Vampire Hunt (Kiera Hudson Series #3)

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Vampire Hunt (Kiera Hudson Series #3) Page 16

by Tim O'Rourke

  The path through the tunnel rose steadily upwards, and even though the gradient wasn’t steep, before long, my legs had grown tired and had started to ache. As the sound of the rushing waterfall faded away behind us, so did the last pinprick of daylight shining through on the other side of it. But as we continued to climb, the craggy walls of the tunnel were lit with a series of gas lanterns that shed an orange glow into the gloom.

  Onwards we went and I began to wonder how deep and high this mountain could be, and just when I thought I could walk no more, we reached a stone plateau that looked out across a spectacle so amazing that I lost my breath. Isidor stood beside me and I heard him whistle through his teeth in awe. I tried to absorb every detail, every shard of light that glinted from those lanterns, making the world that was now spread beneath glow like hot embers in a fire.

  “I can’t believe what I’m seeing,” I whispered.

  “My home is beautiful, don’t you think?” Jack Seth asked as he suddenly appeared beside me. He was no longer a wolf, but back in human form - if you could call it that.

  Straining my neck to look up at him as he towered over me, I said, “It’s incredible,” then I looked back at the jagged scenery below.

  “It’s as beautiful as The Hollows,” Isidor said, sounding almost out of breath.

  “Nothing is as beautiful as The Hollows,” Potter remarked, and he looked unimpressed at the scene spread out below us. “Some regions are so beautiful, people have been known to be so mesmerized by them, that they have stood there for days, transfixed to the spot, unable to tear their eyes away from the view.”

  “It sounds incredible,” I whispered, hardly able to imagine a world more wondrous than the one I was now looking at.

  “It is,” Potter said, his voice sounding miles away, as if lost in his own memories. “When I was a child, my mother and father used to take me to the Talles Varineris.”

  “What’s that?” I asked surprised, as this was the first time that I’d ever heard Potter say anything about his past life.

  “The largest canyon in the world. It makes your Grand Canyon look like a crack in a paving stone,” he said, looking at me. And then, as if he realised he had in some way said too much, he looked away.

  “Can we rest for a moment?” I asked, my feet aching.

  “Why not?” Seth smiled with that crazy grin of his. “Sit, relax and enjoy the view for a moment or two. I am in no rush.”

  Dropping to the ground, I watched as Seth sauntered away, his long arms swinging loosely by his sides. Isidor sat beside me, but Murphy and Potter remained standing, never taking their eyes off the three other werewolves that stayed close to Seth. I looked down at the sea of giant red rocks that spread away into the distance as far as the eyes could see.

  But they were more than just rocks. I could see that they were homes - houses - where the Lycanthrope lived and slept. This is where they shared their secret lives with one another. The rocks had roughly-shaped holes gouged into them to form doors and windows. And in between the rows of these odd-looking houses were pathways. Lanterns hung from wooden poles that had been fixed into the hard red rock, and from where I sat, they twinkled back at me like the lights of any great city at night. I could see rock pools and streams, and far away in the distance I could see what looked like two rugged snow-capped mountains. Mountains within a mountain - that would be impossible right?

  “What are those mountains called?” I asked, pointing to them.

  “They’re glaciers!” Seth said.

  “Glaciers!” I sighed catching my breath. “They’re incredible.”

  “We call them the Twins, and unlike yours above, ours aren’t melting,” Seth added almost spitefully. Then hunkering down beside me, he looked into my eyes. At first he felt too close and it made me feel uncomfortable, like some stranger pressing themselves too close to you in a overcrowded Tube train. I cringed and wanted to jump away from him, but he looked into my eyes with his, and I no longer felt repulsed by him. If he had reached out for me, I wouldn’t have stopped him, I would have let him wrap his long bony arms about me and hold me tight. As I stared back into his eyes, I felt a sudden and painful longing for him – a lustfulness like I had never felt before. I wanted him to touch me - to take me. And even though somewhere in my mind a voice was screaming, ‘Run Kiera! Run!’, I put my hand out as if to grab for him and pull him close. Then my mind was throwing up images of what he truly wanted to do to me. Despite these visions, and in them I could see him hurting me - torturing me, I still wanted him. Reaching out to pull him closer, I was suddenly yanked to my feet and snatched away. At once the spell-like trance that Jack Seth had placed me under was broken, I was no longer looking into his mad stare but into Potter’s eyes.

  “I think we’re done with the sightseeing tour, don’t you?” he said, shaking me gently as if to wake me from a deep sleep. Then realising what Seth had almost done to me - I understood his true evilness. But more importantly, I now understood what Potter had meant, when he had explained how Jack Seth the serial killer had tricked his victims into going with him. Once he had them under his spell - stare - they were his playthings and he could do to them whatever it was his depraved heart desired. Looking back at him, he grinned at me and ran the tip of his tongue over his cracked lips. I then knew that I should be scared of him - very scared.

  Keeping me close by his side, Potter led me away from the edge of the plateau as we set off again behind Seth and the wolves. But this time, we worked our way downwards - towards that beautiful but strange city made out of red rock and dust.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  As we followed Jack Seth down into the depths of the huge cavern, I would look ahead, and for as far as my eyes could see it was awash with vast swathes of red rock. These were interspersed with huge craters and vast canyons that stretched way off into the distance.

  The path that we walked had been carved into the side of the rock. It wound itself around the inside of the mountain. We followed it down, following the lights that glowed dimly ahead of us. The smell of the air inside the mountain reminded me of the summer barbeques I had shared with my parents as a child - for as we grew closer to the city below, I could smell the scent of meat being cooked over hot coals. The smells were mouth-watering, and I suddenly realised that the last thing I’d eaten had been the rabbit served-up by Potter beneath the overhang.

  We continued to spiral downwards and as my eyes adjusted to the dimness, I was sure that I could see packs of the Lycanthrope roaming about below as they went about their business in their city. It was only as we drew nearer to those lights, that I realised how many of the Lycanthrope there were - I could see hundreds - no thousands - of the creatures. Some bounded around the narrow streets as wolves and others in their human form. But however they chose to live - as wolf or man, each of them was unnaturally big.

  As we neared the bottom of the winding path, Seth and his companions quickened their pace. Something didn’t seem quite right, but I couldn’t understand what it was that had raised my suspicions. I glanced at Isidor and he had sensed something too as I caught him sniffing at the air.

  Glancing up into the highest reaches of the mountain, I screwed-up my eyes and stared into the darkness. It almost seemed to hang above us like a black cloud. Unlike shadows and dimly lit corners and crevices, the darkness almost seemed to be alive as if it were breathing.

  Potter sensed it too, for as we stepped from the path and stood before the vast stone city that stretched before us, he grabbed my arm and pulled me close.

  “Something’s wrong…” he began, but before he’d finished, a deep booming sound came from above.

  I glanced up anxiously to see hundreds of Vampyrus swooping out of the darkness. Their black leather-looking wings pounded the air, and it was those that made the booming sound. They hovered above us in their true Vampyrus form, black-haired, turned-up snouts, pointed ears and mouths blood-red and full of razor-sharp fangs. We were surrounded and I glanced
at Murphy as some of the Vampyrus soared above us.

  “Well, well, well!” came a voice from the shadows. “Who do we have here?” Phillips grinned, as he swooped out of the shadows and landed before us.

  Isidor tore his crossbow from his back in a flash of shadows and pointed it at Phillips. Seeing this, Phillips looked at Isidor with a pretend look of pain on his face. Then looking at us all, he smiled and said, “My dear friends, why is it that every time we meet, one of you wants to try and kill me? It’s not very nice, you know!” he grinned.

  Remaining silent and unflinching, we stared at Phillips as Isidor continued to aim his crossbow at him.

  “You can’t win,” Phillips gloated, and unlike Luke’s scars, his hadn’t started to heal. The burns that ravaged his face still looked raw and painful. “Look around you. You’re surrounded!” Then almost skipping like a delirious child, he began to count the Vampyrus that hovered above our heads.

  “One! Two! Three…Oh what’s the point…there’s hundreds of them!” he roared. And I couldn’t help but notice that he seemed even more insane than I’d remembered him to be.

  Before I knew what was happening, Isidor had sped across the clearing and had his crossbow pressed firmly against Phillips’ right temple. Without showing the slightest flicker of fear, Phillips began to chuckle insanely and his scarred lips twisted upwards. Looking around, I could see why he wasn’t the slightest bit concerned by Isidor’s heroics. Not only were we surrounded by the Vampyrus from above, the Lycanthrope had appeared in the hundreds and stood growling at us from deep within the back of their throats. Their yellow eyes lit up the cavern, and their howling made the very ground vibrate beneath us. On seeing them, I took a step closer to Potter.

  Realising the situation was desperate, Isidor looked over at Murphy, hoping, I guess, for some sign of leadership - a sign as what to do next. But Murphy looked beat. Seeing this, Isidor lowered his weapon. One of the Lycanthrope strode forward on his long spindle like legs, bent down, and snatched the crossbow from Isidor’s hands.

  Stepping towards Murphy, Phillips looked at him with fake concern in his eyes and said, “What has happened to you? You look terrible, old man.”

  Ignoring him, Murphy looked cautiously at us. Our eyes met, and I knew by the look in them that he had given up. I couldn’t bear to see him like that, so I turned away.

  “Restrain him,” Phillips said to one of the Lycanthrope that stood close by. They came forward in three long strides, and just like Seth, their hands and feet looked more like giant paws. He had long hair that hung down his back like dreadlocks. Taking some chains from a loop on his torn jeans, he bound Murphy’s wrists together. The chains were heavy and made of thick metal.

  Jack Seth, who had stood quietly to one side, stepped towards Murphy and said, “I’m sorry, old friend, they arrived just before you did and offered me a better deal.”

  “Oh yeah, and what was that?” Potter seethed.

  “In return for handing you all over to them, they leave me and my race in peace when they storm the Earth.”

  “Why you double-crossing…” Isidor started to shout.

  “I had no choice,” Seth suddenly shouted. “He promised that if I gave you up, the Vampyrus would leave us alone!”

  “And you believed him?” Potter cried.

  Pretending to be hurt, Phillips said, “What do you mean? What are you trying to say? That I’m not to be trusted?”

  Ignoring him, Potter continued to shout at Seth. “Do you really believe that once we’re all dead, he’s going to stick to his word? How many of the Lycanthrope are left? A thousand - two at the most? Well there are millions of us – there are millions of Vampyrus living in The Hollows and nearly as many now living above ground. They’ve managed to worm themselves into positions within human society – positions that will help them launch their attack against humans, and once they’ve finished with them, they’ll come looking for you. And with half of the human race turned into vampires, what chance do you think you will stand, Jack Seth?”

  For a moment, Seth’s eyes narrowed as he studied Potter, as if giving what he had been told some serious thought. Then, shrugging, he said, “I have my own people to think of. My own city to protect.”

  “Good luck,” Potter said, “‘cos you’re gonna need it.”

  Seth looked at Potter with his yellow eyes and growled, “My people will be safe here now.”

  “Thanks, Seth,” Murphy suddenly said dryly. “Thanks for everything!”

  “What are you saying to me?” Seth spat.

  “You’re a real hero,” and now Murphy chuckled.

  “What is it?” Seth barked.

  “See that beautiful girl over there,” Murphy nodded in my direction. “Of course you’ve seen her - men like you always see women like her. By bringing her to Phillips, you’ve just signed your own death warrant.” And he chuckled again, but it wasn’t a happy laugh, it was full of resentment and hatred for Jack Seth.

  “Tell me what you mean?” Seth said, and I could tell that he didn’t like to be made a fool of.

  “I was stupid to have trusted in you,” Murphy said, the chains around his wrists jangling. “I should have listened to my friends. But that girl over there is special - she doesn’t know herself how special she is. But there is someone that does - the man that is behind all of this - he knows what her true power will be. But it’s worse than that for you, Seth, and I pity you.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about, old man?” Seth hissed. I could feel the frustration building within him.

  “See Kiera over there - well she is going to be powerful enough - but she is just one part of a three-piece jigsaw. Bring those three pieces together and you create a force so strong that whoever wields their power will be invincible. Create more of them and you become…God!”

  I heard the sound before I realised what had happened. But it was a hideous sound and one that will stay with me forever. Phillips sprang forward and drove his fist into Murphy’s chest. In one quick and fluid movement, Phillips had yanked his fist out again and was holding Murphy’s heart between his fingers. It was so sudden and so quick, that Murphy glanced down at the gaping hole in his chest, then in shock he stared at his heart which still pumped even though Phillips clenched it in his fist.

  “No!” Potter roared, lunging forward.

  But he was too late. With one last turn of his head, Murphy looked at me, and giving me a knowing smile, he made a rattling sound in the back of his throat, then dropped to his knees and toppled face first into the dirt.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Potter shot forward in a spray of black shadows and knelt beside Murphy’s lifeless body. Then, hoisting him up into his arms, he cradled his friend.

  “What have you done!” Potter roared at Phillips with such venom that spittle flew from his lips. “You’ve killed Murphy, you piece of shit!”

  “What did you think, this was some kind of game?” Phillips screamed back with just as much anger. “You’re all gonna die!”

  I looked at Potter and I’d never seen such a look of sheer desperation. It bordered on anger, pain, and confusion. It was like he couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. None of us could. I glanced at Isidor and he just stood with his mouth open and eyes wide as if he had just been punched in the stomach. I looked down at Murphy’s body lying in Potter’s arms, and my legs began to buckle beneath me. Holding my hands to my face, I tried to stop the tears in my eyes from falling onto my cheeks.

  How could he be dead? my mind screamed. He was our sergeant and friend. What were we going to do without him? It was Murphy who held us all together. Then, before I’d even realised what I was doing, I was running towards Phillips, my hands out before me. I just wanted to rip his eyes out – tear his cruel heart from his body. The desire to kill him, to make him hurt for what he had just done, was overwhelming. I’d never felt such hatred before and it consumed me like a wave. But before I could reach him, Jack Seth had stepped
in front of him and knocked me away as if I were some insignificant insect. I flew back through the air and landed on my arse, the air from my lungs being forced from me. Seth hadn’t seen Isidor dart through the air, and before the giant knew what was happening, Isidor was on his back like a child being carried by their father. Isidor screamed as if he were in pain – but it wasn’t that which made him cry, it was the anguish at seeing Murphy die. Bucking like a bull, Seth tried to throw Isidor clear, but Isidor had his claws buried into his back and he wasn’t going to let go. Blood and hair oozed from the cuts that Isidor was opening down the length of Seth’s back.

  “Get him off me!” Seth roared, his yellow eyes spinning wildly in their sockets.

  On his command, one of the wolves bounded forward and with one swipe of its massive paws, it knocked Isidor clear off Seth’s back. He howled with fury at the sight of the slashes that Isidor had made, but instead of releasing his anger on him, Seth turned on Phillips.

  “What in the name of fuck is going on here!” he screeched so loudly that I thought his eyes were going to pop from his emaciated face. “You said no one was gonna die!”

  Phillips looked at him, unnerved by Seth’s display of fury and shrugged his shoulders.

  “You said that you just wanted Kiera and Isidor!” he seethed. “You said that Murphy and Potter would be left here, beneath the mountain with me.”

  “So I lied,” Phillips said. “Sue me!”

  “I ought to rip your fucking head clean off, you double-crossing scum!” Seth roared striding towards Phillips.

  Phillips stood and looked up at Seth, a defiant stare in his eyes. “You’re not going to kill me,” Philips said.

  Seth loomed over him and staring just as hard back, he said in voice that was so calm that it was almost chilling, “I might not kill you, Phillips, but if you ever double-cross me again, I promise you on everything that I hold sacred, I will hunt down anyone or anything that remotely means something to you. And when I lay my hands on them, you can’t even begin to imagine what I will do to them. After I’ve finished with them and they’re on the brink of death, I’ll cut their fucking hands and feet off and watch them come crawling to you, begging to be put out of their misery. Do I make myself clear, you filthy-scum?”


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