Demon's Dream

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Demon's Dream Page 7

by Laura Hawks

  Clarissa grabbed his arm and halted his advancement. She waited for him to look at her, which he did with his cold, impassive mask.

  “No, Mel. It wasn’t an act. I saw what it needed to let us go, yes but-” She shook her head slowly and swallowed before repeating very, very softly, “It wasn’t an act.”

  Azamel shrugged her off and kept walking, not willing to admit to her or himself that she got to him.

  “We use what we have, love. It worked, didn’t it?” She stood there hurt that he brushed her off so easily. She lowered her head. What did she really expect? She invaded his thoughts to discover how to defeat a creature that was killing him.

  The answer was so clear to her and it thrilled her to think that some small part of him wanted her. She couldn’t tell him she saw his heart. She knew there was a part of him that denied or wanted to deny she had touched some deep hidden part of him. She couldn’t blame him.

  Why would he want her when they had no chance to be together. He already told her she was to go upon finishing her training. Yet, he lied to her. He said he didn’t want her but she clearly saw his desire to have her with him. Why did he continue to push her away when he obviously wanted her? Did his obligations prevent him from pursuing her? He would be another to leave her and in truth she didn’t want that pain either. Only for her, it was too late.

  She would have nights alone that she would remember the touch of his lips against hers, the feel of his hard body pressed against hers, the way he smelled and tasted would linger in her mind on those cold nights that were yet to come. Quietly following, she slowly moved, staying behind him while her heart silently broke.

  Mel’s strides were long as his anger tried to work itself out of his body. He was at a level of pissed off that he hated to function at for it clouded his thoughts and affected his judgment. He continued to berate himself for being so stupid and allowing himself to feel even a tiny spark for another.

  Clarissa could tell by his gait that he didn’t believe a word she said to him. She knew he thought she had used him, despite anything she said to the contrary. She was rather surprised that he couldn’t tell what she truly felt from her lips, her touch of what he was coming to mean to her. Admittedly, she had the advantage of seeing how he felt but he closed himself off to her and in truth that was what she should do as well. He would leave her in the end and she would be alone again, trying to survive in a world that didn’t give a shit one way or another if she were in it. Impassive. Uncaring. Shut off was what she needed to be and damn it that’s what she would be. She lifted her chin in determination as she kept walking, a silent reserve overcoming her.

  Mel was so caught up in regaining control of his emotions and putting distance between him and the young wolf, he almost didn’t notice the movement to his left. He stopped dead in his tracks and pulled Clarissa out of view and flat against the rock face. As he motioned for her to stay quiet, he peeked around the edge of the rock and silently groaned at what he saw.

  Chapter Seven

  She was shocked as he pulled her against a rock face and motioned her to be quiet. His groan didn’t encourage her and she peeked around him to see for herself, gasping at the sight of Whippers everywhere. There were hundreds. It looked like a training camp and she became ill at the sight. Falling back against the rock, she whispered, “Alright, Mr. Macho, any suggestions on this one?”

  Mel groaned. “Fuck! I’m powerful, love, but even I cannot take on that many.”

  Shoving his hands through his hair exasperated, he then quickly ducked and pulled her down as a few flew overhead. Sitting on the ground, closing his eyes, he opened his senses to what lay beyond the boulder in front of them. He wasn't thrilled with what he sensed. To get around them wouldn’t be an easy feat.

  “My first suggestion would be not to get killed that would really fuck up my day.” He whispered sardonically.

  “Of course, because the day has just been so sunshiny and wonderful thus far.” She replied with as much sarcasm as he gave.

  Mel peeked around the boulder again, frowning even more. The Whippers were in formation to the left and they appeared to be training on the right. Guards patrolled the perimeter and several flew overhead. The one who appeared to be a leader lounged under an overhang and barked orders at the others. His shiny armor stood out among the dull, grey surroundings. The evil bled from him even at this distance.

  She ducked further as the flying Whippers went by.

  “I’m so not liking this place. I don’t care what the travel agent said- those men are too damned ugly for my tastes. Guess I should have been more specific. I asked for single men, not just lots of good looking men and ended up with ugly ass ones. Damn, I’m just not that desperate yet.”

  She almost laughed at the look he gave her but ignored it instead.

  “Do you always ramble like that?”

  Refusing to answer him, she used his arm and the rock as a means of balance while she leaned around to assess the situation for herself and immediately collapsed against him, sliding prone to the ground. Her psychometry kicked in and she saw the future. She saw them standing at the gate and giving a medallion to the gate keeper to leave the realm. Gasping, she opened her eyes to find herself starring into pale icy blue ones that almost looked concerned. Scowling, she pushed him away. “I’m fine. Don’t need mouth to mouth just yet.”

  Mel caught her as she collapsed against him, his eyes worried even though he knew what was happening to her. When she pulled away with her caustic comment, he narrowed his gaze.

  He grabbed her back to him when she pulled away. “Don’t push me away! Our survival is much more important than you developing PMS at this point! What did you see?”

  She growled and slugged him for the PMS comment across his jaw. Her fury over his hot and cold attitude, her own insecurity and their current situation did nothing to let her think better of what she was doing and she reacted on instinct with a nice right hook.

  “How dare you? You have changed streams on me for a hundred women with PMS.” She pushed him away. “I saw what we need for fare and you’re not going to like it one fucking bit.”

  Spinning away, she sat huddled facing the rock, her back to him. She tried to catch her breath and get her emotions back under some semblance of control.

  He grabbed shoulder and spun her around to pin her to the boulder, his eyes the same luminescent green as when he killed the Kraken. He spoke very slowly, “Don’t you ever hit me like that again, do you understand me? I’m pretty sure I can get out of this realm easier if I’m alone. You seem to forget that I’m helping you by choice. Now are you going to keep going with this or tell me what you saw so we can get the fuck out of here?”

  Clarissa tried to shrug out from under him, not caring anymore, nor worried that his eyes were green and he was dangerous. Her heart hurt and nothing would make the difference for her. She pushed him away and snarled, “What the hell is your damage? Stop grabbing me and I will stop slugging you. If you think you can get out of this realm so easily without my help, like I’m not contributing here,” she railed as she waved her arm about in an all-encompassing gesture, “be my ever loving guest.”

  He dropped his shoulders and pinched the top of his nose between his thumb and middle finger. “My damage?”

  Immediately, Mel ducked and tackled her to the ground as a Whipper flew over.

  “Will you seize this infernal anger, woman? I can leave your ass in here and we’ll see how long you will survive. So I guess that leaves us at an impasse.” He pointed to the Whipper overhead. “Or would you rather I alert him to our position and get the whole army on our asses? I can’t die, love, so it’s no skin off my back if you get yourself ripped apart.

  The words poured from his mouth and he knew it hurt her but he was too beyond pissed to care at that point. She was better off to not care about a creature such as him. He was destined to walk eternity alone. The last thing he needed was to care for someone with a finite life span.
  She glared up at him almost sputtering in her ire. “Then let me get ripped apart since it doesn't matter to you and you can figure out yourself how to leave this realm. Or maybe you’ll just fight King Whipper Snapper over there for the right to rule until you find what it will take to get out of here. And don’t give me your bullshit about no skin off your back. You may not die but I will bet dollars to donuts you sure can feel pain.” ‘Just not in your cold heart,’ she added silently.

  She needed the anger to not break down in front of him, not show him how weak she was or how much he had come to mean to her. How the nearness of his body set hers aflame and all she wanted, regardless of their peril, was to feel his skin gliding against hers. She mentally kicked herself for thinking that way and pushed against him again.

  “Just leave me then if I’m such a burden.”

  He held up his hands in surrender. “Fine. You go off and get yourself killed.”

  He sat down against the boulder, tilted his head back and closed his eyes. “I’ll just sit here and wait until they’re distracted ripping that pretty little ass of yours apart and then sneak past them.” He waved a hand in a shooing motion.

  “Go on then. I’m tired of fighting with you, tired of trying to convince you that I want to help you.” He dropped his head to his knees and the last words were barely audible, “I’m tired of fighting what I feel.”

  She started to crawl past him when his last sentence whispered to her on the wind caused her to hesitate. She stopped and looked back at him before she quickly peered around the corner to see the Whippers as a whole had not moved and that what she saw was still where she was sure it was before her vision. Clarissa turned back to him and knelt by his side.

  “Tired of fighting what you feel? How do you feel?”

  Mel kept his head down as he silently mouthed ‘fuck.’ He took a deep breath before he raised his head and looked at her with tortured eyes.

  “I- I don’t want you hurt.”

  “What difference does it make?”

  He gave his head a slight shake and glanced away from her as he sighed.

  “If you don’t see that then there is no hope for u... this.”

  She took his chin gently in her hand and softly replied.

  “I do see it. You’re the one denying. I even told you how I felt and that the last kiss was real and not just a means to an end. You pushed me away. You didn’t want to listen to me.”

  He gave her an intense look and moved his hand into her golden locks to cup the back of her head. “You should not be near a monster like me and I have no business-” He pulled her head closer until her lips hovered an inch from his. “even soiling one such as you with my touch but somehow,” He looked at her with clear eyes. “I can’t seem to help myself.”

  He closed his eyes and took possession of her lips.

  His lips touched hers and it all fell into place. The world melted around her, the anger, hurt, all of it seeped away with his words and his touch. She shifted slightly and deepened the kiss, tasting him. The memory of his lips on hers was nothing in comparison to the real thing. After several moments and being a bit breathless, she pulled back slightly and looked into his pale eyes, her emerald green ones sparkling.

  “I have seen your demon and you know what? It doesn’t scare me. You’re not a monster to me. Try as I might, I cannot deny you either.” She leaned forward to kiss him again, only to hear the screeching of the Whippers flying overhead and she ducked lower, hoping they were not spotted.

  The cacophony of the Whippers pulled Mel out of his haze. He moved them deeper into the shadows, more determined than ever to leave this realm. Putting his lips close to her ear, he whispered, “I’m more than ready to leave this place. What did you see? I would really like to continue our previous conversation without having to hide from blades, blasts, fires and fuck knows what else.”

  She smirked as she teased him slightly and softly replied. “Oh, so the whips you don’t mind?”

  She became serious with a deep breathe, “I saw us at the gates paying the fare to leave the realm with a golden medallion,” she gave pregnant pause. “just like the one that’s on the armored chest of the ugly head honcho sitting on the lounger in the shade and barking orders.”

  Chapter Eight

  She watched him closely as the reality of what was needed set in. He pinched the top of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, a new habit he seemed to have gained since being with this woman. “Of course it is! Why would anything here be easy?” He gave a long, suffering sigh. “Let me think.”

  Peeking around the boulder again, he analyzed the lay of the area before he sat back down. “The fat bastard looks too lazy and heavy to move fast and that will give us an edge. If we can get to him that is. Can you move around to the left and see if you can find a gap? I’ll go this way and we meet can around back.”

  She tilted her head and gave a slight nod. “Before we do that, mind telling me, how, if we even find a gap amidst the couple of hundred soldiers training and practicing, how we’re going to saunter past them all? Because, I felt those whips and am not anxious to do so any time soon again.”

  She lowered head slightly. “When I arrived here, I landed right smack dab in the middle of them. I really don’t want to repeat the process.” She cringed at the thought of the razor sharp whips tearing into her body.

  He touched her shoulder gently. “I know, love, and I’m sorry.” He looked around the boulder again and pulled her with him.

  “Look!” He pointed at two Whippers nearing their position. “They’re obviously of some rank since they’re not training. My powers seem to hold in here so I have a suggestion. We take out Tweedle Ass Dee and Tweedle Ass Dumb over there. I’ll shift us to look like them. We then go to king ugly ass over there, take the medallion and haul ass out of here.”

  “That’s a lot of ass there, Mel.” She pursed her lips. “Will your magic hold? If you think so, I’m sure as hell game.”

  She pulled back and extracted a knife Mel had conjured while at the ogre’s home to check its sharpness. “I’m ready.”

  She took a deep breath to steady her nerves, if his magic didn’t hold or they were discovered before they could get close to head honcho ugly ass, it would be horrible for them. She knew they needed to do this to get out of this realm but it didn’t make what they had to do any easier. Leaning towards him she quickly kissed him. “For luck.”

  He gave her an astonished look at the show of affection, suddenly feeling a bit sheepish. Smiling, he turned towards the Whippers and whispered, “I’ll draw them here. Be ready.”

  Mel peered around the corner and tossed a small rock at the one of their feet making sure their head snap in their direction. Satisfied they saw enough to get him and his friend to come over, Mel motioned to her to get ready and waited for them to come around the boulder.

  She smiled softly at his shocked looked but prepared herself for the Whipper’s arrival. They sounded like a herd of elephant the way they stomped. It was difficult to believe there were only two of them. She could hear their whips cracking just before they turned the bend. Without hesitation, she threw her knife. Her aim was straight and strong. She may not have her magic but she still had her basic skill set. The blade embedded itself up to its hilt between the creature’s eyes and he went down like a shot.

  As she threw her dagger, Mel moved faster than other the creature could blink and slit his throat. Dragging them both from sight, Mel took a piece of cloth from each and give her one.

  “Hold that on your person, it will help the illusion.”

  He waved his hand over her form from top to bottom and as he did so, she took the form of the Whipper. He grinned at her. “You are one hot Whipper.” He winked as he repeated the motion on himself. “Ready?”

  Clarissa regarded him and cringed slightly. She had to remind herself that she now appeared the same in some fashion. She slipped the piece of cloth under her breast so she wouldn’t lose it th
en she nodded. “About as ready as I’ll ever be.” She scooped up the whip. “Wait. I have never used this weapon and they flick it everywhere they go. I better work with this first.”

  She tried to flick it and it was obvious that she had never done it before.

  “Since we don’t have time to go through Whipper training one-o-one, you’ll have to improvise, love. Just yell at the troops a lot and look mean.” Mel grinned an ugly Whipper grin and pushed her towards the crowd.

  She frowned and mumbled, “Wonderful. We are so going to die.”

  She moved slowly, still trying to flick her wrist correctly and caught his calf. “Whoops. Sorry.”

  He growled at her. “Don’t push it, love.” Walking around the boulder, he took on a commanding pose. Some of the troops missed a step as they glanced up at them.

  “What are you looking at? Get back in line!” When they continued to muddle through their formations, Mel let out a loud roar. “Around the mountain now, you lazy fuckers! Go! Go! Go!”

  Clarissa just growled at them and made sure they followed Mel’s instructions. She flicked her wrist and surprisingly struck a Whipper that was too slow. “Faster.”

  They slowly patrolled the perimeter as they made their way to the tent where the commander lounged under a canopy while he barked orders at the men on the training grounds. So far so good as none of the Whippers seemed to suspect the wolves in sheep’s clothing in their midst. It felt as if they had traveled a whole day by the time they reached the commander’s facilities. As they slowed their pace, Mel observed the leader carefully to see how he interacted with his men and where they could catch a break in getting close to him. Mel motioned to Clarissa and whispered, “Look! Do you think you can operate one of those?”

  He pointed to a Whipper setting down with one of the strange flying machines.


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