Demon's Dream

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Demon's Dream Page 9

by Laura Hawks

  ‘Fuck, could she be more perfect?’

  How he wanted to go to her, find any excuse to be in her presence even for just a few moments. Then something dawned on him. Why was she in that realm? How did she manifest someplace that was foreign to her very soul? She had no idea where she was and even admitted she didn’t know how she arrived to be in such a strange place. So how did she get there, wherever there was? Mel’s eyes narrowed as he thought.

  She remembered going to bed and fell asleep before she awoke to being whipped with the spiked leather straps. A spirit demon could take her soul and leave her physical form behind. Kill her soul and no matter where the actual body was, she would die.

  However, spirit demons rarely did anything unless there was something in it for them. Something was going on and he didn’t like the vibes he was getting. He needed to do some investigation. He called Shara, gave her explicit instructions and sent her on her way. Then he grabbed a stiff drink while he continued to mentally review everything.

  Chapter Nine

  Coyote paced in front of his desk as he waited for things to play out correctly. His long laid plans were finally coming into fruition even if it was taking longer than he had originally anticipated. For centuries he had planned, manipulated and wormed his way to get into the position he strove for. He wanted power; after all, what else was there worth having?

  He still couldn’t believe his luck that day a few years ago, when he decided to go to a little bar in a remote village for a couple of drinks and ended up sitting next to one of Clarissa’s brothers, Sebastian, who was already four sheets to the wind. An inner sense told Coyote to ply the male wolf with more alcohol and chat with Sebastian. Coyote couldn’t have been happier that he trusted his instincts. As he discussed the wolf’s problems, he learned that Sebastian was upset as a result of the family safekeeping of an ancient and powerful artifact.

  Sebastian hated the fact that the women of the family were the ones who were chosen to be the Guardians of such a mystical piece. Sebastian detested that the women of the maternal line were in charge of guarding such importance while the males of the line were only to protect them. Why did there have to be a middle man? Why couldn’t the men just be the ones to keep the relic safe?

  Coyote listened and sympathized with him as he contemplated which ancient artifact his family defended and how he could get his hands on it. As he plied the wolf with alcohol, he continued to make a mental note of all he was told; such as where the family lived, how many there were at the property at any given time and the dangers they endured on a daily basis, especially from a rival wolf pack who kept trying to claim their territory.

  When he gleaned as much as he possibly could, Coyote left Sebastian to his own intoxicated devices while he headed back home to start doing some research and plan on how to get his hands on the covetous object.

  Coyote quickly discovered that what the family watched over, or more aptly the women of the family guarded was the Gem of Avarice. The energy of the relic was reputed to increase the power strength of the individual who wielded it a hundred fold. With the abilities it provided, Coyote could overthrow most of the Native American Pantheon and lead those who would be loyal to him and his ideals. However, he was going to need to enlist some help in completing his plans, especially if he wanted his hands to appear clean, just in case something went awry.

  Days later, Coyote materialized in the heart of the rival wolf encampment, who would just as soon see Sebastian and his family dead as to be friends with them.

  The pack surrounded Coyote almost immediately, growling and snarling for dominance against the intruder who dared to teleport into their very midst. Although, admittedly, they were impressed with his gall.

  Coyote held up his hands, palms outward. “I have a proposition for you. Or would you prefer that I go to the pack that lives on the other side of the mountain?”

  That certainly caught their attention. Bitter enemies for centuries over who had the rights to the land that they both occupied just on different sides of the plateau, the pack would be damned if that let the intruder go to offer a deal to those of Sebastian’s pack.

  The leader of the pack approached Coyote, sending him a telepathic thought, “Speak. I’ll listen and then determine whether or not your life is worth sparing.”

  Coyote moved closer to the pack alpha. “I heard a rumor that the Lobos pack was planning on attacking yours at the light of the next full moon. They said they were done pretending you didn’t exist and they would make their desires happen by finally eliminating you once and for all.”

  The alpha stepped forward while simultaneously shifted into human form. His fur retracted into his dark brown skin. His nose receded into his face as his features became rounder, more humanoid. As he stood on his hind quarters, his body elongated and his legs filled out. His arms became more muscular while his claws became pronounced fingers. When he spoke, his voice was rich and deep as his amber eyes continued to glare at Coyote.

  “Just how, pray tell, do you happen to know what the Lobos pack plan on? Did they take an ad on a billboard announcing their intentions and asking for assistance? Because I know for a fact those weak asses are too decrepit to do anything on their own and far too benighted to come up with a plan without aegis.”

  Coyote scoffed at them. “You sound more interested in how I know things instead of what the things I know are. Are you a wolf pack or a rat pack? Because I have better things to do than play ring around the rosy with you. If you’re not interested in my counsel then I’ll bid you farewell.”

  “No. I’m interested in your information. However, one wonders what you get out of the knowledge you’re willing to share so freely. As we have learned long ago, nothing is free and everything comes at a price.”

  “Do I fucking look like the United States Government? I’m not planning on stealing anything more from you or any of our people. We all suffered enough of that centuries ago. Why I share these details with you is of my own concern. You can take the guidance I provide or not. I won’t offer it again.”

  The alpha wolf extended his hand as he stepped forward. “Come smoke the pipe with us and share your wisdom of our enemies.”

  Coyote smirked as he followed the male to the fire that burned deeper within their village. Getting them to trust him enough with his falsified particulars was half the battle. Now he needed them to act on it. He wasn’t the trickster God for nothing.

  Coyote stood on the hill in the dark shadows. He leaned against the mounds of stone and dirt as he watched his plans manifest out below him. The Lobos were being slaughtered by the rival pack with a viciousness he had not seen from his people in eons. The scent of blood was heady, permeating the air with a strong sense of finality and death.

  His eyes narrowed as he observed the scenes enacted before him. He tried to sense the stone and wondered why the Guardian did not reveal it and use it against their attackers in order to protect themselves, their children, their families. Most of the Lobos were already slaughtered by the cruel attacks of the wolves. Coyote needed to know where the stone was hidden. If the Lobos clan did not use it, it must mean it wasn’t within their reach.

  He would have to save a female Lobos and track her to the stone. One who was young and inexperienced would give him the opportunity to obtain his desire. It was then he saw her- a young woman with long blond hair and a lithe figure. She moved with a gracefulness that belied her youthfulness. His eyes never left her. She had to escape in order to lead him to the gem and he would make sure she was safe until her usefulness expired.

  When Coyote noticed two of the rival pack give chase while her brother sacrificed himself in order to draw the rest of them away, he leant his omnipotent guidance to her to remove the threat of the wolves that would have easily overpowered and killed her otherwise.

  He made sure she remained protected enough to get away. He then watched her for days as she wept over the loss of her entire pack while she continued to run. He alm
ost felt for her. She was so innocent and so lost in the world she had been secluded from for the majority of her young life. She was alone and yet she still struggled to survive, despite her inexperience.

  When she did not lead him to the stone immediately, or even months later, he decided he would call in some assistance. Coyote pulled Mani’s marker and set the spirit demon on her trail. It was months before Mani reported back to him. So many, in fact, that Coyote thought the wolf was the wrong choice and she would never be the Guardian for something so important. Imagine his surprise when he looked up to find the Mani standing in front of him waiting to be acknowledged.

  “Well? What do you have to report?”

  “She moved it to a cave in South American. Implanted the gem deep within.”

  “Why did you not just bring it to me?” Coyote had never told him what it was so he didn’t fear the demon betraying him.

  “I cannot. I don’t have the brute strength to get past her wards.”

  “Ah, so the wolf is gaining her powers and knows to put wards up. She has grown up quickly. Give me the exact location and I’ll retrieve it on my own.”

  Mani let Coyote enter his mind and retrieve the information for himself. Mani couldn’t get out of Coyote’s presence any faster if he tried, once Coyote had all the details from him. Coyote immediately dismissed Mani from his thoughts while he digested the knowledge he obtained.

  The little wolf was smart or extremely lucky. She buried the stone in a cave in the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana, lying southwest in South America, which shares borders with Brazil and Venezuela. Coyote was furious at where she had placed the stone. The area was under the protection of another pantheon and if he even thought of entering the area, not only would those Gods be furious and possibly start a war but his own pantheon would hang him out to dry for such an act of treason.

  There had to be some way to obtain the stone and still maintain the tentative peace between the two pantheons. Then Coyote had a brilliant idea. Send a demon in for it, one whom Coyote could easily defeat and steal the stone from once he obtained it. If the demon failed then he would send another and none would be the wiser that he was the instigator behind the constant attempts at retrieval. Imagine his surprise when Azamel became involved. It would just be his luck that he would choose the demon, Xon, who was already on the run from the Judge, thereby getting Mel involved. What surprised Coyote even more was Mel’s apparent care for the young wolf. Granted, the woman was beautiful but something else touched a part of Mel that Coyote had not seen since he persuaded Nokomis. Mel didn’t care about her and was just using her to get to Astaria, the Goddess of the stars and a woman whom Nokomis hated with a passion.

  Coyote convinced Nokomis by arranging a slight meeting between Azamel and Astaria and letting Nokomis see the two of them together, thereby confirming the story of Coyote’s as well as increasing Nokomis’ distrust of Astaria further. Coyote clearly remembered the tortured, pained look as Nokomis walked away from Mel on that day so long ago and the look of disgust on her face while Mel looked as if his whole world ended. Granted, thanks to Coyote’s little tricks, Mel was branded with a demon inside. Yet, somehow Mel managed to use the curse to his advantage. He rose quickly under their father’s guidance and became the judge and when need be, the executioner of demon kind, reigning in those who threatened the human race.

  What Coyote did not expect was Jes sensing the stone once Xon freed it from the cave. He had to give Jes a bit of credit for understanding the atmospheric vibrations of the powerful stone as it reverberated throughout the cosmos. However, even Coyote had to admit that in a way it served his advantage to have Jes detect the massive power given off by the gem.

  It was because of Jes realizing where the stone ended up after Xon was executed that got Nana involved. Once Jes was involved, it enabled Coyote to remain in the background should something else go awry. Jes would take the fall and not him. What more could one ask for?

  It wasn’t like Jes had much to do anyways. He was a weasel as far as Coyote was concerned- never doing anything of importance. Despite everything that Coyote arranged for Azamel when the kid was sixteen, Mel managed to still be one of the most powerful beings in the cosmos. His older brother, Jes, however had no backbone and expected things handed to him on a silver platter.

  Even when Nana did Jes’ calling it was obvious that the weasel wouldn’t amount to much of anything. Coyote laughed as his thoughts turned to what Jes was declared by Nana after the dream walk. The title of Supreme Being of the Malignant Man.

  ‘Yeah, that was something to scare every creature that walked the land. Not.’

  Coyote discontinued his pacing and plopped on his leather office chair propping his feet up. He would have to continue cautiously as he waited for Azamel to follow Nana’s orders and kick Clarissa back into the human realm with the stone. He would have to figure a way to get the gem from her without her realizing it and before she hid it again in some area that he would be unable to pursue.

  As Coyote continued to plan, he realized he would have the best chance by involving Jes further into his scheme. Coyote rubbed his hands together as an idea began to congeal within his mind.

  Chapter Ten

  A light rap on the solid oak door reverberated throughout the room, breaking the oppressive stillness that surrounded Clarissa as she starred at words in a book but didn’t really see them. As she lifted her head from the book, Shara entered. Clarissa uncurled herself from the wing-backed chair by the lit fireplace to face the judge’s assistant and waited to see what was going on. Since Shara rarely interacted with her, Clarissa knew her visit was fortuitous as the woman strode into the room announcing Clarissa had a visitor waiting for her in the reception chamber.

  Clarissa turned to the smaller woman. Although not plain, Shara paled in comparison to most demons and were-wolves Clarissa had seen. Shara’s long black hair was pulled back into a loose bun, while her dark eyes shone from deep within her face. She almost looked like she had been awake for days or had been worried extensively. Clarissa wondered if the servant woman was aware of them being in the other hell realm or if she assumed they were just sleeping. She took a moment to ruminate how much time passed here for the three days they were actually gone in the alternate dominion. Did Shara realize something was wrong and was worried about them? Well, about Mel at any rate?

  She had noticed how the woman watched Azamel’s every move, clung to every word he spoke. It was obvious that Shara cared deeply about the judge. She stayed with him, was loyal to him. Was it because the she fawned over Mel or was she tied to him and those duties in some other way? In that moment, Clarissa questioned even more about Mel’s companion and their relationship.

  Clarissa set the book aside and followed Shara towards the reception area. She was curious to know who would come and visit her here, for that matter who even knew she was here, much less have the power to enter such a place. However, Clarissa was also aware that Shara wouldn’t share that information with her, so she saved herself the headache and didn’t bother to ask her who was awaiting her. After all, she would find out soon enough.

  Entering the familiar space, it took a moment for Clarissa to find the creature who was waiting for her in the shadows alongside the grotesque gargoyle skeletons positioned on either side of the fireplace. When the woman stepped into the light, she took Clarissa’s breath away. The statuesque woman seemed to glide more than walk towards her as Clarissa entered the room. The woman sported a perfect hourglass figure, with her brown hair woven into intricate designs piled on top of her head. However, her eyes stopped Clarissa in her tracks. A yellowish amber, they radiated with an inner light that Clarissa was sure would illuminate in the dark. The woman’s light, tanned skin was flawless. She was sheer perfection in beauty and Clarissa felt humbled in her visitor’s presence.

  Shara stepped back to let the two women converse but remained close by in case she was needed. At least that’s what Shara would claim should sh
e be asked about her presence there but truth be told, she was nosy and wanted to know why the Spider Goddess wanted to see the wolf. Mel had insisted that the Goddess of dreams visit Clarissa as soon as possible. As far as Shara was concerned, it couldn’t be fast enough if it meant the young wolf would finally leave the realm that much quicker.

  The woman floated towards Clarissa, though her eyes were on Shara. “You may leave us now,” she stated in a commanding, brook no arguments tone.

  Shara paused, hesitant to leave but realized that she wasn’t about to go up against a Goddess. Nodding quietly, she quickly retreated down the hall. Once Shara had departed, the woman turned towards Clarissa and smiled softly. “My name is Archanidou. I’m also known as Spiderwoman or Grandma Spider. Have you heard of me before?”

  “I’m sorry. I have not.”

  “It’s okay, child. Azamel asked me to visit you and give you a gift.”

  Clarissa tilted her head in confusion. “A gift? What kind of gift? I’m sorry but I’m really mystified as to why Mel would ask you to visit me much less request you present me with anything.”

  “Child, he cares for you much more than he himself is willing to admit. As much as he would love to share his life with you for all eternity, he cannot. Your duties, his conflicts and it is not safe for either of you. However, that does not mean that he won’t do everything within his power to see you safe and protected. Even insofar as requesting another’s assistance, which for him is almost unheard of. It’s why I know he cares deeply for you. He is willing to do whatever it takes to protect you and see you safe when he cannot be the one to do it himself. Had he not cared about you as much, he would have left you to your own devices and said fuck it to whatever happened to you.”


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