Mystery at Oakfield Hall

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Mystery at Oakfield Hall Page 4

by Irena Nieslony

  Rachel went and sat down on the bottom stair and let it all out; the fear, the pain, the anger, but when she was done, she felt much better. She realized that she had probably been in shock. Somebody had actually wanted to kill her and for what? Part of a rundown old house? It was also a shock that someone in her family had no morals whatsoever. The cry, however, had made her feel stronger. She was going to be vigilant and on her guard from now on.

  Rachel paused for a moment to look around the enormous hall.

  “Oh, and George,” she said out loud, imagining her eccentric cousin standing there. “I wish we’d made up before you’d died, but whatever the reason was that you left me this house, I promise you, Oakfield will be as splendid as it was when I was a little girl.”

  Rachel’s thoughts were interrupted by her mobile ringing. She answered it immediately when she saw who it was.

  “Hello, it’s James. How are you?”

  “I’ve just been released from hospital and I’m at Oakfield. How do you fancy coming over and helping me clean up the place?”

  “I’d love to, but...”

  Rachel cringed at the ‘but’. All sorts of things went through her mind in that spilt second. He wasn’t really interested, he had a girlfriend, he had a wife.

  “My company is sending me to New York for ten days and I fly out tonight.”

  James was a top designer for a clothing company in London and quite often travelled on business.

  “How exciting,” Rachel replied, breathing a sigh of relief.

  He had a genuine reason for not wanting to be with her and wasn’t just putting her off.

  “I do fly from Heathrow though, so I could pop in before I go; if you’d like to see me of course.”

  “Yes, I would like to see you, very much.”

  A couple of minutes later after some small talk, Rachel hung up, grinning from ear to ear, but then frowned.

  I was too eager. What will he think of me? I’m acting like a school kid. I’ll have to play it a bit cooler tonight.

  “Right,” Rachel said out loud. “No more of this nonsense, sitting around crying and thinking about James all the time. I’ve got to stay occupied and get my hotel ready for opening as soon as possible.

  * * *

  Rachel had a busy afternoon. She didn’t feel quite up to doing much physical work yet but she got down to making a list of all the jobs that needed to be done, deciding which needed professional help and which she could do for herself. She wandered around Oakfield scrutinizing each room, knowing that everything had to be perfect.

  Late in the afternoon, her mobile rang again. She answered it tentatively, hoping it wasn’t James calling to cancel their meeting that evening. However it was Sarah, John and Barbara’s daughter. Rachel was quite surprised to hear from her.

  “How are you Rachel?” Sarah asked. “The police came and questioned us about you falling down the stairs; well they said you were pushed down. I can’t believe anyone would do that. I hope you’re recovering.”

  “Yes, thank you. I just got out of hospital this afternoon.”

  “I hope you don’t mind me calling you?”

  “No, of course not, but how did you get my number?”

  “Oh, I had a look on Dad’s phone. He’s always leaving his mobile somewhere and forgetting about it.”

  Sarah paused for a moment and Rachel was certain that there was another reason for this call.

  “Sarah, I have a feeling you want to ask me a question, not just enquire about my health”

  “Well, yes. Of course I’m worried about you, especially as someone pushed you. I’m not surprised. This family is crazy and they hold grudges. I don’t think it was Mum or Dad though. Yes, they were angry that you inherited the house, but they’re not killers.”

  Sarah paused again and Rachel wondered why she was so reluctant to ask her question. Perhaps she was nervous about the reply?

  “However, I did want to ask you a big favor,” Sarah continued at last.

  “Ok, spill the beans,” Rachel replied, not imagining what Sarah could possibly want from her.”

  “Two weeks from today is my eighteenth birthday. Mother is insisting she and Dad hold a party for me and my friends. I mean what could be worse? Your Mum and Dad at your eighteenth birthday party? I mean, it’s an awful thought. Dad’s not so bad, but Mum’s a control freak. Anyway, if they have to be there, I thought it might be nicer to hold it at Oakfield. What do you say? Please?”

  “How many people have you invited?”

  “Around thirty, but Mum’s got caterers arranged and it’s no problem to change the venue since we don’t live that far from your house.”

  “Your parents won’t be happy, Sarah.”

  “Oh, leave them to me. At least I’m having a party with them being there.”

  “The house won’t be all spick and span by then I’m afraid.”

  “It doesn’t matter. It was fine for the wake.”

  “Alright, Sarah, you’ve won me over. I can see you’re not going to give up, so what can I do? I expect your parents are going to hate me even more, but I it’s a small price to pay!”

  “They’re never going to like you, Rachel.”

  “Thanks for that vote of confidence.”

  Sarah laughed, happy that she had got her way and the two girls went on to discuss the arrangements for the party.

  Almost as soon as Rachel had put the phone down, she realized it was nearly time for James to arrive. Suddenly becoming nervous, Rachel rushed to get ready. She wanted to look as pretty as possible so that he would think of her while he was in New York.

  As she came down the stairs, the doorbell rang and she walked a little quicker down the last few steps, but not so quickly that James would think she had been waiting by the door.

  Persuading herself to be cool and calm, Rachel opened the door, but then had to use all her strength to stay that way. James looked amazing, his white polo shirt showing off a wonderful tan. As usual, his eyes were sparkling and Rachel imagined him taking her in his arms there and then and kissing her passionately. However, she was relieved when he didn’t as it was much too soon in their relationship, if that’s what they had. Instead he presented her with a box of chocolates.

  “I hope you like chocolates. I thought you’d need a treat after all you’ve been through.”

  “You’ve already got me the most beautiful flowers, James, but yes, I love chocolates. Thank you. These look particularly delicious. Come in.”

  Rachel led him into the sitting room, asking him if he’d like a drink.

  “I’ll have one of those light beers if you have any left from the wake. Better be careful as I’m driving to the airport.”

  Rachel was impressed. She didn’t like people who ran the risk of drink driving.

  A few minutes later, she came back with a light beer and a glass of wine for herself. Rachel then sat with James on the settee, his closeness making her feel a little shaky.

  “So how long are you staying here Rachel?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m not working for another five weeks so I’m going to get as much done as possible it that time. I am feeling a bit bruised so I shall take it easy to start off with.”

  “Make sure you do. I am a bit worried that I’m not going to be here to keep an eye on you.”

  Rachel smiled, her stomach doing a little somersault.

  He does care about me! she thought.

  “Anyway,” Rachel continued. “I shall go home tomorrow to get Macbeth and Hamlet.”


  “My cats.”

  “They have great names. You’re a fan of Shakespeare then?”

  “I love Shakespeare. And I also enjoy appearing in his plays. I don’t do that much theatre anymore, but I used to and I do miss it.”

  James noticed how animated Rachel was when she talked about acting and he couldn’t

  help himself. He put his glass down and kissed her. Rachel was caught by surprise but she didn
’t mind one bit. His lips were soft and the hands that stroked her neck made her tremble from head to toe.

  Then the doorbell rang, destroying the moment which Rachel didn’t want to end just yet.

  “Are you expecting anyone?” James asked.

  “No,” she replied. “I suppose I’d better go and see who it is.”

  “Let me. It’s late and you shouldn’t be opening the door if you don’t know who’s there.”

  Normally Rachel would be annoyed at what she would consider a sexist remark, but today she didn’t mind at all. James was being protective and after her brush with death, she liked it.

  A few moments later, James came in with Detective Chief Inspector Peter Taylor. Rachel frowned, wondering what he wanted. Perhaps he had found out who had pushed her down the stairs, but she doubted it. She couldn’t remember seeing anybody around when she came down the stairs on the day of the wake.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you, Ms. Fisher,” Inspector Taylor spoke. “But I thought you’d like to know that we have questioned everybody who came to George Robertson’s wake and I’m afraid that nobody saw anything. People aren’t really aware of what they were doing at the time you were out of the sitting room and nobody can say for sure that they saw anyone leave the room. I’m sorry that I haven’t got better news.”

  “Oh,” Rachel muttered. ‘’Couldn’t you just have phoned with this information. It didn’t really need a personal visit.”

  “I suppose so, but you were on my way home.”

  “Well, what’s the next step, Inspector?” James interrupted.

  “I don’t think there is much we can do at the moment without any witnesses. We can only hope that somebody does suddenly remember something.”

  “I don’t like the sound of this at all,” James spoke crossly. “Rachel’s life could be in danger.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine with you looking after her.”

  “I have to go to New York on business for ten days so I won’t be here to keep an eye on her.”

  “Hold on you two,” Rachel; interrupted. “Stop talking as if I weren’t in the room. I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself. I’m pretty certain it was one of my relatives and they did it in a fit of anger at not inheriting the house. I doubt if whoever it was will try again. Besides, I’m not inviting any of them over.”

  “Fair enough Ms. Fisher,” Inspector Taylor said. “Do let us know if anything untoward happens.”

  “If she’s not dead,” James put in.

  Inspector Taylor glared at James as he left; in fact Rachel realized that she had never seen the man smile.

  After he had gone, Rachel spoke to James.

  ‘”I feel sorry for his children having such a miserable father.”

  “Personally, I don’t think he’s taking this case seriously enough, but forget about him for now. I’m worried about you all alone here. Perhaps you should go back to London.”

  “No way,” Rachel said firmly. “I’m not going to be chased out of my own home. There’s so much to do before I go back to work and I’m determined to get it done.”

  James put his arms around Rachel and pulled her close.

  “Fair enough. I can see you re a very strong willed woman and I like that. Just be careful.”

  James kissed Rachel again, but then pulled away gently.

  “All that stupid policeman has done is waste what precious little time we’ve got. I really will have to get going in a minute.”

  “Will you?” Rachel asked. “How annoying. I didn’t like that detective from the moment I saw him. I wonder if he ever solves any of his crimes.”

  “Don’t let’s talk about him,” James said as he moved his lips towards Rachel’s again.

  “One more kiss for the road,” he laughed, his eyes sparkling.

  All thoughts of Inspector Taylor left Rachel’s mind immediately as she melted into James’s arms and kissed him for the last time before he flew to New York.

  Chapter 4

  Rachel was surprised at how quickly the following two weeks went by. She thought she would miss James terribly and although she did, she was delighted that he phoned her every day from New York. She was also kept busy cleaning the house and doing some decorating. She booked in outside contractors to do the hard manual jobs and some of them had even started work.

  Rachel was relieved to get a phone call from her solicitor telling her that the case against her inheriting the house had been dropped. It had been discovered that George’s will had been written one year previously and that he had taken a medical examination to prove that he was of sound mind. Apparently he had envisioned problems from his relatives and had taken the necessary precautions to stop anything happening.

  However, it’s a pity he didn’t take any precautions to stop one of them from trying to kill me, thought Rachel.

  While Rachel was alone in the house, nobody tried to hurt her, but she started to get strange phone calls. No-one spoke, but she could tell there was someone at the other end of the line. At first this happened once a night, then two or three times. When she decided to ring back immediately after the call, there was no reply. At first she wasn’t worried, but she started to become a little concerned as the days went by. However, despite James advising her to tell the police, she didn’t. The last person she wanted to see was Detective Chief Inspector Peter Taylor.

  He’ll make light of it, just like me being pushed down the stairs.

  However, when Mary arrived on the afternoon of Sarah’s party, she was more than a little cross with her friend.

  “You should have called the police, Rachel. It’s obviously the same person that pushed you down the stairs. Someone’s got it in for you and you need to be careful. Even James has told you to ring the police. I bet if he’d been here, you would have done.”

  “No I wouldn’t,” Rachel replied indignantly. “I do what I want; and anyway all it’s been are phone calls, nothing else.”

  “For now. Come on, Rachel. Ring up that gorgeous Inspector Taylor right away.”

  Rachel couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I think somebody’s a little sweet on the great detective. Personally, I can’t see why. . He’s miserable, chauvinistic and I have never seen the man smile. Not to mention the fact that he interrupted my precious time with James before he went to New York.”

  “So you’ve told me... again and again!! Don’t get me started on all the faults James has, and talking about James, you’ll see him tonight so you can make up for lost time. Now, come on, ring the police.”

  “Alright, but I think I’m wasting their time.”

  Rachel went and picked up the phone and unwillingly dialed the number.

  “Could I please speak to Detective Chief Inspector Taylor?” she asked, hoping he wasn’t there.

  “One moment, please,” the woman on the other end said.

  Rachel felt herself getting hot as she waited. Why was she nervous? She couldn’t stand the man. Perhaps it was because he was going to say that the calls meant nothing and it was probably kids mucking about. She didn’t like being reprimanded by anyone, least of all by those she disliked.

  “Inspector Taylor here. What can I do for you?”

  Rachel sighed. It was just her luck. Unfortunately he was in the station and was available to speak to.

  “This is Rachel Fisher. I’ve been having some strange phone calls. Someone’s been calling me, but he or she doesn’t speak. The calls have been getting more and more frequent. I try ringing back straight away, but nobody answers. It’s probably nothing.”

  Rachel blurted it all out as if to get it over and done with.

  “If you think it’s nothing, why did you phone?”

  Rachel felt like screaming. He always had an answer for everything. However, she decided to try and keep her cool.

  “I’ve been advised to tell the police. It could be relevant after all. You know, with me being pushed down the stairs a couple of weeks ago.”

p; “Yes, it is possible. Can you come to the station to make a statement?”

  “Not now. I’m holding a party this evening for Sarah Robertson. It’s her eighteenth birthday.”

  “Perhaps I can drop in to take a statement on my way home?”

  “Are you trying to get an invitation to the party, detective?” Rachel asked, thinking that perhaps he was human after all.

  However, he soon dispelled that notion.

  “Of course not, why would I want to go to a party for teenagers, Ms. Fisher? I will see you around nine o’clock.”

  “Alright, if you must come,” Rachel replied and put the phone down.

  “Really, Mary, I’d swear that man hasn’t an ounce of emotion in the whole of his body.”

  “It needs a good woman to bring it out I reckon. Do I understand that he’s coming here to take your statement?’

  Rachel nodded.

  “Well, time to find out his marital status. Fingers crossed that he’s divorced or a widower. If he’s free, well here I come.”

  “Oh Mary, you’re much too nice and fun for him. You deserve so much better after the way your ex-husbands treated you.”

  Mary just smiled and said nothing.

  * * *

  The caterers arrived at five and Sarah, with her parents and brother, Steven, at seven thirty, half an hour before the guests were due to start turning up.

  Sarah was impressed with the decorations Rachel had put up for her party.

  “Oh Rachel, it looks wonderful,” she said, giving her a hug. “Thank you so much for doing this.

  “Why she couldn’t have her party at home, I don’t know,” Barbara stated. ‘Aren’t we good enough for you?”

  “Mother, we’ve been through this time and time again. I wanted my party somewhere different and this old house is nothing like anywhere my friends live.”

  “Yes, it’s falling down,” Barbara spoke curtly.

  “I’m surprised you want it for yourself then,” Rachel commented

  However, she could have kicked herself for saying this. She had been determined not to mention the fact that their case had held no ground, nor to sound smug about it.


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