Special Mission

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Special Mission Page 6

by Debby Mayne

  “I wondered if you were still alive,” she said.

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah, I’m alive. What do you need?”

  In all the time Kim had known Brian, the only time she’d heard him so abrupt was when he broke his arm in the middle of football season and was mad that he’d been benched for the rest of the year. “Why don’t you and I go out for pizza tonight?”

  “I don’t know, Kim. It might not be such a good idea for us to hang out so much.”

  So she was right. He was worried by the way she was acting. Kim resolved to get everything out in the open. “David told us to keep each other company while he was gone. He knows you and I have been friends for—like—ever. Where’s the harm? I really need to talk, Brian.”

  Brian paused for a moment. “I guess you’re right. You’ve always been there for me, so I’ll be there for you.”

  “You don’t have to make it sound like such a chore. If you don’t want to talk to me, don’t do it.”

  “Well, I’m not really in the mood to go out tonight. How about—”

  “Then we’ll just order in. You can come to my place. I really need to talk to you.”

  He cleared his throat. “What time do you want me there?”

  His question came so quickly, Kim knew she’d played on his guilt and won. Suddenly she felt bad.

  “Look, Brian, I didn’t mean to pull a guilt trip. It’s just that David hasn’t even bothered to e-mail me. I called his mother, and—”

  “Say no more. I’ve met her.”

  “Why don’t you come over around seven? I’ll order the pizza after you get to my place.”

  “I’ll be there,” he said. “I’ll bring the drinks. Cola or root beer?”

  “Let’s get crazy and have root beer.”

  Brian chuckled. “Sounds good. See ya tonight.”

  After Kim got off the phone, she put the phone in her pocket, rocked back on her heels, and thought about the differences between Brian and David. Brian had been brought up in a Christian home. David had come to Christ as an adult. When he made his commitment to the Lord, he turned his back on anyone who’d cause him to stumble, including his former girlfriend Alexis. Kim later learned that Mrs. Jenner and David’s old flame had been very close, which explained the older woman’s coolness toward Kim in the very beginning. David told Kim not to worry about that, but she couldn’t help feeling bad about it.

  She glanced up when Jasmine appeared at the door. “Your next appointment is here.”

  Kim took a step toward her. “Sorry about that.”

  “No worries. She just arrived.” Jasmine paused and glanced over her shoulder. “You okay? I can get her started at the sink if you need a few more minutes.”

  “Nah, that’s okay. I’m fine.”

  The afternoon was slow, giving Kim a chance to think even more about what was going on with David. By the time she left for the day, dozens of scenarios had run through her head.

  When she got home, she showered to get rid of the chemical smells from the salon. Brian arrived shortly afterward, and she immediately placed the call to have the pizza delivered.

  “Let me check my e-mail and see if David responded yet,” Kim said.

  Brian held her gaze for a moment before he nodded. “I’ll put this root beer in the fridge while you do that.”

  Kim didn’t expect a response this soon since she hadn’t heard from him in so long. The instant she saw David’s e-mail, her pulse quickened.


  Brian took his time in the kitchen to give Kim some space. When he figured she had enough, he joined her.

  “Any news?” he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

  Her shoulders rose as she inhaled, but she didn’t say anything. This concerned him.

  “What happened?” Brian urged.

  Kim glanced down at the floor. “David heard from his mother, and he thinks I need to make more of an effort to get close to her.”

  Brian pulled a chair over from the dining table and sat down beside Kim. He took a moment to find the right words before speaking.

  “What does he think you should do?”

  She didn’t meet his eyes for a few seconds. Then she turned to face him. “I have no idea.”

  Brian shrugged. “What does David have to say about it?”

  “He’s annoyed by her comments. I can’t say I blame him, considering the life-and-death situations he faces on his job.” Kim snorted. “I can’t believe his mother is worrying him like this.”

  “Yeah, it does seem like she’s got some issues that have nothing to do with you.”

  Kim smiled at him, warming him from the inside out. “Thank you, Brian. You’re the most amazing man. Leila made a humongous mistake.”

  Brian allowed himself to get lost in a shared look between them, in spite of his internal alarms sounding off louder than ever. If only he’d acted when he still had a chance with her—before he introduced his two best friends—he might not be having this conversation.

  As Kim turned back to finish reading her e-mail, he sank back in the chair and reflected. When they were kids, he was afraid of rejection, so he kept his feelings to himself, half hoping she’d give him a sign that she wanted more than friendship and half hoping his infatuation would fade. Now that they were adults, he saw the flaws in his earlier thinking.

  A couple of times, he’d started to make his move, but the timing was never right. He wanted something special—a mood or setting they’d always remember. However, the couple of times he thought he’d arranged everything just right, someone else was always there.

  When he’d brought David to church, it wasn’t his intention to fix him up with Kim. However, David spotted something special in Kim, and he didn’t waste any time.

  Shortly after David and Kim met, Brian tried to see if she wanted more than friendship, asking her out and being there all the time. He actually caught her looking at him in a way that made him feel he had a chance. Then two sentences stopped him cold. She’d grabbed his hand and squeezed it before she said, “Thank you so much for introducing me to David. I think he’s the one.”

  He’d stumbled and stuttered as he asked questions. “Are you sure? I mean, this is serious, Kimberly.”

  She nodded. “I’m positive. Last night he told me he loved me.”

  Brian was dumbfounded. Now that he looked back on that afternoon, he wished he’d said something—at least let her know how he felt. But now it was too late. Making moves on another man’s fiancée wasn’t the honorable thing to do. If nothing else, Brian Estep was an honorable man.

  Kim clicked off the screen with the e-mail and stood up, jolting him from his thoughts. “The pizza should be here any minute. Let’s go get our drinks while we wait.” Some of the light he’d seen in her eyes earlier had dimmed.

  He followed her into the kitchen. “Nothing from David?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “Nothing important. Oh good, you got my favorite kind.” Kim pulled the two-liter bottle from the refrigerator. “Last time I had root beer was when I asked David to pick some up on his way here. Of course, there was no way he could know my favorite kind, and I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. . .”

  The more she talked, the more agitated Brian became. He knew what Kim liked because he’d actually listened to her all these years.

  “I think you and David need to sit down and really get to know each other.”

  He saw Kim’s jaw tighten. She gave him a look of annoyance. “We talk—just not about the same things you and I talk about. I know what he likes.”

  “Then why doesn’t he know what your favorite root beer is?”

  She snickered. “You’re kidding, right? That’s just root beer. Not important.”

  “Does he know that you like pink but you prefer peach?” Brian knew he was being ridiculous, but suddenly he didn’t care.

  “Come on, Brian. This conversation is getting silly.”

  “No, it’s not silly. I just think it�
�s time you and David sat down and had a heart-to-heart. I bet you know what his favorite color is.”

  She nodded. “He likes blue. Royal blue.”

  “His favorite drink?”

  Without a second’s hesitation, she blurted, “Dr Pepper.”

  “Okay, that’s what I’m talking about. You know things about him because he does all the talking.” Brian started pacing as thoughts raced through his head. “I’ve tried hard not to do this, but Kim. . .” His voice trailed off as he met her gaze. Before he melted and said anything he might later regret, he lifted his hands and let them drop to his sides, making a loud slapping sound on his thighs. “Never mind. I need to butt out.”

  Kim quickly closed the distance between them and gripped his upper arms as she positioned him to look at her. At first, he saw a tenderness in her expression, but she released her hold on him, glanced away, then turned back with a whole different look. “Brian, what you’re doing is very sweet, and I appreciate it. You’ve been the best friend I’ve ever had, and I know you’re looking out for me. But I’m a grown woman now, and I know how to take care of myself.”

  He had to use every ounce of self-restraint to keep from reminding her how upset she’d been earlier. Finally, when he was able to get a grip on his thoughts, he took a step back. “Yes, you’re right, Kim. You are a grown woman. And I was right when I said I needed to butt out. Let’s get our drinks now and go wait for the pizza.” He started for the living room then stopped and turned to face her. “What kind did you order? Mushroom and olive for you or Canadian bacon for me?”

  She rolled her eyes and grinned. “Half mushroom and olive, and half Canadian bacon.”

  That pretty much said it all. Kim was thoughtful to a fault, and it would be very easy for someone to take advantage of her. David was a great guy, but he wasn’t right for Kim.


  Kim was relieved when the pizza arrived. It broke up their conversation, and she was able to steer it in a different direction without too much effort. She was getting weary of discussing David and his e-mailed reactions—especially since she had no idea what was really going on with him.

  Brian hung around for another hour after they finished eating. Since they both had to work the next day, he gave her a hug and went home.

  Kim stood at the door and waved as he backed out of her driveway. Once he was out of sight, she closed her front door and leaned against it.

  Lord, I don’t know why I get so confused when I’m around Brian. Maybe it’s just because I’m lonely with David on the other side of the world. Or perhaps I’m worried that his mother will affect our relationship. Kim opened her eyes and pondered what to pray for before closing them again to continue. Please give me some peace and protect David. Help me to keep my thoughts and feelings to myself so I won’t worry Brian and scare him away from being my friend.

  Kim went to bed and woke up still feeling unsettled. After she started the coffee, she resisted the temptation to reread David’s e-mail. There would be plenty of time for that after work, and she didn’t need to torture herself by trying to read between the lines. She wished Carrie was nearby to talk to.

  Later that morning, Jasmine grinned at her as she walked through the door of the salon. Kim forced a smile back, but Jasmine could see through her. “What’s wrong, Kim? Did something happen between you and Brian last night?”

  “No, we just had dinner and talked.” There was no point in letting on how confused she was about her feelings for Brian.

  “I’m tellin’ ya, girl, you need to take another look at Brian.”

  “And I’m reminding you,” Kim said through a smile as she held up her hand and tapped her ring finger, “not to forget that I’m engaged.”

  “Which means you’re not married, and it’s not too late to change your mind.”

  Kim let out a nervous laugh. “When I agreed to be David’s wife, I made a promise to always love him. Besides, I think this ring set David back a pretty penny.”

  “Trust me when I say that’s nothing compared to what you’ll pay if you marry the wrong man,” Jasmine said. “I’m not talking divorce, either. Did I ever tell you about my cousin who regretted marrying the wrong man?”

  “You mean the one who died young of a broken heart?”

  Jasmine nodded. “Yeah, I guess I did tell you. Marianne was like you—a Christian woman who wanted to do the right thing, even if it meant being miserable.”

  “If she was so miserable, why did she marry the wrong man?”

  “She thought she was in love with Paul in the beginning, so she took his ring. About three months later, she started to change her mind, but she was convinced it was just cold feet.”

  “Well,” Kim said, “there is that.”

  “Yeah, but if your feet keep getting colder and colder, and not even thoughts of your wedding day can warm them up, you need to reconsider—or at least postpone the wedding until you’re sure.”

  Kim thought about what had happened to Brian. “Yes, I can see your point.”

  Jasmine smiled. “I thought you might. I’m not asking you to break your engagement. All I want you to do is think about how you feel now and magnify that by at least ten. It doesn’t get better after the vows.”

  “Thanks, Jas. I’ll put more thought into it.”

  At the end of the long day, Kim went home with Jasmine’s advice lingering in her head. She hesitated for a moment before turning on her computer. After the troubling conversation with Mrs. Jenner and frustrating e-mails from David lately, she felt conflicted about checking her e-mail.


  Brian sat down at the computer with a slice of cold pizza he’d brought home from Kim’s the night before and a glass of root beer. He was surprised to see David’s name on his incoming mail list.

  To: BEstep

  From: DJenner

  Subject: Coming home

  Hey, Brian. I need you to help me out with something. We finished our mission early, so I’m coming home.

  Here’s where I need you. I want to surprise Kim. Do you think you can arrange a small get-together for family and close friends? I’d really appreciate it, buddy.

  Let me know as soon as possible, okay? Once my leave is confirmed, I’ll let you know the dates. Thanks.



  A surprise, huh? Brian read and reread the e-mail several times before he typed a reply.

  To: DJenner

  From: BEstep

  Subject: Re: Coming home

  I’ve known Kim most of my life, and she’s not big on surprises. Why don’t you tell her you’ll be here, and we can just have a nice party with a bunch of friends?


  By the time he finished checking the rest of his e-mail, he had David’s response. He clicked on the subject and leaned back to read it.

  To: BEstep

  From: DJenner

  Subject: Coming home

  What are you talking about, man? All women love surprises. Kim just doesn’t want anyone making a fuss over her. This is important to me, so do me a favor and help me out with this.



  Brian hesitated for a few seconds before he clicked the Reply button and typed his message.

  To: DJenner

  From: BEstep

  Subject: Re: Coming home

  Sure, I’ll do it. Let me know the details when you have them.Brian

  After he clicked Send, Brian sat back and thought about Kim and all the possible reactions she might have to a surprise of this magnitude. Would she be happy? He hoped so.

  Was he happy? Nope, not at all.

  When Brian had first met David during a two-week National Guard duty, he’d been impressed with David’s focus and authority among his peers. His integrity had come through as unbendable. He seemed like a great guy, and Brian was happy to introduce him to all his friends at church. What he hadn’t counted on was David putting all of his energy into sweeping Kimberly off her feet

  Kim was reluctant to get involved with David at first. From the moment Brian had brought David to church, he realized how powerful David’s dark, brooding good looks were with the women. The minute David walked into the room, many of the single females became tongue-tied, or they made it obvious that they’d love to get to know him better. However, David instantly set his sights on Kim—perhaps because she proved to be the biggest challenge.

  It took David several months of actively pursuing Kim before her guard came down. However, once he had that ring on her finger, Brian noticed the change in his friend. Kim seemed to have taken a backseat to David’s passion for the military. When Brian confronted David, he got a lecture. He even tried to talk to Kim, but she reminded him that relationships required give-and-take—and she couldn’t stand in the way of David’s desire to do what he thought was right for his country.

  Brian rose and carried his plate and glass to the kitchen. He needed to stop worrying so much about Kim and David’s relationship. They were adults, and if either of them didn’t like something, they were perfectly capable of changing it.

  So what if his own feelings for Kim had changed? It was a moot point since she wasn’t available.

  He needed to find something else to get his mind off Kim. But first he’d have to honor his commitment to David on the party thing—even though David wouldn’t listen to him about Kim hating surprises.


  Kim checked her e-mail and spotted a message from David. This time, however, her pulse didn’t quicken.

  To: KShaw

  From: DJenner

  Subject: Checking in

  Dear Kim,

  How are you, sweetheart? I hope everything is going well back home.

  We’ve gotten everything here under control—at least for now. After we tie up a few loose ends, I’m sure something else will pop up. I wish I could share some of my experiences with you. Maybe someday. . .

  I’ve been thinking about getting you and my mother together so the two of you can get to know each other better. Due to the circumstances, it’s been difficult. However, there’s no doubt in my mind that my two favorite women will be the best of friends. I feel blessed to have both of you loving me and waiting so patiently while I help protect our country.


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