1

  Fielding, Henry 116

  firewood 216, 218

  First Impressions 9, 16, 78, 113, 129

  Fishguard 122

  Fitzgerald, Lord Edward 124

  Fitzwilliam, Colonel 135, 136–7, 140

  Fitzwilliam, Earl 136

  food 211, 227, 235–6

  cost of 212–13

  Foote, Samuel 104

  Fordyce, James 158

  Forster, Colonel 128

  fossils 252–3, 254–5, 257, 276

  Fox, Charles James 23

  France, war with 21–2

  Francklyn, Gilbert 194–5

  Frank (slave) 177

  French Revolution 130–3, 180


  Gambier, Admiral 114

  Gardiner, Mr 140–2, 144–5, 160, 175

  Gardiner, Mrs 140–1, 144–5, 160

  Garson, Greer 120

  George III, King 271

  George, Prince Regent 205, 249, 272, 303

  Gifford, William 166–7

  gipsies 210, 217, 228, 230–2, 236–9, 247–9

  Goddard, Mrs 246–7

  Godwin, William 44, 64, 87, 134

  ‘Gordon Riots’ 131

  gossip 136–7

  Gothic novels 39, 40, 53–5, 57, 61, 68

  Gould, Mr 42–3

  grandparents 73

  Grant, Dr 168, 188–9

  Great Bookham 229

  Grey, Sophia 89–91

  gruel 211


  habeas corpus 22, 130

  hair 100

  hairstyles 170

  The Hare and Many Friends 62

  Harville, Captain 276, 280–1, 290

  Hastings, Warren 99, 105–6, 131, 132

  Hawkins Browne, Isaac 187

  Hays, Mary 21

  Heathcote, Mrs 295, 307

  hedgerows 191

  Highbury 24, 228–34, 242–3, 245, 248

  history, tide of 289

  History of England 9, 27, 262, 270

  Hochschild, Adam 175, 181, 193

  Hodges, Mrs 242

  Hutton, James 256

  hyperemesis 49


  incest 171

  India 88, 103–6

  ingenuity 118

  inheritance 74–6, 82, 84–7

  interracial relationships 43

  intestacy 74

  introductions 145–52

  invasion, threat of 122–3

  Ireland 122–4, 131


  Jacobite rebellions 270–1

  James I, King 266

  James II, King 267

  Jane Austen House Museum 14, 80, 119

  The Janeites 119, 260

  Jane’s Marriage 260

  Jennings, Mrs 90, 91, 94, 98, 103, 139

  The Jewel in the Crown 120

  jewellery 88

  jointure 74, 91


  Kent, Nathaniel 220

  Kipling, Rudyard 119, 260

  Kirby Hall 174

  Knight, Fanny (née Austen) 163–5, 200, 209–10, 302

  letters to 44, 50, 87, 200, 259, 291, 296

  Knightley, George 229–30, 232–6, 243–4, 246, 248–9

  and Emma 228, 232, 234, 247–8

  Knightley, Isabella (née Woodhouse) 228, 234–5

  Knightley, John 234–5

  Knightley, Keira 116

  knowledge, classes of 32

  Kotzebue, August von 42, 44, 186


  Labbe, Professor Jacqueline 256

  Lady Susan 16, 36

  Lambe, Miss 292, 293

  land, importance of 73–4

  Larkin, William 232, 242

  Lascelles, Lady 188

  Latin 76

  Le Faye, Deirdre 29, 266

  Lefroy, Anne 261, 265, 282, 288

  Lefroy, Ben 201

  Lefroy, Tom 27, 28–9, 32, 123

  Leigh, Jane 72, 73

  Leigh, Thomas 73, 75

  Leigh-Perrot, James 177, 299–300

  Leinster, Duchess of 45

  Letters 28–9

  Lewes, George Henry 25, 26

  Lindsay, John 173

  Liverpool, Lord 197, 205

  livings 192

  Lloyd, Martha 81, 113

  Lodge, David 65

  Long, Edward 176

  Longfellow, Henry 25

  Lord Ellenborough’s Act 48

  Love and Freindship 9, 272, 293

  Lovers’ Vows 42

  Lucas, Sir William 135, 142, 150, 151–2

  Lyford, Dr 291, 295, 296, 297

  Lyme Regis 251–7, 269, 274–6, 290


  Macaulay, Thomas 25

  magistrates 215

  malleability 282

  Malthus, Reverend Thomas 218

  manors 213–14, 216

  Mansfield, Lord 173, 175–6, 180

  Mansfield Park 165–207

  as about enclosure 223–7

  as about ordination 190–1

  as about slavery 174, 176–7, 179–80, 181–2, 184–90

  film 174

  introductions in 148

  lack of reviews 165, 167–8, 205–6

  as political novel 30

  publication 165

  servants in 241

  as sober novel 168

  timespan 179–80

  Mapleton, Marianne 69

  Marmion 117, 118, 160


  in Jane’s time 31, 234–5

  proposals 143

  settlements 90–1

  Martin, Robert 232–3, 245, 246, 247

  Mary I, Queen 270

  Mary II, Queen 267, 270

  Mary, Queen of Scots 270

  Masters of Ceremonies 147, 148

  masturbation 47, 66–7

  Meryton 125, 127–8, 145, 147, 149

  Middleton, Annamaria 89, 110

  Middleton, Sir John 103

  Middleton, John (son of Sir John) 110

  Middleton, William 110

  militia 125–8, 212, 218

  ‘Miss Catherine’ 36–7, 44

  Mitford, Mary Russell 156–7

  Monmouth, Duke of 269

  More, Hannah 237

  Morland, Catherine

  and ‘alarms of romance’ 70

  in bedrooms 44, 46, 65–7

  character 37–8

  and chest in bedroom 58–9

  Henry Tilney and 37, 39, 56–8, 60–1, 66, 68

  reading 39, 53–64, 70

  Morland, James 55–6
  Morland, Mrs 52

  Morton, Miss 94

  Munro, Henry 124

  Murray, Anne 173

  Murray, Elizabeth 173–4

  Murray, John 166–7, 303

  Musgrove, Charles 265, 267, 279–80, 282, 284

  Musgrove, Henrietta 279–80, 283

  Musgrove, Louisa 259, 261, 276, 279–80, 282–4

  Musgrove, Mary 51, 265, 267, 279–80, 284, 290

  The Mysteries of Udolpho 53–5, 56–62, 63, 64, 96–7


  The Nabob 104–5

  Napoleon Bonaparte 263–4, 288, 289

  national identity 274

  Nibbs, James 177

  nobility, in Jane’s novels 134–5

  Norris, Henry Handley 197–9, 201, 205–6, 259, 307

  Norris, Mrs 169, 171, 177–8, 183, 188–9, 198–9, 241

  Norris, Reverend Mr (Mansfield Park) 168

  Norris, Robert (of Liverpool) 178–9, 194, 197–8

  North, Brownlow 302–3, 307–8

  Northamptonshire 223–4

  Northanger Abbey 16, 17, 36–70, 117

  bedroom scenes 65–7

  as comic 53

  on history 34

  introductions in 148

  publication 36

  review 64

  see also Susan


  as genre 116–17

  Jane on 39–40


  Olivier, Laurence 120

  ordination 190–1


  Paine, Thomas 124

  Palmer, Frances 177

  Palmer, Harriet 177

  Palmer, Mrs 51

  Palmer, Thomas 110

  Pamela 110, 159

  Papillon, Mr 200

  parable of the talents 77

  parish system 213–15

  Perry, Mr 242, 249

  Perry, Ruth 216–17

  Persuasion 258–90

  change as theme 274–80, 284–8

  conclusion 19, 120, 288–90

  dates in 262–7

  introductions in 148–9

  names in 267–70

  temporal setting 262, 263–4

  as unfinished 258–9

  war in 120

  Phillips, Mrs 159

  Pitt, William 117

  ‘plate’ 88

  Plumptre, John 164, 200, 201

  pluralism 192, 204, 227

  politics, Jane on 117–18

  pollards 230

  poor rates 215, 216, 220

  population growth 217–18, 219

  pregnancy 46–50

  in Jane’s novels 50–2, 68–70

  prejudice 130, 133–4, 161

  The Prelude 133

  Price, Betsey 199

  Price, Fanny 168–72, 179, 185, 195, 199–200, 207, 261

  and Edmund Bertram 189, 202–3, 207

  as reader 180–1

  Price, Mary 199

  Price, Mr 169–70

  Price, William 168, 169, 202

  pride 130, 161

  Pride and Prejudice 16, 115–61

  editing 29, 129

  films 116, 120–1

  introductions in 145–52

  names in 134

  publication 190–1

  reviews 165

  as revolutionary novel 138–9, 160–1

  servants in 240–1

  setting 129–30

  television series 115–16

  war in 121–2

  see also First Impressions

  primogeniture 75, 84–5, 94


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